§ 102-87 Schedule of limitations: residential and agricultural.

[Amended 4-14-1999; 6-9-1999; 11-10-1999]

Schedule of Limitations: Residential and Agricultural


General notes applicable to all categories:

a Where two or more requirements apply to a situation, the more stringent requirement shall apply.

b Unless specifically stated otherwise in this chapter, the following may be located in the yard areas required for principal buildings: parking and loading areas with related aisles and driveways; fences and walls not exceeding four feet in height; mailboxes, signs, lampposts, flagpoles, wells, septic systems and similar structures. In addition, the following parts of a principal building may extend into the required yard areas up to a maximum of two feet: chimneys, bay windows, eaves, gutters and downspouts. [Amended 5-25-2005]

c A minimum of 85% of the minimum required lot area or a minimum of 75,000 square feet, whichever is smaller, in all zones must be free of wetlands and associated buffer areas; floodplains; conservation, open space, drainage and right-of-way easements, landscaping easements, drainage easements, special water resource protection areas, scenic viewshed boundary and similar environmental features or encumbrances which restrict development of the property. [Amended 5-25-2005]

Specific notes applicable where indicated:

1Lot frontage; building projection. [Amended 12-29-1999]

(a) The lot frontage in any residential zone may be reduced to not less than 75% of the required frontage on those lots abutting streets on an outside curve having a centerline radius of 500 feet or less, provided that the resulting subdivision conforms to good subdivision design practices. In the A-1, A-2, A-5 and AG Zones, if the length of the principal building, projected on the front lot line for building width projection (said line being defined in § 102-4), exceeds 90 feet, the required front, each side and rear yard setback requirements shall be increased one foot for each foot the building projection exceeds 90 feet. In determining whether the principal building projected on the front line for building width projection exceeds 90 feet, the following process shall be utilized: [Amended 5-25-2005]

[1] Extend the minimum side yard setback on each side to intersect the front lot line.

[2] Connect the two intersecting points created by Subsection [1] above with a straight line and extend beyond the intersection points, as needed, for Subsection [3] below.

[3] Project at a 90 angle to the line created in Subsection [2], a new straight line on each side of the structure and position it so that it touches the outermost portion of the structure.

[4] Measure at right angles the distance between the two lines created in Subsection [3] above. This is the length of the principal building projected on the front lot line.

(b) Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are set forth as part of the appendix to Chapter 102 to illustrate this section.

2Applies to accessory structures of 150 square feet or less.