§ 102-39 Plat design standards for site plan plats.

A. Plat conformity.

(1) No development application shall be accepted unless submitted in plat form, and no plat shall be accepted for consideration unless it conforms to the following requirements as to form, content and accompanying information. All plats shall be drawn by a land surveyor, as required by law, who shall be licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey, and shall bear the signature, seal, license number and address of the land surveyor, except that plats submitted under the informal discussion provisions of Article V and minor site plans are exempt from this requirement. All drawings of improvements shall be drawn to comply with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan for developments located in the area included in that Plan and, except for minor site plans, shall be signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey if they are part of an application requiring formal approval. The plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of Parts 3 and 4 of this chapter and, in addition, shall meet the requirements of this section. All landscaping plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and shall be signed and sealed. [Amended 8-13-1997]

(2) All plats shall be submitted on one of the four following standard sizes: 8 1/2 inches by 13 inches, 15 inches by 21 inches, 24 inches by 36 inches or 30 inches by 42 inches.

B. A minor site plan for classification and approval shall be so titled and shall include the same data as required for a minor subdivision plat for classification and approval, except that the graphic scale shall be one inch equals 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet or 50 feet. This submission shall also show the location of proposed structures, drainage plans prepared in accordance with § 102-46.4, Stormwater management, and landscaping plans; and, for recreation courts and certain riding/training stables and antennas, the data called for in § 102-101, Recreation Courts, private residential, and/or § 102-49, Antennas, and/or § 102-103 and § 102-104, Riding/training stable, Type 2, and Riding/training stable, Type 3, respectively, in Part 4 and containing the following: [Amended 3-28-2012]

(1) Provisions for refuse and garbage disposal with details.

(2) The location of signs and drawn details showing the size, color, construction, height and content of all signs.

(3) The location and size of all proposed loading areas.

(4) Floor plans and building elevation drawings of any proposed structure or existing structures to be renovated. Building elevations shall specify the color and material of all exterior treatment.

(5) Exterior lighting plan, including the location, direction of illumination, amount of illumination expressed in horizontal footcandles, wattage and drawn details of all outdoor lighting standards and fixtures.

(6) The location and dimensions of all parking areas, including handicapped facilities.

(7) The location and dimensions of all driveways and access aisles showing traffic flow, control signs and fire lanes.

(8) The location and details of all curbs, sidewalks and other pedestrian pathways.

(9) Landscape and screening plans prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Colts Neck Development Regulations Ordinance and showing the location, species (both botanical and common names), size and number of each type of tree or shrub, the location type and amount of each type of ground cover to be utilized and plant list and planting details for trees, shrubs and ground cover.

(10) Plat certification and signature block.

(a) Approved by the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Colts Neck on ___________________________.









(b) Certification of consent is required on first sheet of all plans:

I.hereby certify that I am the owner of record and that I concur with the plan as shown.



C. A sketch plat of a major site plat shall be so titled and shall show to scale the lot lines, proposed building(s) and structure(s), proposed use(s), parking, loading, areas to be landscaped, on-site circulation, driveways, located in conformance with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan for developments located in the area included in that Plan, wooded areas, streams, approximate flood hazard areas, wetlands, contours based on United States Geological Survey (USGS) or similarly available datum, approximate on-site or on-tract improvements, stormwater detention facilities and water and sewer service as applicable. [Amended 8-13-1997]

D. Preliminary site plan plat.

(1) Each site plan submitted shall be so titled and shall be at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size; one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five acres and 40 acres in size; one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 acres and 150 acres; or one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more. For tracts of 40 acres or more, if grading and/or improvements are not clearly and accurately shown at this scale, then additional drawings at one inch equals 50 feet or larger shall be provided.

(a) Landscaping plans shall be of large enough scale so that the individual plants can be accurately located in the field and drawn, approved and sealed by an architect, planner or engineer, certified landscape architect or other person acceptable to the reviewing governmental body in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:40-7.3. All plans shall be certified by a licensed architect and/or engineer, including accurate lot lines certified by a licensed surveyor and including the following data: [Amended 10-28-1998]

[1] Written and graphic scale boundaries of the tract.

[2] The North arrow.

[3] The date.

[4] The scale.

[5] Zone district(s) in which the lot(s) are located.

[6] Existing and proposed streets and street names.

[7] Existing and proposed contour lines at two-foot intervals in and within 50 feet of the tract, with arrows indicating the direction of surface water runoff.

[8] All areas having a three-to-one slope or steeper final contour shall be shaded or otherwise clearly identified on a contour map.

[9] A cover sheet identifying the name of the development, block and lot number, Tax Map sheet number, application number, name and address of the professional preparing the plat, as well as a listing of all sheets in the set of prints with the issue date and description and date of all revisions. [Amended 3-28-2012]

[10] Existing and proposed streams and easements.

[11] Total building coverage in square feet and percent of lot.

[12] The total number of parking spaces.

[13] All dimensions needed to confirm conformity to the zoning provisions of this chapter, such as, but not limited to, buildings, lot lines, parking spaces, setbacks and yards.

[14] A small key map of a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet, giving the general location of the parcel in relation to an area within 1,500 feet of the periphery of the entire property.

[15] The site in relation to all remaining contiguous lands in the applicant's ownership.

[16] Location of individual trees with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches shall be identified by size and species. [Added 10-29-2008]

[17] Clear labeling of the areas intended for tree removal and identifying each tree with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches that it is proposed to be removed. [Added 10-29-2008]

[18] Providing a tree protection detail and/or a limit of disturbance line detail. [Added 10-29-2008]

[19] A title block shall appear on all sheets and include: tract name, Tax Map sheet, block and lot number, date of original and all revisions, name, signature, address, license number and embossed seal of all professionals who prepared the plat. [Added 3-28-2012]

[20] The name and address of the owner(s) and applicant(s). [Added 3-28-2012]

[21] A schedule shall be placed on the plat indicating the acreage of the tract, the required and proposed lot area, lot dimensions, setbacks, building coverage, total lot coverage and number of parking stalls. [Added 3-28-2012]

[22] The boundaries, nature and extent of wooded areas, floodplains, special water research protection areas, riparian buffers, swamps, bogs, streams, creeks, ponds, wetlands and other important physical features within the site and within 50 feet of the tract. [Added 3-28-2012]

[23] The names, locations and dimensions (paved width and width of right-of-way) of all streets, existing and planned, within 50 feet of the boundaries of the tract. [Added 3-28-2012]

(b) If one sheet is not sufficient to contain the entire territory, the map may be divided into sections to be shown on separate sheets of equal sizes, with references on each sheet to the adjoining sheets.

(2) Each site plan submitted to the approving authority for approval shall have the following information shown thereon or to be annexed thereto:

(a) The size, height, location and arrangement of all existing and proposed buildings, structures, signs and other site improvements on and within 50 feet of the boundaries of the site in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, including an architect's rendering of each building and sign, showing the proposed floorplan and front, side and rear elevations and the proposed use of all structures (Building elevations shall specify the color and materials proposed for all exterior treatments.), including the location, size and number of lower-income units and the deed restrictions required for lower-income housing units, if any, in § 102-97E. All on-site structures shall contain a note indicating which will be destroyed or removed and the current/future use with front, side and rear dimensions of those structures to remain. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(b) Proposed circulation plans and details, including access streets, curbs, aisles and lanes, easements, fire lanes, driveways, parking spaces, loading areas, loading berths or docks, pedestrian walks and all related facilities for the movement and storage of goods, vehicles and persons on the site and within all developments located in the area included in the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan, to be drawn in conformance with the Route 34, Colts Neck Highway Access Management Plan, including the location of lights, lighting standards and signs and driveways within the tract and within 100 feet of the tract. Paved sidewalks shall be provided from each building entrance and exist along expected paths of pedestrian travel, such as, but not limited to, access to parking lots, driveways, other buildings on the site and across common yard spaces between buildings where pedestrian traffic can be expected to be concentrated. Plans shall be accompanied by cross sections of streets, aisles, lanes and driveways, which shall adhere to applicable requirements in this chapter. [Amended 8-13-1997; 3-28-2012]

(c) Existing and proposed wooded areas, buffer areas and landscaping shall be shown on a plat. The landscaping plan shall include seeded and/or sodded areas, grading, retaining walls, fencing, signs, recreation areas, shrubbery, trees and buffer areas. The landscape plan shall show the location, species (both common and botanical names), size and number of each type of tree or shrub, the location, type and amount of ground cover to be utilized and plant list and planting detail for trees, shrubs and ground cover. The preservation of all natural wooded areas, rock outcroppings or topographic features shall be an integral part of all site plans, regardless of their proximity to required buffer areas. A minimum area of the lot equivalent to 1/2 the gross floor area of the building shall be landscaped, and said landscaping shall be reasonably distributed immediately adjacent to and around the buildings. This requirement is in addition to other landscaped area requirements. The plans shall show the location and type of any man-made improvements and the location, species and caliber of plant material for all planted or landscaped areas. The landscaped area to meet this requirement shall be highlighted or otherwise clearly marked for identification. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(d) The proposed location of all drainage, sewage and water facilities with proposed grades, sizes, capacities and types of materials to be used, including a drainage report prepared in accordance with § 102-46.4, Stormwater management, and any drainage easements acquired or required across adjoining properties. The method of sewage and waste disposal and waste incineration, if any, shall be shown. Proposed lighting facilities shall be included, showing the direction of the lighting, amount of illumination, expressed in horizontal footcandles, wattage and drawn details of all outdoor lighting standards and fixtures and meeting the requirements of § 102-117 herein. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(e) A written description of the proposed operations of the building(s), including the number of parking spaces provided; hours of operation; the number of employees; the proposed number of shifts to be worked and the maximum number of employees on each shift; the expected vehicle, truck and tractor-trailer traffic; the emission of noise, glare, air and water pollution; safety hazards; and anticipated expansion plans incorporated in the building design. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(f) All landscaped areas and landscaping material shown on site plans shall be permanently maintained in good clean, orderly, sightly, healthy condition by the owner and shall not be considered as provided unless it is so maintained. Any dead plants shall be replaced by the owner within six months.

(g) Such plans shall be reviewed by the Township Engineer for conformance to all ordinance provisions and to protect against harmful effects to other properties, and he or she shall make recommendations to the approving authority.

(h) The name, location width and extent of all easements, dedications and special areas, such as for conservation, drainage, street rights-of-way, landscaping, sight triangles, special water research protection areas, riparian buffers, wetlands and/or floodplains, etc. Exact wording, as stated in the appropriate section of this chapter, shall be placed on the plat and referenced to the subject easement or dedication stating its title and purpose. All easements must be conveyed by a deed of easement, in a form approved by the approving authority, and proof of filing with the County of Monmouth provided. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(i) The location and description of all monuments and their symbols. See §§ 102-91B(5)(h), 102-62 and 102-69B(6).

(j) Permeability tests; groundwater depth and soil boring tests and/or other tests required by the Board of Health are required on all lots, shall be made under the supervision of the Colts Neck Township Health Officer and shall be made in the area of the lot where the septic system absorption field is most likely to be located. The test locations, date of testing, weather conditions prevailing at the time of testing and for the proceeding 72 hours and the test results shall be recorded on the plat, and the following certification statement shall be recorded on the plat and signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey: "I hereby certify that the above tests were conducted and reported in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9, Chapter 9A of Standards For Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems, as amended January 1, 1990." Upon review of this data, the approving authority may require further tests on any or all lots. To minimize the need for retesting, it is recommended that the applicant review the proposed testing program with the Health Officer prior to making initial tests. Upon request of the approving authority, the developer may be required to install, maintain and afford the Township access to groundwater depth monitoring wells for a reasonable length of time after initial tests; all tests and monitoring wells shall be at the developer's expense and liability. All existing wells and septic systems on the property shall be shown.

(k) Upon recommendation of the Township Engineer and/or approving authority, an off-site traffic engineering report may be required if the location or intensity of the development may significantly effect traffic circulation, such as for golf courses, shopping centers and/or office developments, including special events associated therewith.

(l) All pages of the site plan shall be consecutively numbered and bonded together on the left edge, and the first page shall contain a table showing number, title and latest issue date and all revision dates and a summary of reasons for reissue for each sheet involved in the site plan. This listing shall be updated each time a sheet is reissued.

(m) Plan certification and signature block. [Added 3-28-2012]

[1] Approved by the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Colts Neck on ____________________________.









[2] I hereby certify that I am the owner of record and that I concur with the plan as shown.



(3) The following notes and diagrams shall be added to preliminary site plans (see also § 102-85I):

(a) General notes.

[1] All site improvements shall be completed within one year of the date that a certificate of occupancy is issued for the building for which such improvements are required or necessary in a site plan development.

[2] Conservation, open space, drainage and utility right-of-way and landscape easement areas are not to be used for roadways or storage or as a dump area or driven over by construction or other equipment or disturbed in any manner without prior permission, in writing, from the Township Engineer. Any such areas disturbed must be restored to the natural state or to the state specified on the approved plats and to the satisfaction of the Colts Neck Township Shade Tree Commission.

[3] All topsoil shall be stripped and stockpiled from all areas where roadways, building and parking areas and other improvements will be constructed and where any regrading shall be performed. Except for those areas occupied by roadways, parking and buildings, the topsoil shall be redistributed wherever any regrading or soil disturbance or previous stripping was performed or where any topsoil areas have become contaminated with any other foreign materials and debris. See § 102-76.

[4] Changes from the limit of disturbance and limit of clearing on individual lots as shown on the approved plats and grading plans for individual lots which change the approved plat grade by 1 1/2 feet or more at any point on a lot must be approved by the Township Engineer or Township Planner prior to any construction or site preparation work or construction permit issuance.

[5] The developer shall topsoil (four-inch minimum depth), grade and seed the areas between the street curb and the edge of the right-of-way on each side of all streets internal to the development and on the side of those streets bordering the development, and that substantial turf shall be developed before the performance guaranty is released. This turf requirement also applies to landscaped areas.

[6] No dirt shall be removed from the site unless specifically approved as part of this development and so noted on the plats or unless a soil removal permit is obtained from the Township Administrator.

[7] All trash shall be removed from the landscaping areas before performance and maintenance guaranties are released.

[8] Greenway-type monuments shall be installed where landscaping and/or conservation, open space, drainage and utility right-of-way easements intersect side and rear lot lines and at other points of deflection. In addition to the aforementioned permanent monuments, supplemental markers shall be installed along all the aforementioned easement lines internal to the development where construction, grading or construction traffic may encroach on such areas. All of the above are to be installed prior to the issuance of any construction permits or the start of any site preparation, construction or landscaping work and are to be maintained until the maintenance bond is released.

[9] When underground drainage or utility improvements are required or when curbing or pavement widening or any other construction is required within existing streets rights-of-way, said construction shall be completed within 60 days from start of said construction. All construction in the existing right-of-way will be completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the first unit in the commercial or industrial development. [Added 12-29-1999]

(b) Soil erosion and sediment control notes.

[1] Control measures shall apply to subsequent owners if title is conveyed.

[2] During construction, any additional control measures as deemed necessary to prevent erosion or control sediment beyond those measures shown on the approved plan shall be installed or employed at the direction of the Township Engineer.

[3] A fifty-foot-by-thirty-foot-by-one-foot pad of one-and-one-half-to-two-inch stone will be installed at all construction driveways immediately after initial site disturbance.

[4] Paved streets are to be kept clean at all times.

(c) Diagrams. See Plate Nos. 1, 2 and 3 attached.

E. Final site plan plat. The final plat shall include all data required on the preliminary site plan plat, drawn to incorporate all field changes approved by the Township Engineer during construction and drawn by persons and to specifications as required for a preliminary plat.