§102-37 Submission of final major subdivision plat or major site plan plat.

A. Filing procedure.

(1) The developer shall file an application for submission with the administrative officer, at least 10 working days prior to the regular meeting of the approving authority, and the fee, together with two translucent Mylar master copies of a final major subdivision plat and 10 paper copies; 10 color copies of an aerial photographic map depicting the entire tract and all surrounding areas within 1,000 feet; three copies of a land survey prepared by a licensed surveyor, conducted not more than five years prior to the date of the application; three copies of the Freshwater Wetland Delineation Report; one copy of the final subdivision plat or final site plan reduced to an eleven-inch-by-seventeen-inch paper and three completed application forms and Checklist No. 4, attached hereto,[1] for final major subdivision or major site plan plats for which approval is requested, together with a certificate from the Township Tax Collector stating that all real estate taxes levied against the property being developed have been paid to date; a W-9 taxpayer identification number and certification form; a developer's escrow agreement; an erosion control agreement; a disclosure statement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-48.1; a hold harmless/indemnification form; and such other certificates of approval required by this chapter or by law. A Mylar master copy is not required for major site plan approval. All plats are to be prepared in accordance with provisions of this chapter. The developer shall pay the required fee. The developer shall also file 10 copies of the plats granted preliminary approval, reissued to show "For Final Approval" in the title and to show any changes since preliminary approval, including updating of the index sheet, in detail. For both major final subdivision and site plans, separate deeds of easement or other deeds contained in the conditional approval may be required prior to full approval. All resubmissions, once an application is deemed complete for review, shall be filed at least 14 days prior to the regular meeting. [Amended 3-28-2012; 2-13-2013]

(2) The approving authority shall review the submission for its completeness. If found to be incomplete, the applicant shall be notified, in writing, of the deficiencies therein by the approving authority or its authorized committee or designee(s) within 45 days of submission of an application, or it shall be deemed to be properly submitted as a complete application as of the 45 days' date.

(3) The approving authority or its authorized committee or designee(s) shall, within five days of certification of a complete application of said final major subdivision or major site plan, forward a copy thereof to each of the following:

(a) Township Engineer.

(b) Such other Township, county or state officials as directed by the approving authority. The applicant shall apply directly to the County Planning Board for final approval.

B. Action by the approving authority.

(1) The approving authority shall grant final approval if the administrative officer finds that sufficient funds are on deposit to pay all outstanding construction inspection fees and if the detailed drawings and specifications of the application for final approval conform to the standards established by ordinance for final approval, the conditions of preliminary approval and, in the case of a major subdivision, the standards prescribed by the Map Filing Law, N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq., as amended, provided that in the case of any development, the approving authority may permit minimal deviations from the conditions of preliminary approval necessitated by change of conditions beyond the control of the developer since the date of preliminary approval or other changes approved by the Township Engineer, without the developer being required to submit an amended application for development for preliminary approval.

(2) Final approval shall be granted or denied within 45 days after certification of a complete application by the administrative officer or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. An approved final plat shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the approving authority (or the vice chairman or acting secretary in their absence, respectively). Failure of the approving authority to act within the period prescribed shall constitute final approval, and a certificate of the administrative officer as to the failure of the approving authority to act shall be issued on request of the applicant, and it shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement or other evidence of approval herein required and shall be so accepted by the county recording officer for purposes of filing subdivision plats.

(3) Whenever review or approval of the application by the County Planning Board is required by N.J.S.A. 40:27-6.3 or N.J.S.A. 40:27-6.6, as amended, the Township approving authority may condition any approval that it grants upon timely receipt of a favorable report on the application by the County Planning Board.

(4) The zoning requirements applicable to the preliminary approval first granted and all other rights conferred upon the developer pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law, as amended, whether conditionally or otherwise, shall not be changed for a period of two years after the date on which the resolution of final approval was adopted. If the developer has followed the standards prescribed for final approval and requests a time extension, the approving authority may extend such period of protection for extensions of one year, but not to exceed three extensions. Upon granting of final approval, the rights conferred upon the applicant by the granting of preliminary approval shall be terminated upon final approval. See also Subsection B(8) and (9) of this section.

(5) In the case of a subdivision or site plan for a planned development of 50 acres or more or a conventional subdivision or site plan of 150 acres or more or a site plan for development of a nonresidential floor area of 200,000 square feet or more, the approving authority may grant the rights referred to in the above subsection for such period of time, longer than two years, as shall be determined by the approving authority to be reasonable, taking into consideration the number of dwelling units and the nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, the economic conditions and the comprehensiveness of the development. The developer may apply for, thereafter, and the approving authority may thereafter grant an extension of final approval for grant, an extension of final approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the approving authority to be reasonable, taking into consideration the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, the number of dwelling units and the nonresidential floor area remaining to be developed, the economic conditions and the comprehensiveness of the development.

(6) Final approval of a major subdivision shall expire 95 days from the date of signing of the plat, unless, within such period, the plat shall have been duly filed by the developer with the county recording officer. The approving authority may, for good cause, extend the period for recording for an additional period not to exceed 190 days from the date of signing of the plat as provided by applicable law. No subdivision plat shall be accepted for filing by the county recording officer until it has been approved by the approving authority, as indicated on the plat by the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Board, or a certificate has been issued as to the failure of the approving authority to act within the required time. If the county recording officer records any plat without such approval, such recording shall be deemed null and void, and upon request of the municipality, the plat shall be expunged from the official records. It shall be the duty of the county recording officer to notify the approving authority, in writing, within seven days of the filing of any plat, identifying such plat by its title, date of filing and official number. The Planning Board may extend the ninety-five-day or one-hundred-ninety-day period if the developer proves to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Board that the developer was barred or prevented, directly or indirectly, from filing because of delays in obtaining legally required approvals from other governmental or quasi-governmental entities and that the developer applied promptly for and diligently pursued the required approvals. The length of the extension shall be equal to the period of delay caused by the wait for the required approvals, as determined by the Planning Board. The developer may apply for an extension either before or after the original expiration date.

(7) Before approval of the plats, the developer shall provide the approving authority with sufficient copies of the plat to be approved and a copy of the approved plat on a CD in a .dxf CADD format or an approved equivalent. The approving authority shall, after approval, forward one copy to each of the following and retain one copy for its files: [Amended 5-25-2005]

(a) Township Engineer.

(b) Construction Official.

(c) Tax Assessor.

(d) Board of Health.

(e) Such other Township, county or state officials as directed by the Board.

(8) Whenever the Planning Board grants an extension of final approval pursuant to Subsection B(4) or (5) of this section and final approval has expired before the date on which the extension is granted, the extension shall begin on what would otherwise be the expiration date. The developer may apply for the extension either before or after what would otherwise be the expiration date.

(9) The Planning Board shall grant an extension of final approval for a period determined by the Board, but not exceeding one year from what would otherwise be the expiration date, if the developer proves, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Board, that the developer was barred or prevented, directly or indirectly, from proceeding with the development because of delays in obtaining legally required approval from other governmental entities and that the developer applied promptly for and diligently pursued these approvals. A developer shall apply for the extension before what would otherwise be the expiration date of final approval or the 91st day after the developer receives the last legally required approval from other governmental entities, whichever occurs later. An extension granted pursuant to this subsection shall not preclude the Planning Board from granting an extension pursuant to Subsection A or B of this section.

C. Conditions of approval. All approvals of a final plat of a major subdivision or site plan shall be subject to the following conditions being satisfied within a period of time specified by the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment prior to the signing of the plat, start of construction and/or issuance of a building permit: [Added 2-13-2013]

(1) Submission of additional prints of the plat and attachments for distribution, as required.

(2) In the event that any documents require execution in connection with the approval, such documents will not be released until all of the conditions of approval have been satisfied, unless otherwise expressly noted.

(3) No taxes or assessments for local improvements shall be due or delinquent on the subject property.

(4) The applicant shall pay to the municipality any and all sums outstanding for fees incurred by the municipality for services rendered by the municipality's professionals for review of the application for development, review and preparation of documents, inspection of improvements, and other purposes authorized by the Municipal Land Use Law. The applicant shall provide such further escrow deposits with the municipality as are necessary to fund anticipated continuing municipal expenses for such professional services, if any, in connection with the application for development as may be authorized by the Municipal Land Use Law.

(5) The applicant shall furnish such performance guaranties, inspection fees and/or maintenance guaranties as may be required pursuant to Article IV of this chapter and which have been accepted by the Township Committee for the purpose of assuring the installation and maintenance of on-tract/off-tract improvements.

(6) No site work shall be commenced, or plans signed or released or any work performed, with respect to this approval until such time as all conditions of the approval have been satisfied or otherwise waived by the Board.

(7) Any and all notes, drawings or other information contained on any approved plans shall be conditions of this approval.

(8) Nothing herein shall excuse compliance by the applicant with any and all other requirements of this municipality or any other governmental entity.

(9) In the event that any de minimis exception has been granted from the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) in connection with the application, the applicant shall send a copy of the resolution to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Codes and Standards, 101 South Broad Street, CN 802, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0802, within 30 days of the date thereof. Said copy of the resolution shall be clearly marked on its face with the words "SITE IMPROVEMENT EXCEPTIONS."

(10) In the event that the applicant and the approving authority have agreed that exceeding a standard of the Residential Site Improvement Standards is desirable under the specific circumstances of the proposed development, such agreement to exceed Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) shall be placed, in writing, by the developer and transmitted forthwith to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Codes and Standards, 101 South Broad Street, CN 802, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0802.

(11) All special conditions shall be included as notes on the plans.

(12) The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the municipal ordinances with respect to its affordable housing obligation by either providing the required affordable housing on site, providing affordable housing off site or making a contribution of an affordable housing fee pursuant to the applicable statutes and municipal ordinances.

(13) The resolution does not constitute a permit for the construction of the approved improvements. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining any and all other permits and approvals required prior to the commencement of any development activities, including, but not limited to, NJDOT, NJDEP, Monmouth County Planning Board, Freehold Soil Conservation District (Regional) in addition to any and all building and construction permits required by the municipality. All work performed shall be in accordance with, and shall not deviate from, the approved plans and all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, rules and regulations.

§ 102-38 Plat design standards for subdivision plats.

A. Plat conformity. (See also Part 3.)

(1) No development application shall be accepted unless submitted in plat form, and no plat shall be accepted for consideration unless it conforms to the following requirements as to form, content and accompanying information and complies with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 46:23-1 et seq., as amended. All plats shall be drawn by a land surveyor, as required by law, licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and shall bear the signature, seal, license number and address of the land surveyor, except that plats submitted under the informal discussion provisions of Article V are exempt from this requirement. All drawings of improvements shall be drawn to comply with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan for developments located in the area included in that Plan, and shall be signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey if they are a part of an application requiring formal approval. All landscaping plans shall be prepared by a professional licensed landscape architect. Each such person shall affix his or her name, title, address and signature and seal to such plans. All landscaping shall fully comply with and be installed and planted in accordance with the Colts Neck Township Shade Tree Commission Planting Specifications, as well as in conformance with any conditions stated in the resolution approving a development. [Amended 8-13-1997]

(2) All plats shall be submitted on one of the four following standard sheets sizes: 8 1/2 inches by 13 inches, 24 inches by 36 inches, 15 inches by 21 inches or 30 inches by 42 inches.

B. Minor subdivision plat for classification and approval.

(1) A minor subdivision plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size, one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five acres and 40 acres in size, one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 acres and 150 acres in size or one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more and shall be titled as a plat for classification and minor subdivision approval. The plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of Parts 3 and 4 of this chapter and, in addition, shall show the following information:

(a) The entire tract(s) being subdivided, together with the acreage of the entire tract, the location and number of new lots being created, the required and proposed area, dimensions, setbacks, total coverage, building coverage and building height of each lot and a copy of any existing or proposed covenants and deed restrictions applying to the land being subdivided. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(b) All existing and proposed property lines within and immediately adjoining the tract, and all lots lines to be eliminated.

(c) All buildings and structures and natural features, wetlands, floodplains, special water resource protection areas, riparian buffers, wooded areas, streams, lakes, ponds and conservation, open space, drainage and utility right-of-way easements, landscape easements and all other easements within the limits of the tract(s) being subdivided and any within 200 feet thereof, including the location, size and direction of flow of all streams, brooks, drainage structures and drainage rights-of-way and/or easements. All on-site structures shall contain a note indicating which will be destroyed or removed and the current/future use with front, side and rear dimensions for those to remain. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(d) The shortest distance from any existing building to any proposed and existing lot lines.

(e) The existing and proposed right-of-way width of all streets and all driveways intersecting those streets within and adjoining the subject plats, together with the street names and the existing condition of such streets in terms of conformance to ordinance standards, including compliance with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Management Plan for developments located in the area included in that Plan. [Amended 8-13-1997]

(f) The names of all adjoining property owners as disclosed by the most recent Township tax records.

(g) A title block shall appear on all sheets and include the Tax Map sheet, block and lot number, application number, date of original and all revisions, name, signature, address, license number and embossed seal of all professionals who prepared the plat. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(h) The date, meridian and graphic scale.

(i) All proposed lot lines, with the dimensions thereof correct to 0.1 foot, and the areas of all lots, shown in square feet, correct to one square foot.

(j) Zoning district(s); if more than one district, the plat should indicate the district lines.

(k) The name, address and signature of the owner and subdivider.

(l) The results of permeability tests, groundwater depth, soil boring tests and/or any other tests required by the Board of Health are required on all lots, shall be made under the supervision of the Colts Neck Township Health Officer and shall be made in the area of the lot where the septic system absorption field is most likely to be located. The location of all existing wells and septic systems on the property shall be shown.

(m) A key map showing the entire subdivision and its relation to surrounding areas, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet. [Added 3-28-2012]

(n) North arrow and basis therefor with written and graphic scale. [Added 3-28-2012]

(o) A map showing existing and proposed contour lines over the entire area of the site and within 100 feet of the tract at two-foot contour intervals. All elevations shall be related to the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey datum and a grading plan and drainage calculations prepared in accordance with the requirements of § 102-46.4, Stormwater management, and certified by a licensed professional engineer. [Added 3-28-2012]

(p) The location of all existing and proposed wells and septic systems on the property. [Added 3-28-2012]

(q) The location of individual trees with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches shall be identified by size and species. All areas of intended tree removal shall be clearly labeled identifying each tree with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches that is to be removed. [Added 3-28-2012]

(r) Plat certification and signature block. [Added 3-28-2012]

[1] Certification of consent is required on first sheet of all plans:

I.hereby certify that I am the owner of record and that I concur with the plan as shown.



[2] Minor subdivision plat filed by map.

This is to certify that the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Colts Neck, Monmouth County, New Jersey is the proper authority to approve and has approved the attached map, and that said map compiles with the provisions of Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960, known as the "Map Filing Law". This map shall be filed in the Monmouth County Clerk's office on or before _____________________, 20___, which is 190 days from the date of minor subdivision approval by the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Colts Neck, Monmouth County, New Jersey.



(2) The test locations, the date of testing and the weather conditions prevailing at the time of testing, as well as for the preceding 72 hours, and test results shall be recorded on the plat and signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey and shall state thereon "I hereby certify that the above tests were conducted and reported in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9, Chapter 9A of Standards For Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems, as amended January 1, 1990." Upon review of this data, the approving authority may require further tests on any or all lots.

(3) To minimize the need for retesting, it is recommended that the applicant review the proposed testing program with the Health Officer prior to making initial tests. Upon request by the approving authority, the developer may be required to install, maintain and afford the Township access to groundwater depth monitoring wells for a reasonable length of time after initial tests; all tests and monitoring wells shall be at the developer's expense and liability.

C. Sketch plat of major subdivision submitted for classification. The sketch plat shall be titled as such and shall be based on Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base, at the same scale as for preliminary plats, and shall show or include the following information:

(1) The location of that portion which is to be subdivided in relation to the entire tract; general existing contour lines; all existing structures, freshwater wetlands, floodplains, riparian buffers and wooded areas within the portion to be subdivided and within 200 feet thereof; a tentative lot and street layout, together with minimum required and proposed lot area, lot dimensions and lot setbacks and maximum allowed and proposed building and lot coverage calculations; all existing and proposed streets or roads and driveways and their conformance with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan for developments located in the area included in that Plan; streams, ponds and watercourses; all existing and proposed easements on site and within 500 feet of the subdivision; and all building setback lines in each proposed lot. [Amended 8-13-1997; 3-28-2012]

(2) A key map showing the entire subdivision and its relation to surrounding areas, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet.

(3) Sketch plat certification. [Added 3-28-2012]

It is hereby certified that on _____ day of _______________, 20___, this map has been classified as a sketch plat of a major/minor subdivision or major/minor site plan.



D. Preliminary major subdivision plat. The preliminary major subdivision plat shall be titled as such and shall be clearly and legibly drawn or reproduced at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size, one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five acres and 40 acres in size, one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 acres and 150 acres and one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more. For tracts of 40 acres or more, if grading and/or improvements are not clearly and accurately shown at these scales, then additional drawings at one inch equals 50 feet or larger shall be provided. Landscaping plans shall be of large enough scale so that individual plants can be reasonably located in the field. The plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of Parts 3 and 4 of this chapter and, in addition, shall show the following information:

(1) A key map showing the entire subdivision and its relation to surrounding areas, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet, and a North arrow and basis therefor. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(2) A cover sheet identifying the tract name and Tax Map sheet, block and lot number; application number; the date; the meridian; written and graphic scales; the names, addresses and signatures of the owner and subdivider; the names of all property owners within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the subdivision; as well as a listing of all sheets in the set with the issue date, description and date of all revisions. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(3) The acreage of the tract to be subdivided to the nearest tenth of an acre and the number, location and square footage, setbacks, maximum lot coverage, maximum building coverage and maximum building height of all new lots created, specifying the number and location of lots, as well as the number and location of units proposed for lower-income housing, if any. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(4) A map showing existing and proposed contour lines over the entire area of the proposed subdivision and within 50 feet of the tract at consistent two-foot contour intervals, together with watercourses and an indication of the final disposal of the surface waters with arrows indicating the direction of surface water runoff. All elevations shall be related to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. All areas having a steep slope as defined herein shall be shaded or otherwise clearly identified on the contour map. The map shall indicate spot elevations and the source and date of the data and shall be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor or engineer in the State of New Jersey.

(5) The locations and dimensions of existing and proposed railroad rights-of-way, bridges and natural features, such as wooded areas, and any extensive rock formations and street signs in accordance with § 102-78, Street signs, in Part 3.

(6) All existing and proposed watercourses, including lakes, freshwater wetlands, special water resource protection areas, riparian buffers, floodplains and ponds, shall be shown and accompanied by the following information or data: [Amended 3-28-2012]

(a) When a brook or stream is proposed for alteration, improvement or relocation or when a structure or fill is proposed over, under, in or along a running stream, evidence of submission of the improvement to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection shall accompany the subdivision.

(b) Cross sections and profiles of watercourses, at an appropriate scale, showing extent of floodplain, top of bank, normal water level and bottom elevations at the following locations:

[1] At any point where a watercourse crosses a boundary of the subdivision.

[2] At fifty-foot intervals for a distance of 300 feet upstream and downstream of any proposed culvert or bridge within the subdivision and within 1,000 feet downstream of the subdivision.

[3] Immediately upstream and downstream of any point of juncture of two or more watercourses within the subdivision and within 1,000 feet of the subdivision.

[4] At a maximum of five-hundred-foot intervals along all watercourses which run through or adjacent to the subdivision.

[5] When ditches, steams, brooks or watercourses are to be altered, improved or relocated, the method of stabilizing slopes and measures to control erosion and siltation, as well as typical ditch section and profiles, shall be shown on the plan or shall accompany it. Similar information shall be provided for control of erosion and siltation due to road construction and other site changes and improvements.

[6] The boundaries of the floodplains of all watercourses and freshwater wetlands within or adjacent to the subdivision and certification of the wetlands boundary by the Department of Environmental Protection.

(c) The total acreage in the drainage basin of any watercourse running through or adjacent to a subdivision in the area upstream of the subdivision.

(d) The total acreage in the drainage basin to the nearest downstream drainage structure and the acreage in the subdivision which drains to the structure.

(e) The location and extent of landscaping, conservation and all other easements.

(f) The location, extent and water-level elevation of all existing or proposed lakes or ponds within or adjacent to the subdivision.

(g) The preliminary plat shall show or be accompanied by plans and a drainage report prepared in accordance with § 102-46.4, Stormwater management, for any storm drainage systems, including the following: [Amended 3-28-2012]

[1] All existing or proposed storm sewer lines within or adjacent to the subdivision, showing the size and profile of the lines and the location of each catch basin, inlet and manhole.

[2] The location and extent of any proposed dry wells, groundwater recharge basins, retention basins or other water conservation devices.

(7) The location of individual trees with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches shall be identified by size and species. All areas intended for tree removal and each tree with a DBH equal to or greater than 10 inches to be removed shall be clearly labeled. A tree protection detail and/or limit of disturbance line detail shall be provided. The proposed location of shade trees to be provided by the subdivider in accordance with § 102-71, Shade trees, wooded areas and landscaping, in Part 3 shall also be shown. All landscaping plans shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and shall show the location, species (both botanical and common name), size, number of each type of tree or shrub, the location, type and amount of each type of ground cover, plant list and planting details for trees, shrubs and ground cover. [Amended 10-29-2008; 3-28-2012]

(8) The names, locations and dimensions (paved width and width of right-of-way) of all streets and driveways, both existing and planned, so far as the latter can be ascertained, within the subdivision and within a distance of 500 feet from the boundaries of the subdivision, showing any connection from the proposed street in the subdivision to adjacent arterial, collector or local streets and the extent to which they conform to ordinance requirements, including compliance with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan for developments located in the area included in that Plan. Where future driveway locations are not yet known, the development plat shall identify locations where, under the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan, driveways are to be prohibited. [Amended 8-13-1997]

(9) The name, location, width, purpose and extent of all easements, dedications and special areas, such as for conservation, landscaping, drainage, greenway, street rights-of-way, sight triangles, greenway access, wetlands, special water resource protection areas, riparian buffer, and/or floodplains, etc. Exact wording, as stated in the appropriate section of this chapter, shall be placed on the plats and referenced to the subject easement or dedication. A copy of any existing or proposed covenants and deed restrictions applying to the lands being subdivided shall be provided. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(10) Locations of all existing structures, showing existing and proposed front, rear and side yard setback lines, and an indication of whether the existing structures or uses will be retained or removed and their current and proposed future use. All proposed lot lines, including existing lot lines to remain and those to be eliminated, with the dimensions thereof and the areas of all lots, shown in square feet, correct to one square foot, shall be shown. Any lot(s) to be reserved or dedicated to public use shall be identified, and the proposed use of lots for other than residential shall be shown.

(11) Names, cross sections, center-line profiles and tentative grades of all proposed streets and existing streets internal to or abutting the subdivision based on the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum, together with full information as to the final disposal of surface drainage. At intersections, sight triangles and the radii of curblines shall be clearly indicated. Construction details of all streets (curbing and pavement sections) shall be provided. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(12) Plans of proposed improvements and utility layouts (sewers, storm drains, water, gas, electricity, etc.), showing feasible connections to any existing or proposed utility system. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply fully with the Township, county and state regulations. If service will be provided by an existing utility company for other than electricity, telephone, cable television and gas, a letter from that company will be sufficient, stating that service will be available before occupancy and that the service to be supplied will meet applicable Township, county and the state requirements. When on-lot water or sewage disposal is proposed, the plan for such system shall be approved by the appropriate Township, county and state agencies. The location of all existing wells and septic systems on the property shall be shown.

(13) The results of permeability tests, groundwater depth and soil boring tests and/or other tests required by the Board of Health are required on all lots, shall be made under the supervision of the Colts Neck Township Health Officer and shall be made in the area of the lot where the septic system absorption field is most likely to be located. The test locations, date of testing, the weather conditions prevailing at the time of testing and for the preceding 72 hours and the test results shall be recorded on the plat, and the following certification statement shall be recorded on the plat and signed and sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer of the State of New Jersey: "I hereby certify that the above tests were conducted and reported in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9, Chapter 9A of Standards for Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems, as amended January 1, 1990." Upon review of this data, the approving authority may require further tests on any or all lots. To minimize the need for retesting, it is recommended that the applicant review the proposed testing program with the Health Officer prior to making initial tests. Upon request of the approving authority, the developer may be required to install, maintain and afford the Township access to groundwater depth monitoring wells for a reasonable length of time after initial tests; all tests and monitoring wells shall be at the developer's expense and liability.

(14) A copy of any existing or proposed covenants or other deed restrictions applying to the land being subdivided, including those deed restrictions required in relation to lower-income housing units in § 102-97D.

(15) Zoning district(s). If there is more than one district, the plat should indicate the district lines.

(16) The location and description of all monuments, markers and their symbols; see §§ 102-38D(17)(a)[12], 102-91B(5)(h), 102-62 and 102-69B(5).

(17) The following notes and diagrams shall be added to preliminary plats [see also §§ 102-84I, 102-85I, and 102-86F(3)(b) and I]:

(a) General notes.

[1] Following installation of the street base course, the areas around catch basins and manholes shall be immediately built up with pavement to facilitate snowplowing and to prevent damage to vehicles passing over them, said buildup to be in accordance with Township Engineer's recommendations and to be maintained until the top course is applied. See § 102-77Q.

[2] All site improvements shall be completed within two years of the date that a certificate of occupancy is issued for the first new home in a subdivision development.

[3] All utilities to be placed under streets are to be installed before the street base course pavement is installed.

[4] Conservation, open space, drainage and utility right-of-way easements and landscape easements and greenway areas are not to be used for roadways or storage or as a dump area or driven over by construction or other equipment or disturbed in any manner without prior permission, in writing, from the Township Engineer. Any such areas disturbed must be restored to the natural state or to the state specified on the approved plats and to the satisfaction of the Colts Neck Township Shade Tree Commission.

[5] All topsoil shall be stripped and stockpiled from all areas where roadways, building areas and other improvements will be constructed and where any regrading shall be performed. Except for those areas occupied by roadways and buildings, the topsoil shall be redistributed wherever any regrading or disturbance or previous stripping was performed or where any topsoil areas have become contaminated with any other foreign materials and debris. See § 102-76.

[6] Changes from the limit of disturbance and limit of clearing on individual lots as shown on the approved plats and grading plans for individual lots which change the approved plat grade by 1 1/2 feet or more at any point on a lot must be approved by the Township Engineer or Township Planner prior to any construction or site preparation work or construction permit issuance.

[7] Township standard street signs shall be used. Double signs shall be provided at each street intersection, and street signs shall be installed as soon as homes in the development are under construction.

[8] The developer shall topsoil (four-inch minimum depth), grade and seed the areas between the street curb and the edge of the right-of-way on each side of all streets internal to the development and on the side of those streets bordering the development, and that substantial turf shall be developed before the performance bond is released. This turf requirement also applies to greenway areas.

[9] By November 1st of each year, green areas and other landscaped areas are to be planted in proportion to the number of lots sold plus lots owned by the developer which have been granted construction permits.

[10] No dirt shall be removed from the site unless specifically approved as part of this development and so noted on the plats or unless a soil removal permit is obtained from the Township Administrator.

[11] All trash shall be removed from the greenway areas before performance and maintenance guaranties are released.

[12] Greenway-type monuments shall be installed where landscaping and conservation, open space, drainage and utility right-of-way easements intersect side and rear lot lines and at other points of deflection in addition to the greenway monuments on greenways. In addition to the aforementioned permanent monuments, supplemental markers shall be installed along all greenway and aforementioned easement lines internal to the development where construction, grading or construction traffic may encroach on such areas. All of the above are to be installed prior to the issuance of any construction permits or the start of any site preparation, construction or landscaping work and are to be maintained until the maintenance bond is released.

[13] Any construction required within the existing street right-of-way for drainage or utility installation or curb or pavement installation or any other type of construction shall be completed within 60 days from commencement of said construction. Said construction must be completed prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for any structure in the subdivision. [Added 12-29-1999]

(b) Soil erosion and sediment control notes.

[1] Control measures shall apply to dwelling construction on individual lots and control measures shall apply to subsequent owners, if title is conveyed.

[2] During construction, any additional control measures as deemed necessary to prevent erosion or control sediment beyond those measures shown on the approved plan shall be installed or employed at the direction of the Township Engineer.

[3] A fifty-foot-by-thirty-foot-by-one-foot pad of one-and-one-half-to-two-inch stone will be installed at all construction driveways immediately after initial site disturbance.

[4] Paved streets are to be kept clean at all times.

(c) Diagrams. See Plate Nos. 1, 2 and 3 attached.

(18) Upon recommendation of the Township Engineer and/or approving authority, an off-site traffic engineering report may be required if the location or intensity of the development may significantly effect traffic circulation.

(19) All changes of the plat plan shall be consecutively numbered and bonded together on the left edge, and the first page shall contain a table showing the page number, title and latest issue date and all revision dates and a summary of reasons for reissuance for each sheet involved in the plat plans. The listing shall be updated each time a sheet is reissued. The name, signature, address, license number and embossed seal of all professionals who prepared the plat shall be provided on all sheets within the set of plans. [Amended 3-28-2012]

(20) Plat certifications and signature blocks. [Added 3-28-2012]

(a) Approved by the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Colts Neck on _________________________.









(b) Certification of consent is required on first sheet of all plans:

I.hereby certify that I am the owner of record and that I concur with the plan as shown.



E. Final subdivision plat. The final plat titled as such shall be drawn in ink, on tracing cloth of a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size, one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five acres and 40 acres in size, one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 acres and 150 acres in size or one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more, and shall be in compliance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.10 to 23-9.12, inclusive, as amended. The final plat shall show the same information required for preliminary approval, in addition to the following:

(1) A complete set of the approved preliminary major subdivision plat reissued to show "Final Major Subdivision Plat" in the title and to show any changes since preliminary approval, including updating of the index sheet. [Added 3-28-2012]

(2) Tract boundary lines, exterior lines or streets, all easements and other rights-of-way, all locations where highway access is denied in conformance with the Route 34, Colts Neck, Highway Access Management Plan, street names, land reserved or dedicated to public use, all lot lines and other site lines with accurate dimensions, bearing or deflection angles and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves based on an actual survey by a licensed New Jersey engineer or land surveyor. All dimensions, both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision shall balance and close within a limit of error of 1:10,000 and of all lot lines to within 1:20,000. [Amended 8-13-1997]

(3) Block and lot numbers in accordance with established standards in conformity with the Township Tax Map and approved by the Tax Assessor. Services of the Township Tax Assessor will be made available to the developer, upon request, to assist in the assignment of lot and block numbers.

(4) Cross sections, profiles and established grades of all streets as approved by the Township Engineer.

(5) Plans and profiles of all storm and sanitary sewers and water mains as approved by the Township Engineer.

(6) The location and description of all monuments, markers and their symbols as required under § 102-62, Monuments, in Part 3 and elsewhere in this chapter. [See also § 102-38D(16).]

(7) All field changes approved by the Township Engineer during construction.

(8) A final major subdivision plat prepared in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960, known as the "Map Filing Law," as amended and supplemented and containing the following information. [Added 3-28-2012]

(a) All dimensions, both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and all lots and all lands reserved or dedicated for public use shall balance, and their description shall close within a limit of error of not more than one part in 10,000, identified by a note on the plan indicating the error of closure.

(b) All monuments in accordance with Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960 of the State of New Jersey, including all monuments found, monuments set, and monuments to be set, and an indication of monuments found and reset.

(c) Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way; all lot lines and site easement lines, with accurate dimensions and bearings and radii, tangents, chords, arcs and central angles of all curves and all front, rear and side yard setback lines.

(d) Lot and block numbers shown on the final plat shall conform to the Township Tax Map (or proposed revisions thereof) and shall be obtained by the applicant's engineer from the Tax Assessor. The Township Engineer shall not affix his signature to the final plat unless the applicant has fully complied in this regard.

(e) Subdivision names and street names shown on the final plat shall not be the same or similar to any name of any existing subdivision or street in the Township and shall be approved by the Planning Board Street Name Coordinator.

(9) Plat certifications and signature blocks.

(a) I hereby certify that I am the owner of record and that I concur with the plan as shown.



(b) I hereby certify that the bond has been given to the Township guaranteeing the future setting of monuments as shown on this map and so designated.

Township Clerk


(c) I have carefully examined this map and find it conforms with the provisions of the Map Filing Law and municipal ordinances and requirements applicable thereto.

Township Engineer


(d) This is to certify that the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Township of Colts Neck, Monmouth County, New Jersey, is the proper authority to approve and has approved the attached map, and that said map complies with the provisions of Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960, known as the "Map Filing Law." This map shall be filed on or before ____________, 20___, which is 95 days from the date of final approval by the Planning Board of the Township of Colts Neck, Monmouth County, New Jersey.



(e) Filed in the Monmouth County Clerk's office, Freehold, New Jersey, this _____ day of __________, 20__.

Case No.


(f) Final plat - major subdivision approved under the AG District lot size averaging provisions.

"This lot was subdivided pursuant to the lot size averaging provisions published in § 102-86F(3)(b) of Chapter 102, Development Regulations, of the Code of the Township of Colts Neck. The further subdivision of this lot is prohibited. This restriction shall run with the land and is binding upon any and all heirs, successors and assigns in title and is for the benefit of and enforceable by the Township of Colts Neck."