§ 165-190. Required conditions.
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[Amended 11-24-1986 by Ord. No. 310-86] | |||||||
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the requirements and limitations contained in the Schedule of Requirements referred to in § 165-86 shall be complied with. Notwithstanding the provisions of said Schedule of Requirements, existing platted lots in the ROM-2 District which contain less area than eight acres shall be subject to the following requirements: | |||||||
A. Any existing platted lot which contains less than two acres may be used only for one-family residential dwelling purposes and shall be subject to all required conditions of the RR-4S Zone, except for minimum lot area. [Amended 6-14-2006 and 9-13-2006 by Ord. No. 908-06]
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B. Any existing platted lot which contains at least two acres, but less than eight acres, may be used only for any nonresidential use permitted in the ROM-2 Zone and shall be subject to all required conditions of the C1 Zone, except for minimum lot area.
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§ 165-191. Performance standards.
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The requirements of § 165-186 shall be complied with. | |||||||
ARTICLE XXXI ROC-Research, Office and Restricted Commercial District
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§ 165-192. Permitted principal uses.
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A. Any use permitted in the ROM-1 Zone.
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B. For tracts containing 50 acres or more of effective land area:
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(1) Stores and shops for retail business.
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(2) Banks and financial institutions.
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(3) Restaurants, cafes and taverns in which patrons, seated at tables or counters, are served food and drink by waiters or waitresses for consumption on the premises.
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(4) Hotels and motels.
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(5) Vocational schools and studios for the instruction of the arts, dancing, music, languages, photography, and similar activities.
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(6) Nursery schools and day-care facilities.
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(7) Medical and dental clinics and laboratories.
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(8) Integrated commercial developments combining any of the uses permitted in this Subsection B(1) through (8). [Added 8-27-1990 by Ord. No. 435-90 § 7]
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C. Sewage treatment plants, provided that the floor area and impervious surface coverage of the sewage treatment plant shall not be counted against the available floor area and impervious surface coverage. [Added 3-25-1993 by Ord. No. 509-93]
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§ 165-193. Permitted accessory uses.
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A. Any permitted accessory use in the ROM-1 District.
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B. Warehouse storage of goods and materials which is incidental to a permitted principal use. [Added 8-27-1990 by Ord. No. 435-90 § 8]
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