§ 165-171. Permitted accessory uses.

The following are permitted accessory uses:

A. Off-street parking in accordance with § 165-71A(10).

B. Signs in accordance with § 165-109, Signs, of this chapter.

C. Temporary permits as regulated in § 165-101.

D. Other accessory uses customarily incident to the uses listed in § 165-170.

E. Dish antennas. [Added 2-24-1986 by Ord. No. 282-86]

§ 165-172. Conditional uses.

[Amended 5-27-1993 by Ord. No. 516-93; 12-8-1999 by Ord. No. 705-99]

The following conditional uses, as regulated in Article XVIII, are permitted:

A. Churches and similar places of worship of recognized religious groups, which may include attendant parish homes, convents, religious education buildings, cemeteries and mausoleums.

B. Public and private schools teaching academic subjects.

§ 165-173. Required conditions.

Except as otherwise provided in this part, the requirements and limitations contained in the Schedule of Requirements referred to in § 165-86 shall be complied with.

ARTICLE XXVII OB-2 Office Building District

§ 165-174. Permitted principal uses.

[Amended 5-27-1993 by Ord. No. 516-93; 12-8-1999 by Ord. No. 705-99; 6-14-2006 and 9-13-2006 by Ord. No. 908-06; 7-18-2007 by Ord. No. 932-07]

The following are permitted principal uses:

A. Any principal use as permitted and regulated in the VR Residential Zone.

B. Office buildings intended for business, executive, professional and administrative purposes.

C. Personal service shops, such as beauty parlors, barbershops, tailoring, dressmaking, shoe repair, photography and similar services wherein retail sale of merchandise other than that made specifically for a customer is prohibited, except for items of a purely accessory nature to the service provided.

D. Municipal buildings and uses.

E. Child-care centers.

F. Restaurants, excluding drive-up service.

G. Bed-and-breakfasts.

H. Retail uses that do not exceed 5,000 square feet of floor area and that do not offer merchandise that is for, or related to, motor vehicles.

I. On a lot with an area of 10 acres or more that is planned and developed as a unified complex: [Added 5-27-2009 by Ord. No. 983-09]

(1) Apartment dwellings located above (second floor) permitted nonresidential principal uses in the same building.

(2) More than one principal building containing more than one principal permitted use (supersedes prohibition at § 165-96, Principal buildings).

§ 165-175. Permitted accessory uses.

The following are permitted accessory uses:

A. Off-street parking in accordance with § 165-71A(10).

B. Signs in accordance with § 165-109, Signs, this chapter.

C. Temporary permits, as regulated in § 165-101.

D. Other accessory uses customarily incident to the uses listed in § 165-174.

E. Dish antennas. [Added 2-24-1986 by Ord. No. 282-86]

§ 165-176. Conditional uses.

The following conditional uses, as regulated in Article XVIII, are permitted:

A. Churches and similar places of worship of recognized religious groups, which may include attendant parish homes, convents and religious education buildings.

B. Public and private schools teaching academic subjects.

§ 165-177. Required conditions.

Except as otherwise provided in this part, the requirements and limitations contained in the Schedule of Requirements referred to in § 165-86 shall be complied with. In addition, all buildings hereafter erected or converted shall be residential in appearance and designed in an architectural style which is consistent with or complementary to the established character of existing structures in and adjacent to the district.


§ 165-178. (Reserved)

§ 165-179. (Reserved)

§ 165-180. (Reserved)

§ 165-181. (Reserved)

ARTICLE XXIX ROM-1 Research, Office and Manufacturing District

§ 165-182. Permitted principal uses.

The following are permitted principal uses:

A. Laboratories devoted exclusively to research, design and experimentation; provided, however, that:

(1) Pilot plants for the testing of manufacturing, processing or fabrication methods or for the testing of products or materials shall be permitted only as accessory to a research laboratory, and in no case shall more than 25% of the total floor area be devoted to such uses. No materials or finished products shall be manufactured, processed or fabricated on said premises for sale, except such as are incidental to said laboratory research, design or experimental work.

(2) No manufactured or commercial explosives shall be kept, maintained or stored on said premises, except in small quantities for laboratory research, design or experimental use, and then only in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local safety statutes.

B. Computer and data-processing centers and facilities.

C. Offices for business, executive, professional and administrative purposes.

D. Conference centers.

E. Printing and publishing establishments.

F. Development and manufacturing of engineering and scientific instruments, mechanical measuring and control devices, optical instruments and lenses, medical instruments and supplies, ophthalmic goods, photographic equipment and supplies, watches and clocks; electronic components, pharmaceuticals, and biological supplies.

G. Integrated industrial park development involving any combination of the above uses.

H. Municipal uses and facilities.

I. Agricultural uses, such as farms, orchards and the raising of livestock, including residential uses in connection therewith.

J. Child-care centers. [Added 5-27-1993 by Ord. No. 516-93]

§ 165-183. Permitted accessory uses.

The following are permitted accessory uses:

A. Accessory uses to the business and professional offices and research laboratories, including garages for storage and maintenance of company employees' and visitors' motor vehicles; storage of gasoline and lubricating oils therefor; maintenance and utility shops for the upkeep and repair of buildings and structures and service, central heating and power plants for furnishing heat and electrical energy to structures on the site only; training schools for employees; buildings for the storage of documents, records and personal property; communications facilities; and clinics, dining and recreational facilities, banks, post offices, company stores and guest lodges for the use of company employees and of visitors to the building or buildings, provided that such uses are planned as an integral part of the office building or laboratory development and are located on the same site.

B. Off-street parking in accordance with § 165-71A(10).

C. Signs in accordance with § 165-109, Signs, of this chapter.

D. Temporary permits, as regulated in § 165-101.

E. Other accessory uses customarily incident to the uses listed in § 165-182.

F. Dish antennas. [Added 2-24-1986 by Ord. No. 282-86]

§ 165-184. Conditional uses.

[Amended 12-8-1999 by Ord. No. 705-99]

The following conditional uses, as regulated in Article XVIIl, are permitted:

A. Churches and similar places of worship of recognized religious groups, which may include attendant parish homes, convents, religious education buildings, cemeteries and mausoleums.

B. Public and private schools teaching academic subjects.

C. Assisted living residences.

§ 165-185. Required conditions.

[Amended 11-24-1986 by Ord. No. 310-86]

Except as otherwise provided in this article, the requirements and limitations contained in the Schedule of Requirements referred to in § 165-86 shall be complied with. Notwithstanding the provisions of said Schedule of Requirements, existing platted lots in the ROM-1 District which contain less area than eight acres shall be subject to the following requirements:

A. Any existing platted lot which contains less than two acres may be used only for one-family residential dwelling purposes and shall be subject to all required conditions of the RR-4S Zone, except for minimum lot area. [Amended 6-14-2006 and 9-13-2006 by Ord. No. 908-06]

B. Any existing platted lot which contains at least two acres, but less than eight acres, may be used only for any nonresidential use permitted in the ROMA Zone and shall be subject to all required conditions of the C-1 Zone, except for minimum lot area.

§ 165-186. Performance standards.

All uses and operations shall comply with any applicable state and federal regulations relating to noise, vibration, smoke, fumes, dust, odor or other form of air pollution, glare and heat, fire hazards and explosives, chemical and industrial waste or other potentially objectionable condition. Any such condition or potential condition shall be addressed in an environmental impact statement as provided in § 165-72.

ARTICLE XXX ROM-2 Research, Office and Manufacturing District

§ 165-187. Permitted principal uses.

[Amended 5-27-1993 by Ord. No. 516-93; 12-8-1999 by Ord. No. 705-99; 2-14-2001 by Ord. No. 739-01]

A. Any permitted principal use in the ROM-1 Zone.

B. Processes of assembly, manufacturing, fabrication, packaging, treatment or conversion of products conducted entirely within the confines of a building, confined to the making of finished products or parts thereof from component parts and semifinished products and not involving reduction, conversion or manufacturing of primary raw materials except for drugs and pharmaceuticals.

C. Integrated industrial park development involving any combination of uses permitted in the ROM-1 and ROM-2 Districts.

D. Child-care centers.

§ 165-188. Permitted accessory uses.

The following are permitted accessory uses:

A. Off-street parking in accordance with § 165-71A(10).

B. Signs in accordance with § 165-109, Signs, of this chapter.

C. Temporary permits, as regulated in § 165-101.

D. Other accessory uses customarily incident to the uses listed in § 165-187.

§ 165-189. Conditional uses.

Any conditional use permitted in the ROM-1 District is permitted in the ROM-2 District.