§ 165-60. Master development plan for planned development.

A.master development plan under optional staged preliminary planned development procedures shall consist of one or more maps drawn at appropriate scale, but not more than 200 feet to the inch, and shall include such details as may be necessary to determine compliance with this chapter and permit the Planning Board to make an informed decision on the application. Said master plan shall be drawn by such New Jersey licensed professional person or persons, depending upon the nature of the information to be provided, in accordance with the latest adopted rules and regulations of the state professional boards. As a minimum, the following information shall be shown:

A. All maps shall contain the date, name and location of the site, names of the owner and applicant, graphic scale and reference meridian.

B. Area of the tract and tract boundary line dimensions.

C. All existing natural and man-made features, including the following:

(1) Watercourses, wooded areas, swamps, wetlands, rock outcrops, easements, streets and right-of-way.

(2) Existing contours at two-foot intervals.

(3) Soil classifications in accordance with the Hunterdon County Soil Survey.

D. A plan showing the location and arrangement of existing buildings and the tentative location and arrangement of proposed buildings, the approximate floor area of nonresidential buildings, streets, including their widths, off-street parking areas with capacities, the number and type of dwelling units by location, areas designated for nonresidential use and development and areas to be devoted to open space and common open space, including a description of improvements intended for those areas.

E. Typical road cross sections, tentative profiles of all major roads and proposed traffic control improvements, including traffic signals, on or adjoining the site.

F. A utility service plan or plans showing the proposed location of all primary water and sanitary sewer lines, pump stations, wells, treatment plants and other appurtenant improvements, as well as connection to electric and gas utilities. The applicant shall also submit evidence of commitment by utilities to serve the development.

G. A generalized surface water management plan indicating the tentative methods for controlling storm drainage, including the approximate location and size of storm drains, proposed detention and retention facilities, supporting drainage calculations and any other information found necessary to make an informed decision, all in accordance with Article XXXV, Surface Water Management, of this chapter.

H. A staging plan indicating the tentative sections for which preliminary approval will be sought; the area of each section, the number and type of dwelling units and the amount of nonresidential floor space in each section, the infrastructure or improvements locatedbeyond each section but which must be provided to support that section and the staging of on- and off-tract improvements.

I. An environmental impact statement.

J. Such other information as may be indicated on Checklist No. 7 for determining completeness of an application for master development plan approval. [Added 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 245-84]

ARTICLE IX On-Tract and On-Site Improvements .

§ 165-61. On-tract installations for subdivisions.

Prior to the granting of final approval, the applicant shall have installed or furnished performance guaranties as set forth in § 165-49 for the ultimate installation of the improvements described below. All improvements shall be subject to approval and inspection by the Township Engineer, who shall be notified by the developer at least two weeks prior to the start of construction of any improvement in accordance with the provisions of § 165-73, Roads and Improvements, this chapter. No underground installation shall be covered until inspected and approved.

A. Streets and pavements. The subdivider shall design and construct streets and pavements to the minimum specifications as set forth in the Township Road and Improvement Ordinance or such other specifications as may be required by the Township Engineer where special circumstances so require. All streets shall further be designed and constructed in accordance with the schedule to Article XI.

B. Curbs and sidewalks. The subdivider shall construct curbs and sidewalks, when required by the Planning Board, in accordance with the Township Road and Improvement Ordinance or such specifications as may be required by the Township Engineer where special circumstances so require.

C. Storm drains and culverts. All streets shall be provided with sufficient catch basins, storm sewers, culverts, water detention basins and other drainage appurtenances for the proper drainage of the area in the light of existing and future conditions. All such facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and requirements set forth in the Township Road and Improvement Ordinance or such other specifications as may be required by the Township Engineer where special circumstances so require. Storm drainage features shall be based on a fifteen-year frequency curve or greater if required by the Township Engineer. In addition, the requirements of Article XXXV, Surface Water Management, of this chapter shall be met.

D. Monuments. Monuments shall be of the size and shape required by N.J.S.A. 46:29-94 and shall be placed in accordance with said statute.

E. Street name signs. Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections within the subdivision. Such signs shall be of a type approved by the Township of Clinton and shall be placed in accordance with the standards of the Township of Clinton. No street shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate as to be confused with the name of existing streets. The continuation of an existing street shall have the same name.

F. Streetlighting. The subdivider shall be responsible for the installation of streetlighting facilities as approved by the Planning Board and in accordance with the standards of 165-74. [Amended 4-26-2000 by Ord. No. 718-00]

G. Topsoil protection. Topsoil which shall be removed in the course of regrading a subdivision shall not be used as spoil or removed from the subdivision site. Such topsoil shall be redistributed so as to provide at least six inches of cover on areas to be used as building sites from which topsoil was removed and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting.

H. The developer shall install the landscape design in accordance with § 165-77 and as approved by the approving authority. Prior to installation of any plantings on site, the landscape contractor shall meet with the Municipal Landscape Architect. [Amended 6-23-1999 by Ord. No. 689-99; 6-13-2007 by Ord. No. 923-07]

I. Sanitary sewers.

(1) Where a public sanitary sewer system is reasonably accessible and capacity available, each lot within a subdivision area shall be provided with sewage disposal facilities by the required extension of sewer mains and connections thereto, the costs thereof to be borne by the subdivider. All such installation of sewer mains and connections shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications and requirements of the Township and its Road and Improvement Ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer.

(2) Where a public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible, the subdivider may be required to install sewer lines and a sanitary sewage disposal plant at its own cost and expense and in accordance with the specifications and requirements of the Township and its Road and Improvement Ordinance, and all such installations shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Health, the State Department of Environmental Protection and the Township Engineer.

(3) Where a public sanitary sewer is not reasonably accessible and where installation of sewer lines and a sanitary sewage disposal plant is not required, in accordance with Subsection I(2) above hereof, the subdivider may be required by the Planning Board to install within the subdivision a complete sewer pipe system, including provision for connection thereto at each lot, provided that there is reliable information to indicate that connection of the development to a public sanitary sewerage system can be anticipated within a reasonable period of time. Under such circumstances, the subdivider shall be required to install individual sewage disposal systems for each lot at the time improvements are erected thereon. All such individual sewage disposal systems shall be constructed in accordance with therequirements of the, State Department of Environmental Protection and the Township Board of Health, and all such sewer pipe systems shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Township and its Road and Improvement Ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. The Planning Board may require the installation of said house sewer service connection to the curbline, at which point the same shall be capped.

J. Percolation tests. Where a sanitary sewer system is not accessible, the subdivider shall furnish to the Planning Board satisfactory proof that substrata under each lot is sufficient to support a properly functioning individual sewage disposal system conforming to the requirements of the State Department of Environmental Protection and regulations issued thereunder, as well as the ordinances of the Township of Clinton, unless said subdivider shall provide individual sewer lines and a sanitary sewage disposal plant as provided in Subsection I.

K. Water supply. When, in the opinion of the Planning Board, a public water supply system is accessible for the subdivision, each lot within the subdivision shall be provided with water supplied by said water supply system. All facilities for said system shall be installed pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of all ordinances pertaining thereto, including the Clinton Township Road and Improvement Ordinance, under the supervision of the Township Engineer.

(1) In the event that a public water supply system is not available to supply the proposed subdivision, the Planning Board may require construction of a private water supply system in such manner that an adequate supply of potable water will be available to each lot within the subdivision at the time improvements are erected thereon and so that such system can be incorporated into the public supply system when and if it shall become available. The water treatment and distribution system shall be constructed and installed in conformity with applicable ordinances of the Township of Clinton, subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. The adequacy, healthfulness and potability of the private water supply system shall be subject to the approval of the Township Board of Health and the State Department of Environmental Protection when such approval is required. The developer shall file with the Township a map of said water supply and distribution system, adequately locating the same.

(2) All water systems shall be installed in such manner as to ensure adequate pressures and quantities and ample flows for hydrants.

(3) If a public water supply system is not accessible and if construction of a private water supply is not required, each lot shall be served by an individual driven well constructed in accordance with Department of Environmental Protection and Clinton Township well codes. In such case and prior to preliminary approval, the subdivider shall submit evidence that underground potable water is available in sufficient quantity to serve the subdivision.

L. Fire protection water supplies for fire suppression. Purpose and applicability. In recognition that it may not be entirely possible to ensure complete fire protection to all areas to the Township, and to provide the Clinton Township Division of Fire with the minimum fire-fighting capabilities, all subdivisions of three or more new building lots, a minor subdivision of a property subdivided in the past three years which produces a total of three or more new building lots in the three-year period, and major site plans including 1,000 square feet or more of new building construction shall provide for a source of water for fire-fighting purposes pursuant to systems approved by the Township Fire Chief or his/her designee, and in accordance with the following criteria: [Added 12-18-2002 by Ord. No. 798-02; amended 6-11-2008 by Ord. No. 962-08]

(1) Extension of public water for fire-fighting water supply.

(a) Residential subdivisions and major site plans meeting the applicability standards outlined above shall bring public water, if available, to the site if the site is within 500 feet of a public water source as measured along the street right-of-way or publicly owned easement.

(b) Fire hydrants shall be installed along the route to a residential subdivision or major site plan in accordance with Subsection L(2) below.

(c) Residential subdivisions and major site plans located in areas where public water is neither available or required to be provided shall provide a fire-fighting water supply source in accordance with Subsection L(3) below.

(2) In all areas where existing public or private central water supply is available and has been approved by the Township Fire Chief or his/her designee for minimum fire-fighting purposes or where an extension of public water supply is required pursuant to Subsection L(1) of this section, the following standards shall apply:

(a) Fire hydrants shall be supplied by not less than an eight-inch water main.

(b) Fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with applicable codes and as recommended by the Fire Chief, or his/her designee, and at distances between hydrants not exceeding 800 feet.

(c) Fire hydrants located in parking areas shall be protected by barriers that will prevent physical damage from vehicles or blockage of access by parked vehicles.

(d) Fire hydrants shall be located within three feet of the curbline of fire lanes, streets or private streets when installed along such accessways in new developments.

(e) The entire existing central water supply system and each new hydrant shall have the capacity to provide a minimum flow rate of 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) at 20 pounds per square inch (psi) residual pressure for a minimum duration of two hours. Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with American National Standards Institute/American Water Works Association (ANSI/AWWA) C 502, "Dry Barrel Fire Hydrants", latest edition; painted as directed by the Township Fire Official; and tested in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 291, "Recommended Practice for Fire Flow Testing and Marking of Hydrants," latest edition, to ensure compliance with fire flow requirements. Acceptance test data shall be provided to the Township Fire Chief, or his/her designee, and the Township Engineer for review and approval. In areas where public or private central water supply is available, but such water supply does not have the capacity to satisfy the foregoing minimum standards, such central water supply system shall be supplemented with additional measures to satisfy the minimum fire-protection requirements of the Township. Such additional measures may involve any one or a combination of the following measures: installation of booster pumps with appurtenances, installation of underground water storage tanks with appurtenances, creation of drafting points with appurtenances or such other generally accepted means of increasing fire-fighting capabilities as may be recommended or approved by the Township Fire Chief or his/her designee.

(3) Areas where public water is not available for fire-fighting water supply. For major subdivisions of three or more new lots, a minor subdivision of a property subdivided in the past three years which produces a total of three or more new building lots in the three-year period, or all major site plans involving 1,000 square feet or more of new building construction, where public water is not available, underground storage tanks shall be installed to provide a source of water for fire fighting in accordance with the following minimum standards:

(a) In residential districts, underground water storage tanks shall be located and installed so that the furthest point of any dwellings is no farther than 800 linear feet from any such tank, or dry hydrant as measured along the street, either public or private, and the access driveway to the dwelling. In nonresidential districts, underground water storage tanks shall be located not farther than 800 feet from the farthest point of any principal structure. The capacity of every underground water storage tank or tanks shall be based on the proposed number of lots in the subdivision or the number of units in a residential site plan and NFPA 1142 "Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Firefighting", latest edition, using 75% of the tank capacity. Notwithstanding the above, the minimum capacity of every underground storage tank within a residential zoning district shall be 30,000 usable gallons. Tank capacity for nonresidential developments shall be based upon NFPA 1142 and the degree of hazard of the proposed structures to be protected.

(b) The underground storage tank shall be constructed of fiberglass or other noncorrosive material and shall be anchored in place. It shall provide two six-inch suction intake pipes each with a six-inch NST female swivel connection and cap. It shall be located behind the curb, but no less than six feet and no greater than nine feet from the curb face or pavement edge. All connections must be air tight, fire rated for drafting operations and be installed at a height of no more than 36 inches above grade or the maximum height of the suction intake of the fire apparatus, whichever is greater. The total lift shall be no more than 20 feet in elevation when all losses are totaled. Suction pipe shall be protected from vehicular traffic by two bollards. The bollards shall be located so as not to obstruct Fire Department access to the connection. To facilitate circulation and filling a four-inch pipe located at the tank with two, two-and-one-half-inch female NST swivels, fire rated with threaded caps shall be installed at a maximum height of two feet above grade. The tank shall include a thirty-inch or greater manhole with a locking cover surrounded by a concrete pad at ground level. Venting of the tank shall be a provided with an eight-inch minimum diameter pipe located at the tank, the vent is required to permit a minimum flow of 1,000 gpm. The vent must be separate from the water level indicator and constructed so as to prevent materials from easily being dropped into the tank. All piping used with the tank shall be steel or iron type and painted red.

(c) The underground water storage tank shall provide for drawing water directly from an opening on the top or, if the topography permits, from an attached dry hydrant with sufficient head and size of connecting pipe to permit a flow of 1,000 gpm for 30 minutes. Suitable access for fire-fighting apparatus must be provided to the tank or dry hydrant without blocking the passage of other apparatus equipment. An apron capable of supporting fire apparatus shall be provided in front of the tank, extending past the length of the tank and off the main roadway. The tank must provide a method for determining water level and an alarm system to warn of low levels external to the tank. All underground water storage tanks shall have a well pump installed which has sensors that indicate when the water level is lowered. The well pump shall be wired so as when the pump is running a red light indicating a low level will turn on. Even if the pump breaks down or trips the breaker fuse, the red light will stay on as a sign of trouble. A green light shall be installed to indicate that system power is on. A sign shall be installed to indicate that the Fire Department shall be contacted when the red light is on. When dry hydrants are used in conjunction with a storage tank, they shall be limited to no more than two elbows and a maximum of two dry hydrants per tank spaced no more than 800 feet apart and a maximum of six feet from the edge of the road. A structure may not be more than 500 feet from the most remote dry hydrant.

(d) Unless an equivalent alternate fire protection system is authorized by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment (hereinafter referred as the "Boards") and the Township and the Fire Official, in consultation with the Fire Chief, underground water storage tanks shall be constructed and installed in accordance NFPA 1142 "Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting" and the following:

[1] All tanks shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for installation and shall be provided with all necessary appurtenances and equipment, which shall be readily accessible to fire-fighting equipment. Riser connections shall be capable of producing 1,000 gpm for a minimum of 75% of the tank capacity. Design, location and installation of underground water storage tanks shall be approved by the Boards and Township Fire Chief in conjunction with the Township Engineer. Plan reviews, inspection and approvals for installation of the underground water storage tanks shall be in consultation with the Fire Department and the Township Engineer.

(e) The water storage tank location in nonresidential zones shall be delineated "No Stopping or Standing" zones on both sides of the street at each tank location for a distance of 75 feet in each direction from the water outlet device of such tank on both sides of the street. Such delineation shall be appropriately identified by signs meeting the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition and design standards set forth by the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The owner shall be required to give the Township the right-of-way to enforce these requirements under Title 39 of the New Jersey statutes.

(f) Any underground water storage tank to be located within 800 feet of a building must be operational in accordance with NFPA 1142 "Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting" prior to delivery of combustible building materials to the building site.

(g) The storage tanks must be located just outside the road right-of-way along a proposed property line within a dedicated access easement to the Division of Fire and the Township. The easement shall be restricted against any grading and must be maintained with no obstruction to the pipes, manholes and appurtenances.

(h) A minimum ten-year guarantee on the storage tank must be provided to the Township by the manufacturer prior to performance bond release.

(4) If approved by the Boards and Township Fire Chief, or his/her designee, in consultation with the Township Engineer, ponds, retention basins, lakes, streams and residential sprinklers systems may serve as equivalent fire-protection systems. NFPA 1142 "Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting" will apply where the following is not specific:

(a) For ponds or retention basins, the minimum capacity to supply an adequate source of water for fire protection is 30,000 gallons in volume excluding the bottom two feet of water in the pond or basin. The minimum capacity must be available throughout the year, even during drought conditions. Suitable access for fire-fighting apparatus must be provided to a dry hydrant or suitable drafting point connected to the pond or basin at all times. Installations and appurtenances shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief or his/her designee.

(b) Lakes or streams may be used, subject to the applicant's demonstration that the lake or stream meets the criteria set forth above for ponds.

(c) Any residential automatic sprinklers must be installed throughout a house in accordance with NFPA 13D and 13R.

(5) In all cases where automatic sprinkler systems are required to be installed pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-1 et seq., the standards set forth in NFPA 13 shall govern.

(6) Fire protection during construction shall be in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, the International Fire Code (IFC) and as outlined below.

(a) Fire Department vehicular access to all structures under construction shall be provided at all times. In areas where ground surfaces are soft or likely to become soft, hard all-weather surface access roads shall be provided.

(b) The fire-protection water supply system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and in service prior to bringing combustible materials to the site. (c) Trash and debris shall be removed from the construction site as often as necessary to maintain a fire-safe construction site.

(d) Flammable or combustible liquids shall be stored, handled or used on the construction site in accordance with the applicable provisions of NFPA 30, NFPA 58, and NFPA 395.

(7) The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) "Fire Service Features of Building and Fire Protection Systems" and the 2006 IFC shall be used as a reference for site construction, fire protection appurtenances and fire lanes. To facilitate access to the roof areas of buildings by fire company ladders, the finished grade, measured out from the point where the exterior wall or foundation of a building meets grade, shall not exceed a slope of 5% for a distance of at least 10 feet.

(8) The location of all fire protection systems and appurtenances shall be satisfactory to the Township Fire Chief, or his/her designee, at the time the development application is pending before the Boards. In all cases where a fire-protection system is required, no construction permit shall be issued for a dwelling or principal structure upon any lot within the subdivision or site plan until, to the extent necessary to afford fire protection to such a dwelling or principal structure, such system is installed and its operability tested and approved; prior to the issuance of an approval from the Fire Sub Code Official for a certificate of occupancy, the fire protection system shall be subject to the approval of the Township Fire Chief or his/her designee.

(9) A developer shall be required to include a provision in all deeds to property purchasers providing a right-of-way to the Township and the local fire company as may be needed for access to any such fire-protection devise. During the period of construction and until the release of the performance bond, the developer will be held responsible for any and all tests and maintenance which may become necessary or as ordered by the Township Engineer, Fire Sub Code Official and in coordination with the Township Fire Chief, or his/her designee, exclusive of hydrants connected to a public water supply. Following the release of the performance bond, the tank, its appurtenances, and the area of required access will become the property of the landowner for commercial properties and/or by a homeowners' association or some similar permanent organization which has the power to raise funds from the properties served. Those owners shall be responsible for annual testing, maintenance and upkeep, including, but not limited to, blockage from natural growth and snow removal. Under the direction of the Township Fire Chief, his/her company shall test the system for proper function prior to the issuance of the first construction permit and again prior to the release of the performance bond. The Fire Chief shall review such test records for deficiencies and/or make recommendations regarding the installation.

(10) Penalties. Failure to comply with any provisions of this section shall be considered as a failure to comply with above ordinance of the Township. Penalties shall be assessed by the Township Fire Official in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code, N.J.A.C. 5:70-1 et seq.

M. Electric, telephone and cable antenna television service. Except as otherwise provided in the regulations of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, in all major subdivisions electric, telephone and cable antenna television facilities shall be installed underground and, where applicable, in accordance with the latest requirements of said Board. Arrangements for such underground installation shall be made with the appropriate utility companies.

N. Easements. Easements of a width sufficient to allow proper maintenance shall be provided for the installation of all drains, storm drains, pipelines, gas mains, etc. Said easements shall be dedicated to the municipality by approved legal procedure.

O. Landscape and buffering requirement. See § 165-63K for additional landscape and buffering requirements for subdivisions of five lots or more. [Added 3-11-1998 by Ord. No. 645-98]

§ 165-62. On-tract installations for site plans.

Prior to the granting of final approval, the applicant shall have installed or furnished performance guaranties as set forth in § 165-49 for the ultimate installation of any required public on-tract improvements as the same are described in § 165-61. In addition, the Planning Board may require the installation of on-site improvements, as described in § 165-63 below, prior to the granting of final approval, which improvements it finds essential, before the issuance of a building permit. All such improvements shall be subject to approval and inspection of the Township Engineer as provided in § 165-61 above.

§ 165-63. On-site installations for site plans.

A. Pavement. All parking and loading areas, entrance and exit driveways and all road and access drives shall be paved and constructed in accordance with the Schedule of Article XI and applicable provisions of § 165-73, Roads and Improvements; of this chapter.31

B. All sites shall be drained and graded so as to control surface runoff efficiently. Storm drainage shall be connected to existing facilities whenever possible. In addition, the drainage design requirements of the Residential Site Improvement Standards, N.J.A.C. 5:21-1 et seq., shall apply to all nonresidential site plans. [Amended 8-25-2004 by Ord. No. 861-04]

C. Parking spaces, pedestrian walkways and entrance and exit driveways shall be painted on the finished pavement in traffic paint.

D. All paved areas shall be bounded by curbing of the type required by the Planning Board in accordance with the Schedule to Article XI and applicable provisions of the Township Road and Improvement Ordinance.

E. Sidewalks shall be constructed where required, in accordance with the Schedule to Article XI and applicable provisions of the Township Road and Improvement Ordinance. F. Landscape design. The developer shall install the landscape design in accordance with § 165-77 and as approved by the approving authority. Prior to installation of any plantings on site, the landscape contractor shall meet with the Municipal Landscape Architect. [Amended 5-27-1993 by Ord. No. 516-93; 6-24-1993 by Ord. No. 529-93; 6-14-2006 and 9-13-2006 by Ord. No. 908-06; 6-13-2007 by Ord. No. 923-07]

G. Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided for parking lots and shall be designed in accordance with the standards of § 165-74. [Amended 4-26-2000 by Ord. No. 718-00]

H. Utilities. All uses shall be provided with adequate water supply and sanitary disposal facilities, all in accordance with applicable local and state requirements.

I. The Planning Board may require items of construction such as retaining walls, guardrails, safety fencing, traffic barricades or other devices necessary in the interest of public safety and convenience.

ARTICLE X Off-Tract Improvement

§ 165-64. Cash payment or improvement required.

Prior to final approval of a subdivision or site plan, the applicant shall have made cash payments in the manner provided below with respect to the installation of any required off-tract improvements, or, at the applicant's option and with the consent of the Township, the applicant shall have constructed any required off-tract improvement.

A. Decision to construct. The Planning Board shall recommend to the Township Council when it believes that off-tract improvements are required because of a pending subdivision application. The Planning Board shall forward to the Township Council, together with its recommendation, an estimate of the cost of the off-tract improvements and the amount by which all properties to be serviced thereby, including the applicant's property, shall be benefited therefrom.

B. Estimate of cost and benefits. If the Township Council concurs in the recommendation of the Planning Board, it shall notify the Planning Board of its approval of the recommendation and the Planning Board shall then, with the aid of the Township Engineer and such other persons as have pertinent information or expertise, calculate:

(1) The cost of the improvement; and

(2) The amount by which all properties to be serviced thereby, including the subdivider's property, will be specially benefited therefrom.

C. Manner of construction. When those estimates are received, the Township Council shall then decide whether the off-tract improvement is to be constructed by:

(1) The Township as a general improvement;

(2) The Township as a local improvement; or

(3) The applicant under a formula providing for partial reimbursement by the Township for benefits to properties other than the subdivision, subject to agreement of the applicant to install the improvement.

§ 165-65. Determination of special benefits.

In determining benefits conferred on properties specially benefited by an off-tract improvement, the following formula shall, subject to adjustment for peculiar or exceptional conditions, be used:

A. The development shall be allocated that percentage of 100 computed by dividing the development land area by the total land area benefited by the off-tract improvement.

B. The development shall be allotted that percentage of 100 computed by dividing the maximum potential intensity use of the development by the maximum potential intensity of use under existing zoning limitations in the total land area benefited by the off-tract improvement. In the case of subdivision, an estimated number of lots may be used. In the case of site plans, estimated building floor area may be used.

C. In the case of linear improvements, i.e., roads, curbing, sidewalks, pipes, drains, sewers, drainage easements, etc., the development shall be allotted that percentage of 100 computed by dividing the distance, measured along the course of the off-tract improvement, from the connecting facility to the farthest abutting point of the development by the sum of the distances of all intervening properties, including the applicant's, abutting the off-tract improvement similarly measured.

D. The sum of Subsections A and B (and C if applicable) shall be divided by two (or three if Subsection C is included), to arrive at the percentage which, subject to discretionary adjustment as above stated, shall be the percentage of the total cost of the off-tract improvements which shall be apportioned to the applicant.