§ 165-55. Minor site plan.

[Amended 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 245-84]

Where applicable to the proposed use, a minor site plan application shall be accompanied by such information as required in § 165-56 for a preliminary site plan in order to allow the Planning Board to make an informed decision on the application along with such other information as may be indicated on Checklist No. 2 for determining completeness of an application for minor site plan approval.

§ 165-56. Preliminary plat.

The preliminary plat shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of §§ 165-70, Subdivisions, and 165-73, Roads and,Iinprovements, of this chapter in strict accord with modern and accepted planning techniques and procedures. The preliminary plat shall be drawn by such New Jersey licensed professional person or persons, depending upon the nature of the information to be provided, in accordance with the latest adopted rules and regulations of the state professional boards and shall bear the signature, seal and license number and address of said professional person. The plat shall show or be accompanied by sufficient information to establish the design, arrangement and dimensions of streets, lots and other planned features as to form, size and location. This information shall form the basis for the general terms and conditions upon which preliminary approval may be granted and shall include:

A. A key map showing the entire subdivision and its relation to the surrounding areas.

B. The tract name; Tax Map sheet, block and lot numbers; date; reference meridian; graphic scale; and the following names and addresses, together with consent to file:

(1) The name and address of the subdivider.

(2) The name, address and license number of the person who prepared the map.

(3) A certification that the applicant is the owner of the land or his authorized agent or that the owner has given consent under an option agreement, giving names and address of both.

(4) A certificate from the Tax Collector that all taxes and assessments for local improvements are paid to date.

C. Acreage of the tract to be subdivided, to the nearest hundredth of an acre.

D. Sufficient elevations or contours to determine the general slope and natural drainage of the land and the high and low points of the profiles of all proposed new streets, contours at five-foot intervals for slopes averaging 10% or greater and at two-foot intervals for land of lesser slope.

E. The location of existing and proposed property lines, streets, existing buildings, watercourses, railroads, bridges, culverts, drainpipes and any natural features, such as wooded areas and rock formations.

F. Location of all structures within 100 feet of the property.

G. The total area of each lot and the area within the maximum depth of measurement of each lot in square feet.

H. The zone district boundary lines, if any, on or adjoining the property to be subdivided and a schedule indicating the required minimum lot area, lot width, lot depth and front, rear and side yards of each zone district located on the property.

I. The minimum street setback line and side and rear yard setback lines of each lot.

J. A copy of any proposed protective covenants or deed restrictions applying to the land being subdivided.

K. A grading plan showing existing and final contours of each lot.

L. A soil erosion and sediment control plan and surface water management plan, if required, in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Clinton Township Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and the Clinton Township Surface Water Management Ordinance.

M. Plans, profiles and cross sections of all proposed streets.

N. Plans and profiles of proposed utility layouts, such as but not limited to sewers, storm drains, water, gas and electricity, showing feasible connections to existing or any proposed utility system, all in accordance with §§ 165-70, Subdivisions, and 165-73, Roads and Improvements, of this chapter. When an individual water supply or sewage disposal system, or both, is proposed, the plan for each such system must be approved by the appropriate local, county or state health agency. When a public sewage disposal system is not available, the subdivider shall have a minimum of two percolation tests, together with soil logs for these percolation test holes, made for each proposed lot in the subdivision, the tests to be located in the approximate area where the disposal field is intended to be located. The test holes shall be no closer together than 20 feet nor farther apart than 40 feet. The subdivider shall submit with the preliminary plat the soil log and results of all tests which are conducted, whether passing or failing the statutory requirements. A deep soil log in accordance with P.L. 1954, c. 199, is required for each five lots. The Township reserves the right to supervise or witness all or any percolation tests which are conducted, and the subdivider shall notify the County Department of Health at least 48 hours prior to the conducting of any tests. Any subdivision or part thereof which does not meet the requirements of this subsection or other applicable regulations shall not be approved.

O. Residential cluster details. In the case of a subdivision for a residential cluster, the following details or information shall be submitted:

(1) The amount and location of common open space to be provided.

(2) The location and description of any common facilities to be provided.

(3) A description of the organization to be established for the ownership and maintenance of any common open space and common facilities in accordance with Article XII.

P. An environmental impact statement (EIS) when required by § 165-72.

Q. Such other information as may be indicated on Checklist No. 3 for determining completeness of an application for preliminary subdivision approval. [Added 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 245-84]

§ 165-57. Final plat.

A. The final plat shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth or equal at a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet and in compliance with all provisions of Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960 (N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.). The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the following:

(1) The date, name and location of the subdivision, name of the owner and subdivider, graphic scale, reference meridian and name of the person who prepared the map.

(2) Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, street names, easements and other rights-of-way, park areas or land to be reserved or dedicated for public use, all lot lines and other site lines, watercourses, with accurate dimensions, including bearings and distances, and curve information consisting of the following minimum data:

(a) Central angle.

(b) Radii.

(c) Arc, and accurate dimensions to the actual street intersections as projected.

(3) The purpose of any easement or land reserved or dedicated to public use shall be designated, and the proposed use of sites other than residential shall be noted.

(4) Each block shall be numbered, and the lots within each block shall be numbered in conformity with the Municipal Tax Map, as determined by the Township Tax Assessor.

(5) Minimum building setback lines on all lots and other sites and side and rear yard setback lines.

(6) The location and description of all monuments, whether found, set or to be set.

(7) Names of owners of adjoining lands and of the land directly across the street or streets from the property involved.

(8) A certification by an engineer or surveyor as to the accuracy of the details on the plat.

(9) A certification that the applicant is the agent or owner of the land or that the owner has given consent under an option agreement.

(10) When approval of a plat is required by any officer or body of such a municipality, county or state, approval shall be certified on the plat.

(11) A certification from the Tax Collector that all taxes and assessments for local improvements on the property have been paid to date.

(12) As-built plans and profiles of all roads and utilities. Duplicate tracings and three black or blue-on-white prints shall be filed. One tracing and one print shall be filed with the Township Clerk, and one tracing and one print shall be forwarded to the Township Engineer.

(13) Final contours of the land according to the requirements of Section 40-115.

(14) Lot grading plans. Following final approval but prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the Township Engineer for his approval a separate detailed site plan of each lot, in duplicate, prepared by a licensed professional engineer, showing the existing contour lines of the plot upon which the dwelling structure is to be constructed, final elevations proposed for the corners of the plot, corners and floor level of the structure to be erected thereon, all swales, proposed terraces, sidewalks, steps and driveways, including the slopes thereof and provisions for the proper drainage thereof. Upon receipt of said site plan, the Township Engineer shall review the plan and determine whether or not it meets the standards set forth in this chapter. Upon making such a determination, the Engineer shall retain one copy and forward one copy of the site plan to the Construction Official.

(15) A letter containing a list of all items to be covered by a performance guaranty (cash or certified check), the quantities of each item, the cost of each item, utilizing prevailing unit prices common to the area, and the total amount of all items.

(16) A letter containing a list of all items to be covered by the maintenance guaranty.

(17) A letter from the Township Engineer stating that the required improvements have been installed to his satisfaction and in accordance with applicable Township specifications and that the performance guaranty is adequate to cover the cost of remaining improvements.

(18) A letter from the applicant's engineer stating that the final plat conforms to the preliminary plat as submitted and approved, except as provided in Subsection B below.

(19) Residential cluster details. In the case of a subdivision for a residential cluster, the following details or information shall be submitted:

(a) The amount and location of common open space to be provided.

(b) The location and description of any common facilities to be provided.

(c) A description of the organization to be established for the ownership and maintenance of any common open space and common facilities in accordance with Article XII.

(20) Such other information as may be indicated on Checklist No. 5 for determining completeness of an application for final subdivision approval. [Added 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 245-84]

B. Deviations from preliminary plat. The final plat shall conform to the preliminary plat as approved by the Planning Board, and any change from the approved plan shall require resubmission and reapproval in accordance with § 165-46.

§ 165-58. Preliminary site plan.

A. The preliminary site plan shall be drawn at a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch and shall include such details as may be necessary to properly evaluate the application and determine compliance with this chapter. The preliminary site plan shall be drawn by such New Jersey licensed professional person or persons, depending upon the nature of the information to be provided, in accordance with the latest adopted rules and regulations of the state professional boards and shall bear the signature, seal and license number and address of said professional person. Where applicable to the proposed use or construction, the following information shall be clearly shown:

(1) The date, name and location of the site, name of the owner, graphic scale and reference meridian.

(2) The area of the lot and all lot line dimensions.

(3) The location of all existing watercourses, wooded areas, easements, rights-of-way, streets, roads, highways, freeways, railroads, canals, rivers, buildings, structures, existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals and any other feature directly on the property or beyond the property if such feature has an effect upon the use of said property.

(4) The location, use and ground floor area of all existing and proposed buildings, with building setback, side line and rear yard distances.

(5) Zone district boundary lines, if any, on or adjoining the property to be subdivided and a schedule indicating the required minimum lot area, lot width, lot depth and front, rear and side yards of each zone district located on the property.

(6) Elevations at the corners of all proposed buildings and paved areas and at property comers if new buildings or paved areas are proposed. .

(7) The location and widths of proposed streets servicing the site plan.

(8) Specifications for, and location of, proposed surface paving and curbing.

(9) Location of all structures within 100 feet of the property.

(10) The location and capacity of proposed off-street parking areas and loading and unloading facilities. The site plan must also show the calculation of the number of parking spaces as required by the Zoning Ordinance.

(11) Proposed storm drainage and sanitary disposal facilities; specifically, the location, type and size of all existing and proposed catch basins, storm drainage facilities, utilities, plus all required design data supporting the adequacy of the existing or proposed facilities to handle future storm flows. Generally all storm drainage facilities and other utilities should be based on a design using parameters currently used in the area. In addition, the requirements of Article XXXV, Surface Water Management, of this chapter shall be met.

(12) The location and treatment of proposed entrances and exits to public rights-of-way, including the possible utilization of traffic signals, channelization, acceleration and deceleration lanes, additional widths and any other devices necessary to traffic safety and/or convenience.

(13) The location and identification of proposed open spaces, parks or other recreation areas.

(14) Proposals for soil erosion and sedimentation control in accordance with the Township Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance.

(15) A landscape design plan in accordance with the landscape design plan submission requirements in § 165-77C. [Amended 6-13-2007 by Ord. No. 923-07]

(16) The location of sidewalks, walkways, traffic islands and all other areas proposed to be devoted to pedestrian use.

(17) The nature and location of public and private utilities, including maintenance and solid waste disposal and/or storage facilities. Evidence of written approvals of appropriate Township and state authorities and written agreements with serving utilities shall accompany the application.

(18) The specific location and design of traffic control devices; signs and lighting fixtures. The Planning Board may require of the applicant expert testimony concerning the adequacy of proposed traffic control devices, signs and lighting fixtures.

(19) Preliminary architectural plans for the proposed buildings or structures, indicating typical floor plans, elevations, heights and general design or architectural styling.

(20) An estimate prepared by the applicant's engineer of construction costs of all on-site improvements, exclusive of buildings.

(21) The Planning Board may require Amy additional information which is reasonably necessary to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this chapter.

(22) Residential cluster details. In the case of a site plan involving a residential cluster, the following details or information shall be submitted:

(a) The amount and location of common open space to be provided.

(b) The location and description of any common facilities to be provided.

(c) A description of the organization to be established for the ownership and maintenance of any common open space and common facilities in accordance with Article XII.

(23) An environmental impact statement (EIS) when required by § 165-72.

(24) Such other information as may be indicated on Checklist No. 4 for determining completeness of an application for preliminary site plan approval. [Added 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 245-84]

B. If it can be demonstrated that because of peculiar conditions relating to the property or proposed construction, any of the above details are not necessary to properly evaluate the site plan, the Subdivision and Site Plan Committee may modify or waive any of the specific site plan details.

C. In reviewing the site plan, the Planning Board shall consider its conformity to the Master Plan and the other codes and ordinances of the Township. Traffic flow, circulation and parking shall be reviewed to ensure the safety of the public and of the users of the facility and to ensure that there is no unreasonable interference with traffic on surrounding streets. Drainage, conservation features, aesthetics, landscaping and impact on surrounding -development- as well as on the entire Township shall be a part of the Planning Board review. In its review, the Planning Board may request recommendation from traffic, conservation, recreation or other -local, county, state or federal boards or agencies which may have an interest in the particular development for which site plan approval is being sought.

D. A site plan for any manufacturing or industrial use as permitted in the CI and ROM Zones shall be accompanied by the following:

(1) A description of any proposed machinery operation, products, by-products and processes to be contained on the site, including a description of raw materials or original materials from which products are to be manufactured.

(2) A statement containing estimates of daily water consumption, volume and nature of sewage, waste and water to be disposed of and descriptions of water supply and sewage treatment facilities.

(3) A statement on the anticipated number of shifts and number of employees per shift.

§165-59. Final site plan.

A. The final site plan shall be drawn in the same manner as the preliminary site plan and shall clearly show all details prescribed in § 165-58. In addition, the final site plan shall show or include the following:

(1) Final contours of the property and for 100 feet outside the property at two-foot intervals when new buildings or parking areas are constructed. If only a portion of the property is being developed, contours need only be shown for said portion and 100 feet beyond.

(2) Final elevations at the corners of all buildings and paved areas and at property corners if new buildings or paved areas are constructed.

(3) Location signs and outdoor lighting.

(4) Such, other information as may be indicated on Checklist No. 6 for determining completeness of an application for final site plan approval. [Added 7-23-1984 by Ord. No. 245-84]

B. Final approval shall not be granted and a certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until all required improvements are installed.

C. Planning Board review. The Planning Board shall review the final site plan in the same manner as the preliminary site plan and shall ascertain that all requirements of this chapter are complied with.

D. The Township Engineer may authorize minor variations between the final and preliminary site plans caused by field conditions and shall notify the Planning Board of any change. All changes shall be shown on a final as-built site plan to be submitted to the Planning Board before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.