Prior to a preliminary submission, the applicant is encouraged to submit a sketch plan or a conceptual site plan for review and discussion with the Planning Board.

a. Sketch Plat of a Major Subdivision.

A.sketch plat of any major subdivision may be submitted for informal, preparatory discussion before the preliminary, plat is prepared. The sketch plat is designed to enable the Planning Board and the applicant to discuss and evaluate principles and potential problems involved before the applicant has gone to the expense of completing detailed engineering drawings as required for preliminary and final plats of major subdivisions.

b. Conceptual Site Plan.

As a preferred initial step, the applicant may submit a conceptual site plan for review by the Board. This step is optional and is recommended by the Board. The conceptual site plan is designed to enable the Board and the applicant to discuss and evaluate principles and potential problems involved before the applicant has gone to the expense of completing detailed engineering drawings as required for the preliminary and final site plan.

The Planning Board shall be authorized to establish reasonable criteria for the subsequent submission of the preliminary plat or site plan and notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, waive, for good cause, to the extent felt appropriate on the basis of the sketch or conceptual site plan any of the details required under this chapter for the processing of the applications for approval of the preliminary and final development plans. Conceptual review is intended to enable the applicant to proceed with the submission of the preliminary development plan on a reasonable, expeditious and sound basis and shall not be construed as authorization for any construction, nor shall such action be considered an indication of any future actions by the Board at the times of subsequent submissions. Such review shall not be binding on either the Board or the applicant.


§30-307.1 Procedure for Submittal.

A.preliminary submission is required of all subdivisions classified as major subdivisions and of all development proposals requiring major site plan review.

a. Submit to the Secretary to the Board twenty (20) copies of the preliminary development plan in accordance with subsections 30-307.2 through 30-307.5 below, twenty (20) copies of the completed application, eight (8) copies of the completed application checklist, and the fee in accordance with Article VII of this chapter. The Secretary to the Board shall process the application and certify the application, as complete or notify the applicant in writing of any deficiencies within forty-five (45) days of the submission. If the application has been found to be incomplete, it shall be returned to the applicant who may submit an appropriately revised application as in the first instance.

b. Applicant shall submit the application, plans and fee the County Planning Board for review and action, as required by State Statute or this chapter. The applicant shall provide evidence of compliance with this provision, prior to commencement of hearings by the Board.

c. Additional copies of the submission may be requested from the applicant to be forwarded to other individuals, officers and agencies for information, review and comment.


§30-307.2 Format for Preliminary Development Plans

a. Each submission shall be at scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet for a tract up to forty (40) acres in size; one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) inches for a tract over forty (40) acres in size. Each submission shall be on one (1) of three (3) of the following standard sheet sizes: eight and one-half by thirteen (8 1/2 x 13) inches, fifteen by twenty-one (15 x 21) inches, or twenty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36) inches unless an alternate sheet size is approved by the Borough Engineer. If one (1) sheet is not sufficient to contain the entire tract, the map may be divided into sections to be shown on separate sheets of equal sizes, with reference on each sheet to the adjoining sheet.

b. The application shall be submitted in bound sets of drawings. Each set of drawings shall be broken down according to the following criteria:

1. Title sheet.

2. Site survey and layout plan.

3. Clearing, grading and drainage plan.

4. Landscape and lighting plan.

5. Signage and striping plan.

6. Erosion and sedimentation control plan.

7. Utilities plan.

8. Building plans and elevation.

9. Construction details.

§30-307.3 Details Required for Preliminary Development Plans.

a. The following are required:

1. A key map showing the entire tract and its relation to the surrounding areas, at a scale of one (1) inch equals not more than two thousand (2,000) feet.

2. Title block:

(a) Name of development, municipality and County.

(b) Name and address of developer.

(c) Scale.

(d) Date of preparation.

(e) Name, address, signature and license number of the professional engineer and other professionals who prepared the drawing.

3. Name and address of the attorney representing parties, if any, giving the name of each client represented.

4. Graphic scale and north arrow.

5. Revision box.

6. Signature block on title sheet.

(a) Plan (or plat) of __________________________________________________________

Lot ____________ Section ______________ Map _____________ Zone _______________

Date ________________________________ Scale _________________________________

Application _________________________________________________________________

(b) I consent to the filing of the Development Plan with the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment (only include appropriate Board) of the Borough of Roseland.


Owner Date

(c) I hereby certify that I have prepared this Development Plan and all dimensions and information are correct.


Name Title & License No.

(d) I have reviewed this Development Plan and certify that it meets all codes and ordinances under my jurisdiction


Borough Engineer Date

(e) To be signed before the issuance of a Construction Permit: I hereby certify that all the required improvements have been installed or a bond posted in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances.

(If improvements installed)


Borough Engineer Date

(If bond posted)


Municipal Clerk Date

(f) Approved by the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment (only include appropriate Board).

Preliminary/Final (Circle One) __________________________________________________


Chairman Date


Secretary Date

7. A schedule of applicable zoning regulations affecting the property in question along with corresponding data for the application.

8. All existing tract boundary or lot lines with lengths of courses to 100ths of a foot and bearings to half minutes, the error of closure not to exceed 1 to 10,000. The tract boundary or lot lines shall be clearly delineated. All bearings shall be in the New Jersey Plane Coordinate System.

9. Existing block and lot number(s) of the lot(s) to be developed as they appear on the municipal tax map.

10. Name and address of the owner or owners of record and the names and addresses of all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the extreme limits of the tract as shown on the most recent tax list prepared by the Borough Tax Assessor. Lot and block number of each bordering lot.

11. Municipal boundaries within two hundred (200) feet of the tract and the names of the adjoining municipalities.

12. Zoning district boundaries affecting the tract.

13. The location of any portion which is to be developed in relation to the entire tract.

14.Acreage of the tract to be developed to the nearest tenth of an acre.

15. Existing contours at two (2) foot intervals where slopes are less than fifteen (15%) percent and at five (5) foot intervals when fifteen (15%) percent or more; referred to a known datum and indicated by a dashed line. All contours shall be based upon U.S.C. and G.S. datum.

16. Locations of all existing structures showing front, rear and side yard setback distances, and an indication of whether the existing structures and uses will be retained or removed.

17. The locations and dimensions of all existing railroad rights-of-way, bridges, culverts, water and sewer mains, gas transmission lines and light tension power lines within the tract and within two hundred (200) feet of its boundaries.

18. The locations and extent of all existing easements or rights-of-way, whether public or private, affecting the tract, including a statement of the limits and purposes of the easement rights.

19. The names, exact location and width along the property line of all existing streets, recorded streets, or streets shown on an Official Map or Master Plan of the Borough within the tract and within two hundred (200) feet of it.

20. The locations and species of isolated trees having a diameter in excess of six (6) inches (D.B.H.) and the location of all wooded areas.

21. All existing watercourses, including lakes and ponds, and drainage rights-of-way within the tract or within two hundred (200) feet thereof.

22. Unique natural features or historic sites or structures within the tract and within two hundred (200) feet thereof.

23. The boundaries and dimensions of any proposed new lot(s), proposed block and lot numbers as provided by the Borough Engineer upon written request, and the area of each proposed lot in square feet.

24. A sketch of the proposed layout or disposition of remaining lands, if any.

25. All public property and property proposed to be dedicated in the tract, accurately outlined and described with existing or proposed uses designated.

26. The location and use of all property to be reserved by covenant in the deed for the common use of all property owners or otherwise.

27. All proposed easements or rights-of-way, whether private or public, the limits and purpose of the easement rights being definitely stated on the plan.

28. Proposed grading at two (2) foot intervals, where slopes are less than fifteen (15%) percent and at five (5) foot intervals when slopes are fifteen (15%) percent or more, referred to a known U.S.C. and G.S. datum and indicated by a solid line.

29. For site plans, the location of all proposed buildings, structures, signs and lighting facilities; and refuse storage devices, together with all dimensions necessary to confirm conformity to this chapter.

30. For site plans, the location and designs of any off-street parking areas or loading areas, showing size and location of bays, aisles, and barriers.

31. All means of vehicular ingress and egress to and from the tract or site onto public streets, showing the size and location of driveways and curb cuts, including the possible utilization of traffic signs, signals, channelization, acceleration and deceleration lanes, additional width and any other devices necessary to prevent a difficult traffic situation.

32. Plans, typical cross sections, centerline profiles, tentative grades and details of all streets which are proposed to be improved, both within, abutting and off the tract, including curbing, sidewalks, storm drains, and drainage structures. Sight triangles, the radius of curblines and street sign locations shall be clearly indicated at intersections.

33. Plans of proposed improvements and utility layouts, including sanitary sewers, storm drains, water, gas, telephone, and electricity, showing feasible connections to any proposed utility systems. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply fully with all local, County and State regulations. If service will be provided by an existing utility company, a letter from that company stating that service will be available before occupancy will be sufficient. When individual onsite water supply or sewage disposal is proposed, the system shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the agency with jurisdiction and shall be accompanied by the necessary approvals.

34. The application shall include plans and computation for any storm drainage systems including the following:

(a) The size, profile and direction of flow of all existing and proposed storm sewer lines within or adjacent to the tract and the location of each catch basin, inlet, manhole, culvert and headwall with the invert elevations of each.

(b) The location and extent of any proposed drywells, ground water recharge basins, detention basins or other water or soil conservation devices.

35. When a stream is proposed for alteration, improvement or relocation or when a drainage structure or fill is proposed over, under, in or along a running stream, evidence of approval or of the request for approval, required modifications, or lack of jurisdiction over the improvement by the New Jersey Division of Water Policy and Supply shall accompany the application. In addition, the following documentation shall be submitted:

(a) Cross-sections of watercourses and/or drainage swales to scale showing the extent of floodplain, top of bank, normal water levels and bottom elevations at the following locations:

(1) At any point where a watercourse crosses a boundary of the tract.

(2) At a maximum of one hundred (100) foot intervals, but not less than two (2) locations along each watercourse which runs through the tract or within two hundred (200) feet of the tract.

(3) At fifty (50) foot intervals for a distance of five hundred (500) feet upstream and downstream of any point of juncture of two (2) or more watercourses within the tract and within one thousand (1,000) feet downstream of the tract.

(b) The delineation of the floodway, flood hazard and wetland areas within and adjacent to the tract.

(c) The total acreage in the drainage basin of any watercourse running through or adjacent to the tract in the area upstream of the tract.

(d) The total acreage in the drainage basin to the nearest downstream drainage structure and the acreage in the tract which drains to the structure.

(e) The location and extent of any existing and proposed drainage and conservation easements and of stream encroachment lines.

(f) The location, extent and water level elevation of all existing or proposed lakes or ponds within and adjacent to the tract.

36. When ditches, streams or watercourses are to be altered, improved or relocated, the method of stabilizing slopes and measures to control erosion and siltation, as well as typical ditch sections and profiles, shall be shown.

37. Proposed shade trees, screening, buffering and, in the case of site plans, landscaping, shown on a separate landscaping plan. The landscaping plan shall be prepared in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) The landscape plan shall be prepared by a New Jersey certified landscape architect.

(b) The landscape plan shall be based upon the topographic and tree survey as required in this Article.

(c) The plan shall identify and describe each type of intended landscape treatment and shall clearly state the objective of each such treatment and the condition in which said item(s) or area(s) are to be maintained.

(d) The plan shall show:

(1) Existing vegetation and whether or not it will remain.

(2) Existing individual trees in excess of six (6) inches (D.B.H.), identified by species and showing the approximate crown limits.

(3) Contiguous stands of trees with intergrown crowns which will be preserved.

(44) Existing and proposed contours and site clearance and grading limits.

(5) Limits of excavation, haul roads, stockpile areas, staging areas and the temporary and ultimate landscaping of each.

(6) Areas with special soils or slope conditions (existing and/or proposed).

(7) Specifications for proposed topsoiling, seeding, soil amendment and mulching.

(8) Proposed planting schedule:

(i) Proposed plantings shall be shown on the landscape plan by symbols appropriately scaled to represent the sizes at the time of planting (beds shall be shown in outline).

(ii) A schedule shall be provided giving scientific and common plant names (re: Standard Plant Names, J. Horace McFarland Co., publishers), sizes at the time of planting (American Association of Nurserymen increments), quantities of each kind of plant and proposed planting dates.

(9) For site plans, the plan shall show paths, steps, handrails, lighting, site furniture and play equipment, mail boxes, refuse storage devices, fences, retaining walls, surface drainage courses and inlets, and utilities to be located at or above ground.

(10) Details, cross sections, materials, surface and finished grade elevations as necessary for review and evaluation by the Board.

(11) Notes regarding special maintenance requirements during the period of establishment and the limits of any such special maintenance areas.

(12) Notes regarding permanent or temporary site maintenance commitments.

(13) If soil is to be removed or brought to the site, the quantity, method of transportation and steps to be taken to protect public streets shall be described.

(14) The proposed location, direction of illumination, power, and type of proposed outdoor lighting, with isolux lines drawn on a copy of the site plan.

38. For a site plan, preliminary elevations and plans of all buildings and structures, showing windows, doors, architectural treatment, roof treatment, roof appurtenances and screening, floor elevations, proposed methods of energy conservation, and the locations, dimension and legend(s) of all proposed signs. The Board may request that architectural renderings of the building(s) and sign(s) be provided to show and document the proposed architectural treatment. For a subdivision, the approximate basement, garage floor, and first floor elevation for each house.

39. The Board reserves the right to require additional sight line drawings to determine the impact of the building height on adjacent land uses.

40. Proposed permanent monuments as per the Map Filing Act N.J.S.A. 46:23.

41. An approved Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.

42. The Board reserves the right to require additional information before granting preliminary approval when unique circumstances affect the tract and/or when the application for development poses special problems for the tract and surrounding area. However, the need for such additional information shall not affect the determination of the completeness of the submission of the application for development.

43. No application shall be deemed complete unless all fees required at the time of submission have been paid.

44. Additional certification and documents shall accompany all preliminary development plans and shall include the following:

(a) Certification that the applicant is the owner or purchaser under contract for the land.

(b) Certificate from the Tax Collector that all taxes and assessments for local improvements are paid to date.

(c) Certification from the Board of Health approving the method and type of sewage disposal and water supply if public sewage disposal and/or water supply are not used.

(d) Comments from the Shade Tree Commission. The Shade Tree Commission is advisory and the Planning Board may take their comments into consideration when rendering a decision.

(e) Comments from the Environmental Commission. The Environmental Commission is advisory and the Planning Board may take their comments into consideration when rendering a decision.

(f) In a development served by public water hydrants are to be located and fire flows are to be such that they meet the minimum standards or the Insurance Services Office of New Jersey and certification to that effect from that agency shall be submitted.

(g) Domestic water supplies for each house shall have a residual pressure in the water main in front of the dwelling of not less than fifty (50) psi. Certification to that effect from either the serving utility or the Insurance Services Office of New Jersey shall be submitted.

(h) Certification of available sewage capacity from the serving utility.

(i) Where water or sewage service is to be obtained from a private or public utility system, certification from the appropriate agency that it has consented to such method of service and copies of all agreements or written consents from utilities undertaking to provide such services.

(j) A copy of all existing protective covenants or deed restrictions of every nature affecting the premises sought to be developed or any part thereof and including a statement as to whether such deeds or covenants are of record. A copy or abstract of the deed or deeds or other instruments by which title is derived with the names of all owners shall also be presented with the application.

(k) Corporate Disclosure.

Any corporation or partnership applying for permission to subdivide a parcel of land into six (6) or more lots or applying for a variance to construct a multi-family dwelling of twenty-five (25) or more units or applying for approval of a site to be used for commercial purposes shall submit to the Board a list of the names and addresses of all stockholders or individual partners owning at least ten (10%) percent of its stock of any class or at least ten (10%) percent of the interest in the partnership, as the case may be. If another corporation or partnership owns ten (10%) percent or more of the stock of the applicant corporation, or ten (10%) percent or greater interest in the applicant partnership, as the case may be, that corporation or partnership shall list the names and addresses of its stockholders or individual partners holding ten (10%) percent or more of its stock or ten (10%) percent or greater interest in the partnership, as the case may be, and this requirement shall be followed by every corporate stockholder or partner in a partnership, until the names and addresses of the noncorporate stockholders and individual partners exceeding the ten (10%) percent ownership criterion have been listed. (New)