§30-506.13 Noncurbed Roads (Using Surface Drainage Systems).

a. Positive drainage shall be provided to drain surface water runoff from the roadway pavement.

b. A five (5) foot shoulder with a five (5%) percent cross slope shall abut the edge of pavement.

c. All swales shall be designed to carry a twenty-five (25) year frequency storm for the drainage area served.

d. Drainage swales shall have a maximum side slope of 3:1.

e. All swales shall have a minimum grade of one-half (0.5%) percent to prevent silting and a maximum slope that will prevent erosion. Paved inverts and/or energy dissipators may be required.

f. The invert of all swales shall be a minimum of three (3) inches below the pavement section.

g. All swales shall be hydroseeded or similarly treated to ensure a stable erosion control surface immediately after construction.

h. The street right-of-way shall be widened to include all drainage swales where Borough maintenance of such swales will be required to ensure that the drainage system will function in a manner that protects the pavement from stormwater infiltration.

§30-506.14 Street Names and Numbers.

A.new street name shall not conflict with or be mistaken for an existing street name in the municipality or postal zip code unless the street is a logical extension of an existing street. The street numbering system shall be as approved by the Borough Engineer.

§30-506.15 Street Name Signs.

Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections within or abutting the development. Such signs shall be of a type approved by the Borough and shall be placed in accordance with the Borough's Standards or at the direction of the Borough Engineer.


All residential developments must comply with the most recent edition of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) and all its amendments. Where the RSIS do not address a specific design standard then the relevant standard established in this section shall apply. (New)

§30-507.1 Clear Sight Triangle.

The required dimensions of a clear sight triangle shall depend on the posted speed of the uncontrolled or major roadway. The sight triangle shall be laid out so that a driver ten (10) feet from the right-of-way line of the uncontrolled or major street can see approaching traffic at the following distances and an easement controlling construction shall be established for all portions of the clear sight triangle not in a public right-of-way. The sight triangle shall be clear of any obstructions from thirty (30) inches above grade to a point eight (8) feet above grade, except utility poles shall be permitted provided they do not present a safety hazard.

§30-507.2 Grades.

Intersections shall be approached on all sides by a straight and level area, a minimum of forty (40) feet in length the maximum grade of which shall be as follows:

§30-507.3 Separation.

Intersections shall be separated from adjacent roadway intersections by the minimum distances set forth below. The minimum distance shall be measured centerline to centerline along the intersecting street, and shall be dependent upon the type of intersection and the posted speed limit of the roadway between the two (2) intersections. Two (2) "T" intersections with approaches from opposite directions shall be considered full intersections.


All residential developments must comply with the most recent edition of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) and all its amendments. Where the RSIS do not address a specific design standard then the relevant standard established in this section shall apply. (New)

§30-508.1 Design of Driveways.

a. All driveways shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width and shall be constructed of at least four (4) inches of compacted subbase material and two (2) inches of three-eight (3/8) inch roadway stone or comparable material. Where driveways adjoin paved parking lots, these driveways shall be paved to the same standards as the parking lot. Aprons shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

b. Driveway grades shall not exceed ten (10%) percent at any point along the entire length of the driveway. In addition, the driveway grade shall not exceed eight (8%) percent for a distance of eight (8) feet from the curb line and a transition curve shall be provided between said eight (8%) percent grade and any increase in grade.

c. The side slopes of driveways shall be topsoiled, seeded, fertilized and mulched or otherwise stabilized to prevent erosion. If banks exceed a 2:1 slope, and the slope face is not stable rock, retaining walls shall be constructed in a manner approved by the Borough Engineer.

d. No driveway shall be located within five (5) feet of a side lot line unless it is a common driveway for attached duplex or multifamily dwelling. No driveway pavement area shall be wider than one-half () the width of a lot.

§30-508.2 Design f Parking Areas.

With the exception of single-family detached dwellings, all off-street parking areas shall meet the following requirements:

a. All off-street parking shall be paved with a minimum of one and one-half (1.5) inches of bituminous concrete (FABC) placed on top of a minimum of three and one-half (3.5) inches of stabilized base and a minimum of four (4) inches of compacted subbase, Type 5A, or an equivalent as approved by the Borough Engineer.

b. All parking and loading areas shall be curbed with granite block or concrete curbing constructed to Borough Standard specifications unless the applicant can demonstrate that elimination of the curbing will not decrease the useful life of the pavement, have a negative effect on drainage, or increase maintenance costs.

c. All parking and loading areas shall have a convenient means of ingress and egress.

1. The applicant shall demonstrate to the Board that ingress and egress will not adversely affect the flow of traffic on Borough streets.

2. Traffic circulation shall be designed to minimize the use of aisles serving parking areas.

3. For nonresidential uses, parking areas with more than twenty-five (25) spaces shall have separate entrances and exits.

4. Where a combined entrance and exit is provided, the access road shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24) feet in width.

5. Where separate entrances and exits are provided, the minimum roadway width shall be fifteen (15) feet.

d. If a parking lot has an area of less than eight thousand (8,000) square feet, an area equal to five (5%) percent of the lot shall be maintained as open space. If a parking lot has an area of greater than eight thousand (8,000) square feet, an area equal to ten (10%) percent of the lot shall be maintained as open space. Said open space shall be within the perimeter of the lot and shall be appropriately planted or designed for the retention of existing trees. All plantings shall be protected by curbing, bumpers or bollards. Within any parking area there shall be at least one two and one-half (2 ) (D.B.H.) caliper or larger shade tree for each ten (10) spaces.

e. All portions of the property not used for off-street parking, loading or access shall be attractively landscaped with lawns, trees and shrubs as approved by the Board. Parking areas visible from a street shall, through the use of landscaping, be intermittently screened.

f. Striping and directional and traffic safety signs shadl be pro provided throughout the parking, loading and circulation areas in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

g. All lighting shall be so arranged and shielded to reflect light downward and away from adjoining streets and properties.


§30-509.1 General.

Each site plan shall provide for the removal of all solid wastes and shall further provide for temporary on-site storage of all solid waste materials.

§30-509.2 Access.

Adequate access shall be provided to all solid waste storage facilities. Such access shall accommodate the type of vehicle normally used for the collection of wastes.

§30-509.3 Location.

a. Storage of wastes which produce no discernible odor may be outdoors.

b. Outdoor solid wastes storage facilities shall be visually screened from elsewhere on the project and from all property lines.

c. Storage of wastes which produce a discernible odor shall be within a building.

§30-509.4 Recycling.

Requirements set forth in the Borough of Roseland Municipal Ordinance Number 28-1986, its amendments, and the New Jersey Statewide Mandatory Source Separation and Recycling Act and all subsequent revisions shall be complied with. Specifically, all Subdivision and Site Plan Applications submitted to the Borough must provide for the recycling of designated materials. The following items should be addressed:

a. Identify materials to be collected.

b. Identify proposed recyclable material storage locations.

c. Identify locations where recyclable materials are to be picked up.

d. Identify frequency of collections.

e. Identify quantity of recyclable materials expected to be generated.

f. Where outdoor storage is proposed, the storage area shall be suitably screened from view.

§30-510 LIGHTING.

§30-510.1 Street Lighting.

Street lighting of a type supplied by a utility company and of a type and number approved by the Borough Engineer shall be provided where deemed necessary for safety reasons. Wherever electric utility installations are required to be underground, the applicant shall also provide for underground service for street lighting.

§30-510.2 Parking Areas and Walkways.

For all uses other than single family or two-family residential uses, all areas between buildings, all parking areas and walkways, all passageways and driveways shall be adequately illuminated for security and safety reasons, in accordance with the standards set forth below. The lighting in and around parking areas and any other said lighting shall be nonglare light focused downward, and shall be shielded, buffered and directed so that glare, direct light or reflection will not become a nuisance to adjoining properties, adjoining residential units, or adjoining streets. All light poles which are within two hundred fifty (250) feet of a residential zone must contain House Side Shields or similar apparatuses so as to prevent light from shining onto adjacent residential zones. For parking areas, lighting shall be provided with a mounting height of not more than twenty-five (25) feet or the height of a building, whichever is less, except for parking areas located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of a residential zone, in which case the mounting height shall not exceed twelve (12) feet. Mounting height shall be measured from the ground level to the centerline of the light source. Lighting, other than pedestrian walkway lighting, shall be spaced at a distance not to exceed six (6) times the mounting height. Any other exterior lighting such as building and sidewalk illumination, driveways with no adjacent parking, lighting of signs, and ornamental lighting, shall be adequately lighted for security and safety purposes, in accordance with the standards set forth below, and shall be as shown on the lighting plan in sufficient detail to allow determination of effects on adjacent properties, traffic safety and overhead sky glow. Any such lighting shall be nonglare lights focused downward, and shall be shielded, buffered and directed so that glare, direct light or reflection will not become a nuisance to adjoining properties, adjoining residential units, or adjoining streets. The objective of these specifications is to minimize undesirable offpremises effects. No light shall shine into windows or onto streets and driveways in such a manner as to interfere with or distract driver vision. To achieve these requirements the intensity of such light sources, the method of light shielding and similar specifications shall be subject to site plan approval. (Ord. No. 5-2000 § I)

§30-510.3 Intensity of Lighting.

Minimum maintained horizontal illumination shall be as follows:

§30-511 DRAINAGE.

All residential developments must comply with the most recent addition of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) and all its amendments. Where the RSIS do not address a specific design standard then the relevant standard established in this section shall apply. (New)

§30-511.1 Design Storms.

Storm sewers, open channels, bridges and culverts shall be designed for minimum flow capacities as follows:

§30-511.2 Surface Drainage.

a. As required, approval for drainage systems of facilities shall be obtained from the appropriate municipal, County, State and Federal agencies and offices or such approval shall be a condition of preliminary approval. When required, each applicant shall make application to the State Division of Water Policy and Supply of the Department of Environmental Protection, to the County Engineering Department and to the Borough Engineer. Letters of approval from the appropriate governmental authorities shall be furnished to the Board Secretary, with copies to the Borough Engineer.

b. Where a lot or a tract is traversed by a watercourse, surface or underground drainage system, channel or stream carrying water from an adjacent tract of land, there shall be provided and dedicated a drainage right-of-way easement to the Borough conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse, and such further width or construction or both as will be adequate to accommodate expected stormwater runoff in the future, based upon reasonable growth potential in the Borough and in any event, meeting the minimum widths and locations shown on an adopted Official Map or element of the Master Plan for the Borough, or where not so shown having a minimum width of twenty (20) feet.

c. The system shall be adequate to carry off or store the stormwater and natural drainage which originates not only within the lot or tract boundaries, but also that which originates beyond the lot or tract boundaries and traverses the site. No stormwater runoff or natural drainage shall be diverted so as to overload existing drainage systems or create flooding or the need for additional drainage structures on other private properties or public lands without adequate provision for off-tract improvements to accommodate the condition(s). Final disposition of stormwater shall be to an existing natural watercourse.

d. Street and off-site drainage facilities must be provided with sufficient catch basins, storm sewers, culverts, swales, and/or other drainage appurtenances for the proper drainage of the area in light of existing conditions and the proposed construction of buildings and paved areas.

e. Lots shall be graded to secure proper drainage away from buildings and into drainage facilities. Additionally, drainage shall be provided in a manner which will prevent the collection of stormwater in pools or other unauthorized concentrations of flow. To the extent possible. grading shall not divert water to-flow across property lines.

§30-511.3 Building Drainage.

a. All sump pumps, roof leaders and foundation drains shall be connected to the drainage system, if available.

b. To prevent water from entering basements or cellars in areas where a high water table exists or is anticipated, as determined from secondary sources, the Board shall require the applicant to provide adequate subsurface drainage facilities before any basements or cellars are approved for construction

§30-511.4 Materials.

Storm sewers and culverts shall be constructed of reinforced concrete pipe, corrugated metal pipe, or aluminum culvert pipe as hereinafter specified.

a. Reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to the requirements of "Standard Specifications for Reinforced Concrete Pipes, A.S.T.M. designation C-76" of the year of last revision.

b. Corrugated metal pipe shall conform to the requirements of current A.A.S.H.O. specifications, designation M-36, for corrugated metal culvert pipe, and, in addition shall be provided with an exterior bituminous lining applied by a centrifugal method, extending not less than one-eighth (1/8) inch beyond the rest of the corrugations forming the entire inner circumference of the pipe. After application of the lining, the internal diameter of twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) inch pipe shall not vary more than one and one-half (1.5%) percent from the nominal diameter. The internal diameter of larger pipe after application of the lining shall not vary more than one (1%) percent or three-eights (3/8) inch whichever is greater, from the nominal diameter. Material for lining shall conform to the requirements of Article 8.1.3 of the New Jersey State Highway Department Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction for 1961 as amended.

c. Where adequate to accommodate stormwater runoff, six (6) inch PVC may be used to connect yard drains, leaders, etc. However, adequate cleanouts shall be provided to allow for maintenance of the system.


All residential developments must comply with the most recent edition of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) and all its amendments. Where the RSIS do not address a specific design standard then the relevant standard established in this section shall apply. (New)

§30-512.1 Statement of Purpose.

It is hereby determined that the lakes and waterways within the Borough of Roseland are at times subjected to flooding; that such flooding is a danger to the lives and property of the public; that such flooding is also a danger to the natural resources of the Borough, County and State; that development tends to accentuate such flooding by increasing stormwater runoff, due to alteration of the hydrologic response of the watershed in changing from the undeveloped to the developed condition; that such increased flooding procedured by the development of real property contributes increased quantities of water-borne pollutants, and tends to increase channel erosion; that such increased flooding, increased erosion, and increased pollution constitutes deterioration of the water resources of the Borough, the County and the State; and that such increased flooding, increased erosion and increased pollution can be controlled to some extent by the regulation of stormwater runoff from such development. It is therefore determined that it is in the public interest to regulate the development of real property and to establish standards to regulate the additional discharge of stormwater runoff from such developments as provided in this.

The stormwater management design for all residential and nonresidential development shall be in conformance with the Stormwater Management Rule (N.J.A.C. 7:8) of the State of New Jersey and the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual published by the NJDEP dated April 2004 and amended thereafter. These rules set forth the required components of regional and municipal stormwater management plan and establish the stormwater management design and performance standards for new (proposed) development. The design and performance standards for new development include groundwater recharge, runoff quantity controls, runoff quality controls and Category One buffers. Details of the performance standards can be found in Subchapter 5 of the Stormwater Management Rules. (Ord. No. 10-2006)

§30-512.2 Applicability.

The provisions of this section shall be applicable to each of the types of development named below.

a. All site plans and subdivision plans that will add one or more acres of impervious surface (except as provided in paragraph b. below).

b. In the event that control of stormwater runoff is mandated in certain areas for construction covering less than one (1) acre of ground, such lesser developments shall come under provisions of this section.

c. In the case of projects for which State and/or County as well as municipal approval of proposed drainage facilities is required, the applicants shall be required to comply with the stricter of the provisions. The only provisions of the municipal ordinance which shall govern are those requirements which are stricter than those of the County.