Article V Design Standards
§30-501 PURPOSE.

a. Applications for development within the Borough shall conform to the design standards provided in this Article. Where applicable, conformance with the Master Plan regarding location of streets, rights-of-way, parks and playgrounds and other such uses shall be required.

b. Where a particular project requires construction not covered in these standards, the proposed design will be evaluated on the basis of normally accepted engineering and/or architectural design practices. In the case of nonconstruction related items, the proposed design will be evaluated on the basis of normally accepted engineering, architectural and/or planning practices.

c. The Board, when acting upon development applications shall have the power to grant such exceptions from the requirements of this Article as may be reasonable and within its general purpose and intent, if the literal enforcement of one or more provisions is impracticable or will exact undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question.


§30-502.1 Retail Sales and Services.

All buildings shall be designed with a parking area and access to a public street. When a site contains more than one (1) building or use, a common architectural theme shall be reflected through the choice of building materials, architectural style, sign controls and color coordination. Special consideration should be given to pedestrian access.

§30-502.2 Other Nonresidential (Including Office).

Each individual lot shall have access to a public street. Loading areas and access to loading areas shall be provided and shall be separate from parking areas and aisles. A landscaped buffer with plantings and/or mounding shall be provided between commercial and residential uses. Such buffer shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in depth. No use shall create glare, heat, odor, noise or physical vibrations perceptible at a property line. Where a site contains more than one building, a compatible architectural theme shall be reflected through the choice of building materials and the use of landscaped open space.


All residential developments must comply with the most recent edition of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards and all its amendments.

§30-503.1 Lots.

a. Lot dimensions and area shall not be less than the requirements of the zoning regulations.

b. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines.

No lot shall be created on which construction will be rendered impracticable because of existing physical conditions. Where that situation occurs the affected land shall be incorporated into the adjoining lots or contiguous open space.


§30-503.2 Block.

Block length and width or acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size of lot required by this chapter and to provide for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic.


3.0-504.1 Project Planning.

All residential developments must comply with the most recent edition of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) and all its amendments.

a. A particular tract may include more than one (1) phase or project.

b. Final approval may be granted separately for each phase or project. (New)

§30-504.2 Pedestrian Circulation.

Pedestrian circulation shall be provided and shall be separate from motor vehicle circulation wherever possible.

§30-504.3 Dwelling Unit Mix.

The dwelling unit mix for a particular tract shall be such that no more than seventy-five (75%) percent of the total number of dwelling units shall have the same number of bedrooms. The dwelling unit mix for each phase of a development or for a project on a tract need not reflect the dwelling unit mix prescribed for the entire tract. In such cases, the Board shall include, as a condition of final approval on a particular phase or project, the provision that future projects or phases shall bring the dwelling unit mix into conformance with the above standard.

§30-504.4 Layout.

To the greatest extent possible, the site plan shall divide intended uses into individual small groups using such features as quadrangles, courts, clustering and landscaping. The monotonous repetition of elements shall be avoided.


No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any use until documentation is provided to the Construction Code Enforcement Official that the intended use(s) will comply with the performance standards enumerated below and as per State Uniform Construction Code Act N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq. (New)

a. Storage and Disposal of Waste.

No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such form or manner that they may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces, nor shall any substances be deposited which can cause an underground aquifer to fail to meet applicable State water quality standards. All materials or waste which might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which may be edible or otherwise attractive to rodents or insects shall be stored indoors and enclosed in appropriate containers adequate to eliminate such hazards. All hazardous materials used on the site shall be disposed of in a safe manner in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations.

b. Ventilation.

No use shall obstruct the natural ventilation of adjacent uses. Further, no air conditioners or exhaust fans shall be permitted to discharge exhausted air unless setback from all property lines ten (10) feet or more or unless equipped with baffles to deflect the discharged air away from adjacent uses.


All residential developments must comply with the most recent edition of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) and all its amendments. Where the RSIS do not address a specific design standard, then the relevant standard addressed in this section shall apply.

§30-506.1 General.

Each development shall have access to a street. Such access shall be designed and constructed for, and shall be evaluated by the Board as to adequacy for entering and exiting vehicles and for emergency vehicles. (New)

§30-506.2 Public Streets.

a. All lots shall have frontage on a public street except that lots for residential uses other than detached single family residential uses may have access from a private street, as approved by the Board.

b. All public streets shall be located in a right-of-way dedicated to the Borough and having the following minimum widths, measured from lot line to lot line unless another width is specifically recommended in an adopted element of the Master Plan or on an adopted Official Map for the Borough:

Arterial streets 60 feet

All other streets 50 feet

Developments that adjoin or include existing public streets which do not conform to the above required right-of-way widths shall dedicate the required additional width along one (1) or both sides of said street. If development is proposed along one (1) side of the street only, then one-half () of the required extra width shall be dedicated.

§30-506.3 Private Streets.

a. Residential developments for other than detached single family residential uses may include private streets.

b. No site plan controlling access to streets shall be approved except when the control and disposal of said land controlling access has been placed with the Borough or unless a protective deed restriction has been approved by the Board.

c. The applicant shall demonstrate, prior to final approval, a means to maintain the streets. The Board shall require a maintenance agreement. This agreement shall include the Borough's right to enter the premises to make repairs and/or conduct other necessary maintenance. The cost for such repairs and/or maintenance by the Borough shall he paid by the property owner(s) and shall include all legal, administrative clerical, planning and engineering costs associated with the work.

§30-506.4 Location.

Streets shall be designed to converge traffic flows at convenient access points. Street design shall discourage through traffic within residential areas. To facilitate traffic flows at major intersections, turning lanes may be required. Acceleration and deceleration lanes shall be installed at exits and entrances to commercial and industrial areas unless the Board is satisfied that such lanes are not required.

a. The arrangement of streets shall be such as to provide for the extension of existing streets.

b. Private access to nonresidential uses shall not be through a residentially zoned lot or lots.

c. The approval by the Board of any map or plat delineating streets shall in no way be construed as an acceptance of any street indicated thereon.

§30-506.5 Clear Sight Triangle.

Clear sight triangles shall be provided at all street intersections. Within such triangles, no vision obstructing object shall be permitted within the height of thirty (30) inches and eight (8) feet above the elevation of the intersecting street. The size of the sight triangle shall be as established in subsection 30-507.1.

§30-506.6 Culs-de-sac

All cuts-de-sac of a permanent nature (where provision for the future extension of the street to the boundary of the adjoining property is impractical or impossible) or of a temporary nature (where provision is made for the future extension of the street to the boundary line of an adjoining property) shall be no more than six hundred (600) feet in length and provide access to no more than forty (40) dwelling units and shall provide a turnaround at the end with a radius of fifty (50) feet at the curbline. For public streets, an additional ten (10) foot wide utility and planting strip shall be provided around the entire cul-de-sac for a total right-of-way radius of sixty (60) feet. The center point for the radius shall be off-set to a point where the radius becomes tangent to the right curbline of the associated street.

§30-506.7 Pavement.

a. Subgrade.

Topsoil shall be stripped from the proposed roadbed for the entire width of pavement, shoulders, gutters, curbs, sidewalks or other required improvements. All unsuitable material shall be removed. The subgrade shall be compacted to a density of not less than ninety-five (95%) percent under optimum moisture conditions. All embankments shall conform to current New Jersey State Highway Specifications, as amended.

b. Pavement Materials.

The quality of surfacing and base materials used shall adhere to the minimum standards set forth by the County or State when said street is within their jurisdiction. For streets under the jurisdiction of the Borough the following standards shall apply:

1. As a minimum, any new street shall be constructed according to the specifications and procedures set forth in the New Jersey State Highway Department Standard Specifications (1983) as amended.

2. The base course shall be five (5) inches stabilized base placed on four (4) inches of subbase Type 5A, which has been inspected and approved by the Borough Engineer.

3. The surface course for all classes of Borough streets shall consist of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches of bituminous concrete, Type FABC-1, Mix No. 5.

4. An alternate pavement section may be approved by the Board if the applicant can demonstrate to the Board's satisfaction that the proposed pavement section is adequate to serve the anticipated volume and type of traffic. However, for any pavement section approved, the surface course must be bituminous concrete Type FABC-1, Mix No. 5.

§30-506.8 Pavement Widths.

Pavement width shall be as follows:

Arterial streets 40 feet with 20 feet on either side of centerline

All other streets 30 feet with 15 feet on either side of centerline

The Board may approve a reduction in the pavement width as follows:

a. Local Public and Private Streets.

If the street is a cul-de-sac providing access to not more than twenty (20) dwelling units or if the street provides no parallel parking to meet the parking requirements of subsection 30-520.1, the minimum pavement width may be reduced to twenty-four (24) feet.

b. Collector Streets.

If the street will not have on-street parking, or residential uses with frontage on the collector, the pavement width may be reduced to twenty-six (26) feet. with a four (41 foot wide graded shoulder on .each side..

§30-506.9 Curbs.

Curbing for Borough streets shall be granite block with a six (6) inch curb face on all streets, except on arterial streets, which shall have an eight (8) inch curb face. However, on streets under the jurisdiction of the County or State, curbing shall be in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate authority.

An alternate form of curbing may be approved by the Board if the applicant can demonstrate to the Board's satisfaction that a substantial cost savings will result and that no loss in the useful life of the curbing and no increase in maintenance costs will occur. On private streets, the Board may waive the requirements for curbing if the applicant can demonstrate that no adverse impact will occur to the pavement, that drainage will not be impaired, and that the drainage system and facilities can easily be maintained.

On Borough streets other than minor streets and on private streets, the Board may waive the requirements for curbing if the street is specifically designed for construction without curbing, if drainage will not be impaired, if there will be no adverse impact to the pavement, if the drainage system can easily be maintained, and if it can be shown that any increased cost in maintenance will be offset by the overall improvement in road design.

a. If Belgian block, stones shall not be less than ten (10) inches in height and shall be constructed to show a vertical face above the roadway pavement of six (6) inches,

b. If concrete, the curbing shall meet the following specifications:

1. The concrete to be used for curbs shall be Class B Concrete as specified in the New Jersey State Highway Specifications for Curbs and Gutters.

2. Expansion joints shall be provided at maximum intervals of ten (10) feet and shall be sealed as specified by the Borough Engineer.

3. The curb at driveway openings shall be depressed to the extent that one and one-half (1 1/2) inches extends above the finished pavement.

4. Concrete curbs for local roads shall be eight (8) inches wide at the base and not less than seven (7) inches wide at the top. Their height shall not be less than twenty inches (20") and shall be constructed to show a vertical face above the pavement of six (6) inches. The rear top corner of the curb shall have a radius of one-fourth (1/4) inch, and the front top corner shall have a radius of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches.

c. Depressed curb ramps for the handicapped shall be installed at all curb radii where sidewalks intersect the curb in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

§30-506.10 Sidewalks and Aprons.

a. Sidewalks shall be installed along Borough streets in all developments in order to ensure safe pedestrian movement within the development and into adjacent areas. Additionally, sidewalks shall be installed in all areas wherever pedestrian traffic is anticipated to occur such as between parking areas and buildings or between buildings. Sidewalks shall be four (4) feet wide and constructed of four (4) inch thick Class B concrete, as specified in the New Jersey State Highway Specifications, as amended, and in accordance with the Borough Standard Details.

b. The Board may waive or modify the requirements for sidewalks if it is demonstrated by the applicant that adequate provision for pedestrian circulation has been provided through such methods as pedestrian paths, except that sidewalks may still be required along principal routes to schools.

c. Driveway aprons shall be constructed between the curb (or edge of pavement) and the sidewalk, or in the absence of sidewalk, for a distance of four (4) feet back from the curb, (or edge of pavement). The standard for materials shall be six (6) inches of Class B concrete as specified in the New Jersey State Highway Specifications, as amended.

§30-506.11 Grades.

The maximum grade for a new street shall depend on road classifications. Maximum grades shall be as follows:

§30-506.12 Sight Distances.

The geometry of roads shall meet the following minimum design criteria: