24-4.1 Schedules of Regulations.
The restrictions and controls intended to regulate development in each district are set forth in the attached schedules, which are supplemented by other sections of this Chapter.
There shall be excluded from any R-80, R-40, R-20, R-15, R10 and R-5 single-family residential districts "Conditional Uses" as permitted within the C-80 Conservation District. More particularly, golf courses, ski slopes and other similar downhill recreational facilities, swim clubs, country clubs, other similar outdoor recreational facilities.
In addition to the conditional uses enumerated in the attached schedules, there shall be permitted as conditional uses only in the B-10, B-12 and B-40 Districts the following uses:
a The leasing or renting of new or used cars, as an accessory use on a site upon which a principal permitted use is also being operated; provided, however, that the accessory use shall not occupy more than ten (10%) percent of the total area of the site; and further provided that the minimum zoning dimension requirements for the principal use shall be satisfied exclusive of the area assigned to the accessory use. No more than two (2) conditional accessory uses shall be allowed per site.
b. The conditional accessory uses described in the preceding paragraph shall not be allowed in the IP-120, GI-80, or GI-200 Zones.
c. Motor vehicle body repair shops are permitted as a conditional use in the B-40, B-12 and B-10 Districts.
d. Accessory apartments shall be permitted as a conditional accessory use in all residential zones upon the conditions established in subsection 24-6.1, paragraph j.
e. ML Zones. The following uses are permitted in both the ML-1 and ML-2 Zones:
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1. Residential dwelling units;
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2. Recreational facilities accessory to the residential use;
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3. Off-street parking.
f. Professional and business offices shall be permitted as a principal use in the L.O.D. District. Parking, walkways, landscaping and lighting shall be permitted accessory uses.
g. Reserved.
h. Signs shall be permitted as a permitted accessory use in all zones upon the conditions established in subsection 24-6.8.
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1. Nursery school and child daycare center.
j. The area, bulk and yard requirements for the POS Zone shall be the same as the requirements for the C-200 Zone.
k. In the IP-120 Zone the following conditional uses are allowed:
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1. Essential services subject to subsection 24-6.9, paragraph b.
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2. Health and fitness center facilities subject to subsection 24-6.9e.
l. In the GI-80 Zone District the following conditional uses are allowed:
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1. Any IP-120 Zone conditional use, except health and fitness center facilities, under the same conditions as prescribed therein. (Ord. #574; 1976 Code Ch. 179; Ord. #622; Ord. #672; Ord. #732; Ord. #742; Ord. #798; Ord, #811; Ord. #851; Ord. #860; Ord. #883; 1976 Code §179-10; Ord. #906; Ord. #937x; Ord. #938, §§I, 3; Ord. #954; Ord. #955, §4; Ord. #992, §I; Ord. #978, §III; Ord. #1000, §l; Ord. #1011, §III; Ord. #1036, §III; Ord. #1038, §§I, II; Ord. #1120, §4; Ord. #1121, §4; Ord. #1123, §III; Ord. #1124, §I; Ord. #1155, §I; Ord. #1211, §III; Ord. #1230; Ord. #1252, §1; Ord. #1368, §II; Ord. #1401, §§II, IV)
24-4.2 Application of Regulations.
Except as hereinafter otherwise provided:
a. No building or structure shall be erected and no existing building or structure shall be moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land or building be designed, used or intended to be used for any purpose or in any manner other than as specified among the uses hereinafter listed as permitted in the district in which such building or land is located
**Webmasters Note: The previous subsections, 24-4.1.h through 24-4.2a., have been amended as per Supplement No. 11.
b. No building or structure shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered to exceed in height the limit hereinafter designated for the district in which such building is located.