Subdivision Name: _________________________________________

Plan Title: ________________________________________________


Prior to any formal inspections, the subdivider shall provide the following permits for the Subdivision Inspector's review (unless all permits are "in hand" or shown to be otherwise not applicable, the Subdivision Inspector will not be authorized to be on the job):

____Planning Board Approval.

____Planning Board Special Permit (cluster zone if applied for).

____Street Opening Permit.

____Sewer Extension Permit (from the Town and from the State).

____Water Extension Permit (including the pro forma water pressure and flow calculations).

____Building Permit(s).

____Conservation Commission, Orders of Condition, Determination of Applicability or Letter of No Apparent Jurisdiction.

____All requirements of Form L have been met and all other permits issued.

____All easements have been obtained.

____Site Orientation and free flagging.


____4" street trees set at least five feet back from pavement; and 12" lot trees; fenders installed?

____Assure no fill has been placed.

____Assure no loam has been removed, except in street area.

____Removal of all stumps, brush, roots, and boulders in right of way.

____Removal of topsoil in roadway and sidewalks to a depth of at least 21" below finish grade, or deeper to assure sound foundation.


____Drainage system (no backfill):

( ) Assure all drains are of reinforced concrete, with headwalls and endwalls or riprap - minimum 12" diameter.

( ) Minimum slope shown on the plan.

( ) Are the basins located at:

( ) all low points of drainage?

( ) adjacent to low point catch basins?

( ) all intersections?

____Water System (Town Engineer):

( ) Pipe meets minimum diameter and class standards as set by Water Division?

( ) Is pipe bedded and joined properly?

( ) Has pipe been pressure-tested?

( ) Has pipe been disinfected?

( ) Are all gate valves and hydrants (and hydrant pipes) installed as shown on the plan?

( ) Have as-built field notes/ties been kept for all gate valves, curb cocks, tees and elbows and are dead-end house services marked by 3' pipe above ground?

( ) Are hydrant breakaway flanges 2" above finish grade?

( ) Each nozzle and pumper outlet at least 18" above grade once installed?

( ) Are hydrants anchored by mechanical means or thrust blocks?

( ) 1/2 Yard of 2" stone around hydrant for drainage?

( ) Stone placed to 6" above hydrant drain?

( ) All hydrants at least 20' away from intersections and within 1' of curb line?

( ) Has the hydrant been flow tested and inspected for proper drainage?

____Sewerage System (Town Engineer):

( ) Does pipe meet diameter requirements and class standards as set by Sewer Division?

( ) Is pipe bedded and joined properly?

( ) Has pitch been checked from SMH to SMH?

( ) Have all SMH's been leak tested?

( ) Are all service wyes installed, and field notes made of ties for the wyes?

( ) Has pipe been tested for infiltration?

____Electrical System (sign-off by Department Manager as system is installed by I.E.L.D.).


____Backfilling and compaction of trenches:

( ) Test for 95% compaction?


____Gravel sub base 12" (identify source of gravel and test if against this standard):

( ) 3 inch sieve at 100%

( ) 1/2 inch sieve at 50% - 85% passing

( ) 3/8 inch sieve at 45% - 80% passing

( ) #4 sieve at 40% - 75% passing

( ) #10 sieve at 50% passing

( ) #40 sieve at 8% - 35% passing

( ) #200 sieve at 5% passing

____Assure subgrade street does not exceed allowableslopes:

( ) primary streets 5% grade.

( ) secondary streets 6" grade.

( ) residential streets 8% grade.

( ) 5" wide, 17" thick reinforced concrete, set 12" below grade, with 6" compacted gravel footing.

( ) granite curbing in the following cases:

( ) all finished street grades greater than 5%.

( ) headwalls and endwalls for storm drains and catch basins.

( ) at all intersections of streets.

____Obtain job mix formula for bituminous concrete pavement courses.


____Check thickness of base course (4"):

( ) Take core samples.

____Check for width of pavement: per Figure 1 requirements


____Test, by core samples, thickness of top course (1 1/2").

____Compare by extraction analysis to job formula.


____Sidewalks, subgrade established by removal of existing materials.

____Grass strips - 8" compacted topsoil and seeding.

____Side slopes finish grade per Section 6.8.5. Loomed and seeded as per grass strips.

____Street trees planted per DPW instructions?

____Street lights installed per Light Department standards?

____4' long, 6" square, monuments installed to grade at all locations on definitive plan.

____Hydrant pipe 7' above grade, 3' in ground, set in concrete, painted red, 2' to the rear of the hydrant.

____Street name signs - 2" diameter posts, 7' clearance above grade, 30" in ground set in concrete. Signs to be cast, double-faced of current Town Standard.


____Final cleanup.

____Completion of Form J.


( ) All drains and catch basins cleared during lot construction?

( ) Completion of Form K.