1. Purpose and Intent

These regulations are to prevent adverse environmental impacts due to erosion, soil loss and sedimentation, including secondary and cumulative, caused by alterations to vegetation and soil surfaces during land development.

Sedimentation and erosion control structures are required to prevent sediment from clogging stormwater/drainage systems and road ditches. These structures also prevent sediment from entering ponds, streams, reservoirs, watercourse, Wetland Resource Areas and other critical resource within which it is a pollutant. In many cases, these structures detain stormwater runoff, thus preventing flooding of downstream areas.

Responsibility for periodic inspection, maintenance and repair of theses control structures and systems to ensure they continue to operate consistent with approved design lies solely with the Applicant, until such time as the street(s) and all other improvements in the subdivision are accepted by the Town.

2. General Requirements

A. If the Applicants proposed development creates six (6) or more house lots or otherwise requires submission of an Environmental and Community Impact Analysis pursuant to Section 5.4 of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in North Andover, Massachusetts, the Applicant shall submit a separate plan therewith, which plan shall contain the elements in Section B. and which complies with all other provisions of this Appendix. All subdivision applications must comply with the Performance, Design, and Maintenance Standards and be subject to final inspection before acceptance, as specified herein.

B. The Applicant shall submit an erosion/sedimentation control plan which shall include the following:

1) existing and proposed grades, elevations, and contours;

2) location and description of existing natural and manmade features on the property and within one hundred (100) feet of the property;

3) perimeters of the areas affected and the types of controls proposed within each affected area;

4) a soils survey or soils engineering report;

5) a schedule of the sequence of installation or application of planned erosion controls, both temporary and permanent, relative to the proposed improvements as the project progresses;

6) a slope stabilization and re-vegetation plan which shall include: a description of the existing vegetation; the vegetation to be removed and the method of disposal; the native specie vegetation to be planted; and the slope stabilization measures which are to be installed; the plan also shall assess the environmental effects of such operations on slope stability, soil erosion and water quality;

7) a maintenance schedule for erosion/sedimentation controls until street construction is completed and until the street(s) is accepted by the Town or other entity;

8) details and, if applicable, cross sections of erosion/sedimentation control devices;

9) perimeter delineation of any drainage ways, steep slopes and proposed stockpiles of topsoil, to be restored and/or seeded;

10) a note on the plan stating that temporary ground cover and/or erosion/siltation control shall be established on any unbuilt lots as required by the Board;

11) a note on the plan that the erosion/sedimentation control plan and associated information is referenced on the definitive subdivision plan.