Article C. Streets

1. Street rights-of-way, both existing and proposed, shall be continued with at least the same width throughout the subdivision.

2. Street intersection centerlines shall coincide precisely with or be offset by at least one hundred fifty (150) feet on centerline.

3. Street centerlines shall intersect as nearly at right angles as practicable; no intersections shall contain an angle of less than sixty (60) degrees.

4. Private streets shall not be allowed nor shown on a plat.

5. Street rights-of-way and street pavement width, centered between property lines, shall not be less than designated in schedule A.

6. The planning board may require additional width for streets subject to heavy traffic volumes.

7. Street grades of residential streets shall not be less than that designated in Schedule A.

8. Dead-end streets shall not be more than six hundred (600) feet in length and shall at their closed end a turnaround with a minimum outside curb radius of forty (40) feet and a right-of-way radius of fifty (50) feet. Where a dead-end street is to provide access to adjacent property, the planning board may require provision for a temporary turnaround until such time as the adjacent tract is developed and the street is extended.

9. Reservation of strips of land by the developer or subdivider, or any physical barrier, controlling access to a street, shall not be permitted. This requirement shall not be subject to the provisions of G. - Modifications of Standards.

10. Where street rights-of-way grades require two (2) feet or more cut or fill, retaining walls will be required along abutting property lines or the abutting will be graded to a maximum slope of 3:1 at the street right-of-way line.

11. An extension of an existing street shall have the same name as the existing street. Names of other proposed streets shall be substantially different from any existing street name in the Town of Cumberland as certified by the town engineer.

12. Superelevation: All roadway curves shall be superelevated in accordance with the design requirements, the state of Rhode Island, and AASHTO Policy of Geometric Design of Rural Highways, except that superelevation shall not exceed .08 feet per foot width of roadway.

13. Intersection sight distances. All roadway intersections shall be designed to have the corner sight distances as designated in schedule A. Corner sight distance is measured from a point on the minor road at least fifteen (15) feet from the edge of the major road pavement and measured an eye height of 3.75 feet on the minor road to a height of object of 4.5 on the major road.

14. Design of intersection roadway surfaces. Intersection roadway pavements shall have a paved transition area at all corners to accommodate turning movements.

15. Bridges. All bridges shall be as wide as the required pavement for that class road plus four feet and shall conform to standard specifications for road and bridge construction, State of Rhode Island, Department of Public Works and Highways.