Article A. General

1. Land deemed unsuitable for building purposes, in the judgment of the planning board, will not be approved for land development or subdivision.

2. All land development or subdivisions shall conform to and be in harmony with these regulations, the zoning ordinance and the (Cumberland Comprehensive Community Plan 1991-2010.

3. The layout of streets shall be considered in relation to the existing street system and any official highway plan of the Town of Cumberland.

a. The arrangement of streets shall, where practical, provide for continuation or appropriate projection of existing principal streets into surrounding areas.

b. The use of grinding street patterns, or similar designs, will not be permitted.

c. Streets shall fit the topography where such is gridiron.

d. Care shall be exercised to ensure that all streets in a subdivision or land development project are functional, i.e., to provide service to lots or to enhance to prove the internal traffic circulation system. Excessive streets are usually an unnecessary expense and their net result is to increase the cost of services an maintenance by the town.

e. The developer shall avoid, where possible, the layout of streets in such manner as to radically change the natural drainage pattern.

4. The design of a land development project or subdivision will complement the site and be compatible with the natural surroundings.