91.Mining - Mineral extraction - Excavation of the earth for the purpose of extracting metals, ore, coal, salt, and other minerals, but not oil or gas. Includes tunnel mining with surface buildings, elevator shafts and related drilling equipment; but NOT INCLUDING strip mining where the ore is exposed to the surface for extractive purposes.

92.Quarrying - Sand, gravel and stone - Excavation of the earth for the purpose of extracting sand and gravel for mixing of concrete and related aggregates. Includes surface stripping and excavation of earth by means of blasting and drilling, with attendant buildings, storage of mined product, and related drilling equipment.

Appendix B
Article A. Purpose

The purpose of this Appendix is to encourage fanning and agricultural operations within the Town of Cumberland, Rhode Island by permitting, in addition to the principal agricultural activities conducted upon such site, retail sales of certain farm and farm-related products.

Article B. Definitions

Whenever used in this section the following terms shall have the following meaning unless an alternate meaning is obviously intended:

FARM shall mean agricultural land of at least five (5) acres, together with principal and accessory buildings and structures upon which agricultural operations are conducted and/or land previously utilized for such purposes before the enactment of this ordinance upon which a legal pre-existing non-conforming use was operated.

FARMER For the purposes of this section, a farmer is an individual, partnership, corporation or other recognized legal entity which operates a farm and has filed a US Internal Revenue Form 1040 (Schedule F) with the Internal Revenue Service, and/or has a State of Rhode Island farm tax number.

FARMSTAND A rustic freestanding structure or vehicle located upon a farm, not exceeding 200 square feet in total floor area, the principal use of which is the sale of farm products at retail to the general public.

FARM PRODUCTS All agricultural, horticultural, vegetable, fruit, or other products of the soil, livestock products, poultry, eggs, dairy products, nuts, mushrooms, honey and beeswax; provided however that this definition does not include finished forest products, such as lumber or building materials.

FARM RELATED PRODUCTS Products, other than Farm Products as defined above, which are capable of being built, constructed, crafted or manufactured on a farm by a farmer and/or his/her family members such as craft arts, books, clothing or quilts. This definition also includes lawn and garden supplies such as potting soil, peat moss or other soil amendments, seeds, pots, planters and the like. This definition specifically excludes products other than those described above, and which, by their very nature must be manufactured in a commercial or industrial location, including, but not limited to, automotive products, farm machinery, lawn mowers, chain saws, fabricated metal products, tools or hardware.

FARM RETAIL SALES BUILDING A building located upon a farm, not exceeding 1,000 square feet (by right) or 1,6000 square feet (by special use permit) per farm, the principal use of which is the sale or farm or farm-related products at retail to the general public.

AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS Any commercial enterprise which has as its primary purpose horticulture, viticulture, viniculture, floriculture, forestry, dairy farming, or aquaculture, or the raising of livestock, furbearing animals, poultry or bees, or as such definition may be amended from time to time in Title 2, Section 23-4 of the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island entitled "The Rhode Island Right to Farm Act".

Article C. General

Upon any farm, which is permitted by the character of the agricultural zone in which it is located, or, which is a legally pre-existing non-conforming use, the retail sales activities listed herein below are permitted by right as well as educational, recreational and cultural services reasonably related thereto. These activities shall be permitted in addition to the retail sales of farm products normally associates with the operation of a farm, and raised or produced on the premises, which are presently permitted by this ordinance.

1. Sales of vegetative products not raised on the premises.

2. Sales of compost or manure produced on the premises only.

3. Sales of mulch composed of vegetative origin, such as bark mulch. No more than 150 cubic yards of mulch not produced on the property itself may be stockpiled on the premises at any one time. Sale of mulch composed of earth products such as stone, sand or loam shall be prohibited.

4. Retail sales of farm-related products defined in the ordinance.

Retail sales of products on a farm as permitted by this Ordinance may take place (1) outdoors anywhere upon the lot constituting the premises of the farm, or (2) within a Farm Retail Sales Building located on the premises of the farm; or (3) at a Farmstand.

Article D. Sale of Vegetative Products Not Raised on the Farm Premises..

Upon any farm as herein defined, the sale of vegetative farm products not raised on the premises shall be permitted in addition to sale of any farm products raised or produced upon the farm premises itself. The purpose of this provision is to permit vegetative farm products grown, produced or raised of premises to be sold upon any farm anywhere in the Town. Sale of such imported vegetative products, if conducted out of doors, shall not be limited in terms of area location or extent. Such products may also be sold within a farm retail sales building or farmstand, as defined hereinafter.

As used in this section, the term "vegetative products" shall mean any farm product of horticultural origin, including, but not necessarily limited to fruit, vegetables, live trees, Christmas Trees, shrubs, firewood, sod, hay and flowers, but excluding products of animal origin such as livestock, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese or seafood, bees, or the like. Also excluded from this definition are forest products including lumber, logs or similar building materials.

Article E. Farm Retail Sale Building - Area by Right

A "Farm Retail Sales Building" is defined as a single building or group of buildings located upon a farm, the principle use of which is the sale of farm or farm-related products at retail to the general public.

Retail sales may be conducted by a farmer upon a farm (1) within a principle dwelling; or (2) within a bar, garage, storage shed or similar accessory farm building; (3) within a single building devoted solely to retail sales provided that the total cumulative floor area of any and all such building(s) does not exceed one thousand square feet (1,000 sq. ft.) per farm by right. A barn, garage, or a greenhouse shall not be considered to be a Farm Retail Sales Building if no retail sales are conducted anywhere within the building and if such buildings are not open to the general public.

Within any such Farm Retail Sales Building, storage areas not open to the public shall not be counted toward the 1,000 square foot maximum floor area allowed per farm, provided that all such areas shall be clearly identified and marked as such and shall not be open to the general public at any time whatsoever. If any portion of a Farm Retail Sales Building shall be open to the general public, including but not limited to storage, growing or greenhouse areas it shall be counted toward the 1,000 sq. ft. maximum area.

Article F. Farm Retail Sales Building - Special Use Permit

Whenever the owner of a farm as defined herein can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the zoning board of review that an additional amount of square footage may be added to the maximum allowed square footage area of a Farm Retail Sales Building without being detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, the zoning board of review may grant an additional amount of square footage to a Farm Retail Sales Building not to exceed one thousand square (1,000 sq. ft.) for total maximum square footage of one thousand six hundred square feet (1,600 sq. ft.). Such allowance shall be in the form of a special use permit as provided for Article 9 Administration, Enforcement and Relief, Section 9-8 Variances and Special Use Permits.

In the granting of a special use permit for such additional square footage the zoning board of review shall judge the application by the provisions of Article 9 - Administration, Enforcement and Relief Section 9-8 (c) Standards for Relief (2) Special Use Permit and may impose any conditions it deems necessary and reasonable under the provision of Section 9-8 (d) Special Conditions of Article 9 - Administration, Enforcement and Relief. Under no circumstance may the zoning board of review grant relief under this provision beyond the maximum square footage of one thousand six hundred square feet (1,600 sq. ft.) as stated herein.

Article G. Allowance Indoor Uses

In addition to the sales listed in Articles B and C herein above, the following types of retail sales of food and farm-related products are permitted within a Farm Retail Sales Building (indoor sales only):

1. Sale of Food - Sale of food or food products within a Farm Retail Sales Building is permitted as follows:

Prepared food items such as baked goods, canned goods, preserves, herbs and the like may be sold, provided all food preparation and cooking is conducted upon the farm within a kitchen licensed by the State and the Town, as may be appropriate.

Fresh and frozen meats, prepared or smoked meats, poultry or other perishable foods raised or produced on the farm may be sold, but the sale of freshly cooked meats or poultry is specifically prohibited. Slaughterhouses, if a principle use, shall not be allowed under this ordinance.

All foods shall be prepared and packaged upon the farm premises.

No food sold to the public shall be consumed by the public on the premises.

2. Sale of Farm - Related Products - All such products as defined in this ordinance may be sold indoors only within a Farm Retail Sales Building provided that the floor area devoted to such sales does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total area of the Farm Retail Sales Building(s).

Article H. Farmstands

A Farmstand is a rustic, freestanding structure or vehicle used only for the seasonal sale of farm products as permitted by this Ordinance. Farmstands may be structures or may be motor vehicles, wagons or trailers.

Farmstand structures, other than motor vehicles, shall not exceed two hundred square feet (200 sq. ft.) in total floor area and be no greater than twelve feet (12') in height.

There shall be no space available to patrons inside the farmstand. Farmstands may, provide, however, a front counter security shutter that lifts to form a canopy roof when open for business, to shield patrons from the weather. Yard setbacks shall be regulated by the appropriate dimensional regulations for accessory structures as provided for in this ordinance.

The floor area devoted to a farmstand shall not be considered to be in addition to any floor area permitted for a Farm Retail Sales Building as provided in Articles E & F hereinabove, but shall reduce such allowance accordingly.

No electrical service shall be provided to any farmstand structure. Motorized vehicles may be provided with batteries as required for normal operation of a motor vehicle, but such electric service shall not be used for signs, outdoor lighting or refrigeration.

Article I. Location

Farmstands and Farm Retail Sales Buildings are permitted only upon the premises of a farm owned or leased by the licensee thereof.

Article J. Signs

Only one freestanding or wall-mounted sign shall be permitted for any Farm Retail Sales Building and/or Farmstand per farm in any zoning district to identify a Farm Retail Sales Building and/or a Farmstand. The maximum are of each sign shall be twelve square feet (12 sq. ft.), the other provisions of the zoning ordinance notwithstanding.

Article K. Off-Street Parking & Loading

Off-street parking for Farm Retail Sales Buildings and Farmstands shall be one space per one hundred square feet (100 sq. ft.) of floor area devoted to retail sales, with a minimum of five (5) spaces provided. All such parking areas shall be set back from the property line at least ten feet (10') and shall be physically restricted or channeled on the lot to define a readily recognizable driveway between the highway and the parking to accommodate safe ingress and egress. There shall be no parking along the public right-of-way. Parking areas for Farm Retail Sales Buildings and Farmstands shall not be paved, but shall be constructed of a natural material.

Adequate off-street loading areas shall be provided for retail sales in accordance with Article 8-2 of this ordinance. Said requirement may vary depending on the type of vehicles unloading at the site. No vehicle loading or unloading shall be permitted in a public right-of-way.

Article L. Farm Sales License Required

All Farm Retail Sales activities shall be required to obtain all necessary permits and licenses required by the regulations of the Town of Cumberland and the State of Rhode Island, which are appropriate. It shall be the responsibility of the operator of the Farm Retail Sales Building or Farmstand to obtain such licenses through consultation with the Town Clerk.

No more than one (1) license or series of licenses which constitute the requirements under law shall be issued annually for retail sales activities upon any single farm as defined herein; provided, however, that an individual farmer may be issued any number of annual permits for each separate far he/she owns or leases.

Article M. Design Review Standards

All building plans involving farm retail sales activities, whether in whole or in part, shall be reviewed by the Cumberland Design Review Commission with a view to maintaining the rural characteristics of the specific area and community in general prior to the issuance of any building permit by the building officials.

Section 1. General