9-13 Vested Rights

(a) Any application for development under this ordinance, including an application for a building permit, special use permit, variance, planned development, or cluster development, shall be deemed substantially complete when all required documents, including plans, together with required fees, are received by the official designated herein to receive such applications. Required documents shall include only those documents specified either by this ordinance or by rules adopted and published by the permitting authority prior to the time the application is filed.

(b) Any application for development under this ordinance that is substantially complete prior to the enactment or amendment of this ordinance, shall be reviewed according to the regulations applicable in the zoning ordinance in force at the time the application was submitted. If such application is approved, the applicant must begin construction or exercise the right granted in the application if no construction is involved, not more than one year after the date of such approval. All construction must be completed not more than two years after the date of such approval, unless specifically set forth to the contrary in the original approval.