8-2 Loading requirements

No land shall be used or occupied and no structures shall be erected or used for commercial or industrial purposes unless the off-street loading spaces required herein are provided. Off-street loading spaces as specified in this Ordinance shall be provided subject to the requirements of this section for any enlargement or alteration to any such existing structure or use.

(a) Location of required loading spaces

The off-street loading spaces required by this Ordinance shall be in all cases on the same lot or parcel of land as the use or structure they are intended to serve. In no case shall any required off-

street loading space be part of an area used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements of this Ordinance. Each loading area shall be designed with adequate off-street area as required for parking spaces by this Article. To the extent possible, loading areas shall be to the rear of any building.

(b) Number of required loading spaces

For each commercial and industrial enterprise of over two thousand and five hundred (2,500) square feet of gross floor or ground area in which commodities are sold, displayed, serviced, repaired, altered, or fabricated as the principal use of the enterprise, the first off-street loading space shall be required for the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet of gross floor area. Thereafter, one off-street loading space shall be required for every additional forty thousand (40,000) square feet of gross floor area. Each off street loading space shall consist of the following dimensions:

Additional off-street loading spaces shall be required by the Building Official when necessary to provide adequate area for off-street loading. Detailed plans for off-street loading space provision and use may be required before the issuance of any building permit.