7-2 Signs Permitted in All Zones

The following signs are permitted in all zones:

(a) Government

Signs of every kind and nature erected by or on behalf of any federal, state or local government agency, including official traffic control or informational signs, hazard warning signs, legal notices, railroad crossing signs or other similar signs required by law.

(b) Name Plates

One name plate for each dwelling unit, not internally illuminated, and not exceeding 11/2 square feet in area, indicating the name of the occupant or any permitted occupation.

(e) Identification

Wall signs, which may not be internally illuminated, and which are permanently affixed to buildings for the purpose of identifying the name of building, date of erection or other historical information, provided that such signs are composed of similar materials as the building, or bronze or brass, and are affixed flat against the building.

(d) Credit Card Signs

Credit card signs, non-illuminated, limited to a total area of one (1) square foot per structure.

(e) Bulletin Boards

Signs used as a bulletin or notice board to announce activities and events for institutional and governmental services. Such signs shall be located upon the premises of said institutions and shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in area. In all A and R zones, such signs shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line abutting a residential use. Such signs may not be internally illuminated.

(f) Temporary Signs

The following temporary signs, whether fixed or portable, are permitted in all zones:

1) Signs, which may not be internally illuminated, for events by nonprofit or charitable organizations, including exterior messages for national and state holidays; provided, however, that no such temporary sign may be erected for a period of more than thirty (30) consecutive days in any year nor more than seven (7) days prior to the event plus the duration of the event, with a total of thirty (30) cumulative days throughout the year. In all A, R and C zones, such signs shall be limited to 32 square feet in area and set back a minimum of ten (IO) feet from any property line.

2) Rental or sale signs, freestanding or attached to the premises, pertaining to the prospective rental or sale of the property on which they are located; provided that such signs shall not be illuminated, nor extend over the sidewalk, and further provided that:

i) Within all A and R Zones, such signs shall not exceed a total area of six (6) square feet and shall be removed within fourteen (14) days of the real estate closing or lease transaction.

ii) Within all C zones, such signs shall not exceed a total area of twelve (12) square feet, and shall be removed within thirty (30) days of the real estate closing or lease transaction.

iii) Within all I zones, such signs shall not exceed a total area of thirty-two (32) square feet, and shall be removed within thirty (30) days of the real estate closing or lease transaction.

3) Construction signs and "grand opening" signs, non-illuminated, customary and necessary in connection with the erection of buildings or other construction work or signs for business where road construction obscures the existing sign or signs for such business, limited to one sign per street frontage for each construction project. Such sign may be freestanding or attached to the premises, but shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, and shall be removed within thirty (30) days of the completion of construction or the opening of the business. In all A and R zones, such signs shall not exceed 12 square feet in area, and shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line.

4) Political signs, non-illuminated, incidental to a town, state, or federal election or referendum, or signs which are political in nature. Such signs shall be constructed of durable material, and shall be prohibited from trees within any public right-of-way or any public property, traffic signs or utility poles. Such signs shall be erected not more than ninety (90) days prior to such election or referendum, and in any event, no premises shall have a sign erected for more than 120 days in any calendar year. Political signs relating to any election or referendum shall be removed within fourteen (14) days after said election or referendum.

5) Sign, which may not be internally illuminated, solely for the purpose of identification when a property owner's sign has been damaged or destroyed by circumstances beyond the owner's control, provided however, that no such temporary sign may be erected for a period of more than thirty (30) consecutive days. Such signs shall be limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in area and set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line.

(g) Sign Permit Required

A permit shall be obtained from the Building Official for all signs under Sections 7-2 (e), (f)(1)

(3) and (5) above.