5-19 Preschools & Day Care Facilities (excluding Family Home Daycare)

Preschools shall be permitted subject to conformance with Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Regulations, Day Care facilities shall be permitted subject to conformance with Department of Children, Youth and Families and only when the following requirements are met:

(a) Lot Requirements

Minimum lot size shall be 30,000 square feet.

(b) Building and Outside Play Area Setbacks in Residential Zones:

(1) Minimum setback from all street lines shall be 40 feet.

(2) Minimum setback from all side lot lines shall be 20 feet.

(3) Minimum setback from rear lot lines shall be 30 feet.

(4) Setbacks in Agricultural zones shall conform to those found in Article 4.

(c) Requirements for Parking:

Minimum of I space 250 square feet of GFA, plus one space per employee.

(d) Other Requirements:

All such facilities shall be located on a Principal or Minor Arterial roadway as defined in the RI Statewide Planning's Highway Functional Classification System.