One (1) canopy tree* per thirty (30) lineal feet. and

One (1) flowering tree* per sixty (60) lineal feet. and

One (1) flowering shrub* per ten (10) lineal feet. and

Around the Villages, as set forth in Section 1906, one (1) evergreen tree* per twenty-four (24) lineal feet and one (1) evergreen shrub* per twelve (12) lineal feet.


One (1) evergreen tree* per nine (9) lineal feet of perimeter property boundary placed in a single row within the ten (10) foot width required for the VC District; and one (1) evergreen tree* per nine (9) lineal feet of perimeter property boundary placed in a double staggered row within the twenty (20) foot width required for other Districts in Table 1.


One (1) evergreen shrub* per three (3) to six (6) lineal feet of perimeter property boundary, depending on the specific type and spread of shrub used to create the required continuous visual buffer, the actual spacing subject to the approval of the Township.


1. Refer to Table 3 for details pertaining to the plant types (*).

2. Refer to test for complete details.

3. Buffer planting strip requirements may be refined as approved by the Township if fences, walls and/or berms are proposed.


Buffer Area shall include the choice of one:

(1) One canopy tree per forty (40) feet; plus One evergreen tree per sixty (60) feet.

(2) One flowering tree per forty (40) feet; plus One evergreen tree per sixty (60) feet.



Size:50 feet minimum height at maturity

Description: Large deciduous tree, single trunk, branching 6 feet above ground or higher; dense foliage.

Use:Large relatively fast growing to reduce impact of large buildings, shade parking areas and streets and reduce glare from outdoor lighting.

Plant List: Acer rubrum Red maple

Acer saccharum Sugar maple

Fraxinus Americana White ash

Fraxinus Rennsylvania lanceolate Green ash

Liquidamber styraciflua Sweet gum

Plantanus acerifolia London plane tree

Quercus alba White oak

Quercus borealis Northern red oak

Quercus coccinea--Scarlet oak

Quercus palustris--Pin oak

Quercus phellos--Willow oak

Sophora japonica Japanese pagoda tree

Tilia--Linden--all species hardy to the area

Zelkova serrata Japanese zelkova


Size: 60 feet minimum height at maturity

Description: Evergreen, pyramidal shape with branching to ground.

Use: Large, year-round screen

Plant List: Picea excelsa--Norway spruce

Picea omorika--Serbian spruce

Picea pungens Colorado spruce

Pinus strobus--White pine

Pseudotsuga menziesii--Douglas fir


Size:10 feet minimum height at maturity

Description: Small tree or large shrub, deciduous; preferably multi-stemmed with branching maintained at, or near ground level with ornamental flowers and/or fruit Use: Screen from ground level to 25 feet, flower and fruit for ornamental value

Plant List: Amelanchier canadensis--Shadblow serviceberry

Cornus kousa--Kousa dogwood

Cornus mas Cornelian cherry

Crataegus phaenopyrum--Washington hawthorn

Magnolia soulangeana--Saucer magnolia

Malus baccata--Siberian crab

Malus floribunda--Japanese flowering crab

Malus hopa--Hopa red-flowering crab

Oxydendrum arboreum--Sourwood

Viburnum dentatum--Arrowwood

Viburnum lantana--Wayfaring tree

Viburnum sieboldi--Siebold viburnum

Hamamelis vernalis--Vernal witchazel

Syringa species--Lilac

Weigela species--Weigela

Photinia species--Photinia

Philadelphus species--Mock orange


Size:6 feet minimum at maturity

Description: Multi-stemmed evergreen shrub

Use: Dense year-round, visual screen, from ground level to a minimum height of 6 feet.

Plant List: Euonymous kiautschovicus--Spreading euonymous

Juniperus chinensis hetz--Hetz juniper

Juniperus virginiand Eastern redcedar

Taxus cuspidata Capitata Upright Japanese yew

Taxus media hatfieldi Hatfield yew

Taxus media Hicks Hicks yew

Thuja occidentalis American arborvitae


A. The impact on the environment generated by subdivision, land development and other projects necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the variety of problems that may result in actions that can be taken to minimize these problems. In order to effectively evaluate the environmental consequences or effects of certain projects proposed in the Township, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report shall be submitted together with preliminary plans or building permit applications for the following:

1. Any application for preliminary and/or final plans or applications/building permits in the RD - Residential Development District, TNC Traditional Neighborhood Commercial District, LT - Light Industrial District or QA - Quarry Agricultural Districts; provided, however, than an EIA Report shall not be required for any proposed structure or use in the TNC or LI districts which is less than eight thousand (8,(M) square feet in area or an alteration or addition to an existing building use in any of the foregoing districts which is less than weight thousand (8,000) square feet in total area. Area shall be computed as the total of the floor area of the building and/or the area devoted to the use, whichever is larger.

2. Any development in the RA and RB District that involves five (5) or more dwelling units or lots, any one of which is less than ten (10) acres in size. A subdivision of lots all of which are greater than ten (10) acres in area shall be exempt from the requirement of an EIA report only if all of the lots are deed restricted from further subdivision.

3. Any application for a conditional use, variance, special exception or petition for a change of zoning where it is deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors because of the potential adverse effects of the application.

In order to encourage the thorough preparation of an EIA report, the applicant may use the components of the EIA report to satisfy the reporting requirements of the subdivision and land development ordinance, provided, however, that a list of the sections of the subdivision and land development ordinance that are proposed to be satisfied by the EIA report shall be submitted with the EIA report.

B. An updated EIA report shall accompany and form a part of a final land development or subdivision plan as required by Section 1909A.

C. Twenty (20) copies of the EIA report shall be submitted with the plans, preliminary or final. Within the EIA report, specific emphasis shall be directed toward the proposed project's effects on and relationship to applicable site, neighborhood (including areas in adjacent municipalities where applicable) and townshipwide resources, conditions or characteristics. The EIA report shall include text, tables, maps and analyses for the purpose of describing the project site, proposed use(s), environmental characteristics and the environmental effects of the proposal as follows:

1. Overview: Indicate the purpose and scope of the proposed project. Enumerate the benefits to the public which will result from the proposed project and describe the suitability of the site for the intended use. A description of the proposed project shall be presented to indicate the extent to which the site must be altered, the kinds of facilities to be constructed, how they are to be considered and the uses intended. The resident population, working population and visitor population shall be projected. The basis of the projections shall be clearly stated in the report.

2. Compatibility: The compatibility or incompatibility of the proposed project shall be described in relation to the following:

a. Township comprehensive plan, especially the land use and open space elements.

b. Comprehensive plan of adjacent municipalities whenever a project is located along or within two thousand (2, 000) feet of the municipal boundaries.

c. Bucks County Comprehensive Plan.

d. Regional and state planning guides.

e.Other pertinent planning documents.

3. Location: An identification of the site location and area through the use of a location map drawn at a scale of not more than two thousand (2,000) feet to the inch. The location map shall depict all streets, adjoining properties, zoning district boundaries and municipal boundaries within twenty-five hundred (2,500) feet of any part of the tract. In the case of development of only a portion of the entire tract, the location map shall also show the relationship of the section to the entire tract.

4. Photographs: An identification of the character and appearance of the site through the presentation of black and white photographs or copies thereof. Such photographs shall provide a representation of what the site looks like from ground level. Photographs shall be properly identified or captioned and shall be keyed to a map of the site.

5. Description of the Project: An identification of the nature of the proposals through the presentation of the following:

a. A site development plan including notes pertaining to the number and type of lots or units, the square footage and/or acreage of the tract and a depiction of the features which are proposed such as streets, driveways, parking areas, buildings and other structures, and all impervious surfaces. The plan shall be drawn at a scale of not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, i.e., fifty (50) feet to the inch is permitted but two hundred (200) feet to the inch is not, and may be submitted as an attachment to the report. The plan shall reflect all the information required under the plan requirements of the Solebury Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.

b. Floor plans and elevations depicting the proposed size, square footage, height, number of rooms (where applicable) of buildings and/or other structures.

c. A statement indicating the existing and proposed ownership of the tract and where applicable, the type of ownership, operation and maintenance proposed for areas devoted to open space or otherwise not under the control of a single lot owner.

d. A statement indicating the proposed staging or phasing of the project and a map depicting the boundaries of each stage or phase of the project. Such boundaries shall be superimposed on a version of the site development plan.

6. Physical Resources Inventory: An identification of physical resources associated with the natural environment of the tract including such features as geology, topography, soils, hydrology and the like. The identification of physical resources shall include a narrative description of the qualitative aspects of each of the resources mentioned above. In addition, these resources shall be mapped at a scale of not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch as specified below and may be either incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as attachments to the report.

a. A map depicting the geological characteristics of the tract. Such map shall define the location and boundaries of the rock formations at or influencing the tract and features such as faults and/or fractures. All carbonate and diabase geology must be shown and all information required by Section 5.25 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance shall be included.

b. A map depicting the topographical characteristics of the tract. Such map shall contain contours with at least two (2) foot intervals and shall depict slopes ranging from: zero to twenty (0-20) percent, twenty to twenty-five (20-25) percent, and greater than twenty-five (25) percent.

c. A map depicting the soil characteristics of the tract. Such map shall depict all soil types and shall include a table identifying soil characteristics pertinent to the proposed project such as prime agricultural soils, depth of bedrock, depth of water table, flood hazard potential, and limitations for septic tank filter fields. List and describe each soil type located on the site. If applicable, provide percolation data. Where the proposed area of land disturbance will involve soils with moderate or limitations (as per the Soil Survey of Bucks County, Soil Conservation Service). relative to the type of project proposed, a complete mapping of all soil types on the site shall be required indicating where those moderate and severe limitations exist.

d. A map depicting the hydrological characteristics of the tract. Such map shall depict: surface water resources, their drainage characteristics, watersheds and flood plains and groundwater resources. Surface water resources include features such as creeks, runs and other stream, ponds, lakes, and other natural bodies of water, springs, wetlands, and any man-made impoundments. Groundwater resources include features such as aquifers and aquifer recharge areas.

7. Biological Resources Inventory: An identification of biological resources associated with the natural environment of the tract including such features as vegetation and wildlife. The identification of biological resources shall include a narrative description of each of the resources mentioned above. In addition, these resources shall be mapped at a scale of not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, as specified below; and may be either incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as attachments to the report.

a. A map depicting the vegetation characteristics of the tract. Such map shall define the locations and boundaries of the woodland, forest and hedgerow areas of the tract and shall note the types of vegetation associations that exist in terms of their species, types and sizes. In addition, all trees twelve (12) inches in caliper or greater shall be accurately located and identified on the map whether they are free-standing trees or tree masses.

b. A map depicting characteristics associated with wildlife habitats. Such map may draw upon vegetation, hydrology and soil maps in order to express habitat characteristics associated with terrestrial and aquatic wildlife on the tract and the relationship of the overall habitat(s).

8. Land Use Inventory: An identification of the land use conditions and characteristics associated with the tract such as current and past use, land cover and encumbrances; and the relationship of these to adjacent tracts. The identification of land use conditions and characteristics shall include a narrative description of the above. In addition, the following maps drawn at a scale of not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, shall be incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as attachments to it.

a. A map, depicting the land cover characteristics of the tract. Such map shall define existing features including: paved or other impervious surfaces, woodland and forest areas, cultivated areas, pasture, old fields, lawns and landscaped areas, and the like.

b. A map depicting any encumbrances to the tract. Such map shall define easements and other areas where certain use privileges exist.

c. A map depicting the land uses within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed tract. Such map may be at the same scale as the location map.

9. Surface Water Inventory: Describe existing watercourses and water bodies that are partially or totally on the site and their relationship to the area of land disturbance. Calculate existing surface runoff from the site and the associated watershed, including the potential development of the remainder of the watershed. When the natural drainage pattern will be significantly altered, an analysis shall be conducted which will investigate flow, depth, capacity and water quality of the receiving waters. When required, flood plain areas will be mapped in consultation with the Department of Environmental Resources. Existing drainage structures shall be mapped and the capacity of the drainage network shall be determined. Additionally, wetland areas as defined by the Department of Environmental Resources and the U.S. Corps of Army Engineers shall be delineated.

10. Subsurface Water Inventory:Describe the subsurface water conditions on the site both in terms of depth to groundwater and water supply capabilities of the site. Where existing conditions warrant, provide detailed information regarding existing wells within one thousand (1,000) feet of the site relative to depth, capacity and water quality. Discuss the water supply capabilities of the adjacent areas and the recharge capabilities of the site.

11. Existing Features Inventory: Describe any existing features on the site that are not considered to be part of the natural environment. This may include, but not necessarily be limited to, roads, housing units, accessory structures, utility lines, etc.

12. Historic Resources Inventory: An identification of the man-made resources associated with or within five hundred (500) feet of the tract that are older than fifty (50) years. Areas, structures and/or routes and trails included on the National Register of Historic Places, the Pennsylvania Inventory of Historic Places, the Historic American Building Survey, the Bucks County Conservancy and any which may be identified in the Comprehensive Plan shall be identified. The identification of historic resources shall include a narrative description of the above. In addition, a map drawn at a scale of not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch depicting historic resources shall be incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as an attachment to the report.

13. Visual Resources Inventory: An identification of the visual resources associated with the tract such as areas which have a particular amenity value and areas which offer interest in viewing the tract. The identification of visual resources shall include a narrative description of the above. In addition, a map drawn at a scale of not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch depicting visual resources shall be incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as an attachment to the report.

14. Community Needs Inventory: An identification of the community facility needs associated with the users and/or residents of the proposed project. The community facility needs assessment shall indicate in narrative form the type of services that will be in demand. Where applicable, community facilities (such as schools, park and recreation areas, libraries, hospitals and other health care facilities, fire protection, police protection, ambulance and rescue service and postal services) shall be discussed in terms of the ability of existing facilities and services to accommodate the demands of future users and/or residents of the lot(s) and/or tract and the need for additional or expanded community facilities.

15. Utility Needs Inventory: An identification of the utility needs associated with the users and/or residents Of the proposed project and a statement whether the project is within the area to be served by public sewers under the Township's Act 537 Plan. The utility needs assessment shall indicate in narrative form the type of installations that will be in demand. Utilities (such as those used for water supply, sewage disposal, refuse disposal, storm drainage, communications and electrical transmission) shall be discussed in terms of: the ability of existing utility installations to accommodate the demands of the future users and/or residents of the lot(s) and/or tract; the need for additional or expanded utility installations; the ability to achieve an adequate, potable quantity of water whenever individual wells are proposed; the ability to achieve an adequate system for on-site sewage disposal whenever such a system is proposed; and the ability to achieve an adequate system for storm drainage and stormwater management. Certificates from the utilities confirming that adequate capacity exists to service the proposed development shall be included.

16. Transportation System Inventory: An identification of the relationship of the transportation and circulation system needs of the proposed project to the existing street or highway network. A discussion of this relationship shall be in narrative form and shall indicate factors such as methods to be used for traffic control within the tract and at points of ingress to and egress from it; and expected traffic volumes generated from the project including their relationship to existing traffic volumes on existing streets for both peak hour and non-peak hour traffic conditions. In addition, there shall be a discussion of the physical condition of. existing streets which will service the proposed project and what improvements are proposed to remedy any physical deficiencies.

17. Demographics: An identification of the demographic characteristics related to the proposed project. The characteristics that shall be presented in narrative form shall include a profile of the future users and/or residents of the lot and/or tract including information such as the number of people expected. Such information shall be related to initial and completed project conditions.

18. Fiscal Impact: An identification of the economic and fiscal characteristics related to the proposed project. The characteristics which shall be presented in narrative form shall include a profile of the township, county and school district revenues which the proposal may generate and the township, county and school district costs it may create. Such information shall be related to initial and completed project conditions.

19. Existing Conditions: An identification of characteristics and conditions associated with existing, construction-related, and future air and water quality and noise levels, vibration, toxic materials, electrical interference, odor, glare and heat, fire and explosion, smoke, dust, fumes, vapors and gases and/or radioactive materials.

20. Licenses and Permits: An identification of all licenses, permits or other approvals required by law for the development and the status of each.

21. Environmental Controls: An identification of compliance with the Flood Plain Conservation District Regulations of Article 14.

22. Impacts inventory: The implications of the proposed project in terms of the type of beneficial or adverse effects which may result from it and the duration of these effects in terms of their short-term or long-term nature. To indicate such effects, there shall be discussion of the implications of the proposed project resources, conditions and characteristics described in subsections 5 through 21 above. In addition to a narrative presentation of implications, the applicant shall display where the project adversely affects the traces resources, conditions or characteristics through the use of a map drawn at a scale of not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, wherein the areas adversely affected from proposed development are highlighted. Such map either may be incorporated into the EIA report or submitted as an attachment to the report. Further, the applicant must demonstrate and specify in the EIA report how and where the findings in the EIA report and its attachments are reflected in the project.

23. Alternatives Analysis: Alternatives within the project which would preclude, reduce or lessen potential adverse impact or produce beneficial effects. To indicate such alternatives, the applicant shall submit exhibits or diagrams that will depict the type of alternatives described in narrative form. The applicant shall comment on alternatives such as revised location, redesign, layout or siting of buildings, roads and other structures and the reduction in the size of proposed structures or number of structures.

24. Adverse Impacts: Probable adverse effects which cannot be precluded, including:

a. water quality and quantity

b. air quality

c. noise

d. undesirable land use patterns

e. damage or destruction of significant plant or wildlife systems

f. aesthetic values

g. destruction of natural resources

h. displacement of people and businesses

i. displacement of viable farms

j. employment and property taxes

k. destruction of man-made resources

l. disruption of desirable community and regional growth

m. health, safety and well being of the public

In indicating such effects, a discussion shall be presented regarding whether they will have primary or secondary implications, that is, whether the adverse effects will have direct or indirect influence on a particular resource, condition or characteristic.

25. Mitigation Measures: Measures to mitigate adverse effects. To indicate such measures, the applicant shall submit exhibits or diagrams which will depict the type of remedial protective and mitigative measures described in narrative form. These measures shall include those required through existing procedures and standards, and those unique to a specific project, as follows:

a. Mitigation measures which pertain to existing procedures and standards are those related to current requirements of the state, county and/or township for remedial or protective action such as sedimentation and erosion control, stormwater runoff control, water quality control and air quality control

b. Mitigation measures related to impacts that may be unique to a specific project are those related to efforts such as:

26. Irreversible Impacts: Any irreversible environmental changes that would occur due to the proposed project should it be implemented. To indicate such changes, the use of nonrenewable resources during the initial and continued phases of the project shall be discussed. Further, the loss of environmental resources shall be indicated through a presentation of the quantity of loss and related qualitative effects.

27. Pre-Occupancy Developments: All development in the pre-occupancy permit stage in Solebury Township at the time of the filing of the preliminary or final plans, as the case may be, shall be presented in a tabular form as a separate section of the document. In addition, the information provided in Sections 1909 C. 14, 15, 16; 17 and 18 shall specifically analyze the impact of the proposed development with respect to those developments already approved and/or submitted for approval in the Township.


An application for a major subdivision or the creation of six (6) or more lots on a single property shall include an Educational Impact Study describing the impact of the proposed development on the educational system of Solebury Township, as described in this Section.


a. Operating cost per student using the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education form PD2-2058, "Instructional Expense Computation" obtained from the New Hope-Solebury School District.

b. School District Millage Rate (Obtained from the Solebury Township Tax Col lector).

c. Assessment Factor (100% of Total Assessment Value).

d. Current available capacity for elementary school (obtained from the New Hope-Solebury School District).

e. Current available capacity for secondary school(s) (obtained from the New Hope-Solebury School District).

f. Capital cost per student for providing new education facilities (obtained from the New Hope-Solebury School District).

g. Debt constant to determine annual cost of borrowed capital funds (obtained from New Hope-Solebury School District).


a. School district Tax Revenue Generation: Multiply the total dollar value of the development by the assessment factor; multiply the result by the school district millage rate.

b. Development-Generated Operating Costs: Multiply the number of school-age children to be generated by the operating cost per student.

c. Development-generated Capital Costs: If the number of school children generated exceeds the current capacity of the township school(s), determine the development-generated capital costs of the new school facilities by multiplying the number of students over capacity by the capital costs per student for the new facilities. Multiply the result by the debt constant. This gives the annual debt service cost.

d. Net Impact Assessment: Add the operating costs and capital costs generated by the project, and subtract that number from the school district tax revenue generation to determine the educational cost impact of the development proposal.


a. The following standards shall be used in determining the operating costs per student:

1) Classroom size of twenty (20) students per classroom.

2) Site size to conform to the standards mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

b. The existing school system (total elementary and secondary classroom and site size) shall be compared to the anticipated enrollment of the entire enrollment estimated from the proposed development and other approved but unbuilt developments.

c. The Township shall not accept any educational impact statement prepared directly or indirectly for a developer by an employee or official of the local School District or the Township.

E. In making its evaluation, the Board of Supervisors and/or the Planning Commission, may request any additional information it deems necessary to adequately assess potential environmental impacts. Whenever any information required in this Section is assumed not directly applicable to the proposed project, the applicant shall indicate such assumed inapplicability in the narrative of the EIA report and state why such information is considered to be inapplicable in the case of the particular project in question.

F. The EIA report shall be prepared by a planner certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners or its equivalent in collaboration with other licensed professionals. All persons who participate in preparing the report shall be identified and their qualifications stated. All sources of information shall be identified when presented and bibliography shall be attached to the report. All work in the report shall be in conformity with recognized engineering, architectural and planning practices and principles.

The Township may retain its own expert to evaluate the EIA report. The cost of the expert shall be a cost of the review of the project that shall be borne by the applicant.

G. The Board of Supervisors shall not approve the project unless it determines and finds that the proposed development:

1. Will not result in appreciable harmful effects to the environment;

2. Has been designed and conceived with a view toward protection of resources; and

3. Will not, individually or collectively, place a disproportionate or excessive demand upon the total resources available for such proposal and for any future proposals.