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Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: | |||||||
A.Uses, Buildings and Structures Accessory to Agriculture
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1. The storage, processing and sale of farm products by the owner, lessee or tenant of the property provided that: at least fifty (50) percent of the farm products are produced on the premises where stored, processed or sold, or produced by the seller; and provisions for parking and safe ingress and egress shall be provided.
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2. Agricultural structures such as fencing, sheds and the like.
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B. Uses, Buildings, and Structures Accessory to Dwellings
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1. Detached private garage, private parking space, private stable, barn, shed, shelter for pets owned by the property owner, swimming pool, tennis court, bath house and private greenhouse.
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2. Pole, mast, tower or other structure when erected and operated by the resident who is an amateur radio operator duly licensed by the Federal Communications Commission, subject to the determination made by the Board of Supervisors as defined in Section 1804.
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C. Accessory Use Structures in Yards.
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In any district, unless otherwise specified, accessory use structures or buildings may be located, erected or maintained in the side yard, or in any rear yard, provided that in no case shall such accessory use structure or building be closer to any lot line than fifteen (15) feet, except for: | |||||||
1. Fences or walls;
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2. A shared driveway for no more than two (2) lots which may straddle property lines, when approved by the Board of Supervisors. A driveway which is not shared shall be located no less than twelve (12) feet from any side or rear lot line, except in the R-1, VR, VC and RD-C Districts or where the Open Space Option is used in the R-A, R-B and R-D Districts, in which case a driveway which is not shared shall be located no less than five (5) feet from any side or rear lot line. The five (5) foot setback shall not apply to narrow lots which shall be subject to the twelve (12) foot setback." The twelve (12) foot requirement of this subsection may be reduced by condition attached to a conditional use approval under the Open Space Option of Article 20;
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3. Structures for which no other viable location exists, when approved by the Board of Supervisors as a Conditional Use.
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4. No accessory uses, buildings or structures shall be located or placed in any drainage swale or basin.
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D.Swimming Pools
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Swimming pools permitted as an accessory use shall comply with the following conditions and requirements: | |||||||
1. The swimming pool shall be used solely for the enjoyment of the occupants of the principal permitted use of the property on which it is located and their guests, and shall not be operated commercially so as to charge a fee for the use of the swimming pool.
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2. Non-commercial swimming pools designated to contain more than eighteen (18) inches of water shall be erected in conformity with the following requirements:
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a. A permit shall be required to locate, construct or maintain a non-commercial swimming pool.
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b. Swimming pools and buildings related to the pool may be located in the rear or side yard, but shall not be closer to any rear or side lot line than the distance of the required building setbacks of the district in which it is proposed. Any walks, paved areas or open decks related to the pool shall be no closer than twenty (20) feet to any rear or side lot line. The swimming pool may be located in the front yard if it is no closer than three hundred (300) feet from the front lot line.
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E. Tennis Courts
| ||||||| court, fences and related lighting may be located in either a rear or side yard and shall not be closer to a rear or side lot line than the distance of the required building setbacks of the District in which is it proposed. Tennis court fences shall be permitted, but shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. A tennis court may be located in the front yard if it is no closer than three hundred feet from the front lot line.
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F. Microwave Antennas for Satellite Communication
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All parabolic ground based reflectors, together with the pedestal and any other attachments and parts, commonly referred to as a dish-shaped antenna, used or intended to receive radio or electromagnetic waves from an overhead satellite shall conform to the following: | |||||||
1. The diameter of a ground-based reflector shall not exceed twelve (12) feet.
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2. The entire structure, including the microwave antenna, shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
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3. Any such structure which is placed in the rear or side yard shall be no closer than twenty (20) feet to the property line; any such structure which is placed in the front yard shall be no closer than three hundred (300) feet from the property line.
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4. No more than one (1) microwave antenna shall be permitted on any lot.
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5. Before erecting any such structure, a building permit shall be obtained.
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6. Every such structure shall be screened by evergreen trees with a minimum height of six (6) feet; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall require the planting of trees which interfere with the reception of the satellite communication.
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G. Temporary Structure or Use
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A.temporary permit may be issued by the Zoning Officer for structures or uses necessary during construction or other special circumstances of a nonrecurring nature subject to the following additional provisions:
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1. The life of such permit may not exceed one (1) year and shall be reviewed annually for an aggregate period of not more than three (3) years.
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2. Such structure or use shall be removed completely upon expiration of the permit without cost to the Township.
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H. Livestock, Horse and Pony Regulations
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The following requirements shall govern the keeping of livestock and the keeping of horses or ponies for recreational purposes on properties less than ten (10) acres in size. | |||||||
1.The total number of livestock and poultry animals permitted on any lot shall be computed according to the total number of acres composing the lot and the number of acres required per animal. | |||||||
2. The total number of acres required to keep livestock and poultry must be equal to the total required acreage f or the proposed combination of livestock and poultry as referenced in the table below and as provided for in Articles 4 and 5.
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3. Animals not referenced in the following table shall be judged according to the requirements for animals of a similar type by the Board of Supervisors.
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4. No person owning or having in his/her custody livestock or poultry shall maintain such so as to create any health or safety hazard.
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a. No manure storage shall be established closer than one hundred (100) feet to any property line, and
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b. No manure storage or spreading shall be established closer than one hundred (100) feet to any wells, springs, sinkholes, lakes, ponds, streams or other watercourse.
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5. Shelter and Fenced Area Requirements
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a. Every landowner shall provide a shelter area of a size sufficient for good sanitation practices and adequate and sanitary drainage therefore according to the following minimum requirements:
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1) All shelters shall have a roof and at least three (3) enclosed sides. | |||||||
2) A shelter area of one hundred twenty (120) square feet shall be provided for each mature horse. | |||||||
3) A shelter area of eighty (80) square feet shall be provided for each pony, mule, donkey, cow or other similar livestock animal. | |||||||
4) A shelter area of twenty (20) square feet shall be provided for each sheep or other livestock animal of similar size. | |||||||
5)A shelter area of one (1) square foot shall be provided for each poultry animal. | |||||||
b. Every landowner shall provide a fenced area around any pasture and shelter, and shall make provisions for sanitation practices and sanitary drainage.
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c. Every landowner shall utilize fencing for the containment of animals in accordance with the recommendations of the Bucks County Agricultural Agent.
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d. Any buildings used for the shelter or housing of livestock or poultry shall be located not less than one hundred (100) feet from any lot line.
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I. Home Occupation
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1. A home occupation shall be permitted, provided that the principal person engaged in the home occupation is the resident of the dwelling unit. Such home occupation shall be incidental and secondary to the use of the property as a residence and is limited to those occupations listed below.
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2. Occupations that may be authorized as an accessory use include occupations that are lawfully conducted for pecuniary gain by a resident within the dwelling unit. A home occupation shall not be interpreted to include such facilities as: bed and breakfast inn, day care center, funeral home, kennel, a barber or beautician; or similar use of a commercial nature. A home occupation includes: service activities such as a tailor or seamstress, a teacher or tutor; an artist or craftsman; and activities which may involve the sale of items produced, improved or made on the premises such as herbs, antiques, clothing and other goods.
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3. In addition to the occupant family members, no more than one (1), or the equivalent of one (1) full-time, non-resident employee shall be employed on the premises.
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4. The area of the dwelling used for the home occupation shall be no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total net floor area of the dwelling unit, or seven hundred fifty (750) square feet, whichever is less.
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5. No manufacturing, repairing or other mechanical work, performed in connection with such home occupation, shall be performed in any outdoor area. Such activity shall be conducted in such a way that no noise, odor, vibration, electromagnetic interference or smoke shall be noticeable at or beyond the property line.
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6. No storage of materials or products shall be permitted in outdoor areas.
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7. No external alterations shall be permitted to the dwelling unit except those customarily conducted for residential buildings.
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8. Signs or outside advertisement may be permitted only in accordance with the provisions of Article 17.
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9. The operation of any home occupation involving the physical presence of customers, clients or other business visitors shall he limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
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J. Child Day Care
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A.Child Day Care use is a facility in which care is provided for six (6) or fewer children at any one time.
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1. A child day care use is permitted only in a single-family detached dwelling as an accessory home occupation use.
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2. Licensing, Approval and Permit procedures: Prior to the granting of a permit by the Zoning Officer, the applicant must obtain a license from the Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Child Development Programs.
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3. An outdoor play area of at least two thousand (2,000) square feet of contiguous area shall be provided as a recreational area for the children. This area shall not include any impervious surfaces or parking areas. The outdoor play area shall be enclosed by a six (6) foot high fence and shall be located to the side or rear of the lot.
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4. If a child day care use is located adjacent to a nonresidential use, a parking lot, or on a street classification higher than a residential access street, the outdoor play area, must be enclosed by an fence deemed appropriate by the Township. The outdoor play area shall be located to the side or rear of the property.
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5. No more than one (1) person other than members of the immediate family of the resident may be employed.
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6. Parking standards - In addition to the off-street parking required for a single-family dwelling unit, at least three (3) additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided.
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K. Home Professional Office
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1. In residential districts, all dwelling units may be used for a home professional office, except that this use may only be permitted as Conditional Use in the RD District.
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2. A home professional office may be permitted if the principal person using the office is the resident of the dwelling unit. Such office shall be incidental or secondary to the principal use of the property as a residence.
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3. Professions for which an accessory use office may be operated n a residentially zoned dwelling may only include a physician, attorney, dentist, accountant, architect, professional engineer, or similar professional. A professional office shall not be interpreted to include a barber shop, beauty shop, hair stylist or a funeral home.
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