Any property located within Solebury Township which is subject to a restriction against further subdivision, whether by a notation on a subdivision plan and/or restriction in a deed, shall not be further subdivided, regardless of an intervening zoning change.


Special setbacks shall be larger yard requirements that are imposed in areas where additional space is necessary to separate a use or building from a street, natural resource area, farmland, or pipeline.

A.Setbacks for reverse frontage lots - Reverse frontage lots are through lots with the front yard along an internal street from which the lot takes access, and the rear yard along another street from which the lot has no access.

1. These setback requirements shall apply to all uses and principal structures on any reverse frontage lots, regardless of the type of street, and shall supersede the yard and setback requirements for the all zoning districts within which the lots lie.

2. The special setback shall be measured from the ultimate right-of-way line of the streets to the principal structure.

3. For all reverse frontage lots created after the effective date of this ordinance, the special setback shall be a minimum of 200 feet from the ultimate right-of-way. A berm and a planted buffer with a minimum width of 75 feet shall be planted with vegetation types and plant densities as specified in the buffer requirements of this ordinance and the subdivision/land development ordinance. Accessory structures, including fences, shall not be placed within the 75-foot buffer area.

4. Special setbacks may not be used to meet minimum open space requirements.

B.Pipelines - All buildings housing a human activity, including a residence, commercial, industrial, or institutional use shall be set back a minimum of 75 feet from any pipeline right-of-way which transports a flammable or explosive material, except for those lines providing domestic gas service. Other buildings or structures not occupied by humans shall be prohibited within the right-of-way of the pipeline.

C. Setbacks from resource-protected lands - On lots which include lands with resource restrictions, the minimum building setbacks shall be measured from the limit of the resource-protected lands rather than from the lot lines so that the required minimum yard is free from resource restricted lands. Resources requiring setbacks are: floodplains, wetlands, slopes of 25% or greater; ponds; and lakes.

D. Setbacks from Preserved Farmland New development adjacent to preserved farmland shall have a special setback so that any buildings or principal structures shall be no closer than 200 feet from the lot line of the preserved farm. A buffer yard that includes planting and a split rail fence shall be planted on the development side of the lot line, within the special setback, to prohibit encroachment on farmland, interference with farming operations, and disposal of yard waste.

E.Setbacks from Electrical Transmission Towers and Power Lines All structures used for human habitation shall be setback a distance equal to the height of the tower.