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The following signs, exactly as herein described under each specific district, are permitted, provided a sign permit has been obtained for said sign. | |||||||
A. Residential and MHPO Districts
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The following signs may be erected and maintained in the Residential Districts, including the MHPO, Mobile Home Park Overlay District, upon issuance of a sign permit. | |||||||
1. Signs for Home Occupations and Bed and Breakfast Inns as permitted in this Ordinance indicating the name and/or activity of the resident, provided:
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a. The size of such sign shall not exceed f our (4) square feet.
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2. Signs advertising the sale, rental or development of a pending subdivision or land development on the premises upon which they are erected, when erected by a builder, contractor or developer may be erected and maintained, provided:
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a. The size of any such sign is not in excess of sixteen (16) square feet.
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b. Not more than one (1) sign be placed upon any property unless such property fronts upon more than one street, in which event one (1) sign may be erected on each frontage.
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c. Such sign shall not be erected until the subdivision and/or land development has received Final Plan approval.
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3. Signs identifying an approved subdivision or land development, including mobile home parks, provided:
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a. Such sign does not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area for each entrance to a subdivision or other land development.
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b. Such signs are restricted to the subdivision or land development name.
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4. Temporary yard sale or garage sale signs, provided such signsa. Do not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
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b. Shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after said sale.
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5. Signs of schools, colleges, public parks, churches, hospitals, sanitariums or other institutions of a similar nature may be erected and maintained on the premises or off-site, provided:
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a. The size of any such sign is not in excess of twenty (20) square feet.
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b. Not more than one (1) sign be placed on a property in single or separate ownership, unless such property fronts upon more than one (1) street, in which event one (1) such sign may be erected on each frontage.
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6. Directional signs indicating the location of hospitals or other public service institutions may be erected and maintained on the premises or off-site, provided:
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a. The number of any such signs to be erected by any one institution or organization may be limited at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors.
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b. Written permission is secured from the owner of the property on which the sign is to be erected.
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c. The size of any such sign is not in excess of three (3) square feet.
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7. Business signs for nonconforming uses which are located in a building other than a residence and which indicate the name or activity of the occupant of the building provided:
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a. Not more than one (1) such sign shall be erected for such use.
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8. Only the following signs shall be illuminated in the Residential Districts.
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a. An identification sign of a physician, dentist, governmental agency and any such other person or entity whose services in an emergency are considered essential to public health, safety and welfare.
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b. An identification sign of a school, church, or other similar permitted institutional use provided the said sign is illuminated only between the hours of dusk and midnight prevailing time.
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9. Banners across streets and other public rights-of-way shall be permitted to promote community events, veterans organizations, charitable, educational, fraternal, civic, or service organizations. (Banners promoting business and commercial enterprises are prohibited.) Banners shall also be governed by the following:
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a. At least thirty (30) days prior to the desired date of hanging a banner over a public street or way, an applicant must complete and submit a Banner Permit to the Township for approval. Upon approval of permit by the Township, a banner may be hung and displayed as set forth below.
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b. The hanging of banners must be in complete conformance with the application as submitted and as finally approved by the Board of Supervisors.
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c. The hanging of banners is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
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d. The bottom of a banner may not be hung lower than fifteen (15) feet over the street right-of-way.
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e. No more than two (2) banners may be displayed over any particular street or public way.
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f. Banners may not be hung more than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the event being advertised and must be removed no later than two (2) days after the conclusion of the event being advertised.
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g. Banners not removed within two (2) days after the advertised event has concluded will be removed by the Township, and the applicant shall be liable for the actual cost of removal.
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h. Banners hung across streets and other rights-of-way without proper approval must be removed by the person installing the banner within two (2) working days after the person(s) or organization(s) responsible have been notified to remove the banner. Failure to remove the banner(s) after notification shall result in the Township doing so at a charge of the actual cost of removal and fines as related to zoning violations.
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10. Temporary signs advertising seasonal agricultural products may be erected only during period of sale, and must be removed at the termination of such seasonal sale. Size to be limited to four (4) square feet. There shall be a maximum of six (6) temporary signs advertising seasonal agricultural products.'
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B. Commercial, Light Industrial and Quarry/Agricultural Districts
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The following signs may be erected and maintained in the VC, RC, TNC, LI, and QA Districts upon issuance of a sign permit: | |||||||
1. Any sign permitted in a Residential District which relates to a use permitted in the VC, RC, TNC, LI, and QA Districts, or a condition of sale, rental, direction, and the like, as set forth in Section 1705.
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2. No commercial or industrial signs may be erected or maintained unless the signs shall advertise the permitted business activity conducted on the premises. No such sign shall be permitted on any lot or premises which is not a permitted principal business or industrial use at the time of enactment of this Ordinance.
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3. Signs advertising a commercial or industrial use or an individual lot located on the site where such use is conducted, provided that:
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a. Not more than one (1) ground sign or pole sign shall be permitted upon each street on which said premise has frontage. Such sign(s) shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area, and shall be set back a distance of not less than ten (10) feet from the street line; except that such signs in the TNC and LI Districts may be increased in size to thirty-two (32) square feet.
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b. Not more than one (1) wall or projecting sign not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet shall be allowed, except that such signs in the TNC and LI Districts may be increased to ten (10) percent of the wall surface area or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is less.
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4. Signs advertising a group of businesses or industries on a lot held in single and separate ownership on the lot where such uses are conducted, provided:
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a. Not more than one (1) ground sign or pole sign as provided in Section 1705 BA 1. above. The total area of such sign shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet for one (1) business or industry. However, an additional two (2) square feet may be added for every additional business or industry, but in no case shall such sign exceed thirty-six (36) square feet. The structural backing for all such signs shall be uniform, and no sign may extend, in any direction, beyond the outside edge of the backing.
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b. Not more than one (1) sign shall be attached to the wall of a permitted principal building, which shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the wall surface area or thirty-two (32) square feet, whichever is less.
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5. In the case of an automobile service station, eight (8) accessory signs may be erected and maintained provided any such sign does not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
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6. All signs in the VC, RC, TNC, LI, and QA Districts may be illuminated subject to Section 1703 A. 11.
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7. Billboards may be erected in the LI District provided that:
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a. No such sign shall exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet.
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b. No such sign shall be located closer to any other such sign than two thousand (2,000) feet.
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8. Signs advertising a Shopping Center where such use is conducted, provided:
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a. Not more than one (1) ground sign or pole sign shall be permitted upon each street on which said premise has frontage. Such sign shall not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet in area except that for each additional two (2) feet of lot width at the street line in excess of the minimum required, the sign may be increased in size by one (1) square foot. However, in no event shall any such sign exceed one hundred and twenty (120) square feet in size. No portion of said sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height.
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Any person electing to construct a sign in excess of thirty-six (36) square feet in area may not construct a billboard on the same property. | |||||||
b. Each building or commercial use within a building shall be permitted one (1) sign per exposed exterior wall. The sign area of each sign shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the wall surface area to which the sign is to be attached.
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c. Informational signs (permitted without a permit) pursuant to Section 1704.A.7. provided the area of any such sign does not exceed four (4) square feet.
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d. Double Faced signs (pursuant to Section 1703.A.6.) may have two (2) parallel surfaces that are opposite and matching in size and shape and are not over sixteen (16) inches apart.
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C. Outdoor Recreation Districts
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The following signs may be erected and maintained in the OR Districts upon issuance of a sign permit: | |||||||
1. Any sign permitted in a Residential District which relates to a use permitted in the OR District, or a condition of sale, rental, direction and the like.
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2. Signs advertising an outdoor recreational use when located on an individual lot or tract where such use is conducted, provided that:
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a. Not more than a combination of two (2) ground signs or pole signs shall be permitted along each street on which the use has frontage. Any such sign(s) shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area and shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from the street right-of-way line, and shall be separated at least one hundred (100) feet from one another, measured along the street line.
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b. Not more than two (2) wall signs attached to a facade of a permitted principal building, neither of which shall exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area.
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3. Two (2) accessory signs may be erected and maintained for each individual institutional use provided that any such sign does not exceed four (4) square feet in area.
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4. All signs in the OR Districts may be illuminated subject to Section 1703.A.11.
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The following requirements shall apply to signs for which a permit is required as set forth in Section 1705: | |||||||
A. All sign permits shall be filed on application forms provided by the Township and administered by the Zoning Officer.
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B. All sign permit applications shall be filed in duplicate and shall include:
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1. A description of the size, shape, color, material, supports, anchoring, weight and height of the sign, as well as the intensity of illumination and the purpose of the sign.
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2. An architectural elevation drawn to scale of the sign indicating the proposed style of the letters, words, symbols or other graphics; and the proposed size, dimensions, shape, color, material, supports, anchoring and height of the sign.
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3. A plot plan drawn to scale showing the proposed sign location with respect to the property lines, the building(s) and any existing signs.
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C. Written consent of the landowner if different from the applicant.
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D. All applications for sign approval permits shall be accompanied by a check to cover the required fee as set forth in the fee schedule for signs established by the Board of Supervisors.
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E. The Zoning Officer shall process applications for sign permits within thirty (30) days from the date of the filing of a complete application with the required fee, unless provided for otherwise herein.
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F. The Zoning Officer shall inspect and approve the installation of the sign and shall make periodic inspections to determine conformity of signs to these regulations.
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1. The sign meets all the restrictions, standards and sign area requirements set forth in this Article; and
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2. The sign has a reasonable location, scale and proportion in relation to buildings, doors, windows, and pedestrian and vehicular access that are located on the parcel where the sign is to be located.
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