The LI, Light Industrial District is established to provide opportunities for a wide range of industrial uses in proximity to Route 202 in the eastern end of the Township. The LI District is also designed to provide for an employment center featuring development that is compatible with surrounding land uses.


A. All activities involving the manufacturing, fabricating, assembly, disassembly, repairing, storing, cleaning, servicing, and testing of materials, goods, or products, shall be operated in such a manner as to comply with the Environmental Controls of Article 18 and no use already established on the effective date of this Ordinance shall be so altered or modified as to conflict with such applicable performance standards.

B. No lot, parcel, or tract of land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, altered, or remodeled for any of the following uses: the manufacture of chemicals including, but not limited to acids or other corrosives, ammonia, caustic soda, and sulfuric acid; the manufacture of basic or semi-finished chemicals such as cellulose products, resins, dye stuffs, glue, vegetable, animal or mineral fats or oils, explosives, combustible gases, soaps and detergents, fertilizers, asphalt, and tar products; the manufacture or production of metals and alloys in ingot form; the manufacture or production of cement, plaster, cork and their constituents, matches, paints, oils, varnishes, lacquer, basic raw polymer; manufacture of rubber; the manufacture of toxic materials; and, except as may be otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, the storage of fuels or explosive materials in bulk.

C. No activities involving the storage, utilization, or manufacture of materials or products that decompose by detonation shall be permitted. Such materials shall include, but shall not be limited to, all primary explosives such as lead azide, lead styphnate, fulminates, and tetracene; all high explosives including, but not limited to, nitrocellulose, black powder, boron hydrides, hydrazine and its derivatives; pyrotechnics and fireworks including, but not limited to, magnesium powder, potassium chlorate and potassium nitrate; blasting explosives including, but not limited to, dynamite and nitroglycerine; unstable organic compounds including, but not limited to, acetylides, hydrogen peroxide in concentrations greater than thirty-five (35) percent; and nuclear fuels, fissionable materials and products, and reactor elements including, but not limited to, Uranium 235 and Plutonium 39.

D. A building may be erected, altered or used, and land may be used or occupied, subject to the provisions of Article 14, 15, 18 and 19 for any of the following uses and no other:

1. Permitted Principal Uses

a. Manufacturing, fabricating and assembly

b. Printing

c. Research Laboratory

d. Planing Mill

e. Warehouse; Truck Terminal; Mini-warehouse

f. Utilities

g. Contractors Office and Yard

h. Cleaning Plant Office Park

i. Forestry/Timber Harvesting.'

2. Permitted Accessory Uses

a. Accessory uses on the same lot and customarily incidental to the permitted principal uses permitted in Section 1101.D.

b. Parking in accordance with Article 16.

c. Signs in accordance with Article 17.

3. Conditional Uses (Refer to Article 19 for Special Provisions and Article 21 for Standards and Criteria)

a. Solid Waste Management Facility

b. Radio and TV Tower

c. Fuel Storage and Distribution

d. Adult Commercial

e. Shooting Range


The maximum height of buildings and other structures erected, enlarged, altered or used shall be forty (40) feet, except as provided in Article 18.


Except as specified in Article 19 relative to setbacks from the Delaware Canal, and related to the Special Principal Use Regulations of Section 1901, the following shall apply:

A. Recycling and Refuse Facility; Solid Waste Landfill; Shooting Range

1. Minimum Lot Area - 10 acres.

2. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 500 feet.

3. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 350 feet.

4. Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage - 60%.

5. Maximum Building Coverage - 20%.

6. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 150 feet.

7.Minimum Width of Side Yards 125 feet.2

B. All other uses set forth in Section 1101.D.1. and 1101.D.3.c.

1. Minimum Lot Area - 3 acres.

2. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 250 feet.

3. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 100 feet.

4. Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage - 60%.

5. Maximum Building Coverage - 20%.

6. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 125 feet.

7.Minimum Width of Side Yards - 75 feet.

C. Office Park

1. Minimum Lot Area - 10 acres

2. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line - 400 feet

3. Minimum Lot Width at Street Line - 250 feet

4. Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage - 50%

5. Maximum Building Coverage - 20%

6. Minimum Depth of Front and Rear Yards - 75 feet

(100 feet when directly adjacent to Residential Uses)

7. Minimum Area of Side Yards - 75 feet

(100 feet when directly adjacent to Residential Uses)3


A. In conjunction with any application for industrial use of all or part of a property in the Light Industrial District, the landowner shall submit plans in compliance with the Solebury Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, indicating the proposed parceling, interior roadways, access points, location of parking areas, and the bulk and type of industrial structures conceived for ultimate development. This shall be considered a master plan and all subsequent sale, lease, covenant, and development shall be in accordance with the provisions herein and shall meet the spirit and intent of the master plan, with reasonable alterations permitted where such alterations improve site development, internal traffic circulation, traffic access to arterial roads, and general design.

B. Refer to Article 19 for special provisions related to uses in the LI District and to Article 18 pertaining to Environmental Controls.

C. A buffer area of at least fifty (50) feet in width shall be provided in accordance with Article

19 for all uses stated in Section 1103.A and Section 1103.B, within which a twenty (20) foot buffer planting strip shall be provided. For Section 1103.C, unless adjacent to a residential district not separated by a street; a fifteen (15) foot buffer area shall be required and all other requirements of Article 19, Section 1908 shall be applied.

D. Stormwater management systems shall implement the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's Best Management Practices to promote groundwater recharge wherever possible. Additionally, all existing impervious surfaces shall use a "meadow" runoff factor in applicable stormwater management calculations.5