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A. All erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be installed in accordance with the approved E&S plan prior to any earthmoving and/or stripping activities.
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B. No excavation or fill shall be made with a slope steeper than 4 horizontal to 1 vertical, except under the following conditions:
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1. The material is sufficiently stable to sustain a steeper slope. A sealed, written statement to that effect from an engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be submitted to the Township. The statement shall affirm that the site has been inspected and the deviation from the slope restriction shall not result in injury to persons or damage to property. A detail of the treatment of the slope (proposed grade, seeding, erosion protection, etc.) shall be submitted with the application.
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2. A concrete, masonry, or other approved retaining wall is designed and constructed in accordance with acceptable engineering practice to support the slope of the excavation or fill. Design plans bearing the signature and seal of the responsible licensed professional engineer or architect shall be submitted for Township records.
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C. Edges of slopes shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from property lines, ultimate/future right-of-way lines of streets, and easements to permit the normal rounding of the edge without encroachment on the abutting property, right-of-way, or easement.
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D. All lots, tracts, or parcels shall be graded at a minimum slope of two (2) percent to provide positive drainage away from buildings.
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E. Stormwater shall not pond, except where (detention basins, swales, etc.) proposed in accordance with the stormwater management plan for the site.
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F. In no case shall grading be completed in such a manner as to divert water onto adjacent property unless part of a stormwater management plan and an easement is obtained from the property owner.
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G. Each person, corporation, or other entity that makes any surface changes to the site shall be required to collect on-site surface runoff and control it to a point of discharge into the drainage area watercourse, stormwater easement, or storm sewer system.
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H. No grading equipment shall be permitted to be loaded, unloaded, or stored on a public street. No grading equipment shall be permitted to travel on or across a public street unless licensed for operation on public thoroughfares.
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I. The construction of underground utility lines involving installation, maintenance or repair that disturbs more than 1,000 square feet shall be subject to the following criteria:
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1. No more than 500 feet of trench is to be opened at one time.
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