ARTICLE V A1 Residence Districts (A1)
§ 30. Applicability.

In an A1 Residence District, the following regulations shall apply.

§ 31. Permitted uses.

A.building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the purposes permitted in A Residence Districts, and for no other.

§ 32. Accessory uses and structures.

Accessory uses and structures permitted shall be those permitted in A Residence Districts, and no other.

§ 33. Signs.

Such signs which are authorized in A Residence Districts under the provisions of Article XXIV are permitted.

§ 34. Excavations.

No excavation for purposes other than the construction of a driveway, walk, a permitted wall or building or part thereof or accessory thereto, or to remove topsoil from one part of the lands of an owner to another part of the same premises, when such removal is necessary as an accessory use or is for the purpose of farming or improving said property, shall be made unless approved by the Board of Appeals.

§ 35. Height.

The height regulations shall be the same as those in A Residence Districts.

§ 36. Building area.

The building area shall not exceed 20% of the lot area.

§ 37. Front yards.

The front yard requirements as to both interior lots and corner lots shall be the same as those in A Residence Districts.

§ 38. Side yards.

A. In case of a single-family dwelling, there shall be two side yards, one on each side of the main building, the aggregate width of which shall be at least 25% of the width of the lot, but in no case less than 20 feet. Neither side yard shall be less than 10 feet wide, provided that, in the case of a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this article having a width of less than 75 feet, a single-family dwelling may be built thereon with side yards of less width when authorized as a special exception of the Board of Appeals.

B. In case of any building other than a single-family dwelling or a building accessory thereto, there shall be two side yards. If such building is not over 40 feet high, the width of each of the two side yards shall be at least 25 feet; and if such building is over 40 feet high, this width shall be increased by five feet for each 12 feet or portion thereof by which the building exceeds 40 feet in height.

§ 39. Rear yards.

There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall be at least 25 feet.

§ 40. Permitted encroachments.

The permitted encroachments are the same as those in A Residence Districts.

§ 41. Fences.

The fences or wall regulations shall be the same as those in A Residence Districts.

§ 42. Accessory buildings.

A. Accessory buildings may occupy not more than 30% of the required area of the rear yard up to an average height of 12 feet. The yard area occupied by such accessory buildings shall, however, be included in computing the maximum percentage of the lot area which may be built upon. No accessory building shall be nearer any front property line than 50 feet, and it must be at least three feet from the rear and side property lines. However, in the case of an accessory private garage, it may be located not nearer to the front property line than the main building which it tends and must not be less than 10 feet from any side line; provided, however, that should such accessory garage be located 50 feet or more from the front property line, it may be within but not less than three feet from the side and rear property lines.

B. In the case of a corner lot, an accessory building shall be neither more nor less than three feet from the rear and side property lines, except in the case of an accessory private garage, which may be located not nearer to the front property line than the main building which it tends and must not be less than five feet from any side line, but must in any other event and in all other respects conform to Subsection A of this section.

C. Exclusive of an accessory private garage and a cabana permitted as an accessory to a swimming pool pursuant to § 252A(6) of Article XXV, only one structure can be erected and thereafter maintained, and such structure shall be erected on the ground and in the rear yard only and shall not exceed 144 square feet of floor area, nine feet in height maximum and 12 feet horizontally maximum, unless authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals. [Effective 11-29-2005]

§ 43. Minimum lot area and width.

[Effective 1-29-1988]

No dwelling or other building shall be constructed on a lot unless it contains an area of not less than 10,000 square feet and has a minimum width of 75 feet at the front setback line and either has a minimum width of 60 feet from and on the street line to the front setback line or is a lot designated on a plat heretofore or hereafter duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau. The foregoing provision shall not apply to the construction of accessory uses, dwelling additions or building additions on a lot.

§ 44. Minimum street frontage.

[Effective 1-29-1988]

No building shall be erected on any lot having a street frontage of less than 60 feet. In the case of a lot abutting on more than one street, only one minimum street frontage shall be required. The foregoing provision shall not apply to the construction of accessory uses, dwelling additions or building additions on a lot.

§ 45. Minimum lot depth.

No building shall be erected on any lot having a depth of less than 100 feet.