ARTICLE XXIX Urban Renewal Projects

[Effective 1-19-1968]

§ 280. Legislative intent.

A. The Town of Hempstead has undertaken programs for the elimination of slums and blight in cooperation with the federal and state governments, including, among other things, urban renewal projects. As of the date of enactment of this article, the Town of Hempstead is currently in execution of an Urban Renewal Project at Inwood (NYR-63). The Inwood Urban Renewal Project is unique in that it involves the rehabilitation of a substantial number of homes owned, for the most part, by disadvantaged persons. The undertaking of this, and of similar projects in the future, requires public subsidy distributed among the federal, state and local governments. This article is intended to apply to the Inwood Project and to subsequent projects which may be initiated involving the rehabilitation of existing homes.

B. It is hereby intended and anticipated that such urban renewal projects will revitalize the neighborhoods, promote property values and tend to inhibit blight in the Town of Hempstead.

C. This article is, therefore, intended to promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the Town of Hempstead, and all sections of this article are hereby declared to be in the public interest.

§ 281. Applicability.

This article shall apply to any existing dwelling and any existing dwelling unit and any new dwelling unit in an existing structure or in an existing structure to be enlarged or altered in any urban renewal project in execution by the Town of Hempstead.

§ 282. Applications and appeals.

A. The Urban Renewal Director is hereby authorized to act as the agent of the owner of any dwelling or dwelling unit described in the preceding section, with a written consent of such owner, for the purpose of preparing, submitting and prosecuting any application to the Town government within any urban renewal project under his direction.

B. Any such application or appeal may include and be limited to one or more of the following:

(1) An application to the Town Board for an amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance, or of the Building Zone Map of the Town of Hempstead.

(2) An application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a special exception or other use permit, or an appeal to said Board for a variance from the requirements of the Building Zone Ordinance, or for an interpretation of any provision or provisions of the Building Zone Ordinance.

C. All such applications and appeals shall be prepared, submitted and prosecuted by the Urban Renewal Director without cost or charge to the owner. The Urban Renewal Director is hereby authorized to incur such reasonable expenses as may be necessary to accomplish the foregoing, irrespective of whether or not such expenses are, or may be hereafter, reimbursable, in whole or in part, by the federal and state governments, or either of them.

§ 283. Fees.

Notwithstanding any other provision of the Building Zone Ordinance, or of any other town ordinance, rule or regulation, no fee shall be charged by any officer or agency of the Town government for filing, advertising or otherwise processing any application or appeal for which provision is made in this article.

§ 284. Calendar preference.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance or any other rule or regulation adopted by the Town Board or by the Board of Zoning Appeals or by any other agency of town government, any application or appeal for which provision is made in this article shall be entitled to a calendar preference.

§ 285. Notice of public hearing.

A. Notice of public hearing by the Town Board shall be given pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law.

B. The Board of Appeals shall give public notice of hearing by publication in Newsday, hereby designated as the official paper for notices under this article, at least five days prior to the date thereof, and shall, at least five days before such hearing, mail notice thereof to the parties and the regional State Park Commission having jurisdiction over any state park or parkway within 500 feet of the property affected by any such application or appeal.

§ 286. Interpretation.

In interpreting and applying the provisions of this article, the rules of interpretation applicable to remedial legislation shall be used so that the spirit and intent of this article shall be observed.