ARTICLE XVII LM Light Manufacturing Districts (LM)
§ 207. Applicability.

In a Light Manufacturing District, the following regulations shall apply.

§ 208. Permitted uses; prohibited uses.

[Effective 3-9-2004]

A.building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any lawful purpose except the uses prohibited in an Industrial District (Y) under Article XVIII of this ordinance, and the following uses also are prohibited:

Bag-cleaning establishment

Brick, pottery, tile, concrete block or terra cotta manufacture

Burlap manufacture

Carpet-cleaning establishment

Dismantling of motor vehicles, storage and sales of used parts

Gas (illuminating or heating) manufacture in excess of 10,000 cubic feet

Incineration, reduction, storage or dumping of slaughterhouse refuse, rancid fats, garbage, dead animals or offal

Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry

Lime, cement or plaster of paris manufacture

Paper and pulp manufacture

Perfume and extract manufacture Petroleum or other flammable liquids

Plating works

Power forging, riveting, hammering, punching, chipping, drawing, rolling or tumbling of iron, steel, brass or copper except as a necessary incident of manufacture of which these processes form a minor part, and which are carried on without objectionable noises outside the plant

Sausage manufacture

Single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, multiple-family dwelling

Sleeping units, accommodations or facilities including hotels, motels, lodging house, boardinghouse, auto court except those permitted by special use by § 272

Storing or baling of scrap paper, iron, bottles, rags or junk Tobacco manufacture or treatment

Tourist camp

Any other trade or use that is noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, gas, vibration or noise

§ 209. Special exceptions.

[Effective 5-4-1975]

When approved as a special exception by the Town Board, public garage, minor garage, battery service station, tire service station, or a combination thereof, motor vehicle repair shop, whether or not operated in connection with new or used motor vehicle sales; boat repair shop, whether or not operated in connection with new or used boat sales; and public utility buildings and structures are permitted.

§ 210. Accessory uses.

Incidental or accessory uses or buildings in connection with permitted uses will be allowed.

§ 211. Signs.

Signs shall conform to the provisions of Article XXIV.

§ 212. Height; floor area ratio; existing uses.

No building shall exceed four stories in height or a maximum of 60 feet.

A. Floor area ratio requirement. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 0.4 for all uses within this district, unless a greater floor area ratio is authorized as a special exception by the Board of Appeals under Article XXVII. [Effective 8-5-19891

B. Nonconforming and existing structures and uses. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, legal nonconforming uses in existence on the effective date of this subsection not in compliance with the applicable floor area ratio requirement of Subsection A shall not be required to comply with the same as a condition for the continuation of the existing legal nonconforming use or other use permitted in this article, provided that the structure containing such legal nonconforming use or other use permitted in this article is not enlarged nor the floor area of such structure increased. Any change of the legal nonconforming use shall comply with § 319A herein. Any enlargement of a structure or any increase in the floor area of such structure in which a legal nonconforming use is contained, or in which a change of legal nonconforming use is proposed, must comply in all respects with Subsection A and § 319A herein, and shall be treated as a new application under the Building Zone Ordinance. [Effective 4-29-1989]

§ 213. Front yards.

A. The required front yard depth shall be a minimum of 20 feet. [Effective 7-29-1974]

B. Except as otherwise provided in Subsection D of this section, in case of a corner lot, a front yard shall be required on each street, and not withstanding the foregoing, each such front yard shall be not less than 10 feet.

C. Where a building is not controlled by Subsection A or D of this section, there shall be a front yard, the depth of which shall be at least 10 feet back of the front property line.

D. In case of a plot used or intended to be used for a gas filling station, when approved by the Town Board, a front yard shall be required on each street, and notwithstanding the foregoing, each such front yard shall not be less than 20 feet.

E. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a roof, mansard, awning or similar projection not exceeding 24 inches into the required front yard setback shall be a permitted encroachment. [Effective 4-11-1993]

§ 214. Rear yards.

[Effective 10-1-1979]

There shall be a rear yard of at least 10 feet; except that where an LM District abuts any residential district, there shall be a rear yard of at least 25 feet.

§ 215. Sewage disposal.

No building shall be permitted unless provided with municipal sewage disposal facilities or unless an independent sewerage system or installation approved by the Nassau County Department of Health is constructed for the satisfactory disposal of the sewage of such buildings.

§ 216. Fences.

No fence or wall more than six feet in height may be erected without a permit and except when authorized by the Board of Appeals pursuant to Article XXVII hereof.

§ 217. Side yards.

[Effective 10-1-1979]

Where an LM District abuts any residential district, there shall be a side yard of at least 25 feet along the residentially zoned area.

§ 218. Buffer strips.

[Effective 10-1-1979]

Where an LM District abuts any residential district and where property within such LM District is undeveloped, the owner of property in the LM District shall install a buffer strip consisting of evergreen planting material along such residential district prior to the start of construction of any building. The plant material shall consist of suitable evergreens which, at the time of planting, shall have a height of at least six feet and a depth of at least four feet. Such planting shall be permanently maintained so as to provide a visual separation of the light industrial and residential uses.