ARTICLE XV LPRD Levittown Planned Residence District (LPRD)

[Effective 12-29-1975]

§ 171. Legislative purpose.

A. In order to preserve the integrity of the plan of the original Levittown, the Town Board of the Town of Hempstead herein enacts this article of the Town of Hempstead Building Zone Ordinance, to be known as "Levittown Planned Residence District (LPRD)." This Town Board finds that due to the expiration of the original restrictive covenants governing lots in the planned community of Levittown, numerous properties that would otherwise be protected may become subject to further subdivision under existing town zoning provisions.

B. Due to the fact that originally Levittown was planned and developed as a whole community, piecemeal intrusion on scattered parcels by development will change the physical character of the residential areas and reduce open space. This new Article is designed to prevent any future deterioration to this stable community. This new Article applies to the various areas in Levittown appearing on the original Levitt & Sons, Inc., maps, more particularly described hereinafter.

C. This new Article, in combination with Town Law § 262 of the State of New York, is intended to provide a framework to carry out the intention of Levitt & Sons, Inc., as an owner who developed certain land in the Town of Hempstead as a planned suburban community of one-family dwellings, as evidenced by various declarations of restrictions which were filed in the office of the County Clerk of Nassau County.

D. This Town Board intends to accomplish these purposes, thereby protecting, preserving and promoting the public health, safety, general welfare and amenity of the Town of Hempstead.

§ 172. Title.

This article shall be known and cited as the "Levittown Planned Residence District (LPRD) Article."

§ 173. Severability.

If any clause, sentence, section, paragraph or provisions of this article shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this article, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, section, paragraph or provision directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.

§ 174. Interpretation; conflicts with other provisions.

A. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this article, the rules of interpretation applicable to remedial legislation shall be used so that the spirit and intent of this article shall be observed.

B. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this article and other provisions of this Building Zone Ordinance, the provisions of this article shall control.

§ 175. Definitions.

In addition to the definitions in this Building Zone Ordinance, the following special definitions are applicable to this article. In the event of conflict, the following definitions will be controlling:

LEVITTOWN AREA - The residentially zoned premises situate, lying and being in the unincorporated area of the Town of Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York, as shown on the following maps filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau: