ARTICLE XI E Edu-Cultural Districts (E)

§ 109. Permitted uses.

In an E Edu-Cultural District, a building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the following purposes, and for no other:

A. College or university.

B. Public school, parochial school or private school chartered by the New York State Board of Regents.

C. Public park, playground or other public recreational use.

D. Public library, museum, art or historical building, health center, concert hall, auditorium, firehouse, police station or governmental building.

E. Place of worship.

F. Public, philanthropic, charitable or other nonprofit golden age housing. [Effective 4-13-1968]

§ 110. Accessory uses.

Accessory uses to any of the above-permitted uses are permitted, provided that such accessory use is customarily associated with, necessary, incidental and subordinate to the principal use of a lot or building and located on the same lot therewith.

§ 111. Special uses.

A.building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the following purposes, and for no other, when authorized by the Board of Appeals pursuant to § 267C(2):

A. Bus, railroad or helicopter passenger station.

B. Fraternity or sorority house.

C. Hospital, but excluding a penal, correctional or mental institution or institution of alcoholics or drug addicts.

D. Medical center.

E. Philanthropic or charitable institution.

F. Private school for music, art, dancing or dramatic arts.

G. Public utility.

H. Radio or television broadcasting studio.

I. Research laboratory limited to medical, educational, electronic and engineering fields.

§ 112. Height.

No building shall exceed 14 stories or 175 feet in height, provided that in the case of any building which exceeds 35 feet in height, the required front yard shall be increased an additional U2 foot for each one foot of building height greater than 35 feet, and the required side and rear yards shall be increased an additional 1/4 foot for each one foot of building height greater than 35 feet.

§ 113. Building area.

The building area shall not exceed 35% of the lot area.

§ 114. Required yards.

Subject to the provisions of § 112, the following minimum yard requirements shall apply:

A. Front yard. There shall be a front yard, the depth of which shall be not less than 25 feet. In case of a corner lot, a front yard shall be required on each street.

B. Side yards. There shall be two side yards, the depth of each to be not less than 10 feet. In case of a corner lot, there shall be one side yard, the depth of which shall be 15 feet.

C. Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall be not less than 20 feet.

§ 115. Lot area and width.

No building shall be erected on a lot having less than one acre in area or 200 feet along the street line.

§ 116. Sewage disposal.

No use shall be permitted unless provided with municipal sewage disposal facilities or unless an independent sewage disposal system has received prior approval by the Nassau County Department of Health.

§ 117. Off-street parking.

A. The regulations set forth in this section shall be deemed the minimum requirements and shall apply to any building erected, converted, reconstructed, enlarged, altered or moved after the effective date of this ordinance.

B. A parking space shall be an off-street paved or surfaced space, available and usable for the parking of one motor vehicle, having dimensions of not less than nine by twenty (9 x 20) feet exclusive of passageways, aisles, driveways and other required space appurtenant thereto and giving access thereto, and having direct access to a street.

C. Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:

D. All parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot with the use to which it is appurtenant, provided that where there are practical difficulties in the way of such location or if the public safety or convenience would be better served by such other location, the Town Board may authorize such alternative location in its approval of the site plan for the premises under § 120 of this article, subject to the following conditions:

(1) Such space shall be located on land in the same ownership as that of the land on which is located the use to which such space is appurtenant;

(2) Such space shall be conveniently usable without causing hazard to pedestrians, hazard to vehicular traffic, traffic congestion, detriment to the appropriate use of the property in the vicinity and detriment to the neighborhood;

(3) Any entrances or exit to such parking area shall be located as far as reasonably can be from any residence district; and

(4) All other provisions of this ordinance are followed.

E. Wherever the application of standards for parking space results in a fraction of such space, said fraction shall be deemed to be one space.

§ 118. Restrictions where contiguous to residence district.

Where any lot in an E District is contiguous to any residence district, no building shall be erected, enlarged, moved, expanded or reconstructed and no land or building or part thereof shall be used unless in conformity with the following additional provisions:

A. There shall be provided and properly maintained along such contiguous lot lines such planting strip as may be required by the Town Board as a condition of its approval of the site plan showing such building or land, under § 120 herein.

B. Notwithstanding any provisions of this ordinance, no building or structure shall be located at any point less than 50 feet from any such contiguous residence district line.

§ 119. Signs.

A. The following signs, and no other, shall be permitted in an E District:

(1) Institutional identification signs, placed upon a building wail or on a lot, provided that all such signs appear on and are approved as part of the site plan approved under § 120 hereof.

(2) Informational signs, directional or traffic signs which are placed and maintained for the general welfare, provided that there is no advertising thereon and that no such sign shall exceed five square feet in area.

(3) Professional signs, in accordance with Article XXIV of this ordinance.

(4) Sale or rent signs, in accordance with Article XXIV of this ordinance.

(5) Building contractor's subcontractor's, architect's or engineer's signs, maintained on buildings only while the same are under construction, provided that there is only one such sign not exceeding four square feet in area.

B. Sign prohibitions. The following signs shall be prohibited in any E District:

(1) Any sign erected on the roof of any building or structure.

(2) Any sign painted on the surface of a wall or roof of any building or structure.

(3) Any sign constructed of cloth, oil cloth, paper or any other destructible material.

(4) Any sign which is placed in any required yard or in any street.

(5) Any billboard, outdoor advertising or display sign which directs attention to a business, service, entertainment or commodity conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than upon the premises.

(6) Any sign attached to any tree, fence or utility pole.

(7) Any ground or detached sign which exceeds 15 feet in height from the mean level of the ground to the topmost point of the sign.

(8) Any sign or part thereof which directs, emits, radiates or reflects any beam, ray or glare of light away from the lot.

(9) Any sign or part thereof which is in motion by any means.

(10) Any sign or part thereof which contains flashing or intermittent illumination or lighting of changing degrees of intensity or string of lights.

§ 120. Site plan.

For the purposes of furthering desirable planning and development, stimulating coordinative site layout and building design and encouraging amenities harmonious with the intent and nature of an E District, the following provisions shall apply to any lot:

A. No permit shall be issued for the alteration, erection or use of any building or structure or the use of any lot or premises in an Edu-Cultural District unless and until a site plan of the premises has been approved by the Town Board in the manner and upon the considerations provided in § 305 of this ordinance.

B. Any applicant for such permit shall submit a site plan to the Town Board for approval, such site plan to be drawn to scale and include, as a minimum, property dimensions, proposed layout, use and location of buildings and structures, uses of land, improvements, streets, parking, fences and planting strips, landscaping and other physical features of the site, and relation of such plan to the surrounding properties and the neighborhood.

C. An applicant shall be deemed to be the owner of the property involved or an authorized agent of the owner or a person, firm or corporation under bona fide contract to purchase the property.

D. In its decision on said site plan, the Town Board shall be guided by the following, in addition to the considerations specified in § 305 of this ordinance:

(1) The plan is in harmony with and appropriate to the surrounding properties, the neighborhood and the Town.

(2) The plan contributes to the proper growth and development of the Town and to the general welfare. (3) The plan is not hazardous, conflicting or incongruous with the surroundings, neighborhood or town by reason of excessive traffic or undue assembly of persons or vehicles.

(4) The plan will not hinder or discourage the appropriate use and development of nearby lands or impair the values thereof.

(5) The plan will not be objectionable to or in conflict with the residential character of adjoining residential areas by reason of the location and size of proposed uses, the nature and intensity of the uses involved or by reason of street layout, noise, lights, traffic or other factors of impact.

(6) The purposes of zoning set forth in the Town Law of the State of New York are observed.

(7) The considerations spelled out in § 267C(2) are observed.