Section 11.1.1 General Regulations
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A. No building, parking area of five (5) parking spaces or more, or use shall be constructed or modified except in conformity with the provisions of this Article
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B.Parking for all uses shall be provided on each site, or off-site if allowed in specific zones, with the approval of the Planning Board and shall meet all conditions specified in this Ordinance and at rates as specified in the general parking standards Whenever there is an alteration of a use which increases or decreases the parking requirements according to this Section. the parking required for that alteration, change. or extension shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of this Section.
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C.No parking area shall be used for and use that interferes with its availability for the parking need it is required to serve
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D.All required facilities shall be provided and maintained as long as the use which the facilities were designed to serve continues to exist The total extent of off street parking facilities shall not be reduced or enlarged after their provision, except upon the approval of the Planning Board and then only after proof that. by reason of diminution or expansion in floor area, seating area. or the number of employees or change in other factors controlling the regulation of the number of parking spaces, such reduction is in conformity with the requirements of this Section Reasonable precautions shall be taken by the owner or sponsor of particular uses to assure the availability of required facilities to the employees or other persons whom the facilities are designed to serve Such facilities shall be designed and used in such a manner that at no time constitutes a nuisance, hazard, or unreasonable impediment to traffic
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E.All off-street parking spaces shall be marked so as to indicate their location Failure to keep parking areas in satisfactory condition (i.e. free from holes, clearly delineated, or properly graded) shall be considered a violation of the Ordinance
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F. In the DD Zone, the required number of parking spaces, their sizes and layout for all uses shall be provided as per the Parking Standards of this Ordinance and the location or proximity of the required number of parking spaces to the property or business which is the subject of an application for development shall be set forth herein. Parking can be located on-site or can be within seven hundred and fifty (750) feet of the property or business, provided that a minimum of ninety (90) percent of the parking is provided either on site or at curbside, and that the remainder of the parking is secured by a renewable lease of at least twenty (20) years, or other assurance as is acceptable to the Planning Board.
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**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been amended as per Ordinance No. 2-08. | |||||||
G. In the DD Zone, curbside parking is recommended in front of all retail uses, and for guest parking for residential uses, except where such parking shall interfere with intersection turning movements. Parallel parking shall be allowed on Sherman Avenue, on Springfield Avenue in those location which allow curb parking, Lone Pine Drive, the new Main Street and around the proposed Town Square as illustrated in the streetscape sketches on the urban Design Plan which show parallel parking on the curb edge, adjacent to street trees and lighting poles, with sidewalks adequate for anticipated pedestrian volumes and edged by building facade Curbside parking shall be included in the parking requirements for each use, provided such curb side parking occurs immediately contiguous to and along the curb edge adjacent to the property line for which the parking is being applied
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H.Any new use in the Downtown Districts including the DD, DH, and HB districts, that cannot meet the parking requirements of this Ordinance within the lot lines of the principle use may meet the parking requirements of this Ordinance in either of the following manners
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1 The Developer shall show proof at the time of approval of the lease of the required parking spaces within seven hundred fifty (750) feet of the premises and in the same district for a period of twenty (20) years | |||||||
**Webmasters Note: Subsection 2. has been deleted as per Ordinance No. 7-05. | |||||||
I.No parking shall be permitted in driveways, aisles. sidewalks. between curb cuts providing access to a site, in site triangles, in any buffer areas or front yards
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J.If a reservation of parking spaces as landscaped area is approved, the total number and size of the parking area shall not be reduced, to guarantee that required parking can be provided in the future. This extra area shall be extensively landscaped until such time as it is deemed needed for parking
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K.In the DD, DH, and HB Zones, parking areas in the interior of lots may be located in any yard space but shall he nor closer than ten (1 0) feet to any street property line Any parking area which is located within fifty (50) feet of a Residential Zone or use shall be separated and screened from said zone or use by a buffer strip as specified in this Part
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L. In the OR, OR-A and LI Zones, parking areas shall not be less than fifty (50 ) feet from the nearest residential zone or use and shall be separated and screened therefrom by a buffer strip as specified in this Part. In the LI Zone, parking areas shall not be located in any front yard area. In the OR Zone and OR-B, parking areas shall not be permitted in the front yard unless such parking is adjacent to, and not less than forty (40) feet from, a "major" or "collector" roadway as classified by the Township Master Plan and is not less than one hundred (100) from any residential side street; provided further that any parking in a front yard abutting a major or collector roadway in the OR Zone shall be located at an average grade at least five (5) feet below that of the roadway, shall be screened from such roadway by a vegetative buffer strip, and shall be restricted in use to employees of the facility. No client, patient or visitor parking shall be permitted in the minimum front yard area. In the OR-A and OR-B Zone parking areas may be located on all sides of a building, including front yards.
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**Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been amended as per Ordinance No. 8-07. | |||||||
M.In all zones, except the OR-A, no loading facilities shall be located in the front yard In all cases, loading facilities shall be extensively screened and buffered from view from public thoroughfares
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N.In all Residential Zones or uses, the out-of-doors, overnight parking of trucks, vans, buses, and other vehicles built on a truck chassis is prohibited, except for such vehicles having manufacturer's chassis load rating not exceeding one ton with a limit of one per dwelling In all Residential Zones or uses, the out-of-doors overnight parking of campers, travel trailers. boats, or other recreational vehicles is prohibited in the front yard Out-of-doors parking of such vehicles is permitted in the side or rear yards, with a limit of a cumulative total of one such vehicle per dwelling
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O.Where no specific requirements are cited herein for a particular use. or where, in the opinion of the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment as appropriate, the expected number of employees is substantially higher than would be typical for a use specified in Section H 1 2 of this Article, the Board shall determine the parking, driveway. and loading facilities to be required
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P.All adjoining parking lots in non-residential districts with greater than twenty-five (25) vehicles if combined must be interconnected
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Q.Parallel parking shall not be permitted on any roadway if the width thereof is less than thirty (30) feet Such parking will be permitted on one side of roadways thirty (30) feet or more and less than thirty-six (36) feet in width and on both sides of roadways thirty-six (36) feet or more in width
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R.This Part 11, except for the provisions of Section H. 1 12, shall not be applicable to the OR-A Zone.
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Section 11.1.2 Required Number of Parking Spaces for Specific Uses
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A. The number of parking spaces for each use shall be determined by the nature of the use, the amount of Gross Floor Area (GFA), or such other measure as noted below. Where the site contains more than one use, the total parking requirement shall be the sum of the requirements of the component uses. Where the computed number of required parking spaces for any use involves a fraction of a parking space. the fraction shall count as an additional parking space if the fraction is one-half or more
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B.Uses and required spaces as follows
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**Webmasters Note: The previous chart has been amended as per Ordinance No. 8-07. | |||||||