Section 10.6.9 Shade Tree Standards
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A.General Standards Shade trees shall be provided at an interval spacing of approximately thirty (30) feet along each side of all streets, public or private. existing or proposed In addition, the Board may also require additional shade trees to be massed at critical points along the street, in order to terminate views, reinforce a sense of spatial enclosure or screen undesirable views Where healthy and mature shade trees currently exist, the requirements for new trees may be waived or modified by the Board In determining the number, location, and type of proposed shade trees. the Township Shade Tree Commission may act in an advisory capacity to the Board The following standards shall apply for the planting of shade trees
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1. Size. Shade trees shall be a minimum size of three (3) inches in caliper at the time of planting
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2 Location | |||||||
a Shade trees shall be planted on both sides of any street, approximately three and one-half (3 1/2) feet inside the sidewalk, on or near the right-of-way line, or if such location is not possible. in the planting strip between the curb and the sidewalk In locations where both of the above locations are inadequate, the Board may require shade trees to be planted outside of the public right-of-way on the tract to be developed | |||||||
b On streets where existing shade trees are consistently located at a certain place so as to form a line parallel to the street, shade trees may be planted to continue this pattern. The location and type of shade trees shall be such so as not to interfere with below grade utilities. roadways, sidewalks, or street lights | |||||||
c No shade tree shall be planted in a planting strip between the curb and the sidewalk within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersecting curb lines of an intersection or within ten (10) feet of a driveway opening | |||||||
d The Planning Board may require double rows of shade trees along streets with high volumes of traffic, as determined by ADT volumes and/or the width of right-of-ways Double rows of shade trees shall consist of two (2) staggered rows of trees at intervals of approximately twenty (20) feet on-center along each side of all such streets The interior row, located in the planting strip between the curb and sidewalk, shall be planted with trees spaced forty (40) feet on-center and a minimum of three (3) inches in caliper at time of planting The exterior row shall be planted with trees spaced forty (40) feet on-center and a minimum of one and three-quarter (1 3/4) inches in caliper at time of planting | |||||||
3 Tree Type. Tree type may vary depending on overall effect desired, but, as a general rule. on each street all trees shall be the same type Selection of tree type shall be approved by the Planning Board based on the list of approved shade trees | |||||||