§13-7.10 Special Requirements.

Every structure or group of structures and uses, and every designed plot area or cluster unit having services, facilities or utilities, in common, private usage and in common ownership or control by its occupants, or which functions as an independent corporate property owner, or agent of management, shall be located upon and within a lot or plot of land which shall be fully dimensioned and designated as representing the area of responsibility and extent of such individual or group ownership or management, as may be established by ownership in full or partial fee or lease under deed covenant, lease contract or such other conditions of usage or occupancy legally established and recorded therefore, and a description or plan of each such lot or plot shall be filed separately or as part of the descriptive maps of an M-R development with the municipal tax assessor

§13-7.11 Limitations with Respect to Open Space

a. Not more than 50 percent of any water areas such as lakes, ponds, streams, swamps, or brooks shall be recognized in this computation, to assure compliance with the requirements for usable open space for all purposes and pursuits In determining the area of any of the aforesaid water area, flood plans and areas where the seasonal high water table reaches zero to one foot shall be deemed to be included in such water area

b Areas not considered as open space Open space land in satisfaction of subsection 13-7 2c shall not include yard areas, land area within the right-of-way of public or private streets, and land area between walkways and buildings wherein the principal use of the land is to provide for pedestrian traffic to and from buildings

c. Development of seasonal wetlands Areas within the M-R zone where the seasonal high water table reaches zero to one foot, as established by county conservation service, shall not be included in any development for any purpose or to satisfy any requirement, except as provided in subsection 13-7 11a

§13-7.12 Other Standards and Conditions of General Applicability

a. Utility lines. All electric, gas and telephone utility lines shall be installed underground. Prior to the issuance of building permits, written certification from each serving utility will be required which will evidence full compliance with the provisions of this requirement.

b. Water and sewer service Water and sewer services shall be constructed in accordance with applicable regulations of the Public Utilities Commission and in accordance with all State, county and municipal regulations In the event of conflict between the various codes and requirements of the entities, the more restrictive regulation shall govern

1 Central sewage disposal plat Sewage disposal shall be by means of a central sewage disposal plant. Such disposal plant shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection of the State of New Jersey and county and municipal board of health requirements, if any. Such disposal plant shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Health, the county sewer authority, and the township board of health and shall be subject to their regulation and approval.

2. Central water system Potable water shall be provided by means of a central water system Such water system shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection of the State of New Jersey and county and municipal board of health requirements, if any Such central water systems shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Health, county sewer authority, and of the township board of health and shall be subject to their regulations and approval.

3. Approval of water and sewage systems . The proposed water and sewer system shall be approved by the township board of health before any building permit shall be issued, notwithstanding approval of any other agency whether State or county, unless the township board of health shall certify that the approval of such other approving agency is sufficient in its opinion that no further approval by the municipal board is required

4. Fire hydrants Fire hydrants shall be provided in such a manner so that no apartment building or townhouse cluster is further than 60 feet from a hydrant from its furthest point and fire hydrants shall be provided in such a manner as to provide protection in accordance with generally recognized standards in conjunction with all other structures. The fire hydrants shall be serviced by a system to be determined in accordance with the recommendations of the township engineer, said system at least meeting the minimum requirements of the fire underwriters for fire protection, for the type of construction anticipated, taking into consideration location of various structures, topography and general layout and design. The recommendations of the township engineer shall be made to the planning board.

c. Streets and blocks Streets and blocks within the M-R development shall conform to the provisions of the subdivision ordinance of the township and any amendments thereto.

d. Landscaping and screening

1 All M-R development shall be provided with liberal and functional landscaping schemes Roads and pedestrian walks shall be provided with shade trees which are of minimum size and character as designated by the township. Open space adjacent to buildings, malls between buildings to be utilized by residents, border strips along the side of pedestrian walks shall be graded and seeded to provide a thick stand of grass or trees and shrubs. Areas not used for buildings, terraces, drives and parking spaces shall be seeded and landscaped, and shall be maintained in a stable and well kept condition Screening or buffers, consisting of planting strips and fences shall be required around any other similar area, along property lines, between different designated uses and around all parking areas in order to provide for shielding from unsightly, disturbing or light glaring areas. Clothes drying areas shall not be permitted out of doors Refuse disposal areas shall be completely enclosed

2 The developer shall furnish, along with the plans and specifications required under this chapter, landscaping plans drawn by a recognized landscaper, which shall include plans for lighting the grounds, roads, drives, walks, parking areas and building entrances as well as the plantings and other landscaping intended.

e. Refuse disposal. Sufficient refuse pick-up areas shall be provided and shall be located for the occupants convenience.

f. Outside lighting Adequate lighting shall be provided to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles along interior streets, roads and driveways, in parking areas, near exterior and interior dwelling entrances, and along pedestrian walks.

§13-7.13 Provisions for Application and Approval

a. The applicant shall submit the application and other required plans and materials as though the application were for a major subdivision under the provisions of chapter XII of the General Ordinances of the Township of Wantage, and amendments thereto.

b In addition to the requirements of subparagraph a. hereof, the application, plans and materials shall set forth the following

1. The density and land use to be allocated to the various parts of the site to be developed

2 The use or uses of land and buildings and the height, dimensions, elevation and location of the buildings and other structures

3 The location, area and dimensions of individual dwelling units or stores within each building

4 The location, area and dimension of private yards for townhouses,

5. Distances between buildings and distances between buildings and rights-of-way, drives, parking areas or property lines

6 The provisions for off-street parking and loading including location of ingress and egress, the size and location of driveways, access aisles, parking spaces, pedestrian paths and lighting

7. Location of all areas on the subject property where the seasonal high water table reaches zero to one foot.

8. Landscaping plans in compliance with subsection 13-7 12,d.2 of this chapter.

9 The method of control of open space in compliance with subsection 13-7.9,f.

c. The planning board shall review the application, together with the other required plans and materials, as hereinabove set forth, as though the application were for a major subdivision, holding a public hearing, ascertaining whether or not the applicant has complied with the provisions and requirements of this chapter, and the applicable provisions and requirements of chapter XII of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Wantage, 1974, and amendments thereto, and issuing preliminary and final approvals upon proof of compliance with the provisions and requirements.

§13-7.14 Limitation on Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Per Approval.

Preliminary approval may be granted on the complete proposed garden apartment and/or townhouse project. However, final approvals shall be stayed. The maximum number of dwelling units granted final approval in the first section shall be limited to 150 dwelling units. Thereafter, application for final approval of additional sections, not excluding 100 dwelling units, may be submitted upon filing of proof with the planning board that 75 percent of the dwelling units in each previous section granted final approval are rented or sold.

§13-7.15 Filing and Fees.

Seven copies of the proposed garden apartment and/or townhouse project shall be submitted at least three weeks prior to the regular meeting of the planning board, to the secretary of the planning board, and shall be accompanied by three application forms, available from the township clerk, and a filing fee, as determined below, shall accompany such application:

Ten ($ 10.00) dollars for each 10.000 square feet of lot area. or part thereof; plus one (S 1.00) dollar for each 100 square feet of building floor area or part thereof.