13-4D McCoy''s Corner Village:

The purpose of the McCoy''s Corner Village is to establish the new Sussex County Library as the cornerstone of the center by integrating growth consistent with smart growth principles. Pedestrian and vehicular connections should be incorporated into the center with concentrated retail and service uses to support the library and airport. Light industrial uses should be encouraged in the airport hazard zone to promote the local economy and create jobs.

1. Principal Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the McCoy''s Corner. A mixed of uses and multiple uses in the same structure or in several structures on the same lot are permitted.

Retail Uses including farmers market, groceries, delicatessen and meat market, drug stores, gift shops, liquor stores, restaurants and taverns, stationary stores, bookstores and other similar uses as determined by the Land Use Board.

Retail Service Uses including hair salons, barbershops, shoe repair, dry cleaners, laundromats and other similar uses as determined by the Land Use Board.

Professional Uses including banks, accountants, physicians, dentists, lawyers, architects, planners, engineers, financial planners or other related professional uses, real estate and insurance brokers.

Apartments on the second floor of commercial buildings except dry cleaning establishments, gasoline service stations or other uses as determined by the Land Use Board. Mandatory affordable housing set aside of 20% is required.

Age Restricted Residential Uses shall be permitted on lots or tracts of land greater than 10 acres. Permitted housing types include single family, patio homes, duplexes, triplexes and town homes. Mandatory affordable housing set aside of 20% is required. Open space requirement dedicated to Environs protection or common open space. Existing residential structures are permitted to remain as nonconforming uses. Deed restrictions refer to Ordinance 13-24.11d.2.(e).

2. Accessory Uses.

Garages, parking lots, garden sheds, decks, patios and other similar accessory uses as determined by the Land Use Board. Refer to Ordinance 13-24.11d.2(g).

3. Bulk Requirements for Commercial/Residential Uses.

Commercial lot size shall be a minimum of 20,000 square feet.

Building height shall not exceed 40 feet.

Minimum lot width shall be 100 feet.

Minimum side yard shall be 10 feet.

Minimum front yard shall be 15 feet.

Minimum Rear yard shall be 30 feet.

Maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 50 %.

4. Bulk Requirements for Age Restricted Single Family Residential Uses.

The intent of the ordinance standards is to establish variable lot sizes and setbacks to provide variety site conditions and architectural character and avoid obvious repetition and a monotonous streetscape.

a. Minimum Lot area shall be 7,200 Square feet but not to exceed 25,000 square feet.

b. Minimum lot depth shall be 120 feet.

Minimum lot width shall be 75 with a maximum of 120 feet, expect if the lot is part of the common open space or recreational area.

Minimum front yard setback shall be 22 feet with a maximum of 35 feet.

Homes adjacent to each other must vary the front building setback a minimum of 5 feet.

Minimum Rear yard setback shall be 30 feet.

Minimum side yard set back shall be 8 feet.

Maximum building height shall be 40 feet.

Maximum number of stories shall be 2 .

Accessory Structures refer to Ordinance 13-24.11d.2(g).

Maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 50 %.

5. Bulk Requirements for Age Restricted Town Home Residential Uses.

The intent of the ordinance standards is to establish building setback variation to avoid obvious repetition and a monotonous streetscape.

a. Minimum front yard setback shall be 22 feet with a maximum of 35 feet.

Homes adjacent to each other must vary the front building setback a minimum of 5 feet.

Maximum length of building not to exceed 200 feet.

Minimum offset of units in the same building shall 5 feet.

Minimum distance side to side shall be 30 feet.

Minimum distance rear to rear shall be 60 feet.

Minimum distance rear to side shall be 40 feet.

Minimum distance front to back shall be 75 feet.

Minimum distance front to front shall be 70 feet.

Minimum distance front to side shall be 40 feet.

Minimum distance from any building to property line shall be 30 feet.

Maximum building height shall be 40 feet.

A maximum of 2 1/2 stories.

6. Conditional Uses.

Public or institutional uses.

Public utilities.

Gasoline service stations.

7. Prohibited Uses.

Single use strip commercial.

8. Design Standards.

Refer to Ordinance Section 13-13A.

**Webmasters Note: The previous sections, 13-4A through 13-4D, have been added as per Ordinance No. 2006-09.