ARTICLE II. Word Usage and Definitions
§ 242-4. Word usage.

A. In this chapter, words used in the present tense include the future. The singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular; the word "lot" includes the word "plot"; the word "building" includes the word "structure"; the word "zone" includes the word "district"; the word "occupied" includes the word "designed" and the phrase "intended to be used."

B. The word "shall" is always mandatory.

§ 242-5. Terms defined.

Certain words, phrases and terms in this chapter are defined for the purposes herein as follows:

ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING A subordinate use or building, the purpose of which is customarily incidental to that of the main use or building and is on the same lot.


ALTERATIONS As applied to a building or a structure, a change or rearrangement in the structure parts or in the existing facilities or an enlargement, whether by extension of a side or by increase in height, or by moves from one location or position to another.

ANIMAL HOSPITAL A place where animals or pets are given medical or surgical treatment. Use as a kennel shall be limited to short-term boarding and shall be incidental to such hospital use.

ANIMAL KENNEL Any establishment wherein or whereon the business of boarding or selling dogs or breeding dogs for sale is carried on, except a pet shop.

ANIMAL SHELTER Any establishment where animals are received, housed or distributed without charge.

APPLICANT The land owner or the agent, optionee, contract purchaser or other person authorized to act for and acting for the landowner submitting an application under this chapter.

APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT The application form and all accompanying documents required by ordinance for approval of a subdivision plat, site plan, planned development, conditional use, zoning variance or permit to build in a mapped area or for a structure not related to a street.

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION AND/OR GASOLINE STATION Any area of land, including structures thereon, that is used for the sale of gasoline or other motor vehicle fuel and oil and other lubricating substances, including any sale of motor vehicle accessories, and which may include facilities used or designed to be used for polishing, greasing or servicing such motor vehicles.

BASEMENT A story partly underground but having more than 1/2 of its clear height above the average level of the adjoining ground.

BEDROOM Any room other than a living room, kitchen, dinette or dining room, bathroom, porch or closet shall be construed as a bedroom, unless a notarized certificate of use or sealed architectural drawings are presented indicating that the room is not a bedroom. The number of bedrooms, as determined above, shall become a part of the certificate of occupancy. [Added 4-5-1990 by Ord. No. 12-90; amended 5-15-1990 by Ord. No. 23-90]

BOARDER A person who is not a member of the immediate family and who may or may not pay for the privilege of boarding.

BOATHOUSE Any enclosed structure over the water used for the sole purpose of storing and mooring boats and boating equipment.

BOAT REPAIR YARD Pertains to any facilities or lakefront activities associated with commercial boat repair and storage.

BUILDING Any structure having a roof supported by columns, piers or walls, including tents, lunch wagons, trailers, dining cars, camp cars or other structures on wheels, or having other supports, and any unroofed platform, terrace or porch having a vertical face higher than three feet above the level of the ground from which the height of the building is measured.

BUILDING AREA The area formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane at average grade level and the vertical planes which coincide with the exterior surfaces of the building. In case of a section of a building which is cantilevered, the exterior surface of the most projected area is used to determine the area. This area does not include uncovered porches, terraces or steps, nor does the most projected area include roof overhangs.

BUILDING FOOTPRINT COVERAGE The sum of the building area compared to the total area of the lot area. When computing building footprint coverage, all building, whether principal or accessory, located on the site shall be included in the building footprint coverage calculation." [Added 4-5-2006 by Ord. No. 7-2006]

BUILDING HEIGHT The vertical dimension measured from the average elevation of the finished grade measured six feet out from the foundation to the highest point of the roof. [Amended 6-5-2002 by Ord. No. 17-2002]

BUILDING LINE A line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane that coincides with the exterior surface of the building on any side. In case of a cantilevered section of a building, the vertical plane will coincide with the most projected surface. All yard requirements are measured to the building line.

BUILDING SETBACK A line established by this chapter within a lot defining the minimum distance between any structure or portion thereof to be erected or altered and an adjacent right-of-way, easement, street line, common open space or property line.

BULKHEAD LINE The high water mark of 10.30 feet above the dam as recorded at Lake Hopatcong State Park or the line established by the Bureau of Navigation, State Department of Environmental Protection, defining the lake's permanent shoreline.

CATWALK Any structure extending transversely from the main walk.

CHURCH OR HOUSE OF WORSHIP A building or group of buildings designed or intended for public worship.

CLUB An organization, corporation or association operating solely for benevolent, charitable, fraternal, social, religious, recreational, athletic or similar purposes and not for private gain.

CLUSTER Areas to be developed as a single entity according to a plan, containing residential housing and commercial and/or industrial units which have a common or public open space as an appurtenance.

COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER Two or more retail commercial establishments located in one building or structure designated as a planned commercial development u defined herein.

COMMERCIAL VEHICLE Anything registered as a commercial vehicle.

COMMON OPEN SPACE An open space area within or related to a site designated as a development and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development. Common open space may contain such complementary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development.

COMMON SEWERS The sewerage system wherein all uses on the property dispose of sewage into a common facility.

COMMON WATER The water system wherein all users on the property obtain their drinking water from a central well or wells or public water supply system.

CONDITIONAL USE A use permitted in a particular zoning district only upon a showing that such use in a specified location will comply with the conditions and standards for the location or operation of such use as contained in this chapter and upon approval by the Planning Board. The review by the Planning Board of a conditional use shall include any required site plan review as provided in this chapter.

CONTRACTOR/OFFICE A use in which a contractor has an office(s) for the contractor's business and has storage of heavy equipment used in the conduct of the contractor's business (not rental space for another business) and which in addition may provide office space for another business(es). All operations and activities, except the parking of the cars of employees and customers, are conducted within enclosed buildings and there is no outside storage of material, equipment, trucks, cranes, etc., nor refuse. "Contractor," as applied in this use, refers to those involved in activities such as construction of buildings, septic systems, driveways, earth movement or similar activities in which are used heavy equipment, such as dump trucks, graders, backhoes and bulldozers. [Added 4-6-1989 by Ord. No. 15-89]

CRITICAL AREA Any area in any zoning district of the Borough of Hopatcong wherein, because of soil characteristics or the existence of a stream, floodplain, pond, lake or wetland or because of any water table, slope, topographical or vegetation condition, general regulations are herein provided in order to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the people.

CUL-DE-SAC OR DEAD-END STREET A street or portion of a street to which accessibility is limited to only one ingress and egress.

DEVELOPER The legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or of any land proposed to be included in a proposed development, including the holder of an option or contract to purchase, or other person having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land.

DEVELOPMENT The division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels, the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any building or other structure or of any mining, excavation or landfill and any use or change in the use of any building or other structure or land or extension of use of land for which permission may be required pursuant to this chapter.

DOCKS Any structure extending lakeward of the bulkhead line for the purpose of mooring boats, gaining access to moored boats or for egress or ingress to the surface waters of the Borough. The definition includes any floating dock or segmented dock used for the above purposes. The term "dock" shall also include any appurtenances thereto, including but not limited to boat lifts, personal watercraft ramps and/or similar devices. [Amended 7-2-1987 by Ord. No. 23-87; 11-7-1996 by Ord. No. 25-96; 8-5-1998 by Ord. No. 18-98]

DWELLING, MULTIFAMILY A building occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters for two or more families or two or more households with direct access from the outside for each family or household or through a common hall, and further provided that separate cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of the occupants of each dwelling unit. Certain features of a multiple-family dwelling may be provided in common, such as off-street parking, yards and open space. Multiple-family dwellings may include buildings in cooperative or leasehold ownership or in condominium ownership.

DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY A building occupied or intended for occupancy exclusively by one family or one household with direct access from the outside and, further, provided with cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities for the exclusive use of the occupants of the unit.

DWELLING UNIT One or more rooms providing living facilities for one family, including equipment for cooking or provisions for same.

ELEEMOSYNARY USE Any nonprofit organization which is primarily supported by charitable contributions.

EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN A plan which fully indicates necessary land treatment measures, including a schedule of the timing for their installation, which will effectively minimize soil erosion and sedimentation and provide surface water management in accordance with Chapter 197, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.

ESSENTIAL SERVICES The erection, construction, alteration or maintenance by public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies of underground, surface or overhead gas, electrical, steam or water storage or transmission systems, including poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, light stations, telephone lines, hydrants, tanks and other similar equipment and accessories herewith, reasonably necessary for the furnishing of adequate service by such public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies or for the public health, safety or general welfare. "Essential services" shall include firehouses or stations and first aid and emergency aid squads. Requirements for underground utilities shall be subject to the requirements of the Public Utility Commission, as well as other municipal ordinances where appropriate.

FAMILY A group of individuals not necessarily related by blood, marriage, adoption or guardianship living together in a dwelling unit as a single housekeeping unit under a common housekeeping management plan base on an intentionally structured relationship providing organization and stability. [Amended 10-4-2000 by Ord. No. 20-2000]

FAMILY HOME DAY-CARE PROVIDER A resident owner or renter-occupant, with consent of the property owner, who provides family day-care services in his/her single-family residence. [Added 12-6-1984 by Ord. No. 40-84]

FAMILY HOME DAY-CARE USE An accessory use of a single-family residence which provides care of not more than five children at a time, on a scheduled basis for a fee, to a single-family residence other than the child's own home. This total shall include the provider's own children and foster children age five or younger, not more than two of whom are under 23 months of age. No provider shall offer or operate this use before 6:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. [Added 12-6-1984 by Ord. No. 40-84]

FARM An area of land which is actively devoted to agricultural or horticultural use and which occupies no less than five acres.

FARM BUILDING Any building used for the housing of agricultural equipment, produce, livestock or poultry or for the incidental or customary processing of farm products, provided that such building is located on, operated in conjunction with and necessary to the operation of a farm as defined by this chapter.

FENCE An artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen or separate areas and shall include arbors. [Amended 5-1-2002 by Ord. No. 12-2002]

FISSIONABLE SOURCE MATERIAL [Added 12-6-1984 by Ord. No. 38-84]

A. Mineral ore which is extracted or processed with the intention of permitting the product to become or to be further processed into fuel for nuclear fission reactors or weapons; or

B. Mineral ore which contains uranium or thorium in concentrations which might reasonably be expected to permit economically profitable conversion or processing into fuel for nuclear fission reactors or weapons.

FLOOR AREA RATIO The sum of the area of all floors of buildings or structures compared to the total area of the site with ceiling heights of seven feet or more. In the case of waterfront properties gross area will not include areas under the water. [Added 6-19-2002 by Ord. No. 20-2002; amended 5-4-2005 by Ord. No. 16-2005]

FLOOR AREAS, USABLE The sum of the gross horizontal areas of a floor or several floors of a building measured between the inside face of exterior walls or from the center line of walls separating two units having a clear ceiling height of eight feet, but no more than 10% of the usable floor area shall have a ceiling height less than the prescribed ceiling height for the type of building concerned in the Building Code. Any cellar, basement, garage space or accessory building is not to be included in computing usable area. In computing the area of the first floor of any dwelling, for the purposes of this chapter, in a split-level or tri-level dwelling, the first floor area shall be considered to be the sum of the usable floor areas in adjoining residential levels.

GARAGE, PRIVATE A building or space used as an accessory to the main building which provides for the storage of motor vehicles and in which no occupation, business or service for profit is carried on.

GARAGE, PUBLIC An enclosed building intended for the parking, storage, servicing or repair of motor vehicles as a business where all of the activities are normally carried on within the building, whether or not the facility is a part of an agency dealing in new or used motor vehicles.

GARAGE SALE All sales titled "garage sale," "yard sale," "lawn sale," "attic sale," "rummage sale" or any similar casual sale of tangible personal property advertised whereby the public at large is or can be made aware of the sale. [Added 11-7-1996 by Ord. No. 23-96]

GARDEN APARTMENTS A group of attached individual family dwelling units not more than three stories in height. [Added 10-4-2000 by Ord. No. 20-2000]

GROSS LAND AREA All of the area within the deed boundary lines of the tract.

HOTEL, MOTOR HOTEL OR MOTEL A building designed for occupancy as a temporary residence of one or more persons who are lodged in a furnished room, with or without meals, in accordance with § 242-54.

IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE/IMPERVIOUS SURFACE That percentage of the lot covered by impervious material, including buildings, driveways, paved or unpaved, walkways, paved or unpaved, patios, parking areas, paved or unpaved, auxiliary or accessory buildings, etc. This definition shall not apply to properties located in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Zones. [Added 10-18-2006 by Ord. No. 29-2006]

INDUSTRIAL Those type, class or particular establishments which manufacture, assemble or fabricate products. Light industrial activities do not present a fire or explosive potential or emit toxic matter, noise, odor, vibration, glare, smoke, particulate matter or other elements which may be discernible and may have a nuisance potential.

INSTITUTIONAL USE Use and occupancy of structures and land by schools, kindergarten through grade 12, inclusive; churches or places of worship; clubhouses; hospitals for humans; libraries; and public utilities, other than municipal, for all lawful purposes for which such institutions were organized or created and exist.

INTERESTED PARTY Any person whose right to use, acquire or enjoy property is or may be affected by any action taken under this chapter.

JUNKYARD Any area and/or structure used or intended to be used for the conducting and operating of the business of selling, buying, storing or trading in used or discarded metal, glass, paper, cordage or any used or disabled fixtures, vehicles or equipment of any kind.

LINE-OF-SIGHT DIAGRAM A diagram prepared indicating the line of sight available to an individual or individuals from a given location across an identified distance. [Added 11-4-1998 by Ord. No. 29-98]

LOT A parcel or portion of land separated from other parcels or portions by description, as on a subdivision or record of survey map, or by metes and bounds for purchase or sale, lease or separate use.

LOT AREA An area of land which is determined by the limits of the lot lines bounding that area, and is always expressed in terms of square feet. Any portion of a lot included in a street right-of-way shall not be included in calculating the lot area.

LOT COVERAGE That percentage of the lot covered by impervious material, including buildings, driveways, paved or unpaved, walkways, paved or unpaved, patios, parking areas, paved or unpaved, auxiliary or accessory buildings, etc. This definition shall not apply to properties located in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Zones. [Amended 4-6-1989 by Ord. No. 20-89; 10-18-2006 by Ord. No. 29-2006]

LOT DEPTH A mean horizontal distance between the street line and the rear lot line measured in the general direction of its side lot lines.

LOT WIDTH The mean horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to its depth and at a point which constitutes the rear line of the required front yard space.

MAIN WALK Any structure extending into the lake from the shoreline which is used for access to moored boats.

MARINA Any public, semipublic or private facility capable of berthing or mooring five or more boats.

NONCONFORMING BUILDING A building which, in its design or location upon a lot, does not conform to the regulations of this chapter for the zone in which it is located.

NONCONFORMING LOT A lot or parcel which does not have the minimum width or contain the minimum area for the zone in which it is located or the use to which it is being put.

NONCONFORMING USE A use of a building or of land that does not conform to the regulations of the zone in which it is located.

OPEN SPACE Any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved and set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment or for the use and enjoyment of owners and occupants of land adjoining or neighboring such open space, provided that such areas may be improved with only those buildings, structures, streets and off-street parking and other improvements that are designed to be incidental to the natural openness of the land.

OPEN SPACE CLUSTER An area to be developed as a single entity according to a plan containing residential housing units which have a common or public open space area as an appurtenance.

OPEN SPACE ZONING A permitted reduction in lot sizes and lot area requirements in major subdivisions in which the density requirements (dwelling units per acre) are maintained and where all resulting open land within said subdivision is reserved as open space.

OWNER An individual, firm, associated syndicate, copartnership or corporation having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided or developed to commence and maintain proceedings to develop the same under this chapter.

PARKING AREA, PRIVATE Any open area used for the temporary storage of automobiles and other vehicles for the private use of the owners or occupants of the lot on which the area is located.

PARKING AREA, PUBLIC Any open area, other than a road or other public way, used for the temporary storage of automobiles and other vehicles and available to the public, whether for a fee or without compensation or as an accommodation for clients, customers or employees.

PARKING SPACE An off-street space available for the parking of a motor vehicle and which, in this chapter, is held to be an area 10 feet wide and 20 feet long, exclusive of passageways and driveways appurtenant thereto and giving access thereto.

PATIO HOME A single-family attached one-story dwelling unit, usually L-shaped, whose structure utilizes the entire lot. The customary side and rear yards are consolidated into one central garden area, either partially or completely bordered by rooms. Party walls are fireproof and there are both rear and front entrances for each unit.

PIER A structure to moor boats to a dock or to which a deck, dock or other structure may be affixed.

PIERHEAD LINE A line running parallel to the bulkhead line and extending not more than 50 feet from said bulkhead line, as approved by the Natural Resources Council and Bureau of Navigation, State Department of Environmental Protection, beyond which no dock, pier or marina or other structure, permanent or temporary, floating or affixed to shore or lake bottom, may be located.

PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Planned unit development, planned unit residential development, residential cluster, planned commercial development or planned industrial development. [Added 9-5-2001 by Ord. No. 19-2001]

PLANNED SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT A housing development devoted to senior citizen uses incorporating two or more of the following: [Added 10-4-2000 by Ord. No. 20-2000]

A. Single-family detached residential.

B. Single-family attached residential.

C. Group homes.

D. Nonresidential facilities designed to serve the senior citizen community.

PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT An area with a specified minimum contiguous or noncontiguous acreage of 10 acres or more to be developed as a single entity according to a plan, containing one or more residential clusters or planned unit residential developments and one or more public, quasi-public, commercial, or industrial areas in such ranges of ratios of nonresidential uses to residential uses as shall be specified in the zoning ordinance. [Added 9-5-2001 by Ord. No. 19-2001]

PORTABLE POOL Any above-surface-type of swimming, bathing or wading pool, constructed of canvas, rubber, plastic or other material and not designed or intended to be stationary or permanently fixed, but designed and intended to be removed and stored.

PRINCIPAL BUILDING A building or buildings in which is conducted the main or principal use of the lot on which said building is situated.

PUBLIC OPEN SPACE An open space area conveyed or otherwise dedicated to the Borough or a Borough agency, Board of Education, state or county agency or other public body for recreational or conservational uses.

QUARRY A place where rocks, ore, sand, gravel or similar materials are removed from the ground for sale or other commercial or industrial purpose. This shall not include any noncommercial soil, dirt or rock removal which may be incidental to any permitted agricultural use, nor shall it include excavating or regrading in connection with or in anticipation of building development or landscaping of any site. Quarrying operations shall include all operations used for such removal and the crushing, mixing and processing of the extracted product.

RECLAMATION PLAN A plan and supporting documentation to be submitted with an application for a quarrying permit which clearly indicates the ultimate restored contours of any land to be excavated, the preservation or restoration of trees and ground cover, the phasing stages of reclamation and the relationship of reclaimed tracts to the surrounding area, including possible circulation and other material necessary to permit the establishment of an appropriate reclamation bond as required by this chapter.

RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT An area of 100 or more contiguous acres to be developed as a single entity according to a plan, containing one or more residential structures in accordance with § 242-42.

RETAINING WALL A structure constructed and erected between lands of different elevations to protect structures and/or to prevent erosion. [Added 5-1-2002 by Ord. No. 12-2002]

RIGHT-OF-WAY The strip of land on which a road, path or public utility is located, owned by or dedicated to the public or subject to an easement in a public agency.

SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING Housing available to individuals 55 year of age and older in conformance with the provisions of § 242-43C(10). [Added 10-4-2000 by Ord. No. 20-2000]

SENIOR CITIZEN RETIREMENT PROJECT A residential development, including dwelling units, recreation facilities and other appropriate facilities, within which residency shall be restricted to permanent residents of the age of 52 years and over, except for the spouse and the children 18 years or more of age of a qualifying resident.

SENIOR CITIZEN SUBSIDIZED DEVELOPMENT Those projects which qualify under the Senior Citizens' Housing Program pursuant to Section 202 of the Federal Housing Act of 1959, as amended.

SIGN Includes any device that is freestanding or attached to a building or structure or erected, painted, represented or reproduced upon or in any building or structure which displays, reproduces or includes any letter, word, name, number, model, insignia, design, device or representation used for one or more of the following purposes: to identify the premises; to advertise any trade, business, profession, industry, service or other activity; to advertise any product or item; to advertise the sale or rental or use of all or any part of any premises, including that upon which it is displayed; and to direct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, other than a state, county or municipal highway and roadway marker. "Sign" includes any announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, illustration, insignia or any representation being used to advertise or intended to advertise or promote the interest of any person. "Sign" shall include "billboard."

SIGN, FLASHING A sign in which the artificial light is not maintained constant in intensity, color or frequency at all times when such sign is in use.

SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING A house accommodating only a single family and having two side yards, a rear yard and a front yard.

SITE PLAN A development plan containing the items required by virtue of the provisions of this chapter as a condition for the issuance of a permit for development and developed in accordance with Chapter 191, Site Plan Review.

STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE Standards adopted by this chapter regulating noise levels, glare, earthborne or sonic vibrations, heat, electronic or atomic radiation, noxious odors, toxic matters, explosive and flammable matters, smoke and airborne particles, waste discharge, screening of unsightly objects or conditions and such other similar matters as may be reasonably required by the Borough or required by applicable federal or state laws.

STORY That part of a building between the surface of any floor and the next floor above it or, in its absence, the finished ceiling or roof above it. A split-level story shall be considered a second story if its floor level is six feet or more above the level of the line of the finished floor next below it, except a basement. Any floor under a sloping roof at the top of a building which is more than two feet below the top plate shall be counted as a story, and, if less than two feet below the top plate, it shall be counted as a half story, provided that not more than 60% of the floor area is used for rooms, baths or toilets, otherwise, it shall be counted as that fraction of a story which its floor area in rooms, baths or toilets bears to the entire floor area.

STREET Any avenue, street, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, viaduct, alley or other way which is an existing state, county or municipal roadway, or a street or way shown upon a plat heretofore approved pursuant to law or approved by official action, or a street or way on a plat duly filed and recorded in the office of the county recording officer prior to the appointment of a Planning Board and the grant to such Board of the power to review plats, and includes the land within the right-of-way, whether improved or unimproved, and may comprise pavement, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, parking areas and other areas within the street lines. For the purpose of this chapter, streets shall be classified as follows:

A. ARTERIAL - Those which are used primarily for fast or heavy traffic.

B. COLLECTOR - Those which carry traffic from minor streets to the major streets, including the principal entrance streets of a residential development and streets for circulation within such development.

C. MINOR - Those which are used primarily for access to the abutting properties.

D. MARGINAL ACCESS - Those which are parallel or adjacent to controlled access highways or major thoroughfares and which provide access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.

E. ALLEYS - Minor ways which are used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.

F. LANES - Ways, either for vehicular or pedestrian use, leading to Lake Hopatcong or Bear Pond.

STREET LINE The dividing line between a lot and a street.

SWIMMING OR BATHING POOL Any private pool, whether permanently constructed or of the portable type, having a depth of more than 18 inches below the level of the surrounding land and a surface area greater than 160 square feet or an above-surface pool having a depth of more than 24 inches designed, used and maintained for swimming or bathing purposes by an individual for use of the members of his household and guests and located on the applicant's land as an accessory use to a residence, and shall include all buildings, structures, equipment and appurtenances thereto.

TEMPORARY BUILDINGS A temporary building or trailer without permanent foundation used for field office purposes or the storage of building materials or machinery in conjunction with an approved construction project, but specifically excluding and prohibiting sleeping accommodations for residential habitation.

TOWNHOUSE A building designed for or occupied by no more than one family or household and attached by a fireproof party wall to other similar buildings or structures by party walls and providing at least two direct means of access from the outside and provided with separate cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities and separate connections for utilities.

TRAILER A wheel-based noncommercial vehicle that is designed to be transported by traction and which is used or may be used as a dwelling or for the transportation or storage of goods, materials, livestock or any object.

A. TRAVEL TRAILER - A vehicular portable structure built on a chassis designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses on a temporary basis.

B. PICKUP COACH - A structure designed primarily to be mounted on a pickup or truck chassis and with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses.

C. MOTORIZED HOME - A portable dwelling designed and constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle.

D. BOAT TRAILER - A trailer designed for the purpose of transporting a boat over land.

E. HORSE TRAILER - A trailer designed for the purpose of transporting horses or animals over land.

F. TENT TRAILER - A trailer with a built-in or attached tent designed and equipped to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses.

TRUCK TERMINAL A location at which trucks are parked or privately serviced that transport goods and materials not produced, received for sale, warehoused or used in manufacturing at that location.

USE The specific purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained.

VARIANCE Permission to depart from the literal requirements of this chapter.

WAREHOUSE A structure or building, the principal use of which is for the storage of merchandise or commodities on a short- or long-term basis. A structure or building having facilities designed to store, deposit or hold merchandise on a temporary basis for further shipment or distribution shall not be considered a warehouse under this definition.

WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANTENNAS A device for the sending or receiving of a wireless telecommunication, subject to the provisions of this chapter. Said antennas may be either mounted on a building or placed on a wireless telecommunications tower. [Added 9-1-1999 by Ord. No. 19-99]

WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER A vertical structure used to support wireless telecommunications antennas. [Added 9-1-1999 by Ord. No. 19-99]

YARD, FRONT An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with the principal building, extending the full width of the lot and situated between the street line and the front line of the building projected to the side lines of that lot. Setback line shall be synonymous with the front yard.

YARD, REAR A yard extending across the full width of the lot and the nearest line of any building. The depth of the rear yard shall be measured at right angles to the rear line of the lot or, if the lot is not rectangular, then in the general direction of its side building lines.

YARD, SIDE An open, unoccupied space between the side line of the lot and the nearest line to the building and extending from the front yard to the rear yard or, in the absence of either of such yards, to the street or rear lot line, as the case may be. The width of a side yard shall be measured at right angles to the side line of the lot.

ZONING BOARD The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Hopatcong as established in accordance with the Municipal Land Use Law.

ZONING PERMIT A permit stating that the purpose for which a building or land is to be used is in conformity with the uses permitted and all other requirements under this chapter for the zone in which it is located or is to be located.