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**Webmasters Note: The previous schedule has been amended as per the 2001 Supplement. | |||||||
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(1) In the event that an existing lot is purchased by the State of New Jersey, the remaining lot area, if 50,000 square feet or larger, shall be deemed conforming.
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(2) Except for lots that lack either public water or public sewerage facilities, or both, the minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet.
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(3) Except areas usable for quarrying and related activities shall have 50 contiguous acres, a minimum lot frontage of 400 feet, and that no principal or accessory quarrying building, structure, operation, or use shall be located or conducted closer than 200 feet from any public road, lot line or zone boundary.
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(4) Except for lots fronting on an arterial street, in which case an additional 15 feet shall be required. In the case of all major subdivisions, no three adjacent structures located on the same side of a street shall have the same front yard depth. The minimum required difference of front yard depth shall be three (3) feet.
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(5) For Flag Lots, see Section 402.21 et. seq. (Amended 1/12/88 by Ordinance #1379)
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(6) Added 4/25/89 by Ordinance #1481. For Lot Size Averaging, see Section B411.
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(7) Added 7/11/89 by Ordinance #1500.
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(8) All bulk requirements of the R-7 Zone are applicable to residential uses within the O-P this includes:
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(1) the distinction between interior lots and corner lots,
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(2) buffer requirements,
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(3) 15 additional feet from the street, and
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(4) parking requirements same as R-20 and R-15 (section B406.22b).
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(9) Garages shall be constructed according to the following standards:
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(a) All garages provided shall conform architecturally to and be of similar materials as the principal building in the development;
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(b) No detached garage shall exceed a height of one story or fifteen (15) feet.
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(10) In the R-10 B Zone (added 4/22198, Ordinance #2075; amended 8/14/01, Ordinance #3236):
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(a) The maximum permitted density shall be 2.1 dwelling units per gross acre for single family residential development and 3.25 units per gross acre for garden apartment development.
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(b) Open Space shall be provided on-tract according to the standards contained in the Natural Resources Preservation Ordinance, Sections 112-31D(3) and 112-31H(3) and as modified below:
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[1] A minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the tract shall be set aside as Open Space for single family residential development and sixty (60%) percent for garden apartment development;
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[2] The minimum size of an Open Space Area shall be four (4) acres;
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[3] The minimum width of an Open Space Area shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet.
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(c) No development will be permitted of forests identified in the Forest Study prepared by the Franklin Township Environmental Commission.
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(d) Frontage for single family residential lots in the R-10B Zone shall be measured at the required front setback line.
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(11) A garden shed is any accessory structure 100 square feet or less. See also, Section 112-8G(8).
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**Webmasters Note: The previous footnotes, (10) and (11), have been amended as per the 2001 Supplement. | |||||||
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(Amended 5/22/01 by Ord. No. 3218) | |||||||
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**Webmasters Note: The previous Schedule has been added as per the 2001 Supplement. | |||||||
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A. Applications for development within the various zoning districts shall meet all requirements of this ordinance. The accompanying chart entitled, Summary of Requirements is provided as a general reference for development applications.
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B. This chart is provided for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as complete or limiting in the application of the requirements of this ordinance.
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The restrictions and controls intended to regulate development in each district are partially set forth in the schedules incorporated herein and entitled "Schedule I, Schedule of Permitted Uses," "Schedule II, Lot and Yard Requirement," and "Schedule III, Height, Coverage and Building Requirements" and are further supplemented by other sections of this chapter. | |||||||
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Except as otherwise provided in this chapter: | |||||||
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(1) No building shall be erected and no existing building shall be moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land or building be designed, used for, intended to be used for any purpose or in any manner other than as specified among the uses listed as permitted in the district in which such building or land is located.
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(2) No building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered to exceed in height the limit designated for the district in which such building is located.
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(3) No building shall be erected, altered, enlarged or rebuilt, nor shall any open space surrounding any building be encroached upon or reduced in any manner, except in conformity to the yard, lot area, and building location regulations designated for the district in which such building or open space is located.
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(4) No yard or other open space provided contiguous to any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this ordinance shall be considered to provide a yard or open space for any other building, and no yard or other open space on one lot shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for a building on any other lot.
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