§ 244-217. Traffic control devices.

The developer shall, prior to final acceptance, install all traffic control devices required within any development or, with the consent of the Township Committee, may pay to the Township Treasurer a nonrefundable sum, in cash or certified check, in the amount set by the Township Engineer, equal to the cost of all necessary traffic control devices not installed by the developer. Traffic control devices shall include but are not limited to signs, traffic lines, lights, reflectors and channelizing markers. The number, type, legend, placement and size of all traffic control devices shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices by the United States Department of Transportation and the requirements of municipal, county and state regulations and shall be according to an approved plan submitted at the time of final plat approval. Construction details of all proposed traffic control devices shall be in accordance with standards prepared by the Township Engineer and approved by the Township Committee.

§ 244-218. Traffic impact assessment.

A.traffic impact assessment shall be submitted by the applicant for all preliminary major subdivisions involving the creation of 25 or more lots, all preliminary major site plans proposing 20,000 square feet or more of gross floor building area, except as specifically waived in whole or in part by the municipal agency. A traffic impact study shall include the following:

A. A description of the proposed project, which shall include:

(1) The purpose and scope of the project;

(2) The suitability of the site for the intended project; and

(3) The estimated resident population, if applicable.

B. An inventory and description of existing traffic conditions within the area impacted by the proposed development.

C. Impacts.

(1) An assessment of the traffic impacts of the project.

(2) A description of the steps to be taken to minimize adverse traffic impacts during project construction and operation, both at the project site and within impacted areas. Such description shall be accompanied by the necessary maps, documents and other explanatory data that may be needed to clarify and explain the action to be taken.

D. Licenses, permits and other approvals. The applicant shall list all known licenses, permits and other approvals required by law for the construction and operation of the proposed project. This list shall include approvals required by the Township, as well as agencies of the county, state and federal governments. Where approvals have been granted, copies of said approvals shall be attached. Where approvals are pending, a note shall be made to that effect.

§ 244-219. Utility installations.

A. All utility lines and necessary appurtenances, including but not limited to electric transmission and electric, gas and water distribution, communications, streetlighting and cable television, shall be installed underground within easements or dedicated public rights-of-way. The developer shall arrange with the serving utility for the underground installation of the utility's supply lines and service connections in accordance with the provisions of the applicable standard terms and conditions of its tariff, as the same are then on file with the State of New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners; provided, however, that lots which abut existing easements or public rights-of-way where overhead utility lines have theretofore been installed may be supplied with service from such overhead lines if no new utility poles are required. In any event, new building service connections for all multifamily developments, shopping centers, office-research or industrial parks and planned retirement communities and for any industrial, commercial or office development shall be installed underground. Wherever the utility is not installed in the public right-of-way, an appropriate utility easement, not less than 25 feet in width, shall be provided.

B. Utility areas within residential development shall comply with Subchapter 4 (Streets and Parking) of N.J.A.C. 5:21 (Residential Site Improvement Standards), as amended. [Added 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

§ 244-220. Water supply.

A. All private development utilizing public sewerage collection shall be required to utilize a public water supply. [Added 12-23-2002 by Ord. No. 50-02]

B. The design and construction approval of all public and individual water supply systems, or extensions of existing systems, shall be under the jurisdiction of the owner of the utility or the Jackson Township Board of Health (and the State of New Jersey), respectively. Prior to the approval of any final plat, the full approval of any public water system must have been obtained from the appropriate agency and filed with the municipal agency, or the final approval will be conditioned upon full approval from the appropriate agency.

§ 244-221. Storage of recyclable materials.

Materials designated in Chapter 216, Article IV, Recycling, of the Code of the Township of Jackson shall be separated from other solid waste by the generator thereof and a storage area for recyclable material shall be provided.

A. Every owner, tenant, lessee or occupant of every building or use within the corporate limits of the Township of Jackson shall provide or cause to be provided a suitable storage area to accommodate a one-to-four-week accumulation of mandated recyclables, including but not limited to aluminum cans, ferrous containers (including tin, steel and bimetal cans), glass containers, newspapers and plastic containers.

B. For each subdivision application for 50 or more single-family units, the applicant shall provide a suitable area within each dwelling unit to accommodate a four-week accumulation of mandated recyclables, including but not limited to aluminum cans, ferrous containers (including tin, steel and bimetal cans), glass containers, newspapers and plastic containers. The storage area may be located in but shall not be limited to the laundry room, garage, basement, kitchen or a backyard location not more than 50 feet from the dwelling unit.

C. For each subdivision or site plan application for 25 or more multifamily units, the applicant shall provide a suitable storage area within each dwelling unit to accommodate a four-week accumulation of mandated recyclables, including but not limited to aluminum cans, ferrous containers (including tin, steel and bimetal cans), glass containers, newspapers and plastic containers. The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage or kitchen. Unless recyclables are collected on a weekly basis from each dwelling unit, one or more common storage areas must be provided at convenient locations within the development.

D. For each site plan application for commercial and industrial developments that utilize 1,000 square feet or more of land, the applicant shall provide the municipal agency with estimates of the quantity of mandated recyclable materials, including but not limited to aluminum cans, ferrous containers (including tin, steel and bimetal cans), glass containers, newspapers and plastic containers, that will be generated by the development weekly. A separated storage area must be provided to accommodate a one-to-four-week accumulation of recyclable material. The municipal agency may require the location of one or more common storage areas at convenient locations within the development.