§ 244-204. Sidewalks and graded areas: residential development.

[Added 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98] Sidewalks and graded areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Subchapter 4 (Streets and Parking) of N.J.A.C. 5:21 (Residential Site Improvement Standards), as amended.

§ 244-205. Sidewalks and aprons: nonresidential development.

[Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

A. General requirements.

(1) Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all streets within a development and entirely around the perimeter of all culs-de-sac except in the R-2 and R-3 Zones, where no sidewalks shall be required. Where the development abuts an existing street, the sidewalk shall be constructed only on that side. Sidewalks shall also be constructed at any other places, such as pedestrian walkways or access points to open space, as shown on or required at the approval of the final plat.

(2) The requirements of the standard specifications regarding curing precautions must be strictly observed.

B. Location. Sidewalks within street rights-of-way shall generally be located with the sidewalk edge farthest from the roadway placed one foot from the property line. Sidewalks not within street rights-of-way shall be located to provide for the most likely routes of pedestrian travel. In cases where the topography dictates or a proposed development provides for the extension of an existing street or abuts an existing street, where sidewalks have already been installed in a location other than as specified above or where such variations in sidewalk locations are needed to preserve trees or natural features, the municipal agency may approve alternate sidewalk locations in order to provide for the preservation of physical features or the continuation of the existing sidewalks.

C. Sidewalk construction.

(1) Sidewalks shall be four feet wide and four inches thick, except crossing driveways, where the thickness shall be increased to six inches for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of less than 100 spaces, and to eight inches for all other uses. Where the municipal agency determines that a sidewalk may be subject to unusually heavy pedestrian traffic, it may require that its width be increased to maximum of eight feet. All sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications. Concrete shall be Class C, air-entrained. Preformed bituminous cellular joint fillers 1/2 inch thick shall be placed at intervals not exceeding 20 feet. Dummy (formed) joints shall be cut into the concrete sidewalk between the expansion joints at equal intervals not exceeding the width of the sidewalk.

(2) The sidewalk subgrade shall be compacted prior to the placement of any sidewalk. Any unsuitable material encountered in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with suitable material acceptable to the Township Engineer. All six-inch or eight-inch sidewalk areas crossing driveways shall be reinforced at the midpoint or one-third points, respectively, of the sidewalk section. Reinforcing shall be welded wire fabric approved by the Township Engineer.

D. Apron construction. Reinforced concrete aprons shall be constructed at all driveways between the concrete curb (or combination curb and gutter) and the concrete sidewalk. Such aprons shall be six inches thick for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of less than 100 spaces, and eight inches for all other uses, and shall be reinforced with welded wire fabric approved by the Township Engineer, located at the midpoint or one-third points, respectively, of the apron section. Concrete shall be Class C, air-entrained. The width of the apron at the curbline shall be not less than the width of the driveway plus 10 feet or a minimum of 20 feet, whichever is greater.

E. Driveway depressions. At each driveway without curb return radii, the concrete curb or combination curb and gutter shall be depressed to form a driveway opening. The depression shall be equal in length to the width of the driveway plus two feet. At driveways with curb return radii, the curb depression shall accommodate the exterior limits of the radii. The depression shall be smoothly formed to maintain a lowered curb face across the depression of at least one inch, but not more than two inches. The bottom of the curb shall be lowered to maintain full curb depth across the depression.

F. Alternate sidewalk or apron types and/or locations.

(1) In areas where alternate sidewalk or apron types and/or locations are proposed or desired, either for decorative purposes or because of physical restrictions or existing conditions, a detail of the type and/or location of sidewalk and apron proposed shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and/or final plat.

(2) Continuous slip-formed sidewalks may be permitted if such is considered to be desirable by the Township Engineer. The use of continuous slip-formed sidewalks may only be permitted if the applicant submits, for review and approval, details and specifications concerning the equipment, materials and methods proposed for use and if the Township Engineer has inspected the installation and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such sidewalk. In the event that the Township Engineer does not approve the sample section of continuous slip-formed sidewalk, the developer shall remove the sample section and replace it with a type of sidewalk permitted by this chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the municipal agency.

G. Curb ramps for the physically handicapped.

(1) Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed on all street curb returns and, where appropriate, in parking areas. In general, two curb ramps shall be constructed at each corner. (See Exhibit 109-8 at the end of this chapter.) A single ramp at the center of the corner is acceptable when site conditions preclude the use of the two-ramp system. (See Exhibit 109-9 at the end of this chapter.)

(2) Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed in accordance with the standards shown in Exhibits 109-8 and 109-9. If there is a grass or landscaped area between the curb and the sidewalk, side ramps need not be provided. Curb ramps shall be provided at all four corners of full intersections and at the two corners plus a location across the street from both of the ramps at T-intersections.

(3) The developer shall submit a detailed intersection grading plan for approval by the Township Engineer prior to installation of the curbs, sidewalks and curb ramps at the intersection.

(4) Curb ramps shall be constructed with a rough broom finish in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation specifications and shall be flush with the street pavement at the gutter line.

§ 244-206. Bikeways.

[Added 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98] If required, bikeways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Subchapter 4 (Streets and Parking) of N.J.A.C. 5:21 (Residential Site improvements Standards), as amended.

§ 244-207. Signs.

A. General requirements.

(1) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed which is not in accordance with the standards and requirements established in this section. Unless otherwise specified in this section, the erection, alteration, construction, reconstruction, placement, replacement or display of any sign, except "No Trespassing" and "No Hunting," shall require a sign permit.

(2) No sign shall be placed on or affixed or attached to a building or structure or erected independently for any purpose other than to identify a permitted business, occupant, service, office, address, process, use or product offered, sold, conducted, manufactured or assembled on the same premises. A sign may include the name of the business, a brief general description of principal products or services offered or sold, phone numbers and Web sites, but may not include specific brand names unless they are a part of the registered trade name of the establishment. No sign displaying the colors of red, green or yellow shall be permitted within 200 feet of a traffic signal. [Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04; 12-28-2010 by Ord. No. 45-10]

(3) No sign or structure supporting the same shall be attached to natural objects, trees, stumps, fences, fence posts, utility poles or towers or other signs but shall be freestanding or affixed or attached to buildings or structures or placed upon or supported by the ground independent of any other structure in an approved manner. "No Trespassing" and "No Hunting" signs shall be excluded from this requirement.

(4) No sign shall be located within five feet of any property line.

(5) No freestanding sign or sign affixed or attached to a building shall be higher at any point than the roofline of said building or 25, whichever is less.

(6) All signs and their supporting structures, braces, locks, guys and anchors shall be constructed of durable materials, maintained in good condition, and shall not be allowed to become dilapidated, unsightly, aesthetically displeasing, offensive or structurally unsafe.

(7) Signs with two exposures shall be measured for area by using the face of only one side of the sign.

(8) Signs, whether permanent or temporary, other than signs of the municipal, county, state or federal government or official traffic control devices, shall not be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed within or overhang a sight easement or right-of-way of any street or easement of a public or private utility, nor shall any sign be located so as to constitute a traffic hazard.

(9) Any illuminated sign within 100 feet of any residential use or zoning district shall be shielded in such a manner so as to prevent direct rays of light and glare from being cast onto any residential premises.

(10) Floodlights and spotlights shall not be permitted except for the purpose of emergency lighting. Lighted signs shall be illuminated internally or with fixtures attached to the sign and directed to face the sign with adequate shielding to prevent nuisance glare.

[Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(11) No sign shall be left illuminated during any period when the premises on which it is located are not open to the public, or so otherwise not open for business, unless it is determined by the Planning Board that an illuminated sign is necessary for the protection of the property from theft or vandalism and will not interfere with the health, safety or welfare of the general public

(12) No portion of any sign shall be located within or suspended over a pedestrian walkway or bicycle passageway unless 10 feet above grade level.

(13) Directional signs with areas less than two square feet are exempt from location and area regulations, provided that they do not constitute a hazard to the traveling public or are not placed in or overhang a sight easement or right-of-way of any street or easement of a public or private utility.

(14) Any location where business goods are no longer sold, produced or assembled or where services or entertainment are no longer offered or provided shall have 30 days to remove all signs remaining or derelict on the premises. Where due written notification has been given by the Township and compliance has not been made within the required thirty-day period, the Township shall cause removal of such signs, with the cost of such removal attached to the property.

(15) No roof sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed in any zoning district within the Township.

(16) Signs with any lighting or control mechanisms which may cause radio or television reception interference shall not be permitted.

(17) Any sign erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed so as to obstruct or be attached to any fire escape, window, door or opening used as a means of ingress or egress, or for fire-fighting purposes, or placed so as to interfere with any opening required for legal ventilation shall not be permitted.

(18) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed that violates any of the municipal regulations with respect to health, required light, air, open space or safety, as defined in the Township Building Codes.

(19) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed which bears or contains words, letters, statements, figures, designs, symbols, logos or gestures of an obscene, indecent or immoral nature, or which will offend public morals or decency.

(20) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed which is animated in any way, which emits smoke, visible or invisible vapors or gasses, sounds or odor which violates the requirements of § 244-160. Changeable copy signs shall not be permitted, nor shall LED reader board signs.

[Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(21) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed which consists of banners, posters, flags, pennants, propellers, ribbons, streamers, strings of lights (except seasonal decoration), spinners or other wind-activated devices.

(22) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed that, by its size, location, color, shape, lighting, message or nature, may be confused with or obstruct the view of an official traffic sign or traffic control device by pedestrians or operators of bicycles or motor vehicles.

(23) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed on or attached to a motor vehicle, trailer or other portable device which is so located or placed as to be visible from a public street and intended, as determined by its location and the duration of its stay, to function as a sign.

(24) No sign shall be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed that uses admonitions, including but not limited to "Stop," "Go," "Slow," "Danger," "Caution," etc., which may be confused with, resembles or is an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal.

(25) Any sign erected, altered, constructed, placed or otherwise displayed prior to the adoption of this section, which does not conform to the requirements and provisions herein set forth, shall not be rebuilt, altered, reconstructed, replaced or otherwise displayed by changing the height, location, area, face or message of same.

(26) No sign shall be located closer than the following minimum distances to the street right- of-way:

(27) Each site plan and subdivision application shall include a sign plan showing the specific design, location, size (dimensions and square footage), height, materials of construction, color scheme and illumination in compliance with the provisions required herein. For facade or wall signs, the applicant shall submit a building elevation plan, prepared by a registered architect or professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey, accurately illustrating the wall dimensions, including the height and other building features of the site on which the sign is to be located. All new planned unit developments, shopping centers and office parks shall present an integrated sign design scheme in conjunction with site plans. All tenants in the shopping center, planned unit development or office park will be required to comply with the design standards set forth in the approved sign plan.[Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(28) In cases where a sign is not part of a sign plan of a site plan or subdivision application, the applicant for a sign permit shall submit:

(a) A property survey prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey, upon which the location of the proposed sign is indicated;

(b) A sketch of the proposed sign, indicating the size (dimensions and square footage), height, design, color scheme, materials of construction and illumination; and

(c) For facade or wall signs, a building elevation plan, accurately illustrating the wall dimensions, including the height, and other building features, of the site on which the proposed sign is to be located.

(29) All signs shall comply with all applicable county, state and federal sign regulations.

(30) The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to signs not visible from public roads within the RC Zone.

(31) Maintenance. All signs shall be periodically maintained by the owner of said sign, including painting, repairing and cleaning as necessary. Any sign that, because of improper maintenance, is deemed to be in a state of disrepair, such that the sign is no longer functional, visible or becomes dangerous to the safety of others, shall be repaired by the owner of said sign within 14 days of notice requiring said repair. Otherwise the sign shall be removed at the expense of the property owner. [Added 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

B. Sign requirements.

(1) Awning or marquee signs. Awnings or marquees containing signs shall be permitted to extend no closer than five feet to the street right-of-way line.

(2) Canopy signs.

(a) In the case of a shopping center wherein walkways are roofed over with a permanently installed rigid canopy or other structural device or in the Historic Village Commercial Zone, not more than one sign may be hung vertically from the underside of said canopy for each store or occupant in the shipping center and it shall not exceed four square feet in area and shall not be less than 10 feet above the finished grade or sidewalk beneath it. [Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(b) Signs attached to the front of a canopy shall not exceed 50% of the area of the canopy.

(c) A canopy sign may be illuminated but shall not be flashing, animated or moving in any way.

(d) No canopy sign shall extend above or beyond the end of the canopy to which it is attached.

(3) Construction signs. One nonilluminated sign, not exceeding 40 square feet in area and a minimum of eight feet in height, denoting the names of the architect, engineer, planner, landscape architect, contractor or other participants in construction and the owners and future occupants, may be placed on the property where the work is under construction.

(4) Directional signs.

(a) Directional signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, with lettering not exceeding six inches in height.

(b) Such sign shall not be placed within five feet of a street right-of-way line or any property line but may be located within the minimum required sign setback of 20 feet.

(c) Where directional signs are placed within a sight triangle area, they shall not exceed 30 inches in height from the finished grade directly below the sign to the top of the sign.

(5) Freestanding signs.[Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(a) Freestanding signs shall be permitted for retail, service and similar activities in the HC, RC, and LM Zones.

(b) Commercial buildings located at the intersection of two or more streets, or that have frontage on two or more streets, may be permitted a total of two freestanding signs or two ground signs, one on each of two street frontages. In no case shall there be more than two freestanding or two ground signs.

(c) Freestanding signs shall not exceed 16 feet in height or the height of the roofline of the building containing the uses the sign advertises, whichever is lower. The height of freestanding signs shall be measured from the finished grade directly below the sign to the top of the sign. The base of the columns, poles or uprights supporting the freestanding sign shall be landscaped as to minimize the visual effect and impact of said supports. The bottom of the sign shall be at least seven feet above grade.

(d) The locations of freestanding signs shall be in accordance with the required minimum distances to the street right-of-way, based on the sign area established in Subsection A(26).

(e) Each principal use or shopping center located in the HC, RC and LM Zones shall be permitted one freestanding sign along the principal street frontage so long as the property has at least 50 feet of uninterrupted street frontage. Freestanding signs shall not exceed an area equivalent to 1/2 square foot for each foot of linear building frontage on the principal street or 75 square feet, whichever is smaller.

(f) In the case of a shopping center or more than one business use sharing a parking area or more than one business situated on a single lot, a multiple occupancy/tenancy sign shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:

[1] The size of the sign shall be in accordance with Subsection B(5)(e) above.

[2] A minimum of 15% of the sign must identify the name of the site or the address of the property.

[3] The tenant/occupant names must be uniform in style and color.

[4] Lettering shall be a minimum of six inches in height.

(6) Ground signs. [Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(a) Ground mounted signs (or "monument signs") shall be permitted for professional office uses, commercial office uses, institutional uses (religious, education, government agencies), industrial parks or retail/service uses in the ROS, O/R, HVC, NC, LM, I, PVC, RGC and HC [as an alternative to the freestanding signs in § 244-207B(5) above] Zones.

(b) Ground signs shall not exceed six feet in height, measured from the finished grade directly below the sign to the top of the sign.

(c) The base of all ground signs shall be accented by landscaping such as shrubs, ground cover and flowers.

(d) The ground sign may include no more than four colors.

(e) In the case of a group of offices sharing a parking area, a group of professional tenants/occupants sharing a building, or in the case of a retail shopping center, the names of the offices or tenants may be listed on the sign, provided the top 15% of the sign is reserved for displaying the name of the complex or the address. The tenant or occupant names must be uniform in style and color.

(f) The locations of the ground signs shall be in accordance with the required minimum distances to the street right-of-way, based on sign area, established in Subsection A(26). Additionally, the sign must be outside the sight triangle easement areas and may not pose a threat to public health and safety.

(g) The maximum size for a single ground sign for a retail store, a shopping center, an office building, a group of offices, an institutional use or an industrial use is 30 square feet.

(h) Buildings located at the intersection of two or more streets, or that have frontage on two or more streets, may be permitted a total of two ground signs, one on each of two street frontages. In no case shall there be more than two ground signs.

(7) Wall signs.[Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(a) Each principal nonresidential building may have one wall sign not to exceed 15% of the principal facade area or 80 square feet, whichever is smaller, except as otherwise specifically restricted in other subsections. In the case of a shopping center, each tenant/occupant with direct access to the outside may have one wall sign not to exceed 15% of the principal facade area of the occupied space or 80 square feet, whichever is smaller.

(b) Wall signs within a development or shopping center should be consistent in color and style. It is the responsibility of the property owner or property manager to inform tenants of this requirement.

(c) A wall sign may be illuminated, but shall not be flashing, animated or moving in any way.

(d) A wall sign may not have more than four colors.

(e) No wall sign shall extend above or beyond the end of the wall to which it is attached.

(f) No wall sign shall block, interrupt or otherwise obscure in whole or in part any major architectural feature or detail of the wall.

(g) A wall sign positioned between two floors of a building shall not exceed 2/3 of the vertical distance between the windows.

(h) Gas station and similar canopy signs shall comply with the wall sign requirements.

(8) Holiday decoration signs. One nonilluminated holiday decoration sign, not exceeding 20 square feet in area, shall be permitted on a site where decorations customarily and commonly associated with any national, state, local or religious holiday are offered for sale.

(9) Home occupation signs. All home occupation signs shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 244-6 of this chapter and Subsection A(26).

(10) Miscellaneous signs. The erection of signs such as "No Trespassing" or "No Hunting" signs shall be permitted, provided that these signs do not exceed two square feet in area.

(11) Nameplate signs. One nameplate sign, as defined in § 244-6 of this chapter, shall be permitted per lot and shall not be illuminated by a total of more than 25 watts.

(12) Political signs.

(a) Political signs may be placed within 20 feet of but not less than five feet from any street right-of-way or property line.

(b) No political sign shall be placed in any street triangle or line of sight area.

(c) No political sign shall be affixed to any natural objects, trees, fences, fence posts, utility poles or towers or other signs.

(d) All political signs shall be removed within 30 days after the election.

(13) Office-research park and industrial park signs.[Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(a) One ground sign not to exceed 30 square feet in area shall be permitted to identify the name of the office-research park or industrial park. The sign must be located in accordance with Subsection A(26). The height of the sign shall not exceed six feet.

(b) Within the office-research or industrial park, one ground sign shall be permitted for each establishment and shall be located on the lot thereof The ground sign for the individual establishment shall not exceed 30 square feet in area and shall not be located closer than 25 feet from the curb or street line. Ground signs should be designed and located in such a way that they will not be visible from the streets outside the office or industrial park. Ground signs are prohibited in required sight triangle easements. The height of the sign shall not exceed six feet.

(c) In addition to one ground sign, each establishment shall be permitted one wall sign not to exceed 5% of the facade of the building upon which the sign will be placed or 40 square feet, whichever is less.

(d) In the case of an office park or industrial park, an additional directory sign will be permitted on the interior of the site to assist visitors in navigating the site. The directory sign shall not exceed 20 square feet and shall be located as not to cause a traffic hazard. Directory signs that include a map of the site may not exceed a total of 30 square feet.

(e) A sign plan for the office research or industrial park shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Subsection A(27). The sign plan shall be based upon an integrated sign design scheme and shall be designed to be in harmony and consistent with each other as well as with the architecture and building materials of the principal structures and the landscape plan.

(14) Private sale or special event signs.

(a) One nonilluminated private sale or special event sign, as defined in § 244-6 of this chapter, shall be permitted per lot and shall not exceed four square feet in area.

(b) Private sale or special event signs may be placed within 20 feet of but not less than five feet from any street right-of-way or property line.

(c) No private sale or special event sign shall be affixed to any natural objects, trees, fences, fence posts, utility poles or towers or other signs.

(d) No temporary sign for a special event or private sale shall remain in place for more than 30 days out of a calendar year.[Added 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(15) Real estate sign.

(a) One nonilluminated real estate sign per street frontage shall be permitted.

(b) A real estate sign shall not exceed 12 square feet in area or four feet in height in all residential zoning districts.

(c) A real estate sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in area or eight feet in height in all other zoning districts.

(d) No real estate sign shall be permitted less than 10 feet from any property line or within any sight triangle or easement.

(e) All real estate signs shall be removed at the expense of the advertiser within 15 days after the termination or completion of the matter of business being advertised.

(16) Street numbers. Street numbers between three inches and six inches in height and visible from the street shall be required for each establishment or residence.

(17) Subdivision/site development signs. One nonilluminated sign advertising premises under development shall be permitted and shall not exceed 40 square feet in area or eight feet in height.

(18) Traffic signs. Any traffic sign erected by the Township of Jackson, County of Ocean or State of New Jersey, or other sign required to be erected by law, shall be permitted and shall not require the issuance of a sign permit.

(19) Window sign. No window sign, whether permanent or temporary, shall exceed 25% of the total window area within which it is located.

C. Signs not requiring a sign permit. The following signs may be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed without a sign permit:

(1) Government flags.

(2) Historic markers.

(3) Signs not exceeding two square feet in area.

(4) Political signs.

(5) Private sale or special event signs.

(6) Real estate and other "For Sale" signs.

D. Prohibited signs. The following signs shall not be erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, placed, replaced or otherwise displayed within the Township of Jackson:

(1) Animated or moving sign.

(2) Billboard sign (off-premises sign, outdoor advertising sign).

(3) Flashing sign.

(4) Portable sign.

(5) Roof sign.

(6) Snipe sign.

(7) Exposed neon signs. [Added 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

E. Nonconforming signs. [Added 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 39-04]

(1) Intent. It is the intent and purpose of this subsection that as soon as legally possible, all existing signs not conforming to the provisions of this section be eliminated or brought into conformity with the provisions of this section.

(2) Legal nonconforming signs. Any sign located within the Township of Jackson which does not conform with the provisions of this section, but which did conform with the applicable laws and ordinances relating to signs at the time it was erected, shall be deemed a legal nonconforming sign and may continue in use until said sign loses its legal nonconforming status as defined in § 244-207E(3) below.

(3) Loss of legal nonconforming status. A legal nonconforming sign shall immediately lose its legal nonconforming status if:

(a) The sign is altered in any way in structure or size. Change of copy in a box sign does not constitute a structural change.

(b) The sign is replaced.

(c) The sign is deemed to be a hazard.

(d) Damage to the sign has occurred such that repair or restoration would exceed 1/3 of the replacement value as of the date of said damage.