§ 244-93. PVC-1 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

A. The following uses shall be permitted in the PVC-1 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone:

(1) Stores selling, at retail, groceries, meats, baked goods and other such food items, provided that suc h items are not produced on the premises.

(2) Drug and pharmaceutical stores.

(3) Hardware, paint, household supplies and electrical appliance stores.

(4) Package liquor stores.

(5) Stationery, tobacco and newspaper stores.

(6) Luncheonettes, restaurants, stores and places for the same and consumption of soft drinks, ice cream and beverages and drive-in diners, open-air restaurants and places providing ent ertainment.

(7) Barbershops and beauty shops.

(8) Shoe repair shops.

(9) Tailor shops, dry-cleaning services and self-service laundries shall be permitted, provided that pub lic sewerage facilities are available.

(10) Professional and business offices, banks and fiduciary institutions.

(11) Parking lots for passenger vehicles, but not for the storage of vehicles for sale or hire.

B. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the PVC-1 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone:

(1) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of § 244-197 of this chapter.

(2) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-79L.

C. Area, yard and building requirements shall be as follows:

(1) Minimum lot area: 20,000 square feet, provided that no nonresidential use shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater treatment plant. [Amended 4-12-1993 by Ord. No. 10-93]

(2) Minimum lot width: 100 feet; 120 feet for corner lots.

(3) Minimum front setback: 60 feet.

(4) Minimum rear setback: 30 feet.

(5) Minimum side setback: combined 30 feet; one side, not less than 10 feet.

(6) Maximum building height: 35 feet.

(7) Parking area setback. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(a) Parking area setback from ROW: 20 feet.

(b) Parking area setback from property line: 20 feet to adjacent residential; 10 feet to adjacent nonresidential.

D. Conditional uses shall be as follows:

(1) Public utility installations.

§ 244-94. PVC-2 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

A. The following uses shall be permitted in the PVC-2 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone:

(1) Stores selling, at retail, groceries, meats, baked goods and other such food items, provided that such items are not produced on the premises.

(2) Drug and pharmaceutical stores.

(3) Hardware, paint, household supplies and electrical appliance stores.

(4) Package liquor stores.

(5) Stationery, tobacco and newspaper stores.

(6) Barbershops and beauty shops.

(7) Shoe repair shops.

(8) Tailor shops, dry-cleaning services and self-service laundries shall be permitted, provided that public sewerage facilities are available.

(9) Professional and business offices, banks and fiduciary institutions.

(10) Parking lots for passenger vehicles, but not for the storage of vehicles for sale or hire.

(11) Business or commercial offices.

(12) Bars or cocktail lounges.

(13) Dry goods and department stores.

(14) Furniture stores.

(15) Bakeries where products are sold at retail only.

(16) Funeral homes.

(17) Restaurants, including the consumption of alcoholic beverages, but excluding drive-in or open-air restaurants.

(18) Shops of a plumber, electrician, carpenter, printer or painter.

(19) Services and repair businesses limited to radios, television and small home appliances.

(20) Jewelry stores, florists, sporting goods and camera shops.

(21) Municipal parks, playgrounds and other municipal buildings and uses deemed appropriate and necessary by the Township Committee.

(22) Other public buildings of a governmental or cultural nature.

B. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the PVC-2 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone:

(1) Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of § 244-197 of this chapter.

(2) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-79L.

C. Area, yard and building requirements shall be as follows:

(1) Minimum lot area: 20,000 square feet, provided that no nonresidential use shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater treatment plant. [Amended 4-12-1993 by Ord. No. 10-93]

(2) Minimum lot width: 100 feet; 120 feet for corner lots.

(3) Minimum front setback: 60 feet.

(4) Minimum rear setback: 30 feet.

(5) Minimum side setback: combined, 30 feet; one side, not less than 10 feet.

(6) Maximum building height: 35 feet.

(7) Parking area setback. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(a) Parking area setback from ROW: 20 feet.

(b) Parking area setback from property line: 20 feet to adjacent residential; 10 feet to adjacent nonresidential.

D. Conditional uses shall be as follows:

(1) Public utility installations.

(2) Automobile service stations, excluding, however, body shops and major auto repair shops.

§ 244-95. RGC-1 Regional Growth Commercial Zone.

A. The following uses shall be permitted in the RGC-1 Regional Growth Commercial Zone:

(1) Same as permitted in the PVC-1 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

B. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the RGC-1 Regional Growth Commercial Zone:

(1) Same as permitted in the PVC-1 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

C. Area, yard and building requirements shall be as follows:

(1) Same as required in the PVC-1 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

D. Conditional uses shall be as follows:

(1) Same as permitted in the PVC-1 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

§ 244-96. RGC-2 Regional Growth Commercial Zone.

A. The following uses shall be permitted in the RGC-2 Regional Growth Commercial Zone:

(1) Same as permitted in the PVC-2 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

B. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the RGC-2 Regional Growth Commercial Zone:

(1) Same as permitted in the PVC-2 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

C. Area, yard and building requirements shall be as follows:

(1) Same as required in the PVC-2 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

D. Conditional uses shall be as follows:

(1) Same as permitted in the PVC-2 Pinelands Village Commercial Zone.

§ 244-97. PM-1 Pinelands Manufacturing Zone.

A. The following uses shall be permitted in the PM-1 Pinelands Manufacturing Zone:

(1) General office facilities.

(2) Professional and commercial office facilities.

(3) Food processing and associated industries comprising any of the following:

(a) Bakeries.

(b) Canning or bottling of food, beverages or dairy products.

(c) Food and cereal mixing and milling.

(d) Food processing, sundry food manufacturing and manufacturing of spirituous liquor.

(4) Research and testing laboratories comprising any of the following: biological, chemical, dental, electronic, pharmaceutical and general, provided that there is no commercial production of goods for sale or otherwise.

(5) The warehousing or storage of goods and products, provided that no goods are sold from the premises, and provided further that all items to be stored are within an enclosed building.

(6) Manufacturing of light machinery, comprising any of the following:

(a) Small machines or small machine parts.

(b) Cash registers.

(c) Sewing machines.

(d) Typewriters, calculators and other office machines.

(7) Fabrication of metal products, comprising any of the following:

(a) Baby carriages, bicycles and other vehicles.

(b) Metal wire or foil (tin, aluminum, gold, etc.).

(c) Metal furniture.

(d) Musical instruments.

(e) Sheet metal products.

(f) Toys.

(8) Fabrication of paper products, comprising any of the following:

(a) Bags.

(b) Bookbinding.

(c) Boxes and packaging materials.

(d) Office supplies.

(e) Toys.

(9) Fabrication of wood products, comprising any of the following:

(a) Boats.

(b) Boxes.

(c) Cabinets and woodworking.

(d) Furniture.

(e) Toys.

(10) Other permissible industry comprising any of the following:

(a) Brush and broom manufacturing.

(b) Plastic products manufacturing.

(c) Electric light and power and other utility company installations.

(d) Electronic products manufacturing.

(e) Farm machinery sales and service.

(f) Glass and glass products manufacturing.

(g) Jewelry manufacturing including gem polishing.

(h) Laundering and cleaning establishments.

(i) Leather goods manufacturing except curing, tanning and finishing of hides.

(j) Motion-picture exchange.

(k) Pharmaceutical products.

(l) Photofinishing.

(m) Pottery and ceramic products manufacturing.

(n) Printing plants.

(o) Sporting goods manufacturing.

(p) Thread and yarn manufacturing.

(11) In addition to the above-listed uses, any office or industrial use similar to and not inconsistent with the above may be permitted, provided that at no time shall any use permitted in this article cause or result in:

(a) Dissemination of dust, smoke, smog, observable gas, fumes or odors or other atmospheric pollution, noise, glare or vibration beyond the boundaries of the industrial zone.

(b) Hazard of fire or explosion or other physical hazard to any adjacent building or to any plant growth on any land adjacent to the site of the use.

(12) Industrial parks containing any of the uses as set forth above, provided that said proposed use shall have a total area of at least 20 acres. In addition thereto, any use not specifically excluded, provided that the performance standards contained in § 244-160 are met.

(13) Municipal buildings and other public uses deemed necessary by the Township Committee of the Township of Jackson.

B. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the PM-1 Pinelands Manufacturing Zone:

(1) Private garage space necessary to store or repair any vehicles associated with a permitted principal use on the premises.

(2) Dwelling units in conjunction with any industrial use, solely for the housing of caretakers, guards or other custodial employees.

(3) Off-street parking space for employees and/or visitors, subject to the provisions of § 244-197 of this chapter.

(4) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-79L.

(5) Banks, post offices, restaurants and office buildings, which uses shall be permitted accessory uses only in instances where the primary use is as set forth in § 244-97A above.

(6) Accessory uses customarily associated with the industrial, research or office uses permitted in § 244-97A above, such as employee cafeterias and employee recreational facilities.

C. Area, yard and building requirements shall be as follows:

(1) Minimum lot area: two acres.

(2) Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.

(3) Minimum front setback: 100 feet from any major street; 60 feet from all other streets.

(4) Minimum rear setback: 50 feet.

(5) Minimum side setback: combined, 60 feet; one side, not less than 25 feet.

(6) Maximum building height: 50 feet.

(7) Maximum lot coverage: 50%.

(8) Parking area setback. [Added 5-27-2003 by Ord. No. 12-03]

(a) Parking area setback from ROW: 20 feet.

(b) Parking area setback from property line: 20 feet to adjacent residential; 10 feet to adjacent nonresidential.

D. Conditional uses shall be as follows:

(1) Hotel or motel (§ 244-124).

(2) Resource extraction in accordance with § 244-79F.

(3) Public utilities (§ 244-128).

(4) Recycling activity center (§ 244-130).

(5) Truck terminals (§ 244-131).

(6) Veterinary clinics, hospitals or animal care facilities (§ 244-132).

E. Other provisions and requirements.

(1) Each use located in the PM-1 Zone shall provide truck loading and unloading facilities on the same lot and in other than the required front yard so as to permit the transfer of goods in other than a public street.

(2) No required off-street loading areas shall be located in any required front setback.

(3) Where the PM-1 Zone abuts a residential zone, whether along a property line or across a street, there shall be provided a one-hundred-foot buffer screening strip, as set forth in § 244-193.

(4) Each use permitted in the PM-1 Zone shall be served by a public sewage disposal system or by a private disposal system which meets the approval of the State and Township Boards of Health and the Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority. Any private disposal system shall be so designed as will, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, enable the system to be efficiently connected to the prospective public disposal system when constructed.

(5) Uses established in this zone shall set aside a minimum of 20% of the area of the tract devoted to such use for seeding and landscaping and shall use this area for no other purpose.

(6) All industrial activities or processes shall take place within a completely enclosed building. Incidental storage out of doors shall be shielded from any street or adjacent residential zone by fencing, landscaping or other appropriate measure.

(7) All new streets, whether intended for public dedication or to remain as private streets, shall provide curbing and shall be designed to provide a forty-foot paved surface within a sixty- six-foot right-of-way. Such streets shall be constructed in accordance with specifications prepared by the Township Engineer for industrial-type streets.

(8) Industrial parks containing such permitted uses as set forth herein shall have a total area of not less than 20 acres. All streets within industrial parks shall be private, and there shall be adequate provisions for repair and maintenance so as to relieve the Township of Jackson from any responsibility for the upkeep of such streets.

(9) No use shall be conducted in such a way as to discharge any treated or untreated industrial waste, except as shall be approved by the Health Officer, Jackson Township. Municipal Utilities Authority and any applicable state agency having jurisdiction in such matters.

(10) Provision and use of water. All water requirements shall be stated in the application. Water shall be supplied from wells only after an approved or accepted geologic study of furnished by the applicant and certification by a professional geologist that the underground water supply and levels will not be appreciably altered in such a way as to endanger the water level and supply for other properties.

F. Prohibited uses.

(1) In no event shall the above provisions of the PM-1 Zone be interpreted to permit any of the following uses:


Acetylene gas manufacture and/or storage

Acid manufacture (hydrochloric, nitric, picric, sulfuric, sulfanous, carbolic)

Ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine manufacture


Blast furnace

Celluloid manufacture

Cement, lime, gypsum, plaster of paris manufacture

Coal distillation

Coke ovens

Creosote treatment or manufacture

Dead animal and offal reduction

Distillation of bones, coal, petroleum, refuse, grain or wood, except in the manufacture of gas

Distillation of tar

Explosives, fireworks and gunpowder manufacture or storage

Fat rendering

Forge plant

Incineration, reduction, storage or dumping of slaughterhouse refuse, rancid fats, garbage, dead animals or offal

Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture

Ore reduction

Petroleum or kerosene refining, distillation or derivation of by products and/or storage

Potash works

Power forge (riveting, hammering, punching, chipping, drawing, rolling or tumbling of iron, steel, brass or copper, except as a necessary incident of manufacture of which these processes form a minor part and which are carried on without objectionable noise outside the plant)

Rolling mill steel furnace, blooming or rolling mill

Rubber treatment or reclaiming plant


(2) Residential dwelling units, other than those utilized in conjunction with a farm operation existing at the time of the passage of this chapter, or as permitted by § 244-97B(2) above, shall be strictly prohibited in the PM-1 Zone.

(3) Retail businesses of any type, with the exception of those providing a direct service to a permitted use as set forth in § 244-97A above, such as banks, luncheonettes or post offices.