§ 244-83. FA-2 Forest Zone.

A. The following uses shall be permitted in the FA-2 Forest Zone:

(1) Detached single-family dwellings on lots of 3.2 acres, in accordance with § 244-98A. [Amended 4-12-1993 by Ord. No. 10-93]

(2) Detached single-family dwelling units at a maximum density of one unit per 32 acres. [Amended 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 40-04]

(a) Single lots for which no subdivision is required shall meet the following area, yard and building requirements:

[1] Minimum lot area: 32 acres.

[2] Minimum lot width: 250 feet.

[3] Minimum lot depth: 500 feet.

[4] Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.

[5] Minimum front yard setback: 200 feet, except as provided in § 244-79L.

[6] Minimum rear yard setback: 100 feet.

[7] Minimum side yard setback: 25 feet each side.

[8] Minimum accessory structure setback: 20 feet, not permitted in front yard.

[9] Maximum clearing for each developed lot: 20,000 square feet.

(b) When two or more lots are proposed in the FA-2 Zone, mandatory clustering shall be required. All residential units shall be located on 3.2 acre lots. The house lot shall be referred to in this section as the "developed area and the balance of the required acreage (28.8 acres) shall be referred to as the "conservation area."

[1] Clustered developments shall be designed to protect the particular environmental attributes of the site, to maintain the conservation area in an undisturbed state, to promote the establishment of greenways on adjacent sites and to maximize the contiguity of protected lands as a means of providing habitat for threatened and endangered plant and animal species. The developed area shall be located and designed to promote efficient use of the existing infrastructure (roads, utilities, etc.) and coordinate with development on adjacent parcels. The design shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Board and the Pinelands Commission.

[2] For clustered lots the following standards apply:

[a] Minimum lot width: 250 feet.

[b] Minimum lot depth: 500 feet.

[c] Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.

[d] Minimum front yard setback: 200 feet.

[e] Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet.

[f] Minimum side yard setback: 25 feet each side.

[g] Minimum accessory structure setback: 20 feet, not permitted in front yard.

[h] Maximum clearing per developed lot: 20,000 square feet.

[3] The conservation area shall be permanently deed restricted as open space with no further development permitted through imposition of a conservation easement to be approved by the Planning Board and its professionals.

(3) Agriculture.

(4) Agricultural employee housing as an element of and necessary to an active agricultural operation.

(5) Forestry.

(6) Low-intensity recreational uses, provided that:

(a) The parcel proposed for low-intensity recreational use has an area of at least 50 acres.

(b) The recreational use does not involve the use of motorized vehicles, except for necessary transportation.

(c) Access to bodies of water is limited to no more than 15 linear feet of frontage per 1,000 feet of water body frontage.

(d) Clearing of vegetation, including ground cover and soil disturbance, does not exceed 5% of the parcel and that no more than 1% of the parcel will be covered with impermeable surfaces.

(7) Expansion of intensive recreational uses, provided that:[Amended 12-30-1996 by Ord. No. 27-96]

(a) The intensive recreational use was in existence on February 7, 1979, and the capacity of the use will not exceed two times the capacity of the use on February 7, 1979;

(b) The use is necessary to achieve recreational use of a particular element of the existing Pinelands environment; and

(c) The use is environmentally and aesthetically compatible with the character of the Pinelands Forest Area and the characteristics of the particular basin in which the use is to be located, taking into consideration the proportion of cleared and developed land, ambient water quality, ecologically sensitive areas and unique resources, and will not unduly burden public services.

(8) Public service infrastructure intended to primarily serve the needs of the Pinelands. Centralized wastewater treatment and collection facilities shall be permitted to service the FA-2 Zone only in accordance with § 244-79G(4)(b). [Amended 12-30-1996 by Ord. No. 27-96]

(9) Single-family dwellings on one-acre lots, in accordance with § 244-98B. [Amended 4-12-1993 by Ord. No. 10-93]

(10) Single-family dwelling units on one-acre lots existing as of January 14, 1981, shall be permitted, provided that all of the following standards and criteria are met: [Amended 4-12-1993 by Ord. No. 10-93]

(a) The owner of the lot proposed for development acquires sufficient vacant contiguous or noncontiguous land which, when combined with the acreage of the lot proposed for development, equals at least 32 acres if all acquired noncontiguous lands are located in the FA-2 Zone and at least 69 acres if all acquired noncontiguous lands are located in the FA-1 Zone;

(b) All lands acquired pursuant to Subsection A(10)(a) above, which may or may not be developable, are located within the FA-2 or FA-1 Zone;

(c) All noncontiguous lands acquired pursuant to Subsection A(10)(a) and (b) above are permanently dedicated as open space through recordation of a deed to the property with no further development permitted except agriculture, forestry and low-intensity recreational uses. Any such deed restrictions shall be in a form to be approved by the Township Solicitor and the Pinelands Commission;

(d) Tax assessments for the acquired noncontiguous lands are combined and assigned to the land to be developed; and

(e) The lot proposed for development otherwise meets the minimum standards of this article.

B. Permitted accessory uses shall be the same as permitted in the FA-1 Zone.

C. Nonresidential area, yard and building requirements.

(1) Nonresidential area, yard and building requirements shall be the same as for the FA-1 Zone.

(2) Notwithstanding the minimum lot area set forth above in § 244-83A, no such minimum lot area for a nonresidential use within the FA-2 Zone shall be less than that needed to meet the water quality standards of § 244-79G(4)(d), whether or not the lot may be served by a centralized sewer treatment or collection system.

D. Conditional uses shall be the same as for the FA-1 Zone.

§ 244-84. FA-6 Forest Zone.

[Amended 4-12-1993 by Ord. No. 10-93; 12-30-1996 by Ord. No. 27-96; 11-8-2004 by Ord. No. 40-04] The FA-6 Zone is a transitional forest zone.

A. The following uses shall be permitted in the PA-6 Forest Zone:

(1) Detached single-family dwelling units at a maximum density of one unit per six acres.

(a) Single lots for which no subdivision is required shall meet the following area, yard and building standards:

[1] Minimum lot area: six acres, except as provided in § 244-84A(10) below.

[2] Minimum lot width: 250 feet.

[3] Minimum lot depth: 500 feet.

[4] Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.

[5] Minimum front yard setback: 200 feet.

[6] Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet.

[7] Minimum side yard setback: 25 feet each side.

[8] Minimum accessory structure setback: 20 feet, not permitted in front yard.

[9] Maximum clearing per developed lot: 20,000 square feet.

(b) When two or more lots are proposed in the FA-6 Zone, mandatory clustering shall be required. All residential units shall be located on one acre lots. The house lot(s) shall be referred to in this section as the "developed area" and the balance of the required acreage (5 acres per lot) shall be referred to as the "conservation area."

[1] Clustered developments shall be designed to protect the particular environmental attributes of the site, to maintain the conservation area in an undisturbed state, to promote the establishment of greenways on adjacent sites and to maximize the contiguity of protected lands as a means of providing habitat for threatened and endangered plant and animal species. The developed area shall be located and designed to promote efficient use of the existing infrastructure (roads, utilities, etc.) and coordinate with development on adjacent parcels. The design shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Board and the Pinelands Commission.

[2] For clustered lots the following standards apply:

[a] Minimum lot width: 150 feet.

[b] Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.

[c] Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.

[d] Minimum front yard setback: 60 feet.

[e] Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet.

[f] Minimum side yard setback: 10 feet one side/30 feet combined.

[g] Minimum accessory structure setback: 20 feet, not permitted in front yard.

[h] Maximum clearing per developed lot: 20,000 square feet.

[3] The conservation area shall be permanently deed restricted as open space with no further development permitted through the imposition of a conservation easement to be approved by the Planning Board and its professionals.

(2) Agriculture.

(3) Agricultural employee housing as an element of and necessary to an active agricultural operation.

(4) Forestry.

(5) Low intensity recreation uses provided that:

(a) The parcel proposed for low-intensity recreational use has an area of at least 50 acres.

(b) The recreational use does not involve the use of motorized vehicles except for necessary transportation.

(c) Access to bodies of water is limited to no more than 15 linear feet of frontage per 1,000 linear feet of water body frontage.

(d) Clearing of vegetation including ground cover and soil disturbance does not exceed 5% of the parcel and that no more than 1% of the parcel may be covered by impermeable surfaces.

(6) Expansion of intensive recreational uses, provided that:

(a) The intensive recreational use was in existence on February 7, 1979, and the capacity of the use will not exceed two times the capacity of the use on February 7, 1979.

(b) The use is necessary to achieve the recreational use of a particular element of the existing Pinelands environment.

(c) The use is environmentally and aesthetically compatible with the character of the Pinelands Forest area and the characteristics of the particular river basin in which the use is to be located, taking into consideration the proportion of cleared and developed land, ambient water quality, ecologically sensitive areas and unique resources and will not unduly burden public services.

(7) Public service infrastructure intended to primarily service the needs of the Pinelands. Centralized wastewater treatment and collection facilities shall be permitted to service the FA-6 Zone only in accordance with § 244-79G(4)(b).

(8) Detached single-family dwellings on one-acre lots in accordance with § 244-98B.

(9) Single-family dwelling units on one-acre lots existing as of January 14, 1981, shall be permitted provided that all of the following standards and criteria are met:

(a) The owner of the lot proposed for development acquires sufficient vacant contiguous or noncontiguous land which, when combined with the acreage of the lot proposed for development, equals at least the following:

[1] Six acres if all acquired noncontiguous lands are located in the FA-6 Zone;

[2] Twenty-eight acres if all acquired noncontiguous lands are located in the FA-2 Zone; or

[3] Fifty-nine acres if all acquired noncontiguous lands are located in the FA-1 Zone.

(b) All lands acquired pursuant to Subsection A(9)(a) above, which may or may not be developable, are located within the FA-1, FA-2 or FA-6 Zone.

(c) All noncontiguous lands acquired pursuant to Subsection A(9)(a) and (b) above are permanently dedicated as open space through recordation of a deed to the property with no further development permitted except agriculture, forestry and low-intensity recreation uses. Any such deed restrictions shall be in the form to be approved by the Township Solicitor and the Pinelands Commission.

(d) Tax assessments for the acquired noncontiguous lands are combined and assigned to the land to be developed.

(e) The lot proposed for development otherwise meets the standards of this article.

(10) Single-family dwelling units that were already constructed or under construction prior to the adoption of this section shall be permitted to rehabilitate and construct building additions consistent with regulations of the previous zoning designation (FA-3 or PV).

B. Accessory uses in the FA-6 Zone shall be restricted to the following: same as permitted in the FA-1 Zone.

C. Nonresidential area, yard and building requirements.

(1) Nonresidential area, yard and building requirements shall be the same as permitted in the FA-1 Zone.

(2) Notwithstanding the minimum lot area set forth in § 244-84A, no such minimum lot area for a nonresidential use within the FA-6 Zone shall be less than that needed to meet the water quality standards of § 244-79G(4)(d), whether or not the lot may be served by a centralized sewer treatment or collection system.

D. Conditional uses are the same as permitted in the FA-1 Zone.