§ 244-54. PMURD Planned Mixed Unit Residential Development Zone.

A. Permitted principal uses of buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Community residences for the developmentally disabled. [Amended 3-10-2003 by Ord. No. 4-03]

(2) Community shelters for victims of domestic violence. [Amended 3-10-2003 by Ord. No. 4-03]

(3) Detached single-family dwelling units, subject to the provisions of the R-3 Residential Zone (§ 244-46).[Amended 12-23-2002 by Ord. No. 50-02]

(4) Multifamily and detached single-family residential dwelling units, in accordance with the provisions of this section for a planned mixed unit residential development.

(5) Clubhouses/community buildings.

(6) Municipal parks, playgrounds and other such municipal buildings and uses as are deemed appropriate and necessary by the Township Committee.

(7) Federal, state, county and other public buildings and grounds, including public schools, parks, playgrounds or other public recreational uses or areas.

(8) Private or parochial schools not operated for profit; except, however, that public and private colleges or universities shall not be permitted.

(9) Open spaces and recreational uses and facilities.

(10) Fire stations.

(11) First aid stations.

(12) Golf courses.

(13) Raising of horses and other livestock.

(14) Essential services.

B. Permitted accessory uses, buildings and structures are as follows:

(1) Dog pens, provided that they are located behind the rear building line and not in the required side or rear yard. Dog pens shall only be permitted on lots containing a detached single-family dwelling unit.

(2) Fences and walls, subject to the provisions of § 244-190.

(3) Gatehouse.

(4) Off-street parking and private garages, subject to the provisions of §§ 244-197 and 244-198. [Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

(5) Private residential swimming pools, subject to the provisions of § 244-216. Private residential swimming pools shall only be permitted on lots with detached single-family dwellings.

(6) Satellite dish antennas, subject to the provisions of § 244-165.

(7) Shed (garden, storage and tool): A maximum of one shed shall be permitted per residential lot.

(8) Signs, subject to the provisions of § 244-207.

(9) Other customary accessory uses, buildings and structures which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.

(10) Accessory uses, buildings or structures necessary for the administration and/or maintenance of the infrastructure, streets, off-street parking facilities, drainage facilities, recreational facilities, open space areas and other facilities and areas which become the maintenance responsibility of the residents of the Planned Mixed Unit Residential Development (PMURD).

C. Conditional uses, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter, are as follows:

(1) Child-care centers, nursery schools and day-care centers (§ 244-114).

(2) Churches and places of worship (§ 244-115).

(3) Hospitals, philanthropic or eleemosynary uses (§ 244-123).

(4) Public utilities (§ 244-128).

D. Area, yard and building minimum requirements are as follows:

(1) Minimum tract requirements.

(a) Tract area. The minimum tract area of a PMURD shall be 500 contiguous acres under one ownership or control.

(b) Tract frontage. The minimum tract frontage for a PMURD shall be 500 continuous feet and shall be located on an existing major arterial, minor arterial or major collector, as shown on the Circulation Plan Exhibit adopted as part of the Jackson Township Master Plan.

(c) Tract width. The minimum tract width for a PMURD shall be 500 feet.

(d) Tract depth. The minimum tract depth for a PMURD shall be 500 feet.

(e) Multifamily dwellings. Buildings containing multifamily dwelling units shall be located on tracts with a minimum area of five acres.

(2) Lot and building requirements (in feet).

(3) Building height.

(a) The maximum permitted building height for principal buildings shall be 35 feet, subject to the provisions of § 244-156. In any event, no building shall contain more than three usable floor levels, counted vertically at any point in the building above the grade level, as determined by the average grade elevation of the corners of the building.

(b) The maximum permitted height of an accessory structure, which is located on the same lot as the principal building it is intended to serve, shall be 15 feet.

(c) The maximum permitted height of water towers, antenna facilities and other similar structures shall be established by the municipal agency on an individual basis.

E. Buffer area.

(1) No use, building, structure, internal street, driveway or parking area shall be constructed, placed, located, erected or assembled within 40 feet of the exterior tract boundary line of a PMURD, with the exception of entrance gatehouses, fences or walls.

(2) No portion of the tract buffer area shall be part of a private residential or nonresidential lot, but instead shall be part of the common open space owned and maintained by the homeowners' association.

(3) All buffer areas shall be in accordance with the provisions of § 244-50E(2), (3) and (4).

F. Building arrangement. All multifamily buildings shall be situated on the site so as to not form a rigid or uniform pattern.

G. Building construction. All structures shall be constructed of thick and/or fire resistant exterior material. This requirement shall not, however, preclude the use of wood trim and siding or other such material necessary or integral to the architectural appearance of the structure.

H. Building length. No building, when viewed from any elevation, shall be greater than 200 fe et in length.

I. Density.

(1) The maximum permitted gross residential density of a PMURD shall be four dwelling units/acre.

(2) The maximum permitted net residential density of a PMURD shall be six dwelling units/acre.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection I(1) and (2) above, the developer of an affordable housing (AH) site may develop a section(s) of a PMURD at a maximum gross residential density of five and 5.2 dwelling units per acre and a net residential density of seven and 7.8 dwelling units per acre, subject to the following: [Added 4-26-1993 by Ord. No. 13-93]

(a) The section(s) of the AH site to be developed under this section shall be restricted to rental units.

(b) The total number of additional units (bonus units) permitted pursuant to this sub section shall be limited to 116, all of which shall be low- and moderate-income units.

(c) The developer of a low- and moderate-income rental housing AH site shall receive, in addition to the bonus units permitted pursuant to this subsection, a credit toward the number of low- and moderate-income units required pursuant to § 244-224 or a previous valid subdivision or site plan approval. Such credits shall be earned at a rate of one unit of credit per three units of low- and moderate-income rental housing constructed and occupied within the AH site, and further provided that the maximum cumulative total of such credits, Township-wide, shall be 39. The cumulative total of bonus units, Township-wide, which are eligible for the bonus described above, shall be limited to 116.

J. Distances.

(1) Distance between multifamily buildings. The minimum distances between multifamily buildings shall be as follows:

(a) Any building side wall to side wall shall have a minimum distance of 30 feet between the midpoint of said side walls and/or a minimum distance of 25 feet between the side wall corners.

(b) Any building side wall to front or rear building walls shall be a minimum distance of 40 feet between the midpoint of said walls and/or a minimum distance of 30 feet between the side wall building corner and front or rear wall building corner.

(c) Any front-to-rear, front-to-front or rear-to-rear building wall shall have a minimum distance of 50 feet between the midpoint of said walls and/or a minimum distance of 40 feet between the building wall corners.

(2) Distance between multifamily buildings and detached single-family dwelling units. The required minimum distance between the property lines of detached single-family dwelling units and the highest exterior building wall of a multifamily building closest to the aforementioned property lines shall be 100 feet or three times the height of the highest exterior building wall of a multifamily building, whichever is greater.

(3) Distance between multifamily buildings and adjacent streets.

(a) The required minimum setback of the front exterior building wall of a multifamily building shall be:

[1] Seventy-five feet from major streets.

[2] Fifty feet from all other streets.

(b) The required minimum setback of the rear exterior building wall of a multifamily building shall be:

[1] One hundred feet from major streets.

[2] Sixty feet from all other streets.

(4) Distance between multifamily buildings and parking areas. No multifamily building shall be located closer than 15 feet to the curbline of any parking area, except for access aisles or driveways to garages and/or carports which are attached to multifamily buildings, where the minimum distance shall be 25 feet.

K. Dwelling units per building. No more than 12 dwelling units shall be permitted in any multifamily building.

L. Environmental impact statement. An environmental impact statement shall be submitted as part of a preliminary application for development in the PMURD Zone in accordance with the provisions of § 244-189.

M. Guaranties. Performance and maintenance guaranties shall comply with the requirements established in Article V of this chapter.

N. Homeowners' association. A homeowners' association, composed of all the residents of a PMURD, shall be created and shall be responsible for the activities per § 244-50J.

O. Improvements. Unless specified otherwise, all public and private improvements on the site of a PMURD shall comply with the standards, criteria and requirements of this chapter.

P. Landscaping. Landscaping within a PMURD shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of § 244-193.

Q. Laundry equipment. No outside area or equipment shall be provided for the hanging or outside airing of laundry in any manner.

R. Lighting. All roads, parking areas, dwelling entranceways and pedestrian walks within a PMURD shall be provided with sufficient illumination to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles utilizing the same, but in no case shall said lighting be less than what is required to provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal footcandles throughout such areas from dark to dawn. Lights shall be shielded to avoid glare disturbing to occupants of the buildings and shall be so arranged as to reflect away from all adjoining properties.

S. Open space and recreation. A minimum of 25% of the tract area shall be provided as open space and recreation in accordance with the requirements set forth in §§ 244-500 and 244-199.

T. Parking.

(1) Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of §§ 244-197 and 244-198.[Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

(2) Off-street parking shall comply with the requirements set forth in § 244-50P.

U. Sectionalization and staging plan. A sectionalization and staging plan for the construction of a PMURD shall be submitted as part of the preliminary site plan application and shall comply with the requirements set forth in § 244-50Q.

V. Sidewalks and aprons. Sidewalks and aprons shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of §§ 244-203 and 244-204 and shall be designed and constructed as part of an integrated sidewalk system within a PMURD. [Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

W. Solid waste storage.

(1) Solid waste storage shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 244-208.

(2) Solid waste storage areas shall be in accordance with the provisions of § 244-50S.

X. Streets (internal).

(1) All streets within a PMURD, whether public or private, shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of §§ 244-210, 244-211 and 244-212. [Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 15-98]

(2) No street, driveway, parking aisle or parking area located within a PMURD shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate so as to be confused with the names of any other existing public or private street located within the Township of Jackson. All names shall be subject to the approval of the municipal agency.

Y. Dwelling units.

(1) Unit elevations. Each dwelling unit within a multifamily building and combined complex of dwelling units within a multifamily building shall have a compatible architectural theme with variations in design to provide attractiveness to the PMURD, which shall include consideration of the landscaping techniques, building orientation to the site and to other structures, topography, natural features and individual dwelling unit design, such as varying unit widths, staggering unit setbacks, providing different exterior materials, changing rooflines and roof designs, altering building heights and changing types of windows, shutters, doors, porches, colors and vertical or horizontal orientation of the facades, singularly or in combination.

(2) Unit exposures. All dwelling units in a multifamily building shall be provided with at least two exterior exposures.

(3) Unit offset. Not more than two consecutive dwelling units in the same multifamily building shall be constructed without setbacks, offsets and/or breaks in the front and rear building elevations of at least four feet.

(4) Unit storage. In addition to storage, which may be provided inside individual units, in a multifamily building there shall be provided 200 cubic feet of storage per dwelling unit where personal effects and belongings may be stored. Such storage shall be conveniently located and be capable of being kept locked and separate from the belongings of other occu pants.

(5) Unit width. Each dwelling unit in a multifamily building shall have a minimum width of 18 feet.

Z. Utilities.

(1) Utilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of § 244-53X.

(2) All utility lines leading to and within the site of a PMURD shall be installed underground.