§ 244-27. Final plat of major subdivision.

A. Required documents. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of completeness or scheduling of a final plat of a major subdivision for public hearing before the Planning Board, the administrative officer shall determine that the following have been submitted in proper form:

(1) Proof from the Tax Office that real estate taxes and local assessments have been paid to date.

(2) Proof of submission to the Ocean County Planning Board.

(3) Proof of submission to the Ocean County Board of Health.

(4) Proof of submission to the Ocean County Soil Conservation District.

(5) Proof of submission to the Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority.

(6) Proof of submission to the Jackson Township Bureau of Fire Prevention.

(7) Proof of submission to the Jackson Township Environmental Commission.

(8) Application for a floodplain encroachment permit, when required.

(9) Application for state wetlands approval, where required.

(10) Application for stream encroachment permit, where required.

(11) Other submittals that may be required by the Planning Board Engineer, Planning Board or federal, state or local laws.

(12) Unless waived by the Planning Board, a formal request, in appropriate statutory form, requesting that the applicable provisions of Title 39 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes be made applicable to the site in order to permit police regulation of traffic control devices prior to acceptance of streets.

(13) Payment of the required application and escrow fees.

(14) Eighteen copies of the plat and attachments meeting the requirements set forth below. [Amended 4-23-2001 by Ord. No. 12-01]

B. Plat requirements.

(1) General requirements. A final plat shall, for all or any portion of an approved preliminary plat, be submitted to the Planning Board within three years of the date of approval of any preliminary plat, including extensions thereto. In general, all requirements set forth in this chapter for preliminary plats shall apply to final plats with the addition of the specific additional requirements set forth herein. [Amended 7-14-2003 by Ord. No. 18-03]

(a) A final plat shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch, shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960 of the State of New Jersey, as amended and supplemented, and shall include or be accompanied by the information specified herein.

(b) All dimensions, both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and all lots and all lands reserved or dedicated for public use shall balance, and their description shall close within a limit of error of not more than one part in 10,000.

(2) Purpose of final plat. A final plat and supporting drawings and documents for a proposed subdivision constitute the complete and fully detailed and documented development of the subdivision proposal and become the basis for the construction of the subdivision and inspection by the Township Engineer, other officials and Planning Board. The portion of the plat intended for filing must be recorded at the Ocean County Clerk's office to have legal status.

(3) Title block. The title block shall appear on all sheets and shall include:

(a) Title of "Final Plat - Major Subdivision."

(b) Name of subdivision, if any.

(c) Tax Map sheet, block and lot number(s) of the tract to be subdivided as shown on the latest Township Tax Map, the date of which shall also be shown.

(d) Date of the original plat and all revisions thereto.

(e) Name(s) and address(es) of the owner and subdivider, so designated.

(f) Name(s), signature(s), address(es) and license number(s) of the engineer and/or land surveyor who prepared the map. The plat shall bear the embossed seal of said engineer and/or land surveyor.

(4) The final plat shall be based on a monumented, current, certified boundary survey. The date of the survey and the name of the person making the same shall be shown on the map. If 12 months or more have passed since the date of (or date of last recertification of) the survey, it shall be recertified and, if necessary, brought up-to-date. Any necessary revisions from the survey used as a base for the preliminary plat shall be specifically noted. The outbound survey and subdivision shall be in New Jersey State Plane Coordinates, North American Datum, 1983. To assure the compatibility of the survey data and the Geographic Information System (GIS) in the course of development in the Township, the basis of bearings for all surveys must be stated in the New Jersey Plane Coordinate System, as adopted by state statutes and standards. The final subdivision plat must contain a factual statement indicating the control monuments and methodologies used to establish the bearing system. Bearings shall be stated in degrees, minutes and seconds (as a whole integer). Survey distances defining the property and plane coordinate values of the description point of beginning and one other property corner shall be stated. Property surveys must close mathematically in all cases. Coordinated positions, bearings and distances, including the methodology for their establishment, must meet or exceed the published standards for Third Order, Class I accuracy.[Amended 6-8-1998 by Ord. No. 16-98]

(5) A key map, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 2,000 feet, which shall be based on a reproduction of the Tax Map sheet, or portions thereof, and shall show the subject site with reference to surrounding areas, existing streets, the names of all such streets and any zone boundary or municipal boundary within 500 feet of the property in question.

(6) The names and addresses of all owners of and property lines of parcels within 200 feet of the site, including properties across the street, as shown by the most recent records of the Township of Jackson, or of the municipality of which the property is a part. The list of property owners shall also include the use of all parcels within 200 feet of the subject site.

(7) A schedule shall be placed on the map indicating the acreage of the tract, the number of lots, the zone, the dimensions and percentage of open space and recreation acreage provided.

(8) All design information submissions required by the provisions of the improvements and design standards portions of this chapter shall accompany the final plat.

(9) A grading plan shall be submitted showing existing and proposed grading contours at one-foot intervals throughout the tract, except that if slopes exceed 5%, a two-foot interval may be used; if they exceed 10%, a five-foot interval is permissible. Data shall be National Geodetic Vertical Datum, and the source of data shall be noted. In addition to proposed grading contours, sufficient additional spot elevations shall be shown to clearly delineate proposed grading, including corner elevations of buildings and first floor and basement elevations.

(10) The limits of all areas of proposed cuts and fills, exclusive of excavations for basements, shall be clearly designated.

(11) An on-site drainage plan containing the following shall be submitted:

(a) The drainage plan shall be presented in graphic form which shall clearly show the street and lot layout and those items which are pertinent to drainage, including existing and proposed contours as previously required.

(b) The plan shall outline each area contributing to each inlet.

(c) All proposed drainage shall be shown with pipe types and sizes, invert and grate or rim elevations, grades and direction of flow. The direction of flow of all surface waters and of all streams shall be shown.

(d) The drainage plan shall be accompanied by complete drainage calculations made in accordance with standards set forth herein.

(12) Off-site drainage plan. The final plat shall also be accompanied by an off-site drainage plan prepared in accordance with the following standards:

(a) The plan shall consist of an outline of the entire drainage basin in which the property to be subdivided is located. The terminus of the basin and existing ground contours or other basis for determining basin limits shall be shown.

(b) The pertinent off-site existing drainage shall be shown with elevations of inverts and grade to the nearest 0.1 foot.

(c) To the extent that information is available and may be obtained from the county or municipal engineer(s), any existing plans for drainage improvements shall be shown.

(d) In the event that a temporary drainage system is proposed, full plans of that system shall be shown.

(e) The off-site drainage plans shall be accompanied by profiles of all proposed drainage, showing existing and proposed finished grades; channel section details; pipe sizes, types, inverts, crowns and slopes; all proposed structures and connections; and design hydraulic grade lines for all conduits designed to carry 40 or more cubic feet per second. Cross sections at intervals not exceeding 100 feet shall be shown for all open channels.

(13) Center-line profiles of all proposed streets showing the following shall be submitted:

(a) Existing and proposed finished grades and slopes.

(b) Pipe sizes, slope, type, inverts and grate or rim elevations of drainage and sanitary sewage facilities.

(14) Where required by the Township Engineer, cross sections of proposed streets to at least 10 feet outside of any grading limit, at intervals of at least every 100 feet, of all proposed streets shall be submitted.

(15) The location, caliper and type (common and botanical names) of the following shall be shown on the plat:

(a) Living deciduous trees having a trunk of 18 inches' diameter or more at breast height.

(b) All living coniferous trees having a trunk of 12 inches or more diameter at breast height.

(c) All living flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) or American holly (Ilex opaca) trees having a trunk of three inches or greater diameter at breast height.

(d) All native laurel (Kalmia latifolia) shrubs having a root crown of three inches or greater measured at the soil or surface level.

(16) The quantity, location, size at time of planting and species of all proposed shade trees or other plantings shall be submitted.

(17) Plans shall be submitted showing detailed utility layouts, specifications and cross sections (sewers, water, gas, electric, telephone, etc.), including feasible connections to any existing or proposed utility systems; provided, however, that detailed layouts of gas, electric and telephone lines are not required. An indication of these on a typical road cross section shall be sufficient. Layouts shall include proposed locations of streetlights and fire hydrants. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply with all local, county and state regulations.

(18) Plans shall be submitted showing the tops of the banks and boundaries of the floodways and flood hazard areas of all existing watercourses, where such have been delineated, or the limits of alluvial soils where the boundaries of floodways and flood hazard areas have not been determined, and/or such other information as may assist the Planning Board in the determination of floodway and flood hazard area limits. In cases where all or a portion of a subdivision is located in an unnumbered A Zone as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps of the Federal Insurance Administration, the applicant shall undertake and submit such studies as are necessary to determine the base flood elevation.

(19) Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, wetlands limit lines, wetlands transition area limit lines, conservation easements and other easements and rights-of-way, land to be reserved or dedicated to public use, all lot lines and site easement lines, with accurate dimensions and bearings and radii, tangents, chords, arcs and central angles of all curves and all front, rear and side (or yard) setback lines shall be provided on the final plat map.

(20) All monuments in accordance with Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960 of the State of New Jersey, including all monuments found, monuments set and monuments to be set and an indication of monumentation found and reset shall be shown on the plans submitted.

(21) Certification by the engineer and/or land surveyor preparing the plat as to accuracy of the details of same shall be provided.

(22) Lot and block numbers shown on the final plat shall conform to the Township Tax Map, or proposed revisions thereof, and shall be obtained by the applicant's engineer from the Tax Map Maintenance Engineer. Proposed house numbers shall also be obtained from the Tax Map Maintenance Engineer, and shall be shown encircled on the final plat, or one of the attachments thereto. The Township Engineer shall not affix his signature to the final plat unless the applicant has fully complied in this regard.

(23) Subdivision names and street names shown on the final plat shall not be the same or similar to any name of any existing subdivision or street in the Township of Jackson and shall be approved by the Township Engineer.

(24) The plans submitted shall show the locations of areas dedicated for park and recreation facilities or open space as approved by the Planning Board.

(25) Unless waived by the Planning Board, a detailed plan setting forth the type and location of all traffic control and regulatory devices shall be provided. This plan shall have been approved by or, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, be likely to be approved by, the New Jersey Department of Transportation. This plan shall be prepared in consultation with the Township Engineer and the Jackson Township Police Department and shall provide for all appropriate traffic control measures necessary for the health, safety, convenience and well-being of those occupying or likely to occupy the subdivision between final approval and final acceptance.

(26) Sectionalization of final plats shall be in conformance with the sectionalization and staging plan, if any, approved with the preliminary plat.

(27) The applicant shall submit such other information as the Planning Board and/or Planning Board Engineer may require or request for review of the final plat.

(28) All plats submitted to the Planning Board for final approval shall comply with the provisions of the Map Filing Law (N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.) and shall not contain more than 100 lots. Simultaneous consideration of approval of multiple final sections, each containing not more than 100 lots, may be entertained by the Board.

C. Conditions of approval.

(1) Any approval of an application for a final plat of a major subdivision shall be subject to the following conditions being satisfied, within 18 months from the date of approval by the Planning Board, prior to the signing of the plat and issuance of a development permit:

(a) Ocean County Planning Board final approval, if not previously granted.

(b) Ocean County Board of Health final approval, if not previously granted.

(c) Ocean County Soil Conservation District final approval, if not previously granted.

(d) Jackson Township Municipal Utilities Authority final approval, if not previously granted, or a letter of no interest.

(e) Jackson Township Bureau of Fire Prevention final approval, if not previously granted.

(f) Jackson Township Environmental Commission review, if not previously received.

(g) Granting of a state wetlands permit, if required.

(h) Granting of a floodplain permit, if required.

(i) Certification of approval of plans for drainage or watercourse diversions by the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection, where required.

(j) Granting of drainage and/or access permits by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, where required.

(k) Granting of any required construction permits.

(l) Posting of required performance guaranties. In the event that the development does not propose the construction of a new roadway, the Planning Board may, upon favorable recommendations of the Township Engineer, permit the installation and approval of improvements in lieu of the posting of performance guaranties for the installation of any improvements required by the Planning Board.

(m) Payment of the required inspection fees, pursuant to § 244-12 of this chapter.

(n) Evidence of comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount not less than $300,000 per occurrence, identifying and saving harmless the Township of Jackson and its agencies, employees and agents from any liability for any acts of the subdivider or his agents, contractors or employees in the implementing of the approved subdivision. The insurance policy shall provide for 30 days' notice to the Township prior to cancellation. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any property owner, subdivider or builder to carry on the construction of a subdivision without having current valid evidence of insurance on file.

(o) Submission of an agreement from the applicant authorizing proposed roadways to be governed by state statute, Title 39, Subtitle 1.

(p) Any other conditions which may be imposed by the Planning Board or may be required by federal, state or local laws.

(q) Payment of the required reproduction fee, pursuant to § 244-12 of this chapter.

(r) Payment of the required tax map maintenance fee, pursuant to § 244-12 of this chapter.

(s) Submission of additional prints of the plat map and attachments for distribution, if required.

(2) An extension of the eighteen-month period within which to comply with the conditions of approval imposed by the Board may be granted by said Board for a period of time it determines.

D. Certification. In the event that the application for a final plat of a major subdivision is approved, a certification shall appear on the plat that said plat is in compliance with the Map Filing Law.

E. Resolution compliance. Upon approval of the final plat of a major subdivision by the municipal agency, the applicant shall submit to the Office of Planning and Zoning seven sets of prints of final design plans, the original Mylar and seven paper prints, all with the stamp of approval of the Ocean County Planning Board and the signature of the Chairman of the Ocean County Planning Board. The Office of Planning and Zoning shall transmit the original Mylar and the seven prints of the plat and design plans to the Township Engineer, who shall be responsible for reviewing the plans for compliance with the resolution of approval adopted by the municipal agency. After said review, the Township Engineer shall retain one print of the plat and design plans, send one print of the plat and design plans to the applicant's engineer and return five prints of the plat and design plans and the original Mylar of the plat to the Office of Planning and Zoning for signature by all appropriate municipal officials. Upon being signed by Township officials, the original Mylar of the plat shall be picked up by the applicant. The Office of Planning and Zoning shall retain five prints of the plat and design plans for its records and for distribution to various municipal offices.

F. Filing of approved plat. If the applicant desires to proceed with a subdivision for which final approval has been granted, the applicant shall file with the Ocean County Recording Officer a plat map drawn in compliance with Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960, as amended and supplemented, within 95 days from the date upon which the plat was signed by the Planning Board Chairman and Secretary or Assistant Secretary. In the event that the subdivider fails to so file within the period allowed, the approval of the plat shall expire unless, prior to expiration, such time is extended by the Planning Board, for good cause shown, for a period not to exceed 95 days.

G. Effect of final approval.

(1) The zoning requirements applicable to the preliminary approval first granted and all other rights conferred upon the developer at preliminary approval, whether conditionally or otherwise, shall not be changed for a period of two years after the date of final approval, provided that, in the case of a major subdivision, the rights conferred by this chapter shall expire if the plat has not been duly recorded within the required time period. If the developer has followed the standards prescribed for final approval and has duly recorded the major subdivision plat, the Planning Board may extend such period of protection for extensions of one year, but not to exceed three extensions. Notwithstanding any other provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., the granting of final approval terminates the time period of the rights conferred by preliminary approval for the section granted final approval.

(2) In the case of a subdivision for a planned unit development; a planned unit residential development; a residential cluster of 50 acres or more; or a conventional subdivision for 150 acres or more, the Planning Board may grant rights for such period of time longer than two years as shall be determined by the Planning Board to be reasonable, taking into consideration the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, economic conditions and the comprehensiveness of the development. The developer may apply for thereafter and the Planning Board may thereafter grant an extension of final approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the Planning Board to be reasonable, taking into consideration the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area remaining to be developed, economic conditions and the comprehensiveness of the development.

(3) Any application for renewal or extension of final approval shall be acted on by the municipal agency at a hearing. At such hearing, the applicant shall have the burden of coming forward with reasons why the final approval shall be extended for the requested period of time.