18-13.16 Final Site Plan Submission Requirements.
a. Identification of Preparer. Each map, drawing or other exhibit shall include the name, address and certification of the licensed professional surveyor, engineer, planner and architect, as applicable, responsible for the preparation of each exhibit.
b. Submission Requirements. The submission requirements for final site plan review and approval shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
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1. All information, maps, details, reports and other materials required for the preliminary site plan submission.
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2. All additional information, maps, details, reports and any additional material specifically required as a condition of preliminary approval.
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3. In the case of site plans related to applications for subdivision approval, final plat and other materials as required in the subdivision ordinances for final plat approval.
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4. A closed boundary survey showing the total land to be developed, and the net tract area with accuracy within one (1) square foot. All bearings shall be referred to true meridian, including lot surveys, showing marker locations (permanent monuments) for all land to be subdivided. Existing buildings, roads (including present widths of adjacent streets), easements, floodplains, wetlands, ponds, lakes, stream corridors and watercourses, trees, woodlands individual trees of eight (8") inch caliper or greater, all rights-of-way and easements, building dimensions at ground level and existing contours at a minimum of two (2') foot intervals shall be shown.
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5. The following information shall be required:
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