Relationship to Other Articles. This Article establishes the use, bulk requirements and other regulations governing the zones created in Article III. Article II is the compendium of definitions for terms of art in this Article and throughout the Land Development Ordinance. Performance regulations and design standards are contained in Article V that provide the basis for the physical development and redevelopment of land within the zoning classifications. Article VII contains the standards of review upon which all applications for subdivision or site plan are measured.


All uses not expressly permitted in this Ordinance are hereby prohibited.


An application for a permit shall provide documentation that the intended use will comply with the performance standards enumerated below. In the case of a structure being built where the future use is not known, a zoning permit may be issued with the condition that no certificate of occupancy will be issued until such time as this documentation is submitted with respect to the particular occupant. A new application and a new certificate of occupancy shall be required in the event of a change of any user of any structure.

A. Electrical and/or Electronic Devices. All electrical or electronic devices shall be subject to the provisions of Public Law 90-602, 90th Congress, HR 10790, dated October, 1968, entitled "An Act for the Protection of Electronic Product Radiation." Radiation products, as defined in DHEW Publication No. (FDA) 76-8003, shall be so limited and controlled so that no measurable energy can be recorded at any point beyond the property boundaries. The applicant, upon request, shall certified data wherein measurements made in accordance with the procedure and standards set forth in the DHEW Publication No. (FDA) 75-8003 adequately demonstrate compliance with the minimum standards established by the Act. All other forms of electromagnetic radiation lying between one hundred (100) KHz and ten (10) GHz shall be restricted to the technical limits established in the Federal Communication Commission's Rules and Regulations. Additionally, electric or electronic equipment shall be shielded so there is no interference with any radio or television reception at the lot line (or beyond the operator's dwelling unit in the case of multi-family dwellings) as the result of the operation of such equipment.

B. Glare. No use shall produce a strong, dazzling light or a reflection of a strong, dazzling light or glare beyond its lot lines. Exterior lighting shall be shielded, buffered, and directed so that glare, direct light or reflection will not become a nuisance to adjoining properties, adjoining dwelling units, adjoining properties, adjoining dwelling units, adjoining districts or streets.

C. Heat. No use shall produce heat perceptible beyond its lot lines. Further, no use shall be permitted which would cause the temperature to rise or fall in any body of water.

D. Noise. Noise levels shall be designed and operated in accordance with local regulations and those rules established by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection as they are adopted and amended.

E. Odor. Odors shall not be discernible at the lot line or beyond.

F. Storage and Waste Disposal. No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such form or manner that they may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces, nor shall any substance be deposited which can contaminate an underground aquifer or otherwise render such underground aquifer undesirable as a source of water supply or recreation, or which will destroy aquatic life. All materials or wastes which might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which may be edible or otherwise attractive to rodents or insects shall be stored indoors and enclosed in appropriate containers adequate to eliminate such hazards.

G. Ventilation. No use shall obstruct the natural ventilation of adjacent uses nor contaminate the air with excessive heat or odor. Further, no air conditioners or exhaust fans shall be permitted to discharge exhausted air unless set back from all property lines 10 feet or equipped with baffles to deflect the discharged air away from the adjacent use.

H. Vibration. There shall be no vibration which is discernible to the human sense of feeling beyond the immediate lot.


§ 403.01 R-1 - Very Low Density Residential

A. Purpose. The purpose of the R-1 Zone District is to provide for single-family residential development at a density less than 3.5 units per acre.

B. Permitted uses.

1. Community center

2. Community shelter

3. Detached single-family residence

4. Parks

5. Place of worship

6. Recreation facilities

C. Conditional uses.

1.Public or private elementary, middle or high school

D. Accessory uses.

1. Uses customarily incidental and accessory to a principal permitted use

2. Family day care

3. Home occupation

4. Home professional office

5.Surface level parking for a principal permitted use

E. Bulk regulations. See Schedule B-1.

§ 403.02 R-2 - Low Density Residential

A. Purpose. The purpose of the R-2 Zone District is to provide for single-family residential development at a density ranging between four (4) and five (5) dwelling units per acre.

B. Permitted uses.

1. Cemetery

2. Community center

3. Community shelter

4. Detached single family residence

5. Marina

6. Park

7. Place of worship

8. Recreational facilities

9.Public or private elementary, middle or high school

C. Conditional uses.

1.Public utility facility

D. Accessory uses.

1. Uses customarily incidental and accessory to a principal permitted use

2. Family day care

3. Home occupation

4. Home professional office

5.Surface level parking for a principal permitted use.

E. Bulk regulations. See Schedule B-1.

§ 403.03 R-3 - Moderate Density Residential

A. Purpose. The purpose of the R-3 Zone District is to provide for single-family residential development at a density not to exceed 5.8 dwelling units per acre.

B. Permitted uses.

1. Cemetery

2. Community center

3. Community shelter

4. Detached single family residence

5. Park

6. Place of worship

7. Recreational facility

8. Public or private elementary, middle or high school

C. Conditional uses.

1.Public utility facility

D. Accessory uses.

1. Uses customarily incidental and accessory to a principal permitted use

2. Family day care

3. Home occupation

4. Home professional office

5. Personal boatslip or dock

6. Surface level parking areas for a principal permitted use

E. Bulk regulations. See Schedule B-1.

§ 403.04 R-4 - Medium Density Residential

A. Purpose. The purpose of the R-4 Zone District is to provide for single-family residential development at a density not to exceed 8.7 dwelling units per acre.

B. Permitted uses.

1. Community shelter

2. Detached single family residence

3. Park

4. Place of worship

5. Recreational facility

6. Private or public elementary, middle or high school

C. Conditional uses.

1. Assisted living facility

2. Community center

D. Accessory uses.

1. Uses customarily incidental and accessory to a principal permitted use

2. Family day care

3. Home occupation

4. Home professional office

5.Surface level parking areas for a principal permitted use

E. Bulk regulations. See Schedule B-1.

§ 403.05 R-5 - Multifamily Residential

A. Purpose. The purpose of the R-5 Zone District is to provide for multi-family residential development at a density not to exceed 12 dwelling units per acre.

B. Permitted uses.

1. Age restricted residences

2. Cemetery

3. Community shelter

4. Detached single family residence

5. Multi-family dwellings

6. Park

7. Place of worship

8. Recreational facilities

9. Townhouses

C. Conditional uses

1. Community centers

2. Parking [NOTE: Added per Ordinance No. 02-14]

D. Accessory uses.

1.Uses customarily incidental and accessory to a principal permitted use

2. Family day care

3. Home occupation

4. Home professional office

5. Surface level parking areas for a permitted use

E. Bulk regulations. See Schedule B-1.