The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Historic Preservation Commission as hereinafter set forth shall be advisory in nature to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment and shall extend to applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness and shall not conflict with or supersede the powers and duties of any other Board or Agency of the Township. The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities:

A. To identify, record and maintain a system for survey and inventory of all buildings, sites, places, landmarks and structures of historical or architectural significance based on the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (Standards and Guidelines for Identification); and to aid the public in understanding their worth, methods of preservation, techniques of gathering documentation and related matters.

B. To make recommendations to the Planning Board on the historic preservation plan element of the Master Plan, including the designation of historic sites or districts, and on the implications for the preservation of historic sites and districts of other Master Plan elements.

C. To advise the Planning Board and Township Committee on the inclusion of historic sites in the recommended capital improvement program.

D. To advise the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-110, on applications for development in historic districts designated on the zoning map or on historic sites identified in the Historic Element of the Township Master Plan. Such advice shall be conveyed through the Historic Preservation Commission's delegation of one (1) of its members or staff to testify orally at the hearing on the application and to explain any written report which may have been submitted.

E. To provide written reports and Certificates of Appropriateness, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-111, in a manner hereinafter described, on the application of the Zoning Ordinance provisions concerning historic preservation to applications for the issuance of permits pertaining properties in an historic district.

F. To advise the Township Committee and Planning Board on the relative merits of proposals involving public funds to restore, preserve and protect historic buildings, places and structures, including the preparation of long-range plans therefore, securing State, Federal and other grants and aid to assist therein and monitoring such projects once underway.

G. To recommend to the Planning Board and the Township Committee the designation of additional historic districts and sites where appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and criteria for designation thereof set forth in this Ordinance.

H. To draft and recommend to the Township Committee and the Planning Board ordinances or amendments to existing ordinances that would resolve any conflicts which may exist between the design standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance and the building or zoning regulations of the Township.

I. To purchase estates, easements, rights, restrictions and less than fee acquisitions, with the approval of Township Committee, and to acquire grants, assistance or aid either outright or in exchange in order to further the intent and purposes of this article and the welfare of the Township. The Historic Preservation Commission may negotiate and recommend such arrangements subject, however, to approval of the Township Committee as necessary for any monetary expenditures, and, at the direction of Township Committee. Legal counsel shall assist the Historic Preservation Commission in such arrangements.

J. To advise and assist Township officers, employees, boards and other bodies, including those at County, State and Federal levels, on all matters which have potential impact on the historic buildings, places and structures in the Township or on the physical character and ambiance of a historic district.

K. To assemble and arrange for the proper care, cataloging and availability of materials relevant to the Township's history.

L. To secure the voluntary assistance of the public, and within the limits of the budget, to retain consultants and experts to assist the Historic Preservation Commission in its work or to provide testimony in support of the Historic Preservation Commission's position before other bodies, boards, commissions or courts.

M. To cooperate with local, County, State or National historical societies, governmental bodies and organizations to maximize their contributions to the intent and purposes of this Ordinance.

N. To recommend to applicable County, State and Federal agencies, where appropriate, recognition and protection of historic districts and historic sites and to review National and State Register nominations.

O. To request the Township Committee to seek, on its own motion or otherwise, injunctive relief of violations of this article or other actions contrary to the intent and purposes of this article.

P. To carry out such other advisory, educational and informational functions as will promote historic preservation in the municipality.

Q. Promote historic preservation in the Township by carrying out other advisory, educational and informational functions.

R. Take such action consistent with law to further the intent and purpose of this chapter and to perform any other actions which effectuate the purposes of this chapter.


A.committee to be known as the Technical Review Committee is hereby established. The Technical Review Committee shall review all applications for development prior to consideration by the Planning Board and or the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

A. Members. The Technical Review Committee shall consist of the Board Engineer, the Board Attorney, the Board Planner and the Township Director of Engineering and Planning.

B. Purpose. The Technical Review Committee shall be responsible for meeting with the applicant and his/her professionals to discuss the technical review letters of the Board's professionals prior to the public hearing. The Committee will also discuss any technical comments of municipal agencies including but not limited to Fire Prevention, Environmental Commission, Police, and Shade Tree Commission. The purpose of the meeting shall be to resolve many of technical issues related to the subject development application to increase the efficiency of the Planning and Zoning Board meetings.

C. Meeting Schedule. The Administrative Officer of the appropriate Board, upon receipt of technical review letters from its professionals, shall schedule all Technical Review Committee meetings. Said meetings shall be scheduled sufficiently in advance of the Board meeting so that the applicant's professionals may submit revised plans for Board review.

D. The Technical Review Committee shall function in an advisory capacity and have no final authority on any application review.

E. All professional fees for the Technical Review Committee members shall be paid from the applicant's escrow account that shall be established prior to an application being deemed complete.

**Webmasters Note: The previous section has been added as per Ordinance No. 07-11.