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A. Any development located between the northerly and southerly legs of Seaview Circle opposite Spray Lane shall provide a roadway connection between said northerly and southerly legs.
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B. Multifamily residential development shall conform to the bulk requirements set forth in the R-5 Zone District.
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C. Multifamily Development shall be permitted on lots within a maximum of five hundred (500) feet of NJ Route 35.
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A. The building envelope on a lot as defined by the minimum yard requirements for the location of a principal building, or, in the case of uses other than single-family residential, the location of an off-street parking lot, or a loading area, shall enclose a contiguous improvable area, as defined herein, which is not less than the minimum improvable area required by Schedule B-1 and B-2, "Zoning District Bulk Regulations."
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B. The contiguous improvable area shall be of such dimensions that it shall be able to contain within it the shape of a circle whose minimum diameter is not less than as prescribed by Schedule B, "Zoning District Bulk Regulations," for the diameter of the minimum improvable area.
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C. Any existing detached single-family dwelling which is a conforming use but which is on a lot made nonconforming by the provisions of this subsection, may be enlarged or expanded within its improvable area provided that such expansion conforms to all other zone district regulations.
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A. The total number of off-street parking spaces and loading spaces required for all uses or combination of uses shall be provided as specified in this Section. Any building or site containing more than one use shall meet the combined parking space and loading requirements for all uses, based on the area utilized for each separate use. The parking space schedule and loading space schedule in this Section represents general parking and loading requirements acceptable to the Township. Since a specific use may generate parking usage and/or loading/unloading activities that deviates from the requirements enumerated in this Section, documentation and testimony shall be presented to the Board as to the anticipated parking usage and loading activities. The parking requirements for any use not specifically indicated shall be determined by the Board based on evidence presented at the time of the application and based on requirements for similar type uses. Based upon the above, the Board may take action as follows:
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1. Grant a variance from parking requirements to permit a lesser number of spaces, provided, however, that spaces shall be shared by two or more separate uses with non-conflicting parking usage schedules;
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2. Grant a variance from parking space requirements contingent upon the applicant obtaining a specified number of reserved off-street parking spaces from another source, including, but not exclusively, the Township of Neptune;
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3.Require construction of a greater number of spaces. | |||||||
B. Parking space dimensions. Standard parking spaces shall measure nine (9) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet long. Handicapped parking spaces shall measure twelve (12) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet long.
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C. Multi-level parking structure.
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1. Building coverage and floor area ratio. That portion of a multi-level parking structure specifically designed to accommodate parking and driveway areas shall not be included in determining the maximum permitted building coverage and/or maximum floor area ratio (F.A.R.) on a particular tract.
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2. Standards. Where allowed as an accessory structure for a permitted principal use in the C-1, LI, PUD and C Zones, a multi-level parking structure shall conform to the following requirements:
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(a) The structure shall not exceed six (6) levels and fifty-five (65) feet. In no instance shall a multi-level parking structure exceed the height of the principal structure.
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(b) The required setbacks for multi-level parking structures shall be the same as those set forth for principal permitted structures. No multi-level parking structure may be located closer to a residential property line than a distance equal to the height of the structure.
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(c) A security office and/or attendant area not to exceed five-hundred (500) square feet in area may be located within the multi-level parking structure.
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(d) The architectural design for the facades of parking structures shall incorporate features such as articulated parapet walls, ornamental projections, varied planter widths and similar items to add visual interest and improve the overall appearance of the structure as viewed from the street.
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(e)Adequate lighting shall be provided at all levels of a multi-level parking structure to ensure motorist and pedestrian safety and security. Bollard-style light fixtures are encouraged at the uppermost level of the structure to mitigate off-site light spillage. The maximum mounting height of a light fixture as measure from the uppermost level of the structure shall be twelve (12) feet.
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D. Number of parking spaces. In all zone districts, except for uses in designated historic zone districts, there shall be provided, at the time that any building or structure is erected, enlarged, increased in capacity or has a change of use, parking spaces in accordance with the requirements in Table 4.2.
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