§16-956 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE RMF-4 ZONE. (Block 795 , Lots 23 and 24)

[Ord. No. 2009-2992 § 2]

A. Minimum Regulations.

1. Gross Lot Area: 5 acres.

2. Tract Frontage: 150 feet.

3. Minimum Building Setbacks.

a. From Arterial or Collector Roadway: 50 feet.

b. From Tract Boundary: 40 feet.

c. From any existing residence/residential zone: 75 feet.

4. Parking or Internal Driveway/Roadway Setback.

a. From Arterial or Collector Roadway: 75 feet.

b. From Tract Boundary or other Right-of-Way: 60 feet.

5. Open Space: 40%.

6. Affordable Housing Set-Aside: 25%.

B. Maximum Regulations.

1. Dwelling Unit Density: 8 du/acre.

2. Building Height: 40 feet.

3. Building Stories: 3.5.

4. Maximum Building Coverage: 35%.

5. Lot Coverage: 40%.

C. Architectural and Site Design Standards. In addition to the specific Architectural and Building Design Standards set forth in Section 16-604, the following design standards shall apply:

1. Neither rear building facades nor garages shall be oriented towards a public right-of-way.

2. Exterior building facades shall incorporate design features such as offsets, balconies, projections, window reveals, or similar elements to preclude large expanses of uninterrupted building surfaces. Along the vertical face of a building, such features shall occur at a minimum of every thirty (30') feet, and on each floor shall, to the greatest degree practicable, contain a minimum of two (2) of the following features:

a. Recesses (e.g. deck, patio, courtyard, entrance, window reveals) that have a minimum depth of three (3') feet;

b. Extensions (e.g. floor area, deck, patio, entrance) that have a minimum depth of two (2') feet and minimum length of four (4') feet; and/or

c. Offsets or breaks in roof elevation of two (2') feet or greater in height.

3. Adequate, accessible and secure storage space shall be provided for each dwelling unit. A minimum of one hundred twelve (112) cubic feet of enclosed storage shall be required separate from each living unit. This is an area 4' x 4' x 7'. Garages and storage units adjoining a dwelling (e.g. attached to decks and patios) shall quality as storage space.

4. Trash receptacles shall not be located in any front yard setback, or within seventy-five (75') feet of an adjacent property line.

D. Lighting. In addition to the specific Lighting Standards set forth in Section 16-623, the following design standards shall apply:

1. Freestanding lighting standards or poles, and building-mounted lighting fixtures shall be focused and/or shielded to avoid glare on adjacent property or dwelling units.

E. Buffer Areas and Screening. In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 16-606, the following standards shall apply:

1. If a berm is proposed as part of the landscaped buffer screen, naturalized berms are preferred with plantings throughout the entire contour of the berm.

F. Other Regulations.

1. Temporary construction trailers shall be permitted where active construction work is proposed. Such trailers shall not be placed on site until building permits have been issued and in no case more than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of work. Trailers shall not remain on site more than seven (7) days after the completion of all work. Temporary construction trailers shall not be placed with the right-of-way of any improved public road.

2. All affordable units shall be constructed and maintained in a manner consistent with the rules and regulations adopted by the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing. Affordable housing units shall be deed restricted to remain affordable for a period of thirty (30) years, unless the rules adopted by the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing are changed. Should such a change occur, the term of the affordability deed restriction shall be consistent with any new rule(s).

§16-957 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE RMF-5 ZONE. (Block 795 , Lot 19 and that portion of Lot 5.01 situated north of Lot 19 and south of Lot 20.01

[Ord. No. 2009-2992 § 3]

A. Minimum Regulations.

1. Gross Lot Area: 5 acres.

2. Tract Frontage: 200 feet.

3. Minimum Building Setbacks.

a. From Arterial or Collector Roadway.

(1) Buildings with less than three (3) stories: 35 feet.

(2) Buildings three (3) stories or greater: 40 feet.

b. From Tract Boundary: 40 feet.

c. From any existing residence/residential zone: 75 feet.

4. Parking or Internal Driveway/Roadway Setback.

a. From Arterial or Collector Roadway: 45 feet.

b. From Tract Boundary: 35 feet.

5. Open Space: 50%.

6. Affordable Housing Set-Aside: 25%.

B. Maximum Regulations.

1. Dwelling Unit Density: 8 du/acre.

2. Building Height: 40 feet.

3. Building Stories: 3.5.

4. Maximum Building Coverage: 35%.

5. Lot Coverage: 40%.

C. Architectural and Site Design Standards.

1. Neither rear building facades nor garages shall be oriented to directly face a public right-of-way.

2. Maximum Setbacks for Buildings Facing an Arterial or Collector Road.

a. Less than three (3) stories: 45 feet.

b. Three (3) stories or greater: 50 feet.

3. Exterior building facades shall incorporate design features such as offsets, balconies, projections, window reveals, or similar elements to preclude large expanses of uninterrupted building surfaces. Along the vertical face of a building, such features shall occur at a minimum of every thirty (30') feet, and on each floor shall, to the greatest degree practicable, contain a minimum of two (2) of the following features:

a. Recesses (e.g. deck, patio, courtyard, entrance, window reveals) that have a minimum depth of three (3') feet;

b. Extensions (e.g. floor area, deck, patio, entrance) that have a minimum depth of two (2') feet and minimum length of four (4') feet; and/or

c. Offsets or breaks in roof elevation of two (2') feet or greater in height.

4. Adequate, accessible and secure storage space shall be provided for each dwelling unit. A minimum of one hundred twelve (112) cubic feet of enclosed storage shall be required separate from each living unit. This is an area 4' x 4' x 7'. Garages and storage units adjoining a dwelling (e.g. attached to decks and patios) shall quality as storage space.

5. Trash receptacles shall not be located in any front yard setback, or within seventy-five (75') feet of an adjacent property line.

D. Lighting. In addition to the specific Lighting Standards set forth in Section 16-623, the following design standards shall apply:

1. Freestanding lighting standards or poles, and building-mounted lighting fixtures shall be focused and/or shielded to avoid glare on adjacent property or dwelling units.

E. Buffer Areas and Screening. The requirements set forth in Section 16-606 shall apply, except for the following:

1. The requirements for buffer areas may be reduced to thirty (30') feet.

2. If a berm is proposed as part of the landscaped buffer screen, naturalized berms are preferred with plantings throughout the entire contour of the berm.