A. Standards and Regulations.

1. The minimum tract area shall be not less than one hundred fifty (150) contiguous acres, with four hundred (400') feet of frontage.

2. Building Setbacks.

a. Where the perimeter property line of the R-1 Zone abuts a public street, no structures shall be located closer to such street than the required front yard setback for the adjacent zone.

b. Within the R-1 Zone no residential structure shall be located closer than twenty (20') feet to an interior street, drive or parking area.

c. No freestanding garage or other accessory structure shall be located closer than five (5') feet to an interior street, drive, or parking area.

3. Parking. The following off-street parking requirements shall apply, except that the requirements set forth in paragraphs b. through e. may be reduced to the extent that combined use of parking lots makes such reduction feasible in the judgment of the approving authority.

a. One and one-quarter (1 1/4) spaces for each dwelling unit;

b. One (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area in any retail or commercial establishment.

c. One (1) space for each six (6) persons for whom seating is provided in any auditorium or place of worship, or similar recreational or quasi-public place of assemblage.

d. One (1) space for each six hundred (600) square feet of floor space in any medical or nursing facility together with one (1) additional space for each resident, professional, or employee.

e. One (1) space for each guest room or suite in any guest house together with one (1) space for each full-time employee on duty at any one time.

4. Open Space. Not less than forty (40%) percent of the gross tract area of the R-1 Zone shall be set aside as permanent common open space to be owned in undivided interests by the lot owners.

5. Dwelling Unit Size. No residential dwelling unit of a single floor shall contain less than nine hundred (900) square feet. No residential dwelling unit or more than one (1) story shall contain less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet.

6. Distance Between Buildings. No building shall be closer than twenty-five (25') feet to any other building except that this provision shall not apply to any residential dwelling unit, or recreational, cultural, social, retail or commercial facility by a common or party wall.

7. Recreation Areas:

a. Indoor social, cultural, recreational and meeting facilities shall be required. The gross floor area devoted to such usage shall be not less than ten (10) square feet for each residential dwelling unit.

b. Appropriate passive outdoor recreational areas shall be provided and shall include suitable landscaping, sitting and walking areas.

B. Maximum Regulations.

1. Dwelling Unit Density. There shall not be more than six (6) dwelling units for each gross area in the R-1 Zone.

2. Lot Coverage. Not more than twenty (20%) percent of the gross tract area of the R-1 Zone shall be covered buildings to be constructed or used as dwelling units, including garages and carports; providing, however, not more than twenty-five (25%) percent of the gross tract area of the R-1 Zone may be covered by (1) such dwelling units limited to twenty (20%) percent as aforesaid and, (2) other buildings or structures, including but not limited to gate houses, guard houses, storage facilities for maintenance equipment, and administrative, social, cultural and recreational facilities, which are expressly hereby permitted.

3. Number of Dwelling Units per Building. A maximum of ten (10) residential dwelling units shall be permitted in each building. Dwelling units connected by party or common walls shall not be considered separate buildings for the purpose of this section.

4. Building Height. For principal buildings, thirty-five (35') feet or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories, provided that no more than two and one-half (2 1/2) stories may be above the average elevation of finished grade around the perimeter of the building. For accessory buildings, sixteen (16') feet or one (1) story.

5. Bedroom Limitation. No dwelling unit shall contain more than three (3) bedrooms. The number of three-bedroom dwelling units in the R-1 Zone shall not exceed five (5%) percent of the total number of dwelling units permitted. The remainder of the dwelling units permitted shall be one- or two-bedroom dwelling units.

C. General Regulations.

1. Appropriate provisions shall be made for private garbage and trash collection and for the private maintenance of all interior roads and streets (including snow removal), recreational facilities, and all buildings and land areas owned in common by the residents of the R-1 Zone. In addition, provisions shall be made to permit the Township, at its option, to perform or cause to be performed such services in the event of the continued failure of performance of same by the private association or other entity charged with such responsibility, all at the cost and expense of the owners of the property within the R-1 Zone.

2. The overall design, road patterns, recreational facilities and site locations of buildings as well as other aspects of any such R-1 Zone must be submitted to the approving authority and they shall have the right to approve the general design to obtain aesthetic harmony. The buildings, sizes, shapes, site positions and architectural design may be considered along with the landscaping and natural features. The following criteria also may be taken into consideration.

a. Visual consideration of the variation in exterior finishes of structures.

b. A mix of architectural designs and elevations to insure a harmonious blend and the avoidance of a rowhouse effect or other aesthetically pleasing building arrangement or layout.

c. Variation of side yards, front yards and rear yards to create identity and interest and enhance the overall design.

d. Landscaping, preservation of existing vegetation, and the location of trees.

e. Convenience of parking areas for the use of occupants and screening thereof with adequate landscaping or fence.

3. Buffer areas shall be required as specified in Section 16-606.

4. Unless provided to the contrary herein, applications for development approval in the R-1 Zone shall follow and be subject to the applicable ordinances, procedures, regulations, standards and guidelines as required for preliminary and final site plan review and other applicable ordinances which are incorporated herein by reference.

5. Prior to approval, the approving authority shall find the following facts and conclusions:

a. The departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property conform to the zoning ordinance standards pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-65c.

b. That the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space are reliable, conform to the applicable law and regulations, and the amount, location, and purpose of the common open space are adequate;

c. That provision through the physical design of the proposed development for public services, control over vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment are adequate.

d. That the design of the proposed planned development will not have an unreasonably adverse impact upon the area in which it is proposed to be established.

e. In the case of a proposed development which contemplates construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents, occupants and owners of the proposed development in the total completion of the development are adequate.


A. Minimum Requirements.

1. Tract Area: 75 acres gross tract area.

2. Tract Frontage: 200 feet located on primary, secondary, arterial, or collector roads.

3. Building Setback:

a. 30 feet from a pond or lake shore line or stream bank, or from the 100-year floodplain.

b. 50 feet from any tract boundary line or from any other right-of-way line of a dedicated municipal roadway.

c. 18 feet from the curb of an internal roadway where no front yard parking is provided, or 26 feet where front yard parking is provided.

d. 12 feet from the sidewalk of an internal street.

4. Parking:

a. General Regulations. The following off-street parking requirements shall apply.

(1) Spaces per dwelling unit: 1.5 spaces for each one-bedroom unit, 1.75 spaces for each two-bedroom unit, but not less than 1.7 spaces average per dwelling unit for any development.

(2) One (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area in any auditorium, clubhouse facility or place of worship or similar recreational or quasi-public place of assemblage.

b. Parking setbacks for proposed parking of three (3) or more contiguous spaces.

(1) 60-foot setback for a primary or secondary arterial or collector road to be dedicated to the municipality.

(2) 30 feet from a tract boundary line.

(3) 18 feet from any principal building line.

(4) Parking spaces in front or rear yard of each dwelling unit shall be six (6') feet from the building line, except for parking spaces within a driveway to an attached garage or carport.

5. Open Space. Forty (40%) percent of the gross tract area. All open space shall be set aside as permanent common space to be owned in undivided interests by the unit owners.

6. Dwelling Unit Size. No residential dwelling unit on a single floor shall contain less than nine hundred (900) square feet of habitable space. No residential dwelling unit of more than one (1) story shall contain less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet of habitable space.

7. Distance Between Buildings.

a. Where both facing walls contain windows of habitable rooms, fifty (50') feet, but not less than two (2) times the eave height of the building containing the highest habitable room.

b. Where only one (1) of two (2) facing walls contains windows of habitable rooms, twenty-five (25') feet, but not less than the eave height of the highest of the two (2) buildings containing such facing walls.

c. Where neither of two (2) facing walls contains windows of habitable rooms: twenty (20') feet, or the eave height of the highest of the two (2) buildings containing such facing walls, whichever is greater.

d. Buildings shall be considered facing if the walls form an angle less than forty-five (45) degrees.

8. Recreation Areas. Active and passive outdoor recreational areas shall be provided and shall include suitable landscaping, sitting, and walking areas as determined by the approving authority. Indoor social, cultural, recreational and meeting facilities shall be required as similarly directed. The gross floor area devoted to such indoor usage shall be not less than ten (10) square feet for each residential dwelling unit.

B. Maximum Regulations.

1. Impervious Surfaces. Thirty-five (35%) percent of the gross tract area, and twenty (20%) percent of any developed area within eighty (80') feet of a lake or pond shoreline of the 100-year floodplain.

2. Dwelling Unit Density. There shall not be more than five (5) dwelling units per gross acre.

3. Lot Coverage. Not more than twenty (20%) percent of the gross tract area of the R-2 Zone shall be covered by buildings to be constructed or used as dwelling units, including garages and carports; providing, however, not more than twenty-five (25%) percent of the gross tract area of the R-2 Zone may be covered by (1) such dwelling units (limited to twenty (20%) percent as aforesaid) and, (2) other buildings or structures, including but not limited to, gate houses, guard houses, storage facilities for maintenance equipment and administrative, social, cultural and recreational facilities, which are expressly hereby permitted.

4. Number of Dwelling Units per Building or in a Row. A maximum of ten (10) residential dwelling units shall be permitted in each building. Dwelling units connected by party or common walls shall be considered part of the same building for the purposes of this section. No more than four (4) residential dwelling units shall be allowed in a row without a horizontal break of four (4') feet in the facade. No more than six (6) residential dwelling units in a row shall be allowed on any one (1) story.

5. Building Height. For principal buildings, thirty-six (36') feet or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories, provided that no more than two and one-half (2 1/2) stories may be above the average elevation of finished grade around the perimeter of the building. For accessory buildings, sixteen (16') feet or one (1) story.

6. Bedroom Limitation. No dwelling unit shall contain three (3) bedrooms. All dwelling units permitted shall be one- and two-bedroom dwelling units.

C. General Regulations.

1. Appropriate provisions shall be made for private garbage and trash collection and for the provision of and payment for the private maintenance of all lighting, interior roads and streets (including snow removal), recreational facilities, and all buildings and land areas owned in common by residents of the R-2 Zone. In addition, provisions shall be made to permit the Township, at its option, to perform or cause to be performed such services in the event of the continued failure of performance of same by the private association or other entity charged with such responsibility, all at the cost and expense of the owners of the property within the R-2 Zone.

2. The overall design, road patterns, recreational facilities and site locations of buildings as well as all other aspects of any such R-2 Zone must be submitted to the approving authority and they shall have the right to approve the general design to obtain aesthetic and architectural design which may be considered along with the landscaping and natural features. The following criteria also may be taken into consideration:

a. Visual consideration of the variation in exterior finishes of structures.

b. A mix of architectural designs and elevations to insure a harmonious blend and the avoidance of a row-house effect or other nonaesthetically pleasing building or arrangement or layout.

c. Variation of side yards, front yards and rear yards to create identity and interest and enhance the overall design.

d. Landscaping, preservation of existing vegetation, and the location of trees.

e. Convenience of parking areas for the use of occupants and screening thereof with adequate landscaping of fence.

3. Buffer areas shall be required as specified in Section 16-606.

4. The approving agency may require any percentage of the units to have garages, carports or other similar structures of either an attached or detached nature.

5. Unless provided to the contrary herein, applications for development approval in the R-2 Zone shall follow and be subject to the applicable ordinances, procedures, regulations, standards, and guidelines as required for preliminary and final site plan review and other applicable ordinances which are incorporated herein by reference.

6. Prior to approval, the approving authority shall find the following facts and conclusions:

a. That departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property conform to the Zoning Ordinance standards pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-65c;

b. That the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space are reliable, conform to all applicable law and regulations, and the amount, location and purpose of common open space are adequate.

c. That provision through the physical design of the proposed development for public services, control over vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment are adequate.

d. That the design of the proposed planned development will not have an unreasonably adverse impact upon the area in which it is proposed to be established.

e. In the case of a proposed development which contemplates construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents, occupants and owners of the proposed development in the total completion of the development are adequate.


A. Minimum Regulations.

1. Tract Area: 10 acres.

2. Tract Frontage: 300 feet for 125 dwelling units or less, 500 feet for more than 125 dwelling units, located on primary or secondary arterial roads or collector roads.

3. Building Setbacks:

a. 120 feet from an arterial or collector road.

b. 50 feet from any tract boundary line or from any other right-of-way line, except an internal street.

c. 18 feet from the curb of an internal street where no front yard parking is provided; or 26 feet where front yard parking is provided.

d. 15 feet from the sidewalk of an internal street.

e. The Planning Board may permit a reduction in the above setbacks from street rights-of-way and boundary line if a substantial landscaped buffer is provided, sufficient to insure visual privacy and noise control.

4. Parking:

a. Spaces per Dwelling Lot: 1.75 spaces per one-bedroom unit, 2.00 spaces per two-bedroom unit, and 2.25 spaces per unit with three (3) or more bedrooms, but not less than 1.8 spaces average per dwelling unit for any development.

b. Parking setbacks for parking of three (3) or more contiguous spaces:

(1) 60 feet from a primary or secondary arterial or connector road.

(2) 30 feet from a tract boundary line.

(3) 15 feet from a common development lot line.

(4) 18 feet from any principal building. [Ord. No. 2002-2705]

(5) 30 feet from a pond or lake shoreline stream bank, or the 100-year floodplain.

c. Parking spaces in the front or rear yard of each dwelling unit shall be a minimum of six (6') feet from the building line, except for parking spaces within a driveway to an attached garage or carport.

5. Open Space. Forty (40%) percent of the gross tract area. All open space shall be either set aside as permanent common open space to be owned in undivided interests by the unit owners or dedicated to the Township for public use subject to the approval of the Township Committee.

6. Dwelling Unit Size and Equivalent Lot Area.

No unit shall contain more than three (3) bedrooms. No more than forty-five (45%) percent of the total units shall contain more than one (1) bedroom. No more than fifteen (15%) percent of the total units shall contain three (3) bedrooms.

7. Distance Between Buildings.

a. Where both facing walls contain windows of habitable rooms: 75 feet but not less than two (2) times the eave height of the highest habitable room.

b. Where only one (1) of two (2) facing walls contains windows of habitable rooms: 30 feet but not less than one and one-half (1 1/2) times the eave height of the highest building.

c. Where neither of two (2) facing walls contains windows of habitable rooms: 20 feet or the eave height of the highest building, whichever is greater.

Buildings shall be considered facing if the walls form an angle of less than forty-five (45) degrees.

8. Front, Side and Rear Yards for Units within a Development Tract (except where parking occurs within yard area):

a. Front yard: 18 feet.

b. Side yard: 15 feet with windows on the end or side wall of a row of buildings.

c. Rear yard: 20 feet.

All rear yards shall be fenced or walled, in a manner to provide visual privacy from the public view. Not more than thirty-three (33%) percent of the rear yard shall be paved.

9. Recreation Areas. An area equal to one (1) acre plus ten (10%) percent of the gross tract area.

a. No major recreation facilities, such as playfields and tennis courts, shall be within thirty (30') feet of a tract boundary or within one hundred (100') feet of the right-of-way of a primary or secondary arterial road. No recreation areas are permitted within required yard area.

b. All required recreational areas shall include improvements and amenities for the use and benefit of, and to meet the needs of, the residents or occupants of a development. Unimproved natural areas shall not qualify as required recreational areas. At least fifty (50%) percent of required recreation areas shall be improved for active recreational uses such as courts, playfields, swimming pools, and similar facilities.

10. Tract Buffer Area. Buffer areas shall be required as stated in Section 16-606.

B. Maximum Regulations.

1. Impervious Surfaces. Thirty-five (35%) percent of the gross tract area and twenty (20%) percent of any developed area within eighty (80') feet of a lake or pond shoreline or the 100-year floodplain.

2. Dwelling Unit Density. There shall not be more than five (5) dwelling units per acre for each gross tract acre nor more than seven (7) units per acre for each gross tract acre.

3. Building Coverage. Not more than twenty (20%) percent of the gross tract area shall be covered by buildings to be constructed or used as dwelling units including garages and carports, providing, however, not more than twenty-five (25%) percent of the gross tract area may be covered by (1) such dwelling units (limited to twenty (20%) percent as aforesaid) and (2) other buildings or structures, including but not limited to gate houses, guard houses, storage facilities for maintenance equipment, and administrative, social, cultural and recreational facilities, which are expressly hereby permitted.

4. Number of Dwelling Units per Building or in a Row. A maximum of eight (8) residential dwelling units shall be permitted in each building. No more than two (2) residential dwelling units shall be allowed in a row without a horizontal break of six (6) feet in the facade.

5. Building Height. For principal buildings, thirty-five (35') feet or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories, provided that no more than two and one-half (2 1/2) stories may be above the average elevation of finished grade around the perimeter of the building. Townhouse dwelling units having a main entrance more than four (4') feet from grade level shall have enclosed private entrance ways at grade level.

C. Unless provided to the contrary herein, applications for development approval in the RTH Zone shall follow and be subject to the applicable ordinances, procedures, regulations, standards and guidelines as required for preliminary and final site plan and/or subdivision review and other applicable ordinances which are incorporated herein by reference.