A. Minimum Standards.

1. Lot Area:

a. Gross Lot Area: 130,000 square feet.

b. Buildable Lot Area: 1.5 acres.

2. Building Setbacks: [Ord. No. 2006-2879 § 3]

3. Lot Frontage: 275 feet.

4. Gross Floor Area: 2,000 square feet.

5. First Floor Area: 1,500 square feet.

B. Maximum Regulations. [Ord. No. 2000-2589 § I; Ord. No. 2005-2825 § 7; Ord. No. 2006-2879 § 7]

1. Dwelling Unit Density: 1 du/3 acres.

2. Lot Coverage:

a. Buildings: 5%.

b. Total: 10%.

3. Floor Area Ratio*: 7%.

4. Gross Floor Area of all Structures*: 12,000 square feet.

5. Building Height: 2 1/2 stories; 35 feet.


* Where the maximum Gross Floor Area permitted exceeds the permitted Floor Area Ratio, the Floor Area Ratio shall govern.

C. Other Regulations.

1. Accessory dwellings shall be permitted for the purpose of providing residences for domestic employees and/or farmworkers. One (1) such dwelling shall be permitted for each one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of lot area, up to a maximum of three (3) accessory dwellings. Such units shall not be sold or rented to or occupied by any person other than the domestic employee and/or farm-workers and his or her family. No more than one (1) such unit may be attached to or within the principal dwelling. A deed restriction shall be recorded limiting the use of such accessory dwellings to domestic employees and/or farmworkers only. [Ord. No. 2006-2879 § 6]

2. Temporary construction trailers shall be permitted where active construction work is proposed. Such trailers shall not be placed on site until building permits have been issued and in no case more than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of work. Trailers shall not remain on site more than seven (7) days after completion of all work. Temporary construction trailers shall not be placed within the right-of-way of any improved public road.


A. Minimum Standards.

1. Lot Area:

a. Gross Lot Area: 110,000 square feet.

b. Buildable Lot Area: 1.25 acres.

2. Building Setbacks: [Ord. No. 2006-2879 § 3]

3. Lot Frontage: 250 feet.

4. Gross Floor Area: 2,000 square feet.

5. First Floor Area: 1,500 square feet.

B. Maximum Regulations. [Ord. No. 2000-2589 § I; Ord. No. 2005-2825 § 7; Ord. No. 2006-2879 § 7]

1. Dwelling Unit Density: 1 du/2.5 acres.

2. Lot Coverage:

a. Buildings: 5%.

b. Total: 10%.

3. Floor Area Ratio*: 7%.

4. Gross Floor Area of all Structures*: 10,000 square feet.

5. Building Height: 2 1/2 stories; 35 feet.


* Where the maximum Gross Floor Area permitted exceeds the permitted Floor Area Ratio, the Floor Area Ratio shall govern.

C. Other Regulations.

1. Accessory dwellings shall be permitted for the purpose of providing residences for domestic employees and/or farmworkers. One (1) such dwelling shall be permitted for each one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of lot area, up to a maximum of three (3) accessory dwellings. Such units shall not be sold or rented to or occupied by any person other than the domestic employee and/or farm-workers and his or her family. No more than one (1) such unit may be attached to or within the principal dwelling. A deed restriction shall be recorded limiting the use of such accessory dwellings to domestic employees and/or farmworkers only. [Ord. No. 2006-2879 § 6]

2. Temporary construction trailers shall be permitted where active construction work is proposed. Such trailers shall not be placed on site until building permits have been issued and in no case more than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of work. Trailers shall not remain on site more than seven (7) days after completion of all work. Temporary construction trailers shall not be placed within the right-of-way of any improved public road.


A. Minimum Standards.

1. Lot Area:

a. Gross Lot Area: 90,000 square feet.

b. Buildable Lot Area: 1 acre.

2. Building Setbacks: [Ord. No. 2000-2589 § I]

3. Lot Frontage: 225 feet.

4. Gross Floor Area: 1,900 square feet.

5. First Floor Area: 1,400 square feet.

B. Maximum Regulations.

1. Dwelling Unit Density: N/A.

2. Lot Coverage:

a. Buildings: 7%.

b. Total: 12%.

3. Floor Area Ratio: 8%* [Ord. No. 2000-2589 § I; Ord. No. 2005-2825 § 7]

4. Building Height: 2 1/2 stories; 35 feet.


* F.A.R. can be increased 2% if front setback provided is at least 150% of the minimum required. F.A.R. shall not apply to lots existing at the time of the adoption of Ordinance No. 2005-2825 (July 18, 2005) that are less than 40,000 sq. ft.

C. Other Regulations.

1. Temporary construction trailers shall be permitted where active construction work is proposed. Such trailers shall not be placed on site until building permits have been issued and in no case more than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of work. Trailers shall not remain on site more than seven (7) days after completion of all work. Temporary construction trailers shall not be placed within the right-of-way of any improved public road.


[Ord. No. 2011-3046 § 1]

The purpose of this zone shall be to provide for planned development of large tracts of suitable land in rural settings for low density single-family residential homes as well as substantial undeveloped land area devoted to municipal purposes and placed into conservation easements across private lands. Average and minimum lot sizes shall be established as set forth in this section to provide flexibility in subdivision design to better conserve natural resources, preserve rural character and to create appropriate perimeter setbacks.

A. Lot Standards:

1. Bulk Standards:

a. Average Lot Size: 40,000 SF.

b. Minimum Lot Size: 20,000 SF.

c. Minimum Buildable Lot Area: 8,500 SF.

d. Minimum Lot Frontage: 100 foot minimum, except for lots on cul de sac bulbs.

e. Minimum Lot Circle Diameter: 70 feet.

f. Maximum Building Coverage: 15 percent.

g. Maximum Total Lot Coverage: 20 percent.

h. Maximum Building Height: 2.5 stories1, 2, 35 feet3.


1 In the case of attics, pull down stairs are not considered a "staircase" for purposes of determining whether an attic is a half-story.

2 Basements and cellars shall be considered a half-story for purposes of this zone.

3 Lots located on curved alignments or cul-de-sac bulbs shall be exempted from the height requirements contained in Note "Q" of Appendix B-Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements," of the Planning and Development Ordinance.

m. Maximum Gross Tract Density: 0.7 dwelling units per acre

n. All computations showing lot area and the average resulting through a lot averaging technique shall be indicated on the subdivision plat.

o.The subdivision plat and individual plot plans and surveys shall indicate that all lots created as part of the major subdivision shall not be subdivided again into smaller lots.

B. Supplemental Regulations.

1. The NJ Residential Site Improvement Standards shall apply to residential subdivisions designed in accordance with this section and shall supersede any conflicting ordinance sections.

2. Land dedicated for municipal purposes and placed into conservation easements on single-family lots, combined, shall be at least thirty-five (35%) percent of the tract area and not less than one hundred (100) acres. This regulation shall not apply to tracts comprising less than one hundred (100) acres.

3. Any lot created in accordance with this section that has a width at the front yard setback line of less than one hundred twenty (120') feet, except for those lots that have frontage on an existing arterial or collector road, or that has environmental constraints on the lot shall be exempt from Section 16-619.B,4, Residential Garages, and may be arranged to open to the front of the lot, except that no front facing garage shall extend more than seven (7') feet from the building face.

4. Temporary construction trailers shall be permitted where active construction work is proposed. Such trailers shall not be placed on site until building permits have been issued and in no cases more than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of work. Trailers shall not remain on site more than seven (7) days after completion of all work. Temporary construction trailers shall not be placed within the right-of-way of any improved public road.

5. For the purposes of Section 16-606, Buffer Areas and Screening, West Front Street shall be considered an arterial roadway, and Sunnyside Road shall be considered a collector roadway.

6. Where any portion of a parcel or tract of land to be developed in accordance with this section is located within five hundred (500') feet of a County recreational facility, active recreational facilities per Section 16-629, Active Recreation Areas, shall not be required as part of the subdivision.

7. Any development in this zone shall be subject to the Developer's Fee Ordinance which funds the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

8. If the amount of land dedicated for municipal purposes and placed in conservation easements is greater than thirty-five (35%) percent of the total tract area and not less than one hundred (100) acres, the applicant's contribution to the Township's Environmental Contribution Fund shall be reduced by thirty-five (35%) percent.

9. If the amount of land dedicated for municipal purposes and placed in conservation easements is greater than thirty-five (35%) percent of the total tract area and not less than one hundred (100) acres, additional compliance with Section 16-651, Wooded Areas, shall not be required.

10. Stormwater basins may be located on land to be dedicated to the municipality. Stormwater facilities on municipal land shall be maintained by a Homeowners' Association or similar entity.

11. Subdivisions designed in accordance with this section, which comply with the required municipal purpose land dedication and conservation easement requirements, shall not be required to provide additional landscaping required per Section 16-622, Landscaping and Shade Trees.

12. Section 16-641, Street Design and Construction. Specifically, as required in this section, Section 16-903D, proposed roadways shall meet any of the following street type requirements from N.J.A.C. 5:21: Residential Access (Type A) - Low Intensity street with parallel parking, Residential Access (Type C) - High Intensity street with no parking, or Residential Neighborhood.

13. Section 16-401B.20.: Boring Logs. Section 16-903(D is hereby modified for developments of one hundred (100) acres or more proposing a minimum of thirty-five (35%) percent of the total tract area dedicated for municipal purposes, placed in conservation easements and dedicated for right-of-way. Soil boring information shall be submitted to the Board Engineer as follows: one (1) boring not less than eight (8') feet below the proposed grade or twelve (12') feet minimum depth shall be made for every twenty (20) acres or portion thereof on the remaining areas of the tract.

14. Section 16-645, Street Trees, shall apply except that the following street trees may be installed no less than forty-five (45') feet on-center at a minimum two and one-half (2.5") inches caliper (as defined in the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock). Where sidewalks are not provided, street trees shall not be located more than six (6') feet from the curbline.